1、出口货运运输合同英文版货运合同即货物运输合同,是指当事人为完成一定数量的货运任务,约定承运人使用约定的运输工具,在约定的时间内,将托运人的货物运送到约定地点交由收货人收货并收取一定运费而明确相互权利义务的协议。以下是我为大家精心准备的:出口货运运输合同英文版3 篇,出口货运运输合同英文版一托 运 方 Shipper : _地 址: Add._ 邮码: Zip_ 电话:Tel_法定代表人: Legal representative_职务:_承 运 方: Carrier_地 址: Add_ 邮码: Zip_电话:Tel_法定代表人: Legal representative_职务:_根据国家有关运
2、输规定,经过双方充分协商,特订立本合同,以便双方共同遵守。The Shipper and the Carrierhereby enterthisContractthroughdiscussion according to the national related regulation.第一条货物名称、规格、数量、价款第1页 / 总共 15页Article 1. Name of goods, specifications, quantity, price第二条包装要求Article 2. Packing requirement托运方必须按照国家主管机关规定的标准包装; 没有统一规定包装标准的,应
3、根据保证货物运输安全的原则进行包装,否则承运方有权拒绝承运。The shippershallprovidestandards.For the non-standardgoods by guaranteeingthe safetyhas the right to refuse to transport.standardpackage as per the nationalpackage, the shippershallpack theof the goods. Otherwisethe carrier第三条货物起运地点货物到达地点Article 3. Place of departure, p
4、lace of destination第四条货物承运日期货物运到期限Article 4. Date of dispatch, date of arrival第五条运输安全要求Article 5. Safety requirement for transportation第六条货物装卸方法Article 6. Method of loading and unloading第七条收货人领取货物及验收办法Article 7. Reception and checking of the goods第八条运输费用、结算方式Article 8. Freight and settlement第2页 / 总共
5、 15页第九条各方的权利义务Article 9. Rights and Obligation of both sides一、托运方的权利义务The rightsand obligationof the shipper托运方的权利:要求承运方按照合同规定的时间、地点、把货物运输到目的地。货物托运后,托运方需要变更到货地点或收货人,或者取消托运时,有权向承运方提出变更合同的内容或解除合同的要求。但必须在货物未运到目的地之前通知承运方,并应按有关规定付给承运方所需费用。The shippers rights: Requesting the carrier totransport the goods
6、to the destination on time stipulated in thiscontract. After transferring the goods to the carrier, if theshipper needs to change the destination or the consignee, theshippershallhave the rightto change the contentsof the contractor cancel the contract. However, the shipper shall inform thecarrier b
7、efore the arrival at destination, and pay the relevantcharges to the carrier.托运方的义务:按约定向承运方交付运杂费。否则,承运方有权停止运输,并要求对方支付违约金。托运方对托运的货物,应按照规定的标准进行包装,遵守有关危险品运输的规定,按照合同中规定的时间和数量交付托运货物。The shippersobligation:Paying the freightand othercharges as the contractto the carrier.Otherwise,the carriershall第3页 / 总共
8、15页have the right to stop transporting, and claim to the shipper ofthe punishment. The shipper shall pack the goods according tostandards,and abide by the transportationregulationsof dangerousgoods, and transferthe goods to the carrieras stipulatedquantityand time in the contract.二、承运方的权利义务The right
9、sand obligationof the carrier承运方的权利:向托运方、收货方收取运杂费用。如果收货方不交或不按时交纳规定的各种运杂费用,承运方对其货物有扣压权。查不到收货人或收货人拒绝提取货物,承运方应及时与托运方联系,在规定期限内负责保管并有权收取保管费用,对于超过规定期限仍无法交付的货物,承运方有权按有关规定予以处理。The carriers right: Charging the freight and othercosts to the shipper and the consignee. If the consignee refusesto pay orfailsto p
10、ay on time ofthe stipulatedfreightand costs,the carriershallhave therightto retain thegoods. Ifthearrivalnotice cannot reach the consignee or the consignee refuses toreceive the goods, the carrier shall have the right to custody thegoods within the stipulated period and charge for it. In case thegoo
11、ds can not be deliveredafterthe stipulatedperiod,thecarriershall have the right to dispose the goods according to relativeregulations.承运方的义务:在合同规定的期限内,将货物运到指定的地点,第4页 / 总共 15页按时向收货人发出货物到达的通知。对托运的货物要负责安全,保证货物无短缺,无损坏,无人为的变质,如有上述问题,应承担赔偿义务。在货物到达以后,按规定的期限,负责保管。The carriers obligation: Delivering the good
12、s to thedestination on time, and informing the consignee of the arrival intime.The carriershallbe responsibleforthe safetyof the goods,protect the goods from shortage, damage, and contriveddeterioration. Otherwise, the carrier shall be obliged tocompensate the shipperor consignee.The carriershallcus
13、tody thegoods for stipulated period after the arrival of the goods.三、收货人的权利义务The rights and obligation of theconsignee收货人的权利:在货物运到指定地点后有以凭证领取货物的权利。The consignees right: Taking the goods at thedestination by presenting bill of cargo.收货人的义务:在接到提货通知后,按时提取货物,缴清应付费用。超过规定时间提货时,应向承运人交付保管费。The consignees ob
14、ligation: Taking the goods on timeupon receipt of the notice of arrival, and paying the charges. Theconsignee shall pay the custodial fees when the time is overdue.第十条违约责任第5页 / 总共 15页Article 10. Obligation for Breach一、托运方责任:The shipper未按合同规定的时间提供托运的货物,托运方应偿付给承运方违约金 _ 元。If the shipper does not delive
15、ry the goods to the carrier asper the stipulatedtime,the shippershallpay to the carrierRMB_as a penalty.由于在普通货物中夹带、匿报危险货物,错报笨重货物重量等招致吊具断裂、货物摔损、吊机倾翻、爆炸、腐烛等事故,托运方应承担赔偿责任。In the case of the shipper putting dangerous goods togetherwith the normal cargo, or concealing heavy items, thus result inbreakage
16、of hoistingtools,droppingof goods,turn-over ofcrane,explosion, corrosion, etc. the shipper shall take the obligationof compensation.由于货物包装缺陷产生破损,致使其他货物或运输工具、机械设备被污染腐蚀、损坏,造成人身伤亡的,托运方应承担赔偿责任。If others cargo or transport facilities are pollutedor corroded, or persons are injured or dead due to the defe
17、ct ofpackage, the shipper shall take the obligation of compensation.二、承运方责任:The carrier不按合同规定的时间和要求配车、发运的,承运方应偿付甲方违第6页 / 总共 15页约金 _元。If the carrier does not load or ship the goods as per thestipulated time, the carrier shall pay to the shipper RMB_ as apenalty.2、承运方如将货物错运到货地点或接货人,应无偿运至合同规定的到货地点或接货人。
18、如果货物逾期达到、承运方应偿付逾期交货的违约金 _。If the carrier delivers the goods to wrong destination orwrong consignee, the carrier shall make correction. If the goodsdo not arrive at the destination on time, the carrier shall pay tothe shipper RMB_ as a penalty.运输过程中货物灭失、短少、变质、污染、损坏,承运方应按货物的实际损失 ( 包括包装费、运杂费 ) 赔偿托运方。If
19、 loss, shortage, deter operation, pollution or damageshould occur to the goods, the carriershallcompensate forthe loss(including the packing cost and freight) to the shipper.在符合法律和合同规定条件下的运输,由于下列原因造成货物灭失、短少、变质、污染、损坏的,承运方不承担违约责任:The carrier shall not be obliged for loss, shortage, deteroperation, pol
20、lution or damage resulted from the followingreason(s):不可抗力 ;Force Majeur第7页 / 总共 15页货物本身的自然属性;the nature of the goods货物的合理损耗;reasonable loss托运方或收货方本身的过错。Faults of the shipper or theconsignee本合同正本一式二份,合同双方各执一份.This contract hasoriginal of duplicate.出口货运运输合同英文版二编 号 (No.): _签约地点 (Signed at):_日 期 (Date)
21、: _卖方 (Seller):_地址 (Address):_电话 (Tel) : _传真 (Fax) : _电子邮箱 (E-mail):_买方 (Buyer): _地址 (Address): _电话 (Tel): _传真 (Fax): _电子邮箱 (E-mail): _买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交:The undersigned Seller and Buyer have agreed to close thefollowing transactions according to the terms and conditions setforth as below:第8页 / 总共 15页
22、货物名称、规格和质量 (Name, Specifications and Quality of Commodity) :2.数量 (Quantity):3.单价及价格条款(Unit Price and Terms of Delivery):( 除非另有规定, FOB、CFR和 CIF 均应依照国际商会制定的 20 xx 年国际贸易术语解释通则(INCOTERMS 20 xx)办理。 )The terms FOB,CFR,or CIF shallbe subjectto the InternationalRules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (I
23、NCOTERMS 20 xx)provided by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) unlessotherwise stipulated herein.)4.总价 (Total Amount):5.允许溢短装 (More or Less): _%.6.装运期限 (Time of Shipment):收到可以转船及分批装运之信用证_天内装运。Within_ days afterreceiptof L/C allowingtranshipmentand partial shipment.7.付款条件 (Terms of Payment):买方须于
24、_ 前将保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证开到卖方,该信用证的有效期延至装运期后_天在中国到期,并必须注明允许分批装运和转船。By Confirmed , Irrevocable, Transferableand DivisibleL/Cto be available by sight draft to reach the Seller before _第9页 / 总共 15页and to remain valid for negotiation in China until _after theTime of Shipment. The L/C must specify t
25、hat transshipment andpartial shipments are allowed.买方未在规定的时间内开出信用证,卖方有权发出通知取消本合同,或接受买方对本合同未执行的全部或部份,或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔。The Buyer shall establish a Letter of Credit before theabove-stipulated time, failing which, the Seller shall have theright to rescind this Contract upon the arrival of the notice atBuye
26、r or to accept whole or part of this Contract non fulfilled bythe Buyer , or to lodge a claim for the direct losses sustained,if any.包装 (Packing) :保险 (Insurance) :按发票金额的 _%投保 _险,由 _负责投保。Covering _ Risks for_110% of Invoice Value to beeffected by the _.10.品质 / 数量异议 (Quality/Quantity discrepancy):如买方提
27、出索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起30 天内提出,凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起15 天内提出,对所装货物所提任何异议于保险公司、轮船公司、其他有关运输机构或邮递机构所负责者,卖方不负任何责任。第 10页 / 总共 15页In case of qualitydiscrepancy, claimshould be filedby theBuyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at port ofdestination, whilefor quantitydiscrepancy , claimshould be filed
28、by the Buyer within 15 days after the arrival of the goods at portof destination.Itis understoodthatthe Sellershallnot be liablefor any discrepancy of the goods shipped due to causes for whichthe Insurance Company, Shipping Company , other TransportationOrganization /or Post Office are liable.由于发生人力
29、不可抗拒的原因,致使本合约不能履行,部分或全部商品 延误交货,卖方概不负责。本合同所指的不可抗力系指不可干预、不能避免且不 能克服的客观情况。The Sellershallnot be held responsibleforfailureor delayin delivery of the entire lot or a portion of the goods under thisSales Contractin consequence of any Force Majeure incidentswhichmight occur. Force Majeure as referred to i
30、n this contract meansunforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objectiveconditions.仲裁 (Arbitration):因凡本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,如果协商不能解决,应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会。按照申请仲裁时该会当时施行的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。第 11页 / 总共 15页Any dispute arising from or in connection with the SalesContractshallbe settledthroughfrie
31、ndlynegotiation.In casenosettlementcan be reached , thedisputeshall thenbe submittedtoChina International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission(CIETAC) , Shenzhe Commission for arbitration in accordance withits rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. Thearbitral award is final a
32、nd binding upon both parties.13.通知 (Notices):所有通知用 _文写成,并按照如下地址用传真/ 电子邮件 / 快件送达给各方。如果地址有变更,一方应在变更后_日内书面通知另一方。Allnoticeshallbe writtenin _ and served to both partiesby fax/e-mail/courieraccordingto the followingaddresses.Ifanychanges of the addresses occur, one party shall inform the otherparty of the change of address within _ days after the change.本合同为中英文两种文本,两种文本具有同等效力。本合同一式 _ 份。自双方签字 ( 盖章 ) 之日起生效。This Contracti
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