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1、全国英语等级考试四级(PETS4)历年真题(三)材料题(江南博哥)根据以下材料,回答1-1题In addition to the established energy sources such as gas, coal, oil and nuclear, there are a number of other sources that we ought to consider. Two of these are hydroelectric and tidal power.These two sources are 21 in that they are both renew

2、able. 22 , hydropower is more widely used than tidal. In 23 , a substantial amount of electricity is already produced in HEP(hydroelectric power)stations worldwide, 24 tidal stations are still in the very early 25 of development.As far as geographical 26&

3、#160;is concerned,HEP projects are to be found on.lakes and rivers,while tidal 27 are constructed only at river mouths where tidal 28 is great. Unfortunately these are 29 in number. At present HEP stations are found mainly in Norway, Canada, Sweden and Brazil,whereas ti

4、dal plants are in 30 in France, Russia and China.As regards capital 31 , both require very high investment. On the other hand, generating 32 are quite low in both cases. In fact, a large scale HEP plant is capable of producing power more 33 thanconventional so

5、urces, such as coal, oil and nuclear plants. Tidal power also compares 34 with nuclear and oil generated electricity, 35 the amount of money on production. 36 HEP stations,tidal constructions have a long life 37 . It is estimated that they can operate for over

6、 100 years. With respect to 38 of supply, tidal stations 39 from HEP ones in that they often can only supply power40 . HEP stations, however,provide a constant supply of electdcity.1 单选题A.compatible      B.parallel    &#

7、160; C.similar     D.identical正确答案:C参考解析:C 【精析】compatible兼容的;parallel平行的;similar类似的;identical完全相同的,一模一样的;similar常与介词in连用表示在某方面相似,这里表示水力电能和潮汐能的相似之处在于两者都可再生,故选C。2 单选题A.Furthermore  B.However  C.Hence  D.Otherwise正确答案:B参考解析:B【精析】furt

8、hermore此外,而且;however然而,不过;hence因此,由此;otherwise否则,不然。前一句说明两种能源具有相似性,后一句说明水力电能比潮汐能的使用范围更广,由此可知两句话之间属于转折关系,故选B。3 单选题A.addition  B.brief  C.generN  D.fact正确答案:D参考解析:D【精析】in addition另外;in brief简言之;in general大体上;in fact事实上。该句告诉我们,水力发电站已经为人们提供了大量电能,而潮汐

9、电站的建设仍然处于最初阶段,这是对前一句的解释,故选D。4 单选题A.provided  B.since  C.whereas  D.though正确答案:C参考解析:C【精析】provided可作连词表示假如;since既然;whereas(用以比较或对比两个事实)然而,但是,尽管;though虽然。这里对水力发电站和潮汐电站的发展进行了对比,故选C。5 单选题A.stages  B.periods  C.years  D.sessions正确答案:A参

10、考解析:A【精析】in me early stages意为“处于早期,在最初阶段”,是固定  搭配,故选A。6 单选题A.location  B.position  C.situation  D.condition正确答案:B参考解析:B【精析】本句是从地理位置上来说明水电站和潮汐电站的不同之处,故排除C和D项。location和position都有“方位、位置”的意思,但是location强调具体的位置,例如住址,position表示笼统意义上的“位置、方位”,指人或物相对

11、于其他人或物的方位关系,本句表示的是笼统意义上的两种电站的地理位置,故选B。7 单选题A.pattems  B.designs  C.plans   D.schemes正确答案:C参考解析:C【精析】paRem图案;design设计图样;plan规划;scheme方案。这里指的是为潮汐电站做出规划,排除A和B项。虽然plan和scheme都有计划、方案的意思,但是plan还有“规划”的意思,即在某事真正进行之前已经详细考虑了实施步骤,故选C。8 单选题A.variation  B.ba

12、lance  C.frequency  D.stability正确答案:C参考解析:C 【精析】variation变化;balance平衡;frequency频率;stability稳定。这里指的是潮汐电站只能规划建于潮汐发生频率高的河流入口处,故选C。9 单选题A.small  B.few  C.rare  D.scarce正确答案:A参考解析:A【精析】这里指的是潮汐发生频率高的河流入口处的数量很少;四个选项中只有small可以修饰number,表示数量少,故选A。10&

13、#160;单选题A.operation  B.production  C.procession  D.action正确答案:A参考解析:A【精析】in operation工作中,使用中;in production投入生产;inprocession列队行进;in action在运转,在操作。该句讲的是,只有法国、俄罗斯和中国在使用潮汐电站,故选A。11 单选题A.spending  B.planning  C.financing  D.s

14、aving正确答案:A参考解析:A【精析】spending开支;planning规划过程;financing融资;saving节省。此处表示的是两种电站的运转都需要大的花销,故选A。12 单选题A.expenditures  B.benefits  C.costs  D.profits正确答案:D参考解析:D【精析】expenditure花费;benefit益处;cost成本;profit利润。根据旬意,两种电站产生的利润都很低,故选择D。13 单选题A.expensively  B.consi

15、stently  C.periodically  D.cheaply正确答案:D参考解析:D【精析】expensively昂贵地;consistently持续地;periodically周期性地;cheaply便宜地。该句及下一句说明这两种新能源电站与传统能源电站相比所具有的优越性,即耗费的成本低,故选D。14 单选题A.conveniently  B.beneficially  C.advantageously D.favorably正确答案:D参考解析:D【精析】conveniently方便

16、地;beneficially受益地;advantageously有利地;favorably有利地。在资金产出方面,潮汐电站与核电站及石油电站相比要具有优势,故排除A项。虽然与其余三个词的含义相似,但是favorably具有几种事物相对比某事居上的含义,符合文意,故选D。15 单选题A.on account of  B.in terms of  C.regardless of D.in spite of正确答案:B参考解析:B【精析】0n account&#

17、160;of由于,因为;in terms of就而论,在方面;regardless of不管,不顾;in spite of不管。这里指的是在资金产出方面,潮汐电站与核电站及石油电站相比要具有优势,故选B。16 单选题A.Like  B.Except  C.Regarding  D.With正确答案:A参考解析:A【精析】like像一样;except除之外;regarding关于;withprep.和在一起。下一句说,据估计水力电站和潮汐电站能够运行100多年,因此这里指的是像

18、水力电站一样,潮汐电站也有。很长寿命,故选A。17 单选题A.application  B.endurance  C.expectancy  D.extension正确答案:C参考解析:C【精析】application申请;endurance忍耐力;expectancy预期;extension延伸。这里指的是两种电站存在的时间很长,life expectancy意为“预期寿命,预计存在(持续)的期限”,为固定搭配,故  选C。18 单选题A.concentration 

19、60;B.continuity  C.conformity  D.conductivity正确答案:B参考解析:B【精析】concen乜afion集中;continuity连续性;conformity(对社会规则的)遵从;conductivity n.导电性。最后一句说水力电站能够持续供电,而且出现了“however”,表示转折,由此可以判断这句的句意与此相反,讲的是潮汐电站与水力电站在供电的连续性方面的不同之处,故选B。19 单选题A.develop  B.differ  C.depart&#

20、160; D.derive正确答案:B参考解析:B【精析】develop from由发展而来;differ from不同于;dcpartfrom违反,背离(常规);derive from起源于。这里讲的是水力电站与潮汐电站在供电的持续性方面的不同之处,故选B。20 单选题A.interchangeably  B.immediately  C.intermittently D.intensively正确答案:C参考解析:C 【精析】interchangeably可交换地;immediat

21、ely立即;intermi仕enfly间歇地;intensively强烈地。水力电站可以持续供电,而潮汐电站不同于水力电站,潮汐电站不能持续供电,只能间隙性供电,故选C。材料题根据以下材料,回答21-21题Inflation has just exploded. The real problem is that we have an underlying rate of inflation-an impetus of wages chasing prices-of maybe 9 percent that is heading towards 10 percent. Therealso hav

22、e been tremendous shocks in energy, food and housing prices, making it worse.By the end of the year, we will be in a situation where year in, year out, we can look foinvardto at least 10 percent inflation. And the question will be:How much worse will oil, food and housingpricesmake that?The situatio

23、n has degenerated to the point that the only way to turn it around is to think ofsome very extreme changes in policy. A policy of gradualism, where you're talking about a mild recessionand another 1 to 2 million people unemployed,won't make much difference. Postponing action just means that

24、inflation presses further and is even more difficult to deal with.You have to start with revenue and monetary restraint. All the burden now is on monetary poli-cy. We should shift to a much more restrictive revenue policy and an easier monetary policy. to besignificant,the 1981 budget should be cut

25、by at least 20 billion dollars from 616 billionPresidentCarter proposed. That' s a major cut in government programs-and very hard to do. It's impossible ifyou save defense and all the programs indexed for changes in the cost of living.so it means cuts across the board in every area-including

26、 the indexed programs, such as so-cial Security and food stamps. State and local-government revenue-sharing programs are another ma-jor candidate. You've also got to reopen the 1980 budget and cut that.Then I would favor wage and price controls to break the impetus of the wage-price interaction.

27、In order to get quick results,I'd set the standard around 5 or 6 percent for both wages and prices.Basically, you're aiming to cut the rate of inflation in half the first year. There wouldbe no exceptions, but you would focus on large corporations and major labor settlements.For the special

28、sectors where the big shocks have occurred,controls won't work. Instead,you need additional policies in each one of those areas.There are no cheap or easy solutions to the inflation problem. My answer is to take all thethings that everybody wants to do,and instead of choosing among them,do all o

29、f them. We've gotto thinkin terms of a comprehensive program.21 单选题 In the authors opinion.the high inflation rate in the US was accompanied byA.energy crises.  B.mounting wages.C.housing shortage.  D.shrinking market.正确答案:B参考解析:B.【精析】该题为细节题。根据第一

30、段第二句“The real problem isthat we have an underlying rate of inflation-an impetus of wageschasing prices-of maybe 9 percent that is heading towards l0percent.”可以看出,我们国家存在一种潜在的通货膨胀率,而这种潜在的通货膨胀率

31、以工资追赶物价的形式表现出来。这说明随着物价不断上涨,工资也不断上涨,由此可知,高通货膨胀率伴随工资上涨而来。故选B。22 单选题 The only way to reverse the worsening situation seems to beA.a policy of gradualism.  B.sacrifice of public interests.C.radical changes of policy.   D.pos

32、tponing of drastic actions.正确答案:C参考解析:C【精析】该题为细节题。根据第三段第一句“The situation has degenerated to the point that the only way to turn it around is to thinkof some very extreme changes

33、60;in policy.”可以看出通货膨胀的情况已经相当恶化,采取某些极为激进的政策是扭转局势的唯一方式;C项中的“radical”意为“激进的”,故选C。23 单选题 We Can learn from the fourth paragraph thatA.a substantial cut in annual revenue is called for.B.defense and social welfare programs s

34、hould undergo cuts.C.we should leave intact programs for bettering peoples living.D.we should exercise less control over monetary pohcy.正确答案:A参考解析:A【精析】该题为细节题。根据第四段第四句“to be significant,the l981 

35、budget should be cut by at least 20 billion dollars from 616billion President Carter proposed.”可以看出,为了显著改善通货膨胀情况,l981年卡特总统提议的6160亿的政府预算应该至少减少200亿,即应该大量减少税收来改善通货膨胀情况,故A项符合文意;根据第四段最后一句“Its impossible if you save&

36、#160;defenseand all the programs indexed for changes in the Cost of living.”可以看出,我们不可能通过减少国防投入和节省改善大众生活条件项目的资金来减少政府预算,故B项的表述错误;第四段没有关于如何改善人民生活的表述,故不选择C项;根据第四段第一句“You have to start with revenue and monetary 

37、;restraint.”可以看出,为了控制通货膨胀,我们应该增强对税收及货币政策的限制,而D项的表述与文意相反,故不选择D项。24 单选题 The phrase“special sectors”(1ine l,paragraph 7)most probably refers toA.energy,food and housing.  B.indexed programs.C.social security and food stamps.  D.large 

38、;corporations and labor settlements.正确答案:A参考解析:A【精析】该题为释义题。第七段第一句“For the special sectorswhere the big shocks have occurred”告诉我们,这些特殊行业已经受到了通货膨胀的巨大影响,而且根据第一段最后一句“Therealso have been tremendous shocks in energy,food&

39、#160;and housingprices,making it worse.”可以看出,能源、食品及住房价格已经发生了巨大震荡,这使得通货膨胀更加糟糕;综合以上两方面的因素,故选A。25 单选题 What is the text mainly about?A.The defect of US monetary system.B.The causes of ever-worsening inflation in the US.

40、C.Prospects for the US economic situation.D.A comprehensive settlement of inflation in the US.正确答案:D参考解析:D【精析】该题为主旨题。全文主要是讲如何应对美国的通货膨胀,而且文章最后一句话“Weve got to think in terms of acomprehensive program.”说

41、明采取全面综合的措施来应对通货膨胀,这篇文章主要讲的是如何全面综合的应对美国的通货膨胀,故选D。材料题根据以下材料,回答26-26题For centuries the most valuable of African resources for Europeans were the slaves, but thesecould be obtained at coastal ports, without any need for going deep inland. Slavery had been anestablished institution in Africa. Prisoners o

42、f war had been enslaved, as were also debtors andindividuals guilty of serious crimes. But these slaves usually were treated as part of the family. Theyhad clearly defined rights, and their slave status was not necessarily inherited. Therefore it iscommonly argued that Africa's traditional slave

43、ry was mild compared to the trans-Atlantic slavetrade organized by the Europeans. This argument, however, can be carried too far. In the most recentstudy of this subject, some scholars warned against the illusion that "cruel and dehumanizingenslavement was a monopoly of the West. Slavery in its

44、 extreme forms, including the taking of life,was common to both Africa and the West. The fact that African slavery had different origins andconsequences should not lead us to deny what it was-the exploitation and control of human beings. "Neither can it be denied that the wholesale shipment of

45、Africans to the slave plantations ofthe Americas was made possible by the participation of African chiefs who rounded up their fellowAfricans and sold them as a handsome profit to European ship captains waiting along the coasts.Granting all this, the fact remains that the trans-Atlantic slave trade

46、conducted by the Europeanswas entirely different in quantity and quality from the traditional type of slavery that had existedwithin Africa. From the beginning the European variety was primarily an economic institution ratherthan social, as it had been in Africa. Western slave traders and slave owne

47、rs were acted on by purelyeconomic considerations, and were quite ready to work their slaves to death if it was more profitableto do so than to treat them more mercifully. This inhumanity was reinforced by racism when theEuropeans became involved in the African slave trade on a large scale. Perhaps

48、as a subconsciousrationalization they gradually came to look down on Negroes as inherently inferior, and thereforedestined to serve their white masters. Rationalization also may have been involved in the Europeans'use of religion to justify the traffic in human beings. It was argued, for instanc

49、e, that enslavementassured the conversion of the African evil-believing religions to the true faith as well asto civilization.26 单选题 In the first paragraph.the author argues thatA.the Europeans were innocent in the trade of African slaves.B.slav

50、ery in Africa and in the West was the same in nature.C.the view in the most recent studies of enslavement is baseless.D.slaves had been treated even more cruelly

51、0;in the African tradition.正确答案:B参考解析:B【精析】该题为细节题。根据第一段倒数第二句“The fact that Af-rican slavery had different origins and consequences should not leadUS to deny what it was-the exploitation and&

52、#160;control of human beings.”我们知道,尽管非洲当地的奴隶制度与欧洲的奴隶制度有着不同的起源和不同的结果,但是我们应该承认其本质仍然是对人类的剥削和控制,因此非洲及西方国家的奴隶制度在本质上是相同的,故选择B项。27 单选题 Which of the following was true of the local African slavery?A.Slaves might have their own families.B.The son of

53、 a slave might not be a slave.C.Slavery was confined to the coastal regions.D.There was no killing in African slavery.正确答案:B参考解析:B 【精析】该题为细节题。文中并未提到选项A表述的内容;根据第一段第五句“They had clearly de

54、fined rights,and theft slave status was not necessarily inherited.”我们知道,非洲当地的奴隶拥有明确的权利,而且他们的奴隶身份不一定是世袭的,因此,我们可以判断出,奴隶的下一代不一定还是奴隶,B项正确;第二段第一句“For centuries the most valuable of African resources for Eur0。peans w

55、ere the salves,but these could be obtained at coastal ports,without any need for going deep inland.”告诉我们,运往欧洲的奴隶来自于海港地区,并没有指出非洲本地的奴隶制度只限于海港地区,故C项的表述是错误的;根据第一段倒数第三句“Slav.ery in its extreme forms,including&#

56、160;die taking of life,was commonto both Africa and the West.”我们知道,屠杀奴隶的事件在非洲和西方国家都有发生,故D项的表述是错误的。28 单选题 The sentence“This argumentCan be carried too far”implies thatA.Africans traditional slavery was inhumane.B.the slav

57、ery in Africa was confined to some regions.C.supporters of this argument knew little of Africa.D.slave shipment was not so serious as was imagined.正确答案:A参考解析:A【精析】该题为推理题。问题中的“argument”指的是第一段

58、第六句“Therefore it is commonly argued that Africas traditional slaverywas mild compared to the tranSAtlantic slave trade organized by theEuropeans.”即人们普遍认为,相对于欧洲人组织的跨大西洋的奴隶贸易来说,非洲传统的奴隶制度要温和一些,接下来“This argu。m

59、ent,however,call be carded too far.”即作者认为该观点有失偏颇。根据46题我们知道非洲的奴隶制度与欧洲的奴隶制度本质上都是一致的,因此非洲的奴隶制度同样是不人道的,故选择A项。29 单选题 Suppoaers of the rationalization of slavery believe that the tradeA.was out of good intents from the beginning.B.helped

60、0;the development of local religion.C.was a help for civilizing the Africans.D.drove the evils out of the African religions.正确答案:C参考解析:C 【精析】该题为细节题。根据第二段第三句“Western slave tradersand slave ow

61、ners were acted on by purely economic considerations”我们知道,西方的奴隶贸易者及蓄奴者只是出于经济方面的考虑才进行奴隶贸易的,并不意味着出于好意,即“good intents”,故A项错误;根据第二段最后一句“It was argued,for instance,that enslavement assured the conversion of the Afri

62、can evil-believingreligions to the true faith as well as to civilization.”我们知道,“合理化”观点的支持者认为蓄奴使非洲信仰邪恶的宗教转变为真正的信仰及文明,但是,并没有指出蓄奴促进了非洲宗教的发展,故B项错误,同时可知C项正确;文中没有D项表述的意思。30 单选题 The relation between the two paragraphs is that in the 2nd paragraph

63、the authorA.challenges the viewpoint in the 1 st paragraph.B.modifies his view expressed in the 1 st paragraph.C.provides the reason for the argument in the 1 st paragraph.D.f

64、urther analyzes the issue discussed in the 1 st paragraph.正确答案:A参考解析:A【精析】该题为推理题。根据第二段第一句“Granting all this,thefact remains that the trans-Atlantic slave trade conducted by the Eu-ropeans Wa

65、s entirely different in quantity and quali哆from the traditional type of slavery that had existed within Africa.”可知,作者表示虽然第一段认为非洲本地的奴隶制度与欧洲的奴隶制度本质上是一致的,但是欧洲组织的奴隶贸易在数量上和质量上都完全不同于非洲传统的奴隶制度,接下来作者主要讲述了欧洲奴隶制度的特点。因此,第二段对第一段观点提出

66、了质疑,故选择A项。材料题根据以下材料,回答31-31题As West Nile virus creeps toward California, an unlikely warrior could provide the f'n-st line ofdefense: the chicken. The familiar fowl make irresistible targets for mosquitoes. Unlike crows,chickens don't get sick from West Nile. But they do produce telltale ant

67、ibodies to the virus. so intest coops scattered across the state, more than 2000" sentinel chickens" submit to frequent bloodtests. When antibodies do turn up, California health officials will know that the inevitable hasoccurred:the West Nile epidemic will have swept the country.Last week

68、 alone, more than 100 new human cases of West Nile were reported. The virus wasdetected as far west as Colorado and Wyoming, infecting 371 and killing 16 people in 20 states plusthe District of Columbia. This year West Nile appeared earlier in the mosquito season-mid-June instead of August-and claim

69、ed younger victims;the average age dropped from 65 to 54. Federalhealth officials are still trying to figure out why, but say they may be finding more West Nile precisely because they're on the lookout for it. As Dr. Julie Gerberding, the new director of the Centersfor Disease Control (CDC) ,rec

70、ently told reporters, "We're not in crisis mode. "When West Nile hit New York City in 1999, the CDC realized it was a victim of its own suc-cess. Because health officials had conquered most mosquito-borne diseases decades ago, many statesabolished their mosquito-control programs. The F

71、eds rushed in with funds-some $ 50 millionsince 1999, plus $ 31 million more this year alone -to train insect researchers, set up state testing labs and kill off the annoying insects. The CDC established a new computer monitoring system andheld strategy sessions with state officials.some epidemiologists question the focus and the millions lavished on a virus that's killedf


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