二轮复习 完形填空高频核心词汇word版_第1页
二轮复习 完形填空高频核心词汇word版_第2页
二轮复习 完形填空高频核心词汇word版_第3页
二轮复习 完形填空高频核心词汇word版_第4页
二轮复习 完形填空高频核心词汇word版_第5页
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1、附录:高频核心词汇总结 136because / since / for / so / therefore / thus因为、所以97get / got / gets / getting / have / has / had / having / let / lets /让letting /make / makes / made / making79but / however / yet / although / though但是70as / with / without伴随22 / 2269what / whatever / when / whenever / where / whereve

2、r /whether /whichever / who / whoever / how / why60look / looked / looking / overlook / see / sees / saw / foresee /watch /watched / watching / spot / spotted / observe /observed / observer /witnessed / glance / glanced / stare /glaring52happy / happier / happily / happiness / glad / delight /deligh

3、ted /delighting / joy / please / pleased / pleasant /unpleasant / amused /amusement / amusing48say / said / saying / speak / spoke / speaking / state / states /stated /statement / tell / told / tells / talk / talked / talking /talkative /announced / announcement / declare / declared46can / could / s

4、hould / would / might / must / will / willing /willingly /unwilling / unwillingly / need / needed / needing /needs46ask / asking / asked / required / requires / requirement /requirements/ request / requested / demand / demanded /demanding关系词看快乐 说话 情态动词 要求45in / into在里 面44care / cared / careful / car

5、efully / careless / carelessness /caring /caretaker / concern / concerned41some / somebody / someone / something / sometimes / any/anybody / anyone / anything / anyhow / anywhere / anyway/ thing41think / thinking / thought / thoughts / thoughtless / consider/considered / considering / considerate /

6、consideration /considerably /reconsidered39afraid / frightened / terrified / scared / scaring / scary / horror/ fear /fears / fearless37difficult / difficulty / hard / harder / hardly / hardship /hardships /tough / toughest / challenge / challenged /challenges / challenging关心 不定代词想害怕 困难37take / took

7、 / taken / taking / takes / fetch拿取、从事34accept / acceptance / accepted / accepting / adopt / adopted/receive / received / reception34move / moved / moves / moving / unmoved / movement /remove /removed / removes33cover / covered / covering / discovered / discoveries /discovering /rediscovered / recov

8、er / recovered / recovery /rediscover33work / worked / working / works / workers / job / jobs / career/occupation / professions32sense / sensed / sensibly / sensitive / feel / feeling / feelings /felt /passion / passions32hope / hoped / hoping / hopeful / hopefully / hopeless /wished / want/ wanted

9、/ desire / desires接受、收到移动、移出 覆盖工作、职业 感觉、感受到 希望31change / changed / changing / changes / unchanged变化31on / upon持续31surprise / surprised / surprises / surprising / surprisingly惊讶30act / acted / acting / acts / action / active / activity / activities /动作reacted/ reaction / reactions30turn / turned / tu

10、rns / overturned / return / returned翻转、回 归、归还30mind / minds / minded / minding / remind / reminded /reminding /reminder想法、提醒29opinion / opinions / view / review / reviewing / idea / ideas观点28advice / advise / advised / adviser / suggest / suggests /建议suggested /suggestion27if如果26decide / decided / d

11、ecision / decisions / determined /resolution26hurt / hurtful / pain / painful / painfully / injury / injured /wound /wounded / ached / miserable26offer / offered / offers / provided / providing / present /presented /presentation / represent26courage / discouraged / encourage / encouraged /encouragem

12、ent /encouraging决定、决心伤害、伤痛 提供勇气25to对于25directed / direction / directions / directly / director / indirectly /指导guide /guided / guiding / guidance / instruction / instructions24leave / leaves / left离开、留下24recognize / recognized / recognizing / realize / realized /realizing24agree / agreed / agreeing

13、/ agreement / disagreement / favor/ favour/ favored / favorable认识到、意 识到赞成24show / shows / showed / shown / showing / exhibited展示23belief / beliefs / believe / believed / believes / believing /disbelief /unbelievable / faith认为、信念23life / live / lived / living / lives / lived / alive生命、生活23no / none /

14、 nobody / nothing / neither / never / nowhere完全否认 词23find / finding / finds / found找到22help / helped / helping / helps / helpful / helpless帮助22doubt / doubted / doubtful / doubting / doubts / undoubtedly /suspect/ suspected / suspecting22answer / answered / reply / replied / respond / responded /res

15、ponse /responsible / responsibility不相信答复22measure / method / methods / way / ways方法22even甚至22press / pressed / pressure / stress / stressed / stressful按压、压力22allow / allowed / allowing / permission / admit / admitted /允许admitting /admission22above / up在上 面22walk / walked / walking / step / stepped /

16、 stepping / steps行走、脚 步、台阶21try / trying / tried / tries / attempt / attempted / attempting尝试21promise / promised / promises / promising承诺21worry / worrying / worried / worries / worriedly担忧21fall / falling / fell / drop / dropped / dropping掉落21sad / sadly / sadness / sadder / upset / sorrow / sorro

17、wful /sick难过、难受21stop / stopped / stops停止21by通过 方式21hold / held / holding握住21interest / interested / interesting / interestingly / interests/uninterested / uninteresting20good / better / best / goods / well / welled / bad / badly /worse /worsened兴趣好、坏20or / either或者、否那么20just / merely / only仅仅20draw

18、 / drew / drawn / drawing / draws / drawers / pull / pulled/ pulling拉、抽取20every / everybody / everyone / everything / each每个20patience / patient / patiently / impatient / impatiently耐心20image / imaging / imagine / imagined / imagining /imagination /imaginations / imaginable20fortunate / fortunately

19、/ fortune / unfortunate / unfortunately /luck /lucky / luckily19comfort / comfortable / comforted / comforting /uncomfortable /uncomfortably想象幸运 抚慰、舒适19note / notes / notice / noticed / notices / unnoticed笔记、注意19appreciate / appreciated / appreciating / appreciation /感谢appreciations /grateful / than

20、k / thanked / thankful /thankfulness19call / called / calling / recalled / recalling呼叫19play / played / playing / plays / playmate进行运动、 演奏19expect / expectation / expectations / expected / expecting期待/unexpected / unexpectedly19situation / situations / case / cases情况19disappointed / disappointedly /

21、 disappointing /失望disappointment19many / much / more / most / mostly / lot / less / least / few多、少19argue / argued / arguing / argument / quarrel / quareled /quarreling /quarrels19prepare / prepares / prepared / preparing / preparation /preparations/ ready18appear / appeared /appearing / appears / d

22、isappear /disappearance/ disappeared / disappearing争论、争吵准备 出现18relax / relaxed / relaxing / relaxation / relief / relieved放松18follow / followed / following跟随18satisfy / satisfied / satisfying / satisfactory / satisfaction /dissatisfied /dissatisfaction满意、满足18support / supported / supporting / suppor

23、ts / supportive支持18final / finally / eventually / last / lasted最后、最终17near / nearly / approximately / almost / probably大概、附 近、几乎17proud / proudly / pride骄傲17normal / normally / ordinary / common普通17persuade / persuaded / persuading / persuasively / convince/convinced / convincing说服、信服17enjoy / enjoy

24、able / enjoying享受17depended / depending/ independence / independent / rely依靠/ relied /reliable / count / counted / counting / counts17right / corrected / correction / properly / appropriate正确16break / broke / broken / breaks打破16hand / hands / handed / handbook递给16regret / regretted / regretting / re

25、gretful / regretfully懊悔、遗憾16plan / planned / planning / plans方案16examine / examined / examining / check / checked / cheque检查、支票16nervous / nervously / tense / tensely紧张16still仍然16lose / lost / losing / loss失去16shock / shocked / shocking震惊16know / knew / knowing / knowledge知道16until / till直到15give /

26、gives / giving / gave / given给15and和15value / valued / valuable / treasure / priceless / worthless价值、珍惜15shame / shamed / shameful / ashamed可耻、羞愧15strange / strangest / strangely / strangers陌生的、奇 怪的15effort / efforts努力15go / went / gone / going去15confidence / confident / confidently / unconfident信心1

27、5excited / excitedly / excitement / exciting兴奋15study / studies / studied / studying / student / students / learn/learned / learning学习、了解15serious / seriously / seriousness / severe严重的15about / around / round / rounded / surrounded / surroundings周围14keep / keeps / kept / keeping / keeper / maintain保

28、持、保存14save / saved / saving / savings保存、储 蓄、挽救14ever曾经14put / putting放14embarrassed / embarrassing / embarrassment为难14curious / curiously / curiosity好奇14chance / chances / opportunity时机14stand / stood / bear / unbearable / tolerate / tolerance忍受、容忍14always / often / usual / usually / unusual / unusu

29、ally /经常constant /constantly / occasionally14course / courses / lesson / lessons / programs课程14practice / practiced / practical / exercise练习13reach / reached / reaching到达13hit / strike / strikes / striking / struck打击、突然 想到13open / opens / opened / opening翻开13anger / angry / angrily愤怒13concentrate /

30、concentration / focus / focusing / attention /关注attentions /attentive13remember / remembered / remembering记得、记住13continue / continued / continues继续13family / families / home / homeless / homework家庭13handle / handling / settle / settled / deal解决、安 顿、应对13explain / explained / explaining / explanations

31、 / account解释13experience / experienced / experiences经验、经历13puzzle / puzzled / puzzlement / puzzles困惑13spread / spreads / expand / expanded扩散、扩张13come / came / coming / comes来13order / orders / ordered / command / commanded命令13run / running / ran跑、运作13friend / friends / friendly / friendship / unfrie

32、ndly朋友13calm / calmed / calming / calmly平静13easy / easier / easily / eased / uneasy轻松13time / times时期、时 间、次数13use / used / useful / useless使用13forget / forgetful / forgot / forgotten忘记13carry / carried / carrying携带13once一次、曾 经、一旦13affect / affected / affection / effect / influence / influences /影响in

33、fluenced13at在13after在之 后13task / tasks / duty任务12protect / protected保护12mark / marked / marks / remark / remarks标记12off不在原处12grow / grew / grown / grows / growing成长12wrong / mistake / fault / error错误12disturb / disturbed / disturbing / bother / bothered打搅12bring / bringing / brings / brought带来12wait

34、 / waited / waiting / waiter / waitress等待12send / sending / sent发送12place / placed / places / replaced放置、地方12ignore / ignored / ignoring / ignorance无视12teach / teaching / taught / teacher / teachers教12over结束12astonish / astonished / astonishing / astonishment莫名其妙12aimed / aiming / goal / target / pu

35、rpose / destination目标12money / purse / wallet钱、钱包12raise / raised / rise / rose / risen升起12special / specially特别好的12accident / accidentally / incident / incidents突发事件12push / pushed / pushing推动12smile / smiled / smiling / laugh / laughed / laughter笑12choice / choosing / chose / chosen / select / sel

36、ected选择12reason / reasoned / reasons / resonable原因、争辩12read / reading / reads阅读12out在外 面12natural / naturally / nature自然的11part / parted / parts / partly局部11create / created / creating / creative / creature创造11clever / cleverness / intelligent / smart聪明11of的11miss / missed / missing丧失、想念11while而、伴随1

37、1visit / visited / visits / visitors访问11touch / touched感动、触摸11pass / passed / passes经过、传递11admire / admirable / admired敬佩11refuse / refused / refusing / rejected / rejection拒绝11began / beginning / start / started开始11wonder / wondered / wondering / wonders纳闷、奇观11manage / manageable / managed / manage

38、rs设法、管理11set / setting设置11fit / fits / fitted / unfit / suit / suits / suitable / suitability /适合suitcase11confuse / confused / confusedly / confusion思维混乱11search / searched / searching / research / seek / sought寻找、搜 索、研究11repaired / repairing / fix / fixed / fixing修理、固定11point / pointed / points要点、

39、指出11mean / meaning / means / meant / meaningful意义11before在以 前11blame / blamed / blaming / scold / scolded责备11catch / catching / caught抓住11sitting / sat / seat / seated / seats坐、座位10love / loved / lovely爱10class / classmates / classroom班级10complain / complained / complaining / complaint /抱怨complaints

40、10beyond / within超越、 在范围内10silence / silently沉默10achieve / achieved / achievement / achievements /成功accomplished /victory10word / words词、句10intend / intended / intention / intentions打算10treat / treated / treatment / treatments对待、治 疗、请客10happened / happening / occur / occurred发生、出现10serve / served /

41、serving / service效劳10pay / paying / paid付款10cost / spend / spent花费10gained / gaining / regain / acquired / obtained / harvesting /获得win10anxiety / anxious / anxiously急躁10pick / picking / picked捡起10simple / simplest / simply简单的、仅 仅10stick / stuck / trapped困住、坚 持、木棍10evaluate / evaluated / evaluating

42、/ evaluation / evaluations /assess /assessed评价、评估10comment / commented / comments评论10stay / stayed停留10problem / problems问题10like / liked / likely / fond喜欢10obvious / obviously显然10informed / information信息10impress / impressed / impression印象深刻10hesitated / hesitating / hesitation犹豫10away远10truly / tru

43、th / real / really真实、真正10prove / proved / proving证明10important / importance / matter / matters重要9quiet / quietly / quietness安静9arranged / arrangement / arranging安排9perform / performed / performing / performance /performances表演、展示9succeed / succeeded / success / successful / successfully成功9besides /

44、except除以 外9struggle / struggled / struggling斗争9back / backed后退9inspire / inspired / inspiring / inspiration鼓励9pretend / pretended / pretending / pretends假装9sight / sights / sightseeing / scenery景象、景色9eager / eagerly渴望9from来自9fun / funny / funniest乐趣9immediately / instantly立刻9ability / able / disabil

45、ity能力9forced / forcing强迫9confirm / confirmed确认9lie / lies / lay / laid / lying躺、放置、 说谎9escape / escaped / escaping逃离9improved提高9through通过9position / positions位置、方位9trust / trusted / distrust信任9invite / invited / inviting / invitation邀请9hide / hid / hidden / hiding隐藏9meet / meeting / meets / met遇见、满足

46、9question / questioned / questioning / questions质问9free / freely / freedom自由9general / generally总体上9respect / respected / respecting / respects尊敬9do / did / done / doing做8packed / packing / package / wrapped / unwrapped包裹8difference / different不同8beat / beaten / beating / defeat / defeated打败8annoyed

47、 / annoying烦扰8share / shared分享、份额8otherwise否那么8buys / bought / purchase / puchases / sold / selling购置、出售8related / relation / relationship / realative / relatives / relevant关联、关系8light / lights / lit光、点燃8also还8cheer / cheered / cheerful / cheering欢呼8sign / signed / signs迹象、签名8build / building / buil

48、dings / built / rebuilt / construction建造8result / results结果8cold / coldness / cooled / cooler冷8trouble / troubled / troubles麻烦8afford / affordable买得起8power / powerful强大的8lack / lacked / lacking / short / shorter / shortage缺乏8fail / failed / failing / failure / failures失败8actually / indeed实际上8instead

49、 / rather相反的是8caution / cautious / cautiously小心提防8write / writing / wrote / written / writer写8train / trained / training训练8bored / boring厌倦8brave / bravely勇敢8silly / stupid / stupidity愚蠢8forgive / forgave / forgiven / forgiveness / forgiving原谅8amazed / amazing赞8add / added / increased增加8long / longe

50、r / longest / lengthened长度7avoid / acoided / avoiding防止7express / expressed / expression表达7unless除非7hurried / hurriedly / unhurried匆忙7urge / urged / urgent / urgently / urges / urging催促、紧迫7developed / developing开展7lonely / loneliness / alone孤独、单独7behave / behaved / behavior / behaviour行为7reward / re

51、warded / rewarding / award回报、奖励7memories / memorize / memorized记忆7seize / seized / seizing紧紧抓住7warn / warned / warning警告7lift / lifted / lifting举、振作7empty / emptying / emptiness空7quick / quickly / quickness / rapidly快速7connected / connection / linked连接7face面对7describe / described / descibes / descri

52、ption描述7old / elderly / young / teen年老、年轻7judge / judged / judges / judging / judgment判断7accompany / company / companion / companions陪伴、同伴7tired / tiredly / tiring疲劳7survive生存7figure / figured / figures算计、人物7casual / casually / formally随意、正式7throw / threw / throws投掷7early / late / later早、晚7attract /

53、 attractive / attracted吸引7letter / letters / envelope信件、信封7rest / rested休息7harm / harmful / harmless有害7exact / exactly / accurate准确的7desk / desks / table / tablecloth / chair桌椅6praise / praised表扬6punish / punished / punishment惩罚6fill / filled / full / fully充满6cross / crossed / across穿过6big / large /

54、 largely / huge / small / tiny大、小6lead / led / leading / leadership带着6certain / certainly / uncertain当然6apologies / apologize / apologized / apology抱歉6whispered / whispering低声说6nod / nodded点头6fly / flew / flight / flights飞行6separate / separated / separating / split / dividing分开6risk / risks / risky风险6guilt / guilty负罪感6fair / unfair / unfairly公平6story / stories故事6breath / breathe / breathing / breathless呼吸


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