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1、精品文档精品文档一、登机篇Words and Expressionsboarding pass 登机牌 life jacket 救生衣 emergency exit 紧急出口 take-off 起飞 Landing 著陆 Immigration 入境检查 duty-free items 免税品 Passport control 护照检查 Quarantine 检疫 Outgoing passenger card 入境登记卡 Ongoing passenger card 出境登记卡 Destination 目的地 Residents 本国居民 Non-residents 外国居民 Valid (

2、invalid) 有效(无效) Prohibited articles 违禁品 Visa 签证 Customs declaration card 海关申报单 Currency declaration 现金申报单 搭乘飞机用语Excuse me, where is boarding gate one?请问 1 号登机口在哪?Hi, where can I get the boarding pass for flight XXX?请问航班 XXX (航班号)在哪换登机牌?Can I take through security? 这个可以通过安检吗?Where should I put this?

3、手提行李放在哪里?Could you change my seat,please?请换一换我的座位May I have tea/coffee/juice/water?请给我来杯茶Will this flight get there on time?航班正点到达吗?Could you tell me how to fill in请告诉我如何填写航班中转用语How long is my transfer time? 换成时间有多久?Are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room? 在侯机室有免税店吗?I m in transit to Melbo

4、urne 我是换机去墨尔本What terminal does my flight leave from at (next) airport?我应该在(下一个)机场的哪个航站楼转机?How can I get to the connecting flight counter of China airline?我如何找到中国航空公司办理转机柜台?Where is boarding gate for China airline CAXXX?国航 CAXXX 登机口在哪里?Where can I check in? 在哪里办理登机手续?What is the gate number? 在几号登机口登

5、机? 入境检查对话问: May I see your passport, please ?请出示你的护照答: here is my passport. 这是我的护照问: What s the purpose of your visit ?你到这里的目的?答: Sightseeing (business, study) 观光(商务,留学)问: How long will you be staying in XXX ?你计划在 XXX 逗留多久?答: 10 days 10 天问: where are you staying ? 你住在哪里?答: Ill stay at XXX hotel ?我住在

6、 XXX 酒店问: Do you have a return ticket to China ?你有回中国的返程机票吗?答: Yes, here it is. 有, 在这里问: How much money do you have with you ?你随身带了多少钱?答: I have 2000 U.S dollars 2000 美元问: Have a nice stay 祝你旅行愉快!答: Thank you. 谢谢!I m sorry. I don t understand English 对不起,我不懂英文。Does anyone here speak Chinese?有懂中文的工作人

7、员吗?机场取行李用语Where can I get my baggage/luggage? 我去哪里取行李?Here is my claim tag 这是我的托运 行李卡你丢失了几件行李?Could you please check it urgently? 请抓紧时间找我的行李Can you tell me the features of your baggage? It is a large leather suitcase with my name tagWe may have lost some baggage so we 记单How many pieces of baggage ha

8、ve you lost?请描绘你所丢失的行李的外表特徵是一件大的皮箱,挂有我名字的标签d like to make a lost baggage report. 我想填写一份丢失行李登Please deliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as youHow soon will I find out? 需要多长时间可以找到我的行李 ve located it 找到行李后,请尽快送到我的酒店。入关检查用语Your passport and declaration card, please请出示你的护照和海关申报单Do you have anything to

9、 declare?你携带的东西有必须申报的吗 ?No. I don t 没有Please open this bag 请打开这件行李What are these? 这是什 ? 东西?These are for my personal use 这是我的个人用品This is a souvenir that I m taking to China 这是我带会中国的纪念品 Do you have any liquor or cigarettes?你带有任何酒类或香烟吗?The cameras are for my personaluse 这架照相机是我自用的You ll have to pay du

10、ty on this这件物品你必须交纳关税二、住宿篇Words and Expressions receipt 收据 blanket 羊毛毯 register 登记簿 bathing towel 酒店入住用语corridor 走廊 lobby 门廊 ashtray 烟灰缸 shaver 电动剃刀 浴巾 bathrobe 浴衣 slipper 拖鞋 iron 熨斗 mini-bar 小冰柜I ldike to book a single / twin / double room for 3 nights from .( 床房从 _ 到_日期 ).to(日期). 我要订一间单人 /双人/大Your

11、 booking is confirmed. 你的房间已经预定成功 Check in , please 登记Does someone here speak Chinese ? 这里有人说中文吗?I made a reservation in China我在中国做了预订My name is ABC 我是 ABCHere is my confirmation slip. 这是我的确认信Im going to be arriving late, but please keep my reservation.Id like a room with a nice view( a balcony ) 我想

12、要一个有阳台的房间 Id like to stay for 2 nights. 我要住两晚 酒店消费用语How much is it per night ? 每晚多少钱?我晚一点到,请保留预订房间。Does it include tax and service charge ? Do you need a deposit ? 需要押金吗?这包括税和服务费吗?Is there a discount for staying several days Do you accept credit card( travelerThis is a receipt for paying in advance.

13、 Please keep it What is the time for check-out? 退房的适合时间? 多住几天有折扣吗?s che)ck? 你们接受信用卡(旅行支票)吗?这是预付款收据,请收好。Id like to check out. 我要退房Excuse me. Were leaving today. Id like to pay our bills now.劳驾。我们今天要离去了。我希望现在就把账结清。酒店服务用语May I have the key , please ? 能给我钥匙吗?Could you show me my room?你可以带我到我的房间吗?Dose th

14、e hotel have a restaurant /bar /swimming pool /gym?你们酒店有餐厅 /酒吧 /游泳池 / 健身房吗?Is hot water available any time ? 全天提供热水吗?Id like a pot of boiled water 我想要壶开水This is room 316. I d like a blan,keptlease 这是 316 房,请给我一张毛毯。I would like to have a morning call at 8:00 in the morning.我要早上 8 : 00 设定电话叫醒。Id likeh

15、 sampoo (hair conditioner/a drier/a bath towel/a match) 我想要洗发液(护发素 /吹风机 /浴巾/火材)The air-conditioner (TV 、 light) doesnt work. 冷气 (电视、灯 )无法开启Could you keep this baggage until 4 o?cl4oc点k 之前你能保管我的行李吗?May I have my baggage back ? 我可以取走我的行李吗?Can I have a card with the hotel address ? 能给我一张有酒店地址的名片吗?Can I

16、 get a ticket for the sightseeing bus here? 能给我张观光巴士的票吗?Where is the nearest subway station ? 最近的地铁站在哪里?How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi? 从这里乘出租车到飞机场需要多长时间?Could you make reservations for a restaurant(tour/musical )for me ? 你能帮我预订个餐馆(观光 / 音乐会)?Id like to send this parcel to China.

17、我想将这个包裹寄回中国Where is the emergency exit and staircase?紧急出口和楼梯在那里?Do you have a bus service to and from the airport?有饭店的巴士在机场接送吗?酒店用餐用语Where is dining room ? 餐厅在哪里?Is there also a cafeteria ? 这里有自助餐厅吗?What time does the dining room open ? 餐厅几点开门?When is breakfast served? 早餐几点开始供应?Id like orange juice,

18、 two eggs , over easy , with ham and French fries , and Coffee , please 我想 要橙汁,两个鸡蛋,两面煎,和火腿,法国菜和咖啡Id like some rolls, scrambled eggs , hashed potatoes and tea , please. 我想要一些卷,搅过的鸡蛋, 土豆泥和茶三、觅食篇询问预订用语Could you recommend that kind of restaurant? 你能推荐几个餐馆吗?Do you know of any restaurant open now ? 你知道有现

19、在开门的餐馆吗?Id like to have some local food. 我想吃些当地食品Where is the nearest Italian restaurant ? 哪有最近的意大利餐馆Do I need a reservation ? 我需要预订吗?Could you make a reservation for me ? 你能帮我预订一下吗?Id like to reserve a table for three 我想订 3 人的桌子What time can we reserve a table ? 什么时候我们可以订桌?How late is it open ? 开门最

20、晚到几点?Id like to reserve a table for two at seven tonight. 我想在 7点订个 2 人桌How long is the wait ? 需要等多长时间?We can wait till late hours 我们可以等的晚些Nine o clock should be ok 9 点可以Could we have a table on the garden ? 我们可以要张在园子里的桌子吗?We prefer to sit by the window. 我们想坐在靠窗的位子。Im sorr,y but I want to cancel my r

21、eservation.对不起,我要取消预订Please wait to be seated 请等候如座Good evening. Do you have a table for two ? 晚上好,有两人的桌子吗?Hi, a table for two, please. 你好,我们有 2 位。Can I take this seat? 我可以坐这个位子吗? 点餐用语Can we see the menu/ wine list, please?可以给我看一下菜单、酒单吗?What do you have for today s spe?cial你们今天有特价吗?Do you have a men

22、u in Chinese ? 你有中文菜单吗?Would you like something to drink before dinner? 饭前想喝些什么吗?What kind of drinks do you have for aperitif ? 想喝什么样的开胃酒?Do you have some local beer ? 你有当地啤酒吗?May I see the wine list ? 我可以看看酒单吗?May I order a glass of wine ? 可以给我一杯葡萄酒吗?Id like to have French red wine 我想要法国红酒Could you

23、 recommend some good wine ? 你能给我推荐些葡萄酒吗?What is the most popular dish here?这里最受欢迎的餐点是什么呢?Do you have local dishes ? 你有当地菜吗?Do you have anything ready quickly ? 有没有快点的菜Can I have the same dish as that ? 我可以要和那个一样的菜吗?I ll have it就 是它了I ll have whatever you recommend. 就要你推荐的Can we have five minutes to

24、decide, please?可以让我们考虑几分钟吗?Id like appetizers and meat (fish ) dish. 我要开胃菜和肉(鱼)类Id like t ohave dinner for less than 30 dollars including drinks.我想要 30 圆以下包括酒水的Can I have it right away ? 我可以现在就要吗?Do you have vegetarian dishes ? 你有素菜吗?Can you make it mild ? 能做的清淡吗?How do you like your steak ? 你想怎么吃牛扒

25、Well done ( medium/rare ), please 全熟(中等 /生)的I ldik e a glass of water , please 我想来杯水May I have a bottle of mineral water ? 给我一杯矿泉水Can we order desserts/coffee, please?我们可以点甜点、咖啡吗?Id like something light, just some cheese or cake , please 我想要些清淡的,奶酪或蛋糕都行Can I have some fruit instead of the dessert ?

26、我可以要些水果代替甜点Check, please? /Can we have the bill, please?买单The food/ wine was delicious, thank you!食物很好吃、酒很好喝,谢谢啦!四、交通观光篇交通用语Is there an airport bus to center city?这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗Where is the nearest taxi rank / bus stop / train station / pier?最近的出租车候车站 /公交车站 /火车站 / 码头在哪里?Can I buy a ticket here ?我能在这

27、买票吗?How much does it cost to take a taxi to center city?乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱?Take me to this address, please. 请拉我去这个地址。Keep the change. 不用找钱了。Can I walk down there ?我能走着去那吗?How long does it take to get there on foot ?步行到那里需要多长时间?Can I go there by bus ?我能乘巴士去那吗?How many bus stops until there ?去那多少站?Could yo

28、u pick me up at hotel ?你能在 酒店接我吗?Could you drop me off at hotel ?能在 酒店停一下吗?What is the best way to get there?怎么去那里最方便?观光用语Where is the tourist information office ?在哪里有旅游信息中心?Do you have a sightseeing brochure for this town?在这个镇上有观光手册吗?Do you have a free city map ?你有免费的城市地图吗?Could you tell me some in

29、teresting places in this town?能告诉我一些好玩的地方吗?Im interested in architecture. 我对建筑学感兴趣Can I make a reservation here ?我可以预订吗?Could you show me the way on this map ?你能在地图上给我指路吗?Is the museum of art open today ?今天艺术馆开门吗?How much is the entrance fee ?门票多少钱?商店最晚开到几点?能推荐一些适合我的行程吗?多长时间完成行程?我想雇一个中文导游我们有时间照相吗?什么

30、时候我应该回到车上?How late the department stores are open Could you recommend some popular tours How long does it take to complete the tour Id like to hire a Chinese-speaking guide. Do I have enough time to take pictures?By what time should I be back to the busWhere does this street lead to ?这条街通向哪里?五、购物篇扫货

31、用语Where is the nearest supermarket from here?最近的超市在哪?Are there any unusual things produced in this town?这个镇有什么特产吗?There is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs有个柜台出售各种各样的纪念品。Id like to buy a leather jacket. Could you recommend a good shop?我要买一件皮衣。能介绍个好的商店吗?Could you recommend a boutique which is

32、 popular among young people?你能推荐我一些年轻人喜欢的流行店吗?Im just looking. Thank you.就是看看,谢谢Does this come with a guarantee? 有保修书吗?Could you show me something in my size?能找个我这么大号的吗?Can I pick it up ?我能拿下来吗?What kind of colors do you have ?你们有什么颜色的?Im looking for a shirt for a 2 years old boy 我在给 2 岁的小孩找衬衫May I

33、try this on? 我可以试穿这个吗?Where is the fitting room ?换衣间在哪?This is too short (long/tight/loose )太短拉(长 / 紧/ 松)What size shirt should I have ?我应该穿什么号的? Could you measure me ?能给我量一下吗?I ldike one size up. 我要大一点的。Do you have another design ?你有别的款式吗? 买单砍价用语I ll take this我要这个Where is the cashier? 收银台在哪里?Does i

34、t include tax ?含税了吗?Is this your final price? 不能再便宜了吗?Could you give me a little discount ?能打些折吗?It toso expensive. How about a discount?太贵了,打个折吧?Can I buy it tax-free ?我能买它免税吗?What kind of credit cards do you accept ?你们接受什么样的信用卡?Can I pay by credit card (UnionPay)? 我可不可以用信用卡付帐 ( 银联卡 ) ?Is there a m

35、istake in this bill ?是不是帐单有错误Could you check it again ?你能再检查一下吗?Can I have a receipt , please 能给我个收条吗?You gave me the wrong change. 你找错钱拉I don t have my change back yet. 还没有找我钱呢Could you tell me how to make it tax-free?能告诉我怎么使他免税May I have the form for tax refund ?能给我张退税表吗?Where can I get a form for

36、 tax refund ?我在哪能得到退税表Could you send it to my address in China ?你能送回在中国的这个地址吗?Do I have to declare ?我要申报吗?Where can I change money? 我在哪里可以兑换外币?I d like to cash this traveler s check 请将这些旅行支票换成现金I d like some small change? 请将大钞换成零钱May I have a statement of accounts?请给我兑换发票六、紧急情况用语丢失物品用语I lost my cred

37、it card 我丢了我的信用卡My purse was stolen. 我的钱包被偷拉I left my bag in the taxi 我把钱包忘在出租车上拉My pendant was stolen while I was away from my room.当我离开的时候发现我的首饰不见拉My wallet was taken by a pickpocket. 我的钱包叫扒手偷拉Did you see a bag here? 你看见这有个包了吗?Whom should I inform? 我应该告诉谁?Where is the lost-and-found?失物招领处在哪?Where

38、is the police station? 警察局在哪?I left my bag here but it was gone when I came back.我把包放在这拉,但是我回来就不见拉The bag has a name tag 包上有名字标签Could you fill out this form? 能把表填一下吗?Please write down your contact address here请写下联系地址When can you let me know the result?什么时候我能知道结果?Where should I come to get it?我上哪去得到他

39、I ve lost my passport.我的护照丢拉Where is Chinese Embassy?中国大使馆在哪?May I have a certificate of the accident, please?可以给我这次事故的证明书吗?Could you make out a certificate of the theft?能给我这起偷盗事件的证明吗?I ve lost my purse with my credit card. 我丢了钱包和信用卡Could you please cancel my card number?可以把我的卡号取消吗?伤病用语Emergency! 紧急

40、情况Call the police! 叫警察An accident has happened. 发生了一起交通事故 It s on route 9在1 91 号线路Please give me first aid. 请给我急救My blood type is A 我是 A 型血I feel dizzy/sick/chilly/languid/nauseous我晕 /恶心 /冷 /全身无力 / 恶心I have a stomachache/fever/poor appetite/ diarrhea / sore throat .我胃痛 /发烧 /没有胃口 /痢疾 / 嗓子疼I have alle

41、rgies. 我得了敏感症I sprained my ankle 我扭了脚踝I have difficulty breathing 我呼吸困难I ve been vomiting我. 不停的吐I go to the toilet every 10 minutes. 我每十分钟去遍厕所My friend is seriously injured 我朋友伤的很重He is bleeding heavily 他大量流血He is unconscious. 他神志不清How long does it take to get well?多长时间才能好转It s a dull (sharp/throbbing/constant) pain. 是迟


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