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1、Module 3 My First Ride on a Train教学设计设计教师XX教学年级高中一年级(必修1)课题名称Unit 3My First Ride on a Train( reading)教材版本外研版授课时间30 分钟1. The Analysis of this lessonThe topic of this lesson is about “trip”. It refers to talking about “an experience on a train in Australia ”. It mainly introduces the history of the tr

2、ain and the scenery during the ride. Meanwhile, the use of past tense and the use of past participles of verbs are also focused in this lesson.2. The Analysis of the studentsThe students in class are in Senior Grade One. They have learn the past tense in middle school, so grammatically, this article

3、 would be not very difficult for them to understand.The topic is trip, and students will have great interest in it.3. Teaching aims(1) Language pointsStudents can know the meaning of the key vocabulary: abandoned,desert, colourful, shoot, supply, product, passenger, soil, diamond, distance, and use

4、them to make sentence.(2) Language competence Students can improve their reading skills by skimming and scanning. With teacher s help, students can master the main idea of this passage. Students can use what they have learned to describe a trip or one of their experiences.4. Teaching and learning di

5、fficultiesTeaching difficulties: Enable the students to understand the passage clearlyand learn to describe their own trip.learning difficulties: Students may fell difficult to find the main idea of each paragraph, and to analyze structure of this passage.5. Teaching aidsSome pictures about the trai

6、n to arouse the interest of students.6. Teaching proceduresStep 1: Greeting: Good afternoon, boys and girls!Today, we are going to learn a passage,before we learning this passage,let s review the words we ve learned yesterday.Step 2: Lead-in (about 5 minutes)(1) Students read the words following me

7、in page22.(2) Ask students “Do you like to travel?” “where you have wen”t , and I give some response to them. After that I ask them “which kind of transportation you prefer?” Some students may say train, and I say“today, we are going to learn the passage“my first ride on a train.”Step 3: Pre-reading

8、 (about 2 minutes)Firstly, show one picture of the train, and then ask students.T:Look at this picture and the title, combine with your own experience, and try to guess what this passage will talk about.Guide students to find the probable answers.Further questions, show more pictures, and ask studen

9、ts.T: Do you think the train is very comfortable?S:.T:Does the food looks delicious?S:.T:Is the scenery beautiful?S:.T:Do you want to have a ride on this train?S:.Step 4:While-reading(about 20 minutes)After the questions and answers, let students turn to page 23 and read the passage.1, SkimmingAsk s

10、tudents to read passageand try to find out the main idea of each paragraph including paragraph.para 1the scenery along the railwaypara 2why is the train called the Ghanpara 3things about camelspara 4a general introduction to my first ride on a trainpara 5how I spent the time on the trainpara 6the fa

11、te of the camel2, Scanning(1)Ask students to read the first paragraph carefully and finish activity 3 in the text book, and find the answer to explain why the other three ones are wrong.(2)Ask students to read the rest of the passagecarefully, and answer the questions in activity4.(3)Ask students to

12、 fill the blank For example:Alice made her first long-distance train ride at the age of 18. (when) We in Sydney and we in Alice Springs. () and I traveled on the famous Ghan.() We ate great meals cooked by.() They saw field, soil, desert, and farms which were built morethan a hundred years ago. () D

13、uring the day, I sat and looked out of the window, and sometimes talked to other () I read books and listen to my Chinese ()Step 5:Post-reading(about 5 minutes)Group workAsk student to talk about one of their traveling experiences, the content should include “when ,go where, with whom, how about the

14、 scenery or food, what they did,” and talk to the classmates.Step 6: HomeworkAsk them write down their own traveling experiences, which they talked during the class.六年级上 Unit 4 My name s Gina 教学设计莱阳实验中学 王招娣一、单元教材分析本单元的中心话题是“ Make new friends ”。它通过学习“自我介绍 (Introduce yourself) ”“问候别人(Greet people) ” “

15、询问和给出电话号码(Ask for and give telephone numbers) ” 等句式来达到互相交流、 获取所需信息的目的。 本单元主要教学目标是让学生学会询问他人姓名和电话号码,同时能回答他人与此相关的问题,学会交友,这是教学的重点;学会区分中英文的姓与名, 这既是教学的重点, 也是教学的难点。 本单元学习内容与学生的生活密切相关,语言材料富有实用性,在进行听、说、读、写的能力训练的同时,让学生初步了解英语国家人的姓名特点, 培养学生对中西方文化差异的敏感性, 使学生逐步学会在实际情景中恰当而灵活地运用语言,体现语言的工具性、交际性和文化性。二、学生分析六年级学生刚刚步入中学

16、大门, 对英语学习是满怀好奇心和兴趣的, 但部分学生对英语学习还是有一点恐惧心理。 因此, 教师在教学中要为学生营造良好的学习氛围, 要尽量使用一些适合六年级学生年龄特征的方法吸引住学生的眼球, 多设计一些贴近学生现实生活并能激发学生学习兴趣而积极参与的任务。 设计任务活动时要努力激发每个学生学习英语的兴趣, 鼓 励学生在新的环境下运用体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式学习,鼓励他们积极参与语言实践活动,保护他们的自尊心和学习积极性,发展学生听、说、读、写等综合语言技能。新的环境学生渴望认识新的老师和同学, 本单元出现的核心话题 Greeting 是非常合适的。 本单元的主题为认识新朋友 (包

17、括询问朋友的姓名、 电话号码等, 以及中英文姓名表达方法的不同之处),这部分内容学生在小学已经初步学习过一些,基础较好的学生对此并不陌生,知识基础较差的学生可能还未入门。 因此, 在本单元教学主要是让有一定基础的学生把语言结构掌握的更牢固, 并能熟练运用于现实生活进行交际; 同时让学习基础较差的学生学习基本的语言结构,使之对英语产生兴趣,激发其想学英语的欲望。三教学目标1、知识目标:1)学会用hello, hi等打招呼,用I' m自我介绍,用" What' s your/his/her name?”询问他 人姓名。2) 学会使用his, her, my, your 等

18、形容词性物主代词,识记zero 到 nine 等数字。3)识记一些英文名字,学习掌握first name, last name 的用法 ,了解中英文姓、名的差别。 4)掌握动词be在一般现在时态中的变化,学会运用What' s your/his/her name?及其回答。2、2.能力目标:1)能够正确运用下列句式开展听说读写活动: Hello! I m Mary. Hi! Mary, I m Jim. What s your /her/his name? My/Her/His name s Jenny. My name s Jenny. I m Gina. Nice to meet

19、you. What s your /her/his telephone number?My / Her/His telephone number is /It 's2) 能运用所学知识制作个人名片及用数字表达电话号码的能力。 3) 能听懂同伴简单的自我 介绍语段和相关录音材料。3、情感态度与价值观:1) 通过学生的互相认识,学会用英语礼貌的与他人交往,获得信息,体会交往成功的快乐,培养学生广交朋友及和谐相处的品质。2)通过中英文姓名的对比,让学生了解中外文化的差异,体会不同文化的内涵,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养其自信心。3)通过开展采访或小组活动, 互相帮助, 让学生为自己或他人设计

20、个性化的名片来体会构思的美感与实用性的价值。 通过建立班级电话簿或朋友通讯录, 使学生感受劳动的艰辛以及完成任务后的成就感。 。四、重点、难点1、教学重点:1)学习并掌握本单元的重点词汇,如 numbers0-9, phone number, first name ,last name, family name, hi, hello , my, your, his, her, what, name 等词或短语,一些人物名2)日常交际用语的重点句型:-What' s your/his/her name? -My/His/Her name is - Hi/Hello! Im Gina. N

21、ice to meet you. - Whats your /his/ her telephone number?-My /his/ her telephone number is /It' s 2、教学难点:1) be动词的一般现在时 am, is的用法; 2) his和her的性别运用差异;3)正确区分使用first name , last name, family name, middle name, given name, full name 。五、教法选择与学法指导教法选择:依据本单元的语言目标,结合学生学习实际和所教学的内容,借助多媒体手段,采用情景法(Situationa

22、l Language Teaching) 、交际法 (The Communicative Approach) 和任务型教学等多种方法相结合,培养学生的听说读写的语言能力。学法指导:通过教师指导讲解与学生理解运用相结合,自主学习与小组合作相结合,听说练习与书面写作相结合, 知识学习与技能培养相结合, 培养学生养成良好的学习运用语 言的习惯和正确的听说读写方法。六、课时及教学内容安排SectionA1a-1c,2a-2c,Grammar Focus.视听法, 情境交际法, 认知法, 任务型教学。 多媒体 课件通过语言激励等方式, 通过提问检查学生能否熟练运用所学句型与同伴进行自我介绍、 问候 别人

23、等对话,对学生进行过程性评价。Section A 3a, 3b,4; Period 2 游戏激趣法,对比法, 任务型教学 多媒体 课件 通过提问,检查 学生独立完成作业情况和学生互评等方式对学生进行过程性评价。Section B 1a-1c, 2a-2c. Period 3 游戏激趣法, 听说法, 情境交际法, 任务型教学。 多媒体 课 件 通过语言激励等方式,通过学生做游戏、听后汇报、完成调查报告等途径对学生进行过 程性评价。Section B 3a-3c,4,Self Check.Period 4练习法, 观察法, 归纳法。多媒体 课件通过检查学生制作身份证、介绍自己、回答练习题等途径对学

24、生进行过程性评价。Section A1a-2c,Grammar Focus3a 3c一、教材内容分析本节课选 自 人教版 新 目标 七年级上 册 Unit 1 My name s Gina. Section A 的 第一课 时 (Section A1a-2c,Grammar Focus ),根据英语课程标准、本单元教材内容和七年级学生的学习水平, 先通过歌曲导入激发学生的兴趣, 再通过复习引入新课, 学习如何询问他人姓名及回答,然后通过1b、 2a、 2b 进行综合的听力训练进一步巩固新学对话,接着为学生尽可能多的提供一些英文名, 让学生选择自己喜欢的英文名后在小组内完成调查报告。 这样学生就

25、从听、说、读、写四个角度训练了本单元的核心句型,最后在Grammar Focus 中进行归纳总结。 教学重点是掌握重点词汇my, name, clock, I , nice, meet , you, hello, hi, his and her, etc.正 确 使 用 日 常 交 际 用 语 : What syour /his/ her name? My name/His name/Her name is. Nice to meet you. 同时这也是教学的难点,能区分your/his/her 也是教学的难点。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)Knowledge Object :

26、1) Vocabulary: my, name, clock, I, nice, meet, you, hello, hi, his, and, her, question,answer, look Target language:(1) Hello. Nice to meet you.(2) What' s your/his/her name?及答语。(3) Grammar : What s =what is I m =I am name s =name isAbility Object :1 能正确使用所学短语与人打招呼。2能使用目标句子询问他人姓名、回答他人的提问。3. 能口头运

27、用所学目标语言在小组之间经过相互帮助谈论自己和他人的姓名。三、重点、难点1、教学重点:(1 ) 词?匚:your, my, his, her, name, what, is, meet, nice, I ' m, What ' s 等 及Jenny, Gina, Tony, Tom 等名。(2)日常交际用语:What s your /his/ her name? Nice to meet you.(3) 语法: 了解缩略形式What is =What s, I am=I m 等, 初步了解形容词性物主代词 my,your , his , her 的用法(此知识可在今后学习中进一

28、步巩固)。 2 、教学难点:( 1 )正确使用 What s your /his/ her name? My name/His name/Her name is. 句式开展口头交流;( 2 )能区分your/his/her.四、教法选择与学法指导本节课, 运用远程教育资源和网络资源中的图片、 动画、 声音媒体等手段向学生呈现常见的见面问候语以及询问姓名的常用句式等, 从谈论自身入手, 结合学生学习实际, 营造良好的语言学习情景, 使学生敢于说, 愿意说。 同时在学生需要的前提下多补充一些英文名字,供学生选用作为自己的英文名;教学采用情景视听法,小组合作学习,小组竞赛,任务型教学法,为学生设置真

29、实的情景、语境,使学生在学中用,在用中学,复习巩固所学语言,帮助 学生养成良好的语言学习习惯。 五、资源准备 多媒体课件、图片等相关教学资源。 六、教学过程Task1 Organization Lead-in ( 4minutes)1. Warming-up: Ask Ss to listen to the letter song ABC. 2. Revision.1. Listen and follow to sing the song. 2. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 通过跟唱歌曲,激发学生学习兴趣,导入新课。Task2

30、Learn to greet the people and introduce yourself.(1a,1c) ( 13minuets) 1. Have a group competition. (Write English words for the things in the picture in 1a.) some pictures to teach Ss how to introduce yourself : Hello / Hi! / I m / my names Cindy. What s your name? Nice to meet you.1. Write English

31、words for the things in the picture in 1a.(The group which wrote the most words is the winner.) 2. Look at the pictures, repeat the sentences.1 .通过小组竞赛方式激发学生学习兴趣,激活学生大脑记忆细胞,复习巩固所学单词。2 .通过真实情景练习,使学生学会进行自我介绍,并熟练掌握介绍自己和问候他人的基本句型结构 ,正确区分使用名词性物主代词 my, his,3.Show some pictures to ask Ss to answer what his

32、/her name is.4.Groupwork:Ask Ss to make conversations in a group like this : A: Hello! What s your/his/her na me? B: My/His/Her name' sC: I ' mt-Nice to meet you.D: I ' m- - Niceo meet you, too.3 Group work: Make conversations in a group like this: her 的用A: Hello! What' your/his/her

33、name? B: My/His/Her name' s-C: I ' m- Nice to meet you.D: I ' m- - Niceo meet you, too.Task 3 Listening and Practicing(1b,2a-2c) ( 9minuets )1 Play the tape and have the Ss finish 1b,2a and 2b.2.Show some English names to Ss, ask them to choose an English name for themselves.1. Listen an

34、d finish the listening practice.2. Read the English names in the pictures and choose an English name for yourself.1 .通过听力训练,再次让学生注意区分并掌握my, his, her 的用法。一个英文名字,既激发了学生学习的兴趣,又方便了今后的教学。Task4Make a survey.(拓展练习) ( 9minuets)1. Ask Ss to make a survey in a group, and fill in the blank, then give a report

35、for us. 2.Ask Ss to2. report like this: My name s.H. er name name s.1.Make a survey: What's your name ? Nice to meet you! And fill in the blanks. 2.Give a Report like this: My name s. Her name s. His name' s.通过小组练习,巩固运用本节课所学句型结构,同时复习his, her的区别。Task 5 Exercise, Summary and Homework (5

36、minuets )1. Ask Ss to finish the exercises.3. Summarize and show the new words and sentence patterns to students.4.Homework:A: Make the seat table of our class: Collect the names of the class, and make a seat table of the whole class in English.1. Finish the exercises. 2. Make a list of the importan

37、t language points. 3. Finish their own hom ework.1.通过练习巩固本节所学内容。2.帮助学生回忆本节课所学,通过大屏幕展示主要内容,简洁直观,便于学生记忆。3.初次作业要布置的简单,让学生既感兴趣,又有能力自信地完成。B: Remember the new words.七、板书设计Unit 1 My names Gina.1 .New words & phrasesmy, name, is, name s=namies , clock, I, am, I m=aIm , nice, to ,meet, you, what, what s=

38、whaist , your, hello, hi, his , her . 2.Sentence patterns(1)-A: What's your name? -B: My names Jenny.-A: Hello! I m Gina. Nice to meet you!-B: Hi! Jenny, Nice to meet you, too!2 2) -A: What's his name?-B: His names Jim.-A: What's her name? -B: Her names Jenny.八、总结和帮助(反思及改进)这节课以字母歌导入新课, 加

39、上课件中出现了较多学生喜欢的图片人物, 较好的激发了学生的学习兴趣,在学生学习互相打招呼和区分his 与 her 的区别时,学生能保持高昂的热情,但是到听力练习结束复习英文男孩女孩名字时, 学生就有点不耐烦了, 一是由于英文名字本身比较难读, 二是学生以前接触的比较少, 所以让学生为自己选英文名字时, 很多学生因为不会读就感到有难度, 致使很多学生并没有选出他们满意的名字。 因此, 今后在教学时要有意识的多创造机会给学生练习朗读、 运用英文名字的机会, 我发现只要学生会读了之后, 他 们学习英语的兴趣只会有增无减!本节课在小组说名字游戏中导入新课后, 率先展示出英文名字姓与名的区别, 便于学生

40、快速了解本课重点, 接着通过展示大量学生喜闻乐见的外国人名字进一步让学生练习区分, 然后再区分中文的名与姓, 并把中英文同时出现让学生练习达到逐步掌握、 突破教学难点的目的。在教学个过程中, 学生学习兴趣较浓, 掌握的较好, 出现的问题还是在英文名与姓的发音上不够标准, 在为自己选英文全名时没能很好的记住姓氏与名字的区别, 以至于有的同学选的名与姓都是名或都是姓。 从这里可以看出, 学生对词汇掌握不牢固, 以后教学中要加强对学生词汇掌握情况的检查。( Section B1a-1c,2a-2c)一、教材内容分析本节课 Unit 1 My name s (Section B 1a-2c) ,主要内

41、容是学会 0-9 的英文数字和学会如何询问并回答电话号码。 教学时我先检查复习中英文姓与名的对话练习, 再以各种有趣的方式引导学生学习 0-9 的英文数字,接着教会学生如何询问并记录别人的电话号码,然后通过1b、2a、 2b 的听力训练进一步巩固,最后通过练习建立班级电话联系薄或制作朋友的通讯录达到复习掌握的目的。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)Knowledge Object :Vocabulary : zero nine, telephone number, phone, it, etc. Target Language: What s your telephone numbe

42、r? My telephone number is Ability Object :能用英语说出自己的电话号码。三、重点、难点1.教学重点:(1)Vocabulary : zero nine, telephone number, phone, it, etc. (2)Target Language: What s your telephone number? My telephone number is (3)Grammar Focus :比较中英文姓名的不同之处。四、教法选择与学法指导本节课, 运用多媒体辅助教学, 引导学生积极参与教学活动; 运用任务型教学法, 听说法 , 观 察法 , 归

43、纳法,注重对学习方法和技巧的指导;引导学生由浅入深理解,循序渐进掌握运用0-9 数字;层层深入,尽可能多挖掘学生潜力,使师生,生生极好配合,以提高学生的实践 能力。五、资源准备 多媒体、课件等相关教学资源。六、教学过程Task 1 Lead in (5minutes)1. Greeting.2. Revision. Make conversations with partners. 通过复习检查上节课所学知识。 Task 2 Learn numbers0-9( 1a) (19minutes) 1. Show the pictures and ask Ss to learn zero-nine

44、numbers.2. Introducing some important telephone numbers in life to Ss.3. Teach Ss how to ask others telephone numbers. Then practice.1. Look at the pictures and learn the numbers 0-9.2. Remember the important phone numbers in life.3.Pairwork:Ask partners telephone numbers .1 .通过展示生动形象的图片,激发学生学习数字的兴趣

45、,使学生学得快,记得牢。2 .通过介绍生活中一些重要的电话号码,增加学生的生活基本常识。3 .通过示范和练习让学生学会询问和回答电话号码。Task 3Listening practice(1b,2a,2b) (7minutes) Ask Ss to Listen to the tape carefully, and finish 1b, 2a, 2b. Listen to the tape carefully, then complete1b, 2a, 2b. 通过听力练习, 让学生进一步掌 握如何询问和回答电话号码,并运用所学数字。Task 4 Exercise and sing a son

46、g. (6minutes)1. Ask Ss to finish the exercise, and then check the answers. 2. Ask Ss to sing the song.1. Finish the exercise.2. Follow the tape to sing the song. 1. 课堂练习帮助学生复习本节内容, 更好地掌握所学知识。3. 学唱英文歌巩固0-9 数字,激发学习兴趣。 Task 5 Summary and Homework. (3minutes)1. Summary. 2.Homework:Make an address note f

47、or class and memorize the new words.1. Read the list of the important language points. 2. Finish the homework.作业布置通过建立小组或班级电话号码练习薄, 进一步巩固运用所学英文数字和询问电话号 码的句型。七、板书设计八、总结和帮助(反思及改进)本节课主要是学习数字和询问并回答电话号码, 其实主要就是0-9 十个数字的反复运用。 数字按顺序学生早已滚瓜烂熟, 可是一打乱顺序, 都懵了。 于是在教学数字后我首先设计了两个猜数字的游戏和一个运用数字做数学题的练习, 引导学生进一步掌握每个数字

48、的读法, 接着一个 number chant 激发学生的兴趣后,又引导学生了解一些常用数字搭配在生活中的运用, 既拓宽了学生的知识面, 又进一步熟练了数字的读法。 询问和给出电话号码重点要让学生掌握句型,回答电话号码其实又是在复习数字0-9 ,最后听力练习就是侧重这个内容的练习。新课结束之后在ten little Indian boys 的歌声中总结了本课的主要内容。这节课课堂氛围特别好,学生兴趣持续不减,一是由于内容不是很难,二是因为教学设计形式多样化, 因此今后教学中我一定要想方设法将所学内容简单化, 教学过程有趣化, 这样学生才能真正达到在学中乐,在乐中学。教学内容 Unit 1 My

49、name s Gina. ( Section B 3a 3c,4,selfcheck.)一、教材内容分析本节课是 Unit 1 My name' s Gina.的第三课时(Section B 3a-3c,4,Self Check),本节课主要教学目标是使学生学会怎样设计具有个性化的身份证, 实际上是一节复习课; 学会简单的写作简单介绍自己或朋友, 这是教学的重点也是对本单元所学内容的拓展训练; 同时通过练习、测评复习本单元所学知识。二、教学目标(知识与能力,情感态度与价值观)Knowledge ObjectVocabulary : card, ID card, etc. Ability

50、 Object :1.能综合运用所学的姓、名和电话号码制作身份证。2. 学会写介绍自己或朋友的小作文。三、重点、难点教学重点:1.制作本人个性化的 ID card 。教学难点: 学会写介绍自己或朋友的小作文。四、教法选择与学法指导本节课,学生初次学习英文写作,对学生来说难度较大。 采用多媒体辅助教学,能引导学生积极参与,大胆表达;运用任务型教学法, 观察法 , 归纳法,注重对学生写作方法和技巧的指导;引导学生循序渐进地运用知识;层层深入,尽可能多挖掘学生潜力,使师生,生生极好配合,以增强学生学习自信心,逐渐提高学生的读写能力。五、资源准备多媒体课件等相关教学资源。六、教学过程Task 1 Lead-in. (6minutes)1. Sing the ten little Indians song.2. Play the Number Games.3. Ask Ss to read the letter chant. 1. Sing the song. 2. Play the Number Games.4. Follow to read the letter chant.通过


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