1、English Correspondence For International Trade外贸英语函电Introduction of this course 课程介绍外贸英语函电是商务英语与应用英语专业的一门专业主干课程,是融国际贸易业务知识与英语于一体的、理论性与实践性并重的实用英语课程。本课程注重理论与实践相结合,注重培养既有洽谈业务的能力,又会阅读和撰写商务英语信函的外贸人才。在具体的外贸业务中,外贸英语函电是国际贸易买卖双方最经常采用的联系方式。本课程的主要任务是使学生能够学会运用外贸流程中每个环节的专业词汇,基本句型和常见表达方法,熟悉在外贸业务中可能适用到的各种函电的写法,包括信
2、件的写作原则,信件的格式,进出口双方在磋商业务中使用的询价,报盘,还盘到最后的销售确认书和合同,以及同运输商联系运输事宜和同银行联系付款方式的信件的写作,撰写符合格式和内容准确的外贸英语函件和有关的业务合约和协议。Writing Principles of Business English Letters外贸函电的写作原则 7 “C”s (7“C”原则)1) Clearness 清楚(准确表达自己意思并确保对方准确领会) (一)避免用词错误:(二)注意词语所放的位置:(三)注意句子的结构: 2) Conciseness 简洁(开门见山,直入主题) (一)避免废话连篇 (二)避免不必要的重复 (
3、三)短句、单词的运用3) Courtesy 礼貌 语言要有礼且谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。4) Consideration 体谅 写信时要处处从对方的角度去考虑有什么需求,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。5) Completeness 完整 商务函电应完整表达所要表达内容和意思,何人、何时、何地、何事、何种原因、何种方式等。 6) Concreteness 具体 内容当然要具体而且明确,尤其是要求对方答复或者对之后的交往产生影响的函电。 7) Correctness 正确 表达的用词用语及标点符号应正确无误,因为商务函电的内容大多涉及商业交往中双方的权利、义务以及利害关系,如果出错势必
4、会造成不必要的麻烦。 Layout of Business English Letters外贸英语信函的结构Essential Parts 必需部分1. The letterhead 信头2. The date 日期3. The inside address 封内地址4. The salutation 称呼5. The body of the letter 信的正文6. The complimentary close 客套结束礼词7. The signature 签名Optional Parts 附加部分8. The References 参考编号9. The attention line 经
5、办人姓名/代号10. The subject line 事由/标题11. The Identification line主办人代号12. The enclosure 附件13. The carbon copy notation 抄送14. The postscript 再启(附言)1. Full-blocked format (齐头式)Letter head DateInside name and address Salutation Letter Body Complimentary close Signature Format of Business English Letters外贸英语
6、信函的格式2. Semi-block format (混合式或半齐头式)Letter headdateInside name and address SalutationLetter Body Complimentary close Signature 3.Indented Style(缩行式)Letter head DateInside name and addressSalutationComplimentary closeSignature Letter BodyA UK address: Air Environmental MechanicalEquipment Limited2076
7、 West Main StreetDevon, EX14 0RAU.K. 公司名称门牌号街道城市邮编国家1.The letterhead 信头(地址举例)日期的写法:(1)按 排列。例如:12th October, 2011或12 October 2011(英式英语)(2)按 排列。例如:January 24, 2011 (美式英语)注意: 年份应完全写出,不能用(00)来代表(2000)。 月份要写英文名称,不能用数字来代替。忌讳: 如12/10/19 is a bad taste, and it may easily cause confusion because in Britain t
8、his date would mean 12th October,19, but in the United States and some other countries it would mean 10th December,19. 月份名称可用缩写,如Aug.代替August;Oct.代替October;但May, June, July本身很短,不再减缩了。 2. The date 日期日 、月 、年月、日 、年日期 在信头和收信人名称地址之间, 格式:月-日-年 2.The date日期(美式日期举例)日期通常在收信人名称地址之下,可以齐头,也可以靠右格式:日-月-年 2.The da
9、te日期(英式日期举例)判断题: 1.2 May, 20- 2.2nd May, 20- 3.2 May 20- 4.September 21, 20- 5.September 21st, 20- 6. 11/12/20-3. Inside Address (封内地址) 封内地址是收信人的地址,与信封地址相同,一般写在信纸左上部,距信头日期以下三行,或根据信的长度适当调整。(Comma can be omitted逗号可以省略)4.The salutation 称呼位置:必须与封内地址齐头,位于封内地址以下两至三行处。写法:公司对公司:Dear Sirs,或Gentlemen:写给某个人:对男
10、士(正规):Dear Sir, 对女士(正规):Dear Madam, 对关系密切的商业伙伴:Dear Jack,Gentlemen后用冒号 5.The body of the letter正文要求:安排恰当、层次清楚、观点明确、态度诚恳。* 信函正文包括引言、中心部分和结尾。* 引言为信函的第一句话或第一段。 一般英文书信没有固定的引言,但人们常用一些客套话作为引言,如:提及对方来函的日期、编号及主题,以便使对方一看便知道来函是回复先前哪一封信的;或:对对方来函表示谢意;假如是首次致函对方,也可用引言作相应的自我介绍,并标明写信的主要目的。 例:Your kind letter of Nov
11、ember 12th arrived this afternoon.* 信函的中心部分是正文的主要内容,或提供信息,或说明情况,或请求解决问题。* 结尾部分用来总结信函内容,表达谢意与祝愿,请求合作与帮助,或期待回复等。6.The complimentary close 客套结束礼词位置:齐头式靠左对齐,混合式和缩行式偏右,简化式省略。正规场合下常用:1.Yours faithfully,2.Yours truly (Truly yours),3.Faithfully yours,4.Yours respectfully (下级给上级,子公司给总公司)第二个单词小写,用逗号或不用标点符号7.T
12、he signature 签名* 以自己名义签名的个人 Yours sincerely, (Signature) (Miss) Edith Underwood* 为其公司或部门签名的官员 Sincerely yours, Oriental Horizons Inc. (Signature ) Managing Director* 经特别授权的雇员的签名 Yours very truly, Mulsen Trading Co. Ltd. (Signature) pp Ralph L. Harris, Manager (pp = per pro 代表) 公司名字8.Reference Number
13、(参考编号)* 参考编号常用在商业信函中。 使用参考编号,便于归类存档。* Our ref. No.(发文号) Your ref. No.(收文号)10. The Subject Line 事由/标题位置: 1.称呼和正文之间 2.齐头式靠左,混合式和缩行式居中 3.要加下划线表示的是该信函的主题 1. Re: Your Order No.463 for1,000 Wide-screen TV Sets 回复:贵方第463号订单所订1000台宽屏电视机 2. Iron Nails 铁 钉11. The Identification Line 主办人代号位置:信纸的右下角,一般打印在签名处下面两
14、行,两组字母用斜线隔开,书写方式为: 主稿人姓和名 + 打字员姓和名主稿人姓和名(第一个字母) + 打字员姓和名(第一个字母) 1. Bill Clinton / Edward Nancy 2. B.C. / E.N.12.The Enclosure 附件位置:落款之下,左对齐说明:该信件有附件(照片,单据,报价单),附件不止一份的,则需标明件数 1. Enclosure 2. Encl. 3. Encl. As Stated(如文所述/所示) 4. Enclosure: Brochure(手册) 5. Enclosures:(2) 1) Price List 2) Samples13.The
15、 Carbon Copy Notation抄送 当写信人需要将信件副本交至其他相关人员时,可在主办人代号和附件下面注明 位置:附件之下,左对齐 表示:CC/cc,即 Carbon Copy的缩写该信件同时抄送给他人 1.明抄:cc Marketing Department 2.暗抄:bcc Mr. Simpson Carbon copy,收信人知道被抄送Blind carbon copy,收信人不知道被抄送,只出现在发给被抄送人的信件里14.Postscript再启(附言)1.强调或补充说明内容2.讲一些与正文没有关系的私事3.临时想起的小事表示方式:P.S./ PS / p.s.P.S. T
16、he samples will mailed to you tomorrow.CHINA NATION IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION SHANGHAI BRANCH 112 Huai hai Road, Shanghai 200010 Tel.:0086-21-81234567 Fax:0086-21-812345689June 6,2006Our Ref.:June-008Your Ref.: AN-020Anderson Company12 Hollywood BoulevardLos Angeles, California 97452U.S.A.信头Letter
17、 Head2. 日期Date8.参考编号Reference No.3.封内地址Inside AddressSampleAttention: Mr. John SmithDear Sirs,Subject: Iron NailsWe are interested to buy large quantities of Iron Nails of all sizes andshould be obliged if you would give us a quotation per M/T CFR Lagos,Nigeria.We look forward to hearing from you as
18、 soon as possibleYours faithfully,Tom MansonPurchasing Department ManagerB.C. / E.N.Enclosure :A copy of price listC.C.: Mr. Tony P.S. :Please call me9.经办人姓名 Attention4.称呼Salutation10.事由/标题 Subject5.信的正文Body6.结束礼词Complimentary Close7.签名Signature11.主办人代号The Identification line12.附件Enclosure13.抄送 CC14
19、.再启Postscript Envelope Addressing 信封信封代表公司的形象,要求准确、清楚、美观。1.信封上的姓名、地址必须与信内地址保持一致;2.发信人的姓名、地址写在信封的左上角,收信人的姓名、地址写在下半部偏右的位置上。文字可用齐头式或缩行式。一般以齐头式更为整齐、紧凑;3.信封的右上角为粘贴邮票的位置;4.信封的左下角可留作附注,如:“航空”(Par Avion / By Air),“挂号”(Registered),机密(Confidential)等等。StampSenders full nameSenders addressReceivers full nameRec
20、eivers addressRegisteredSample信封:齐头式举例写信人名称地址收信人名称地址:左端对齐信封:缩行式举例收信人名称地址:逐行右缩写信人名称地址逐行右缩邮寄方式Remarks(备注): 1. Private pravt 私人信 2. Confidential knfden()l机密信 3. Registered redstd 挂号邮件 4. Express kspres快递邮件 5. Ordinary Mail平信 6. Immediate (Urgent)急件 7. Printed Matter印刷品 8. Sample样品Via Air Mail ( By Airm
21、ail, or Par Avion)航空Registered 挂号Parcel Post 邮包Express 快递Samples Post 样品 1. Skill Training & Exercises Do by yourself 1.Translation 1)into Chinese (1)公司,法人 (2)公司 (3)股份有限公司 (4)我方参考编码 (5) 附件 (6)欧洲主要口岸E (7)进出口 (8)中华人民共和国 (9)经办人 (10) 附言2)into English (1) salutation (2) signature (3) c/o(care of) (4)accu
22、racy (5) private (6) confidential (7) registered (8) express (9) immediate(urgent) (10) by airmail 2. Fill in Blanks1. Letter Head2. Reference Number3. Date4. Inside Address5. Attention Line6. Salutation7. Subject8. Letter Body9. Complimentary Close10. Signature11. Enclosure12. The Carbon Copy Notat
23、ion3. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter.China National Chemicals Imp. & Exp. CorporationXijiao,Beijing,ChinaAugust 18, 2011Messrs.J.Brown & Co.143 Eastcheap, London E.C.3Dear Sirs, Shipping DocumentsWe are sending you under seperate cover a full set of non-ne
24、gotiable copies of shipping documents per S.S.PEACE.We hope that you will find everything in good order.Yours faithfully,Wang WeiManager China National ChemicalsImp.&Exp.Corporation齐头式3. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter.China National Chemicals Imp. & Exp. C
25、orporationXijiao,Beijing,ChinaAugust 18, 2011Messrs.J.Brown & Co.143 Eastcheap, London E.C.3Dear Sirs, Shipping Documents We are sending you under seperate cover a full set of non-negotiable copies of shipping documents per S.S.PEACE. We hope that you will find everything in good order.Yours faithfu
26、lly,Wang WeiManager China National ChemicalsImp.&Exp.Corporation半齐头式/混合式3. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter.China National Chemicals Imp. & Exp. CorporationXijiao,BeijingChina August 18, 2011Messrs.J.Brown & Co. 143 Eastcheap, London E.C.3Dear Sirs, Shipping
27、 Documents We are sending you under seperate cover a full set of non-negotiable copies of shipping documents per S.S.PEACE. We hope that you will find everything in good order. Yours faithfully, Wang Wei Manager China National ChemicalsImp.&Exp.Corporation缩行式Address an envelope for the above letter.
28、 China National Chemicals Imp. & Exp. CorporationXijiao, BeijingChina Messrs.J.Brown & Co. 143 Eastcheap London E.C. 3stampRegisteredChina National Chemicals Imp. & Exp. Corporation Xijiao, Beijing China Messrs.J.Brown & Co. 143 Eastcheap London E.C. 3stampRegistered20世纪90年代末,随着信息技术的普及和发展,电子商务得到迅速发展
29、。电传、传真和电子邮件等通信方式被广泛运用于商务交往中。传真传真由两部分组成:传真头和传真正文。传真头包括收件人姓名、职务、公司名、发件人姓名、职务、发送日期、传真号码、主题和页码等。传真正文的结尾要有发件人的签名。在撰写传真正文时,可以遵照正式商务信函的格局,但称呼和结束礼词可以省略。The Tendency of Business Correspondence商务函电的发展趋势11/10/01 12:35:08 +39 70 300 689 ANTONELLA ZANETTI PAGE 1OTTO ITALIAVia Toscana 1-20068 S.BOVID DI PESDHIERA
30、 AORROMED (MI)-Tel:02-75 393 1 Fax: 02-70 300 889 FROM: Antonella ZANETTI DATE: 11 10 01TO: Korinna KRAEMERFAX: 02 7 0 300 889RE: Order for Faci (314739) & Cristi(315227) Skirts PAGE: 1 of 1_ _ _Dear Mr. Aboe,. Antonella传真(Fax)Sample传真头:收件人姓名、职务、公司名、发件人姓名、职务、发送日期、传真号码、主题和页码等。(2)电子邮件(E-mail) 电子邮件(Ele
31、ctronic Mail ,简称E-mail)是通过电脑和国际网络把信息传送给别人的通讯方法,广泛应用于商务通讯。电子邮件的格式简单明了,通行各国、各种语言,其构成包括以下部分: 收件人;主题; 抄送; 暗送; 附件; 正文; 回复。电子邮件的一般格式!This message has high priority. (急件标示)To: (收件人)b-smithcc: (抄送)Mr. Brownbcc: (秘密抄送)Subject:(主题)Dear Mr. Smith, (称呼)_.(正文)Sincerely yours, (结尾敬辞)Tom White (签名)Director, Sales
32、DepartmentABC Company发件的一般格式收到电子邮件时,多了From:(发件人)和Date:(日期)两项。Date:(日期)31 December 2011 11:24:30From: (发件人)t-whiteTo: (收件人)b-smithSubject: (主题)-URGENT- (急件标示) Dear Mr. Smith,_ _.Sincerely yours, (结尾敬辞)Tom White (签名)Director, Sales DepartmentABC Company收件的一般格式外发的邮件收件人被抄送人被暗抄人事由主体部分添加附件处签名处主题/事由 1. Ski
33、ll Training & Exercises Do by yourself 1.Translation 1)into Chinese (1) 属于我们的经营范围 (2) 电子商务 (3) 网上贸易 (4) 网站 (5) 在平等互利的基础上 (6) 电子邮件 (7) 按你方产品设计 (8) 带EVA鞋底的跑步鞋 (9) 主要生产商 (10) 交货日期2)into English (1)the information super-highway (2)online business (3)digital library (4)E-world (5)E-life (6)fashionable de
34、sign(7)taking advantage of this opportunity(8)American online (9)a digital mobile phone (10) number of pages 2. Fill in a fax according to the given information.ADCO INDONESIA LTD.JL Lombok 44JakartaINDONESIAFax:(62) 21 3533368 Tel:(62) 21 353420FAX To: Mr Lee Jung Hyun Fax: (82)24316678 Tel: (82)24
35、316688From: Mr Kadir Aboe, Office Manager ADCO Indonesia Ltd. Date: 18 December, 2011 Pages: 1 2. Fill in a fax according to the given information.Dear Mr Lee,Delayed delivery of Order No.12345-01-18You will remember that last month we ordered 30 Tanson 1 GHz Pentium II Computers. We should have rec
36、eived the above order by 2 December. However, the products are now two weeks overdue .Would you please let me know what the status is right away?We urgently need these computers to upgrade the administrative functioning of our offices, and your delayed delivery has caused a great deal of inconvenien
37、ce.I should appreciate your looking into this matter and arranging for delivery of these computers within the next three days.I am afraid that if you are unable to deliver within this period, we shall be compelled to cancel our order and purchase from another supplier.Thank you for giving this order
38、 your special attention. Yours sincerely,Mr Kadir AboeOffice ManagerDate & Time of Dispatching the Message:Oct .18 2011 14:06 Senders Fax number:0086(21) - 32153544Senders Name:SMIEC CNReceivers Name:Smith Co. Page No.: #1Message:Dear Sirs,Our Commercial Counselors Office in your country has referre
39、d to us your enquiry for hand tools as they fall within the scope of our business. For your reference, we enclose a catalogue and price list of our latest products. As we are receiving large orders from our clients, it is quite possible that we may run short of supply. We would, therefore, suggest that you place your order with us at an early date.We look forward to your prompt reply.Yours sincerely,XXX 3.Write an English Fax according to the following information in Chinese.根据下列内容及格式写一封电子急件。Did you remember that at the end of
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