已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、基于 PHP 技术的校园网站的设计与实现【摘要】随着我国经济与科技的不断发展, 教育信息化、 校园网络化作为 网络时代的教育方式和环境, 已经成为教育发展的方向。 校园网作为 教育教学、科研、 管理等工作的一个平台和基础设施,它的建成有助 于加强教师之间、 师生之间的沟通交流, 改变传统的教学模式和教育 管理方法,对推动教育信息化发展具有重要意义。本文结合初中教育的特点和当前校园网建设和应用的现状, 根据 天津市三十中学的实际情况, 提出了一套适应我校教育教学状况的校 园网站的建设方案。校园网站采用了先进的B/S开发模式,基于PHP 技术和 MySQL 数据库管理技术。论文对校园网站的研制和开

2、发进行 了详细的需求分析, 并对系统功能和数据库作了周密的设计, 并重点 就开发网站的总体架构和实现的主要特点做了详细的论述。该课题在推动我校适应当前信息化技术发展, 改善教育教学的信 息化管理, 提高教育教学资源利用率等方面有着现实的意义。 随着该 系统的逐步完善,这个教学网站可以被广泛推广使用。【关键词】校园网 PHP技术 MySQL B/S基于PHP技术的校园网站的设计与实现Based on the PHP technologycampus website design and the realization【Abstract With developme nt of scie nee

3、and tech no logy, as educati onal mode and the environment in the internet age, educational information and campus network have become direct ion of the educati onal developme nt. As a platform and in frastructure for education and teaching, scientific research, management and so on, campus network

4、which has important significance in promoting the development of educational in formati on is good for stre ngthe ning the com muni catio n and excha nge betwee n teachers, stude nts and teachers, and it also can cha nge the traditi onal teachi ng mode and educati onal man ageme nt methods.In this p

5、aper, according to the actual situation in Tianjin No.30 Middle School, we comb ine junior middle school educati onal characteristic with the curre nt situati on about con structi on and using on campus n etwork and proposed a set of con structive schemes about campus website platform to adapt to ed

6、ucati on and teach ing status in our school. The campus website platform adopts adva need B / S developme nt mode, based on the PHP tech no logy and MySQL database man ageme nt tech no logy. Mean while, as well as detailed descripti on in web developme nt framework and main characteristics, we carri

7、es out a detailed n eed ing an alysis on campus website platform research and developme nt, and desig ns the systematic fun cti on and the database carefully.The subject has a realistic significance in our school to promote the development of in formati on tech no logy, to improve the educati on and

8、 teachi ng in formatio n management and the teaching resources utilization and so on. As the system improveme nt step by step, this platform can be widely used.【KeywordsCampus Network MySQL PHP B/S131. 引言计算机信息技术的飞速发展,网站建设直接关系到信息的发布传递和下载, 影响着社会信息化发展的进程,其地位显而易见,也因此网站的建设深受重视。 我们目前急需解决的一个非常重要的问题就是: 如何利用

9、新技术构建一个校园网 络平台,加快学校信息化的进程,改善学校的信息环境,提高信息管理水平和工 作效率,加强对教育教学信息的管理;提高教学水平和效率,提升学校的知名度。天津市三十中学作为一所达到现代化达标标准的普通初中学校,该课题在对校园网平台相关理论进行研究的基础上,采用了先进的B/S开发模式,基于PHP技术和MySQ数据库管理技术对该网站进行设计和开发。解决我校教育教学资源 建设与管理的现实问题。该课题的研究意义体现在:推动我校适应当前信息化技术发展,改善教育教 学信息的管理,提高教育教学资源利用率,加强学校、老师、学生和家长的联系, 提升学校的知名度,使校园网成为学校建设中不可缺少的一个重

10、要组成部分。鉴于以上原因,我选择基于PHP技术的校园网站的设计与实现这一课题,作为 我的论文题目。2. 校园网现状我校地处天津市河北区边远城乡结合地区, 是一所普通初中校,其地位和声 誉都逊于一般学校。在此之前,我校没有自己的校园网站,对于各处室的工作均 是采用纸质办公,往往传达一些通知文件通过最原始的办法。这样既浪费人力又 费时。对于教师的档案管理也比较混乱,常出现经常让老师们上交获奖论文课件 等,但还找不到的情况,不利于学校资源的合理有序的管理和利用。 通过校园网 站改善教育教学信息的管理,提高教育教学资源利用率。学校所招收的学生对学 习缺之兴趣、缺之主动性,往往有厌学、学习困难等现象。调

11、动学生学习的积极 性和主动性,加大宣传,提升学校知名度。针对以情况的分析,一是通过校园网站的“网站信息”、“网站公告”模块加 大宣传,使社会公众对我校的了解不断加深,加大宣传,提升学校知名度;二是 借助校园网站这一平台的“共享资源”、“友情链接”模块,使教师摆脱重理论轻 实践的应试教育理念,合理地采用生动、丰富的现代教育手段以适应我校学生的特点,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高学生的学习效果。3. 需求分析校园网是一个实用性很强的系统,其设计规划和解决方案优良、成败的关键 不在于使用多么价高、性优的设备和前沿的技术,而是看其是否能深入了解学校 的需求,并通过技术反应在应用系统设计中,使有限的

12、资金为学校提供贴切而有 效地服务。我所在学校为天津市三十中学,是一所普通初中校,作为学校的校园网站, 不仅对校内起着信息交流、资源共享、方便办公管理和教学活动以及丰富校园文 化的作用,对外也是学校与外界交流的窗口,具有向社会介绍学校情况,展现学 校特色,与教师、家长和学生的交流。本校园网站设置了四种用户权限: 超级管理员、处室管理员、注册用户和匿 名用户,他们在整个系统中具有不同的功能需求和权限。“超级管理员”主要负责用户管理、公告管理、资源管理和系统管理等;“处室管理员”主要完成本部 门的信息的添加、编辑、删除等操作;“注册用户”可以浏览相关信息,发表评 论,留言、下载学习资源等操作;“匿名

13、用户”是未经注册的网站访客,只享有 浏览页面的权限。另外,还需要网站界面简洁、大方、友好、易于操作。4. 网站的设计与实现4.1网站的设计4.1.1功能设计本系统的功能设计采用 B/S结构(Browser/Server,浏览器/服务器结构)和 模块化的设计思想。它是一个适用于 In ternet环境下的模型结构。所有的模块 按某种方法组织起来,成为一个整体,完成整个系统所要求的功能,每个模块完 成一个特定的功能,且尽量保持其独立性。该网站结构优化,可扩展性强,代码 基于三层架构原理编写,这样既降低了软件系统的复杂性,又有利于提高系统的 可读性、可维护性。根据应用需要,该校园网站从逻辑功能上分为

14、 7大功能模块,其功能结构图,如图4.1,具体说明如下:图4.1校园网站功能结构图1 用户注册与登录:用户分为管理员和普通用户。对当前登录者输入的必要信息,系统根据用户注册时提交并保存在数据库中的信息,进行验证。合法用户通过验证,进入到功能页面,非法用户拒绝登录,并进行相应提示。2 网站公告:公告学校的最新信息和新闻。3共享资源:为师生提供丰富的教育教学资源。4 网站信息:“网站信息”其栏目设置如下,所谓栏目设置就是对要发布 的信息进行归类,使信息发布后显示在相应栏目的对应位置。 该网站设置了学校 概况、党建工作、职能处室、德育在线、教学资源等几个栏目。5站内搜索:在站内实现相关主题或内容的查

15、询。6. 友情链接:对相关的教育教学资源站点进行链接, 共享其教育教学资源, 方便浏览者获取更多的有效资源。7. 站内调查:了解用户对某些问题的意见、观点等,及时调整方针政策。4.1.2 数据库设计在系统的数据库设计中,先要对系统分析得到的数据图中的数据存储进行分 析,分析各数据存储之间的关系,然后得出系统的关系模式。该校园网站是一个 主要面向我校三十中学使用的平台, 数据库的设计要遵循建立数据库的原则, 做 到尽量使用最少的数据库表、最优化的去实现我校校园网功能的需求, 提高数据 存储的效率,保证数据的正确性、有效性、相容性,并使检索数据库做到最简单 和咼效。数据库设计是系统最重要的部分,一

16、个数据库设计的好坏直接影响系统的最 后质量。根据对我校校园网站的需求分析,本系统在数据库中建立了以下主要数 据结构表。表4.1为数据表清单,如表:表4.1 数据表清单序号数据表名称数据表说明1dede adm in系统用户管理表2dede fli nk友情链接表3dede member会员表4dede plus插件管理表5dede sysconf系统参数表6ig dede archive文档主表7s dede m yn ews公告管理表8dede arctype栏目表结构系统用户管理表(表:dede_admin):存储系统中所有后台管理员的用户名、密码、性别、电话、邮箱、登录时间等信息。友情链

17、接表(表:dede_flink ):存储链接网站的相关信息,包括网站名称、 网址、简要说明、添加时间等。会员表(表:dede_member):存储系统中所有前台用户的信息,其中包含 用户名、用户登录密码、密码问题、问题答案、电子信箱等。插件管理表(表:dede_plus ):用于管理系统中的各种插件。系统参数表(表:dede_sysconfig ):用于管理系统的各项参数。文档主表(表:dede_archives ):存储系统中所有的文章信息,包括编号、 标题、文章内容、作者、添加日期等。公告管理表(表:dede_mynew:用于管理网站所发布公告的相关信息,包 括公告标题、内容、作者、添加时

18、间等。栏目表结构(表:dede_arctype ):用于存放网站的栏目。4.2网站的实现4.2.1开发环境1. 硬件环境:配置不低于奔腾 2.4G处理器,硬盘320G,内存1G以上。2. 软件环境:操作系统为 Windows2003 Server或Linux,使用IE6.0以上 浏览器,并安装Apache和MySQI数据库。3. 网站开发工具:使用 DreamweaverMX来进行PHP代码的设计,数据库管 理系统使用MySQ数据库。开发过程中使用Photoshop CS,Flash MX等作为开发 辅助工具,使用Apache配置平台服务。4.2.2模块实现本网站是天津市第三十中学校园网,主要

19、用于校内教育教学活动、科研、办公管理更加便捷以及丰富校园文化的作用, 对外具有向社会介绍学校情况,展现 学校特色,与教师、家长和学生的交流,成为学校与外界交流的窗口。系统主界面,如图4.2所示:s rniri httoh it学九年破嘉黔甲元黛三课捱二氧化癒ail-M-22T、数学董进黒*句段走遽11-05-19 *14;卜散宁王隹竣W元一婀等式粗冷2S10-11-33逐文白帘扫煞:直击 5:火职能处室教学资滅学橈槪况党建工柞由.工ia 古图4.2 校园网主界面1. 普通用户注册与登录普通用户登录验证的主要功能是,当前登录者输入必要信息,系统根据用户 注册时提交并保存在数据库中的信息, 进行验

20、证。合法用户通过验证,进入到功 能页面,非法用户拒绝登录,并进行相应提示。用户注册主要是将用户的个人资料上传,并将其进行本地校验。如果发现用户资料不符合要求,比如对于用户名的判断不符合要求,则要求用户进行修改。判断用户名是否符合要求(带*号的为必填项目;用户名必须大于 3位小于 20位,可以使用中文,但禁止除.以外的特殊符号;密码请输入 3位以上 字符,不允许空格;显示密码强度等等),当完成检验后用户提交注册,转到相 关功能页面处理。用户如果忘记密码,可以点击登录界面中的“忘记密码”,进入找回密码界 面,按步骤依次完成,可重新设定密码。2. 管理员登录管理员登录后台对信息进行管理,登录通过权限

21、判断,超级管理员可以完成 系统设置、栏目设置、栏目管理、用户管理、信息管理以及系统备份等操作。各 处室管理员可以完成栏目设置和信息管理, 只有在后台登录才可以完成相应处室 的信息添加、修改和删除操作。通过审核的管理员进入后台相应的功能页面, 未 通过审核的非法管理员进行相应提示拒绝登录。信息发布流程图如图4.3所示,其工作流程为:管理员登陆通过权限判断, 处室管理员完成栏目设置和信息管理;超级管理员除了可以完成处室管理员的操 作外,还可以进行系统设置、栏目管理,用户管理及系统备份等操作。图4.3信息发布流程图3. 用户管理用户管理部分能够实现用户分为不同的级别,根据用户的级别设置相应的权 限,

22、对应授予高级别能够对数据库中用户的信息全部或部分进行修改的权力,其中高级别用户具有授权低级别用户管理网站部分内容的功能。比如信息发布员的发布栏目要由高级别的处室管理员进行授权。4. 栏目管理栏目管理功能包括预览、内容、增加子类、更改、移动、删除栏目等功能, 提供栏目名称、栏目属性、内容模型、浏览权限等功能的设置,还可以对查看权 限、投稿权限等功能进行设置。以创建新栏目为例,在“学校概况”栏目下,点 击增加子类,会弹出“增加栏目”工作界面。5. 文章管理处室管理员登录之后,若要添加信息,点击添加文章,可以添加具体内容, 并可以设置标题、归属栏目、文章属性、导读设置等功能,最后确定保存。6. 网站

23、公告功能实现网站公告的主要功能是公告学校的最新信息和新闻,可以添加、编辑和删除 公告。发布公告后显示在网站首页的显要位置。添加公告工作界面如图4.5所示, 以发布“我校运动会圆满结束”公告为例,生成的公告如图 4.6所示:帐网站公告【公告】菠校运动会團蒜结束辛由 adtniii2O12-OyiO 布三+中学如口年学校春运合,在 片欢笑靑中圆满结束了。向获奖的 个人和班级表示热烈的祝贺! m 的猱奖不仅是你们个人的光荣,班图4.6发布公告效果图图4.5添加公告工作界面7. 站内搜索功能实现站内搜索页面提供依据关键字、从网站栏目、发布时间、内容类型(普通文 章、图片集、软件)等几个方面进行搜索。8

24、. 友情链接功能实现友情链接主要是将校园网链接到其他相关网站,用来快速链接到常用的有用 网站,扩大信息量,可以添加链接、编辑链接、删除链接等操作。5. 结束语本论文通过构建天津市三十中学的校园网站, 主要完成的工作:分析了校园 网站的现状,并结合我校的特点阐述了开发校园网站的意义; 结合我校实际需求,阐述了系统的设计思想,分析了系统的需求,确定了系统的功能;在此分析和设 计的基础上,完成了论文的重要研究部分,介绍了系统开发环境、数据库管理技 术及部分功能模块的实现。校园网的设计与实现是一个繁杂、长期的系统工程,其建设过程是一个技术 不断融合和更新、资源不断整合、管理不断完善的过程。因此,作者在

25、今后的学 习、工作中,将继续研究并改进该系统,使之能够更好、更高效地为本校的教育 教学工作服务。希望通过本文的工作,能够为该课题的后续研究提供一些新的想 法,对接下去的研究工作能有所帮助。【参考文献】1 傅钢善,杜平某中学校园网建设方案J.中国教育信息化,2009.22 (基础教育)70-722 周晓新.基于B/S模式的网络教学平台的设计与实现:硕士学位论文.天津:天津师范大学,20093 王亚鸽.基于PHP技术交流平台的设计与实现J.电子科技,2011,24 ( 6): 78-794 丛荣华,杜丹冰,尚亚丽.中小学校园网的建设与应用J.长春师范学院学报 (自然科学版).2009 年 10月.

26、28 卷第 5期(106-108)郭碧江.校园网管理应用平台的设计与开发硕士学位论文.上海:华东师范大学,2011刘杰.基于PHP和MySQL的成绩查询系统J.软件导刊,2009,8 ( 5): 94-95肖维明.基于PHP+MySQ的网站开发J.81马学军.信息技术教学网站建设的实践与探讨JJ.教育信息技术,2007,11,29-30请删除以下内容,0( A _ A )0 谢谢! ! An arbitrary title given to a funerary work from ancientEgypt called pert em hru, the translation of whic

27、h is coming forth by day, or manifested in the light. Several versions or recensions of this work are known, namely those of7物流工程与管理,2009,31 ( 6): 90J.教育信息技术,2007,11,29-30everal versions or recensions of this work are known, namely those of Heliopolis, Thebes, and Sais, differing only inasmuch as th

28、ey were edited by the colleges of priests founded at these centers. Many papyri of the work have been discovered, and passages from it have been inscribed upon the walls of tombs and pyramids and on sarcophagi_and mummy-wrappings. One very complete co- 一一py is on display at the Egyptian Museum in Tu

29、rin, Italy. ofextremelyhow early it say, but in centuries it and contains chapters, complete been found. chaptersIt is undoubtedly early date; exactly would be difficult to the course of was greatly added to modified. It about 200 but no papyrus has Theare quite independent of one another, and were

30、probably all composed at different times. The main subject is the beatification of the dead, who were supposed to recite the chapters in order that they might gain power and enjoy the privileges of the new life. The work abounds in magical references. The whole trend of the Book of the Dead is thaum

31、aturgic, as its purpose is to guard the dead against the dangers they have to face in reaching the other world. As in most mythologies, the dead Egyptian had to encounter malignant spirits and was threatened by many dangers before reaching his haven of rest. He also had to undergo judgment by Osiris

32、, and to justify himself before being permitted to enter the realms of bliss. This he imagined he could in great part accomplish by the recitation of various magical formula and spells, which would ward off the evil influences opposed to him. To this end every important Egyptian of means had buried

33、with him a papyrus of the Book of the Dead, containing at least all the chapters necessary for encountering the formidable adversaries at the gates of Amenti, the Egyptian Hades. These chapters would assist him in making replies during his ceremony of justification. First among these spells were the

34、 words of power. The Egyptians believed that to discover the secret name of a god was to gain complete ascendancy over him. Sympathetic magic was in vogue in Egyptian burial practice, which explains the presence, in tombs of people of means, of paintings of tables laden with food and drink, with ins

35、criptions attached conveying the idea of boundless liberality. Inscriptions like the following are extremely common To the ka essential double or soul of so-and-so, 5,000 loaves of bread, 500 geese, and 5,000 jugs of beer. Those dedications cost the generous donors little, as they merely had the obj

36、ects named painted upon the wall of the tomb, imagining that their ka or astral counterpart would be eatable and drinkable by the deceased. This of course is merely an extension of the Neolithic conception that articles buried with a man had their astral counterparts and would be of use to him in an

37、other world. Pictorial representation played a considerable part in the magical ritual of the Book of the Dead. One of the pleasures of the dead was to sail over Heaven in the boat of Ra, and to secure this for the deceased one must paint certain pictures and mutter over them words of power. Regardi

38、ng this belief, E. A. Wallis Budge states in his book Egyptian Magic (1889): On a piece of clean papyrus a boat is to be drawn with ink made of green abut mixed with anti water, and in it are to be figures of Isis, Thoth, Shu, and Khepera, and the deceased; when this had been done the papyrus must b

39、e fastened to the breast of the deceased, care being taken that it does not actually touch his body. Then shall his spirit enter into the boat of Ra each day, and the god Thoth shall take heed to him, and he shall sail about with him into any place that he wisheth. Elsewhere it is ordered that the b

40、oat of Ra be painted in a pure place, and in the bows is to be painted a figure of the deceased; but Ra was supposed to travel in one boat (called Atet) until noon, and another (called Sektet) until sunset, and provision had to be made for the deceased in both boats. How was this to be done? On one

41、side of the picture of the boat a figure of the morning boat of Ra was to be drawn, and on the other a figure of the afternoon boat; thus the one picture was capable of becoming two boats. And, provided the proper offerings were made for the deceased on the birthday ofOsiris, his soul would live for

42、 ever, and he would not die a second time. According to the rubric to the chapter in which these directions are given, the text of it is as old, at least, as the time of Hesept, the fifth king of the 1st. dynasty, who reigned about 4350 B.C. , and the custom of painting the boat upon papyrus is prob

43、ably contemporaneous. The words of power were not to be spoken until after death. They were a great mystery, but the eye of no man whatsoever must see it, for it is a thing of abomination for every man to know it. Hide it, therefore, the Book of the Lady of the Hidden Temple is its name. This would

44、seem to refer to some spell uttered by Isis-Hathor that delivered the god Ra or Horus from trouble, or was of benefit to him, thus was concluded to be equally efficacious in the case of the deceased. Many spells were included in the Book of the Dead for the purpose of preserving the mummy against mo

45、lding and for assisting the owner of the papyrus to become as a god and to be able to transform himself into any shape he desired. Painted offerings were also provided so the deceased would be able to give gifts to the gods. It is apparent that the Book of the Dead was undoubtedly magical in charact

46、er, consisting as it did of a series of spells or words ofpower, which enabled the speaker to have perfect control over all the powers of Amenti. The only moment in which the dead man is not master of his fate is when his heart is weighed by Thoth before Osiris. If it does not conform to the standar

47、d required for justification, he is cast out; except for this, an absolute knowledge of the Book of the Dead safeguarded the deceased in every way from the danger of damnation. A number of the chapters consist of prayers and hymns to the gods, but the directions as to the magical uses of the book ar

48、e equally numerous; the concept of supplication is mingled with the idea of circumvention by sorcery in the most extraordinary manner.There is a lso evidence of a higher proportion of perinatal complications (complications arising around the time of giving birth) among children with autistic symptom

49、s. These complications include maternal bleeding after the first trimester and meconium in the amniotic fluid. (Meconium is a substance that accumulates in the bowel of the developing fetus and is discharged shortly after birth.) Some evidence suggests that the use of medications during pregnancy ma

50、y be related to the development of autistic symptoms. As newborns, children with autistic behaviors show a higher rate of respiratory illness and anemia than healthy children. ALLERGIES, INFECTIONS, AND IMMUNIZATIONS. Some professionals believe that autistic disorders may be caused by allergies to p

51、articular fungi, viral infections, and various foods. No controlled studies have supported these beliefs, but some parents and professionals report improvement when allergens and/or certain foods are eliminated from the diet. Viral infections of the mother, such as rubella, or of the young child, su

52、ch as encephalitis, mumps, and measles, occasionally appear to cause autistic disorders. The issue is not how hazardous boxing is but whether the hazards are acceptable. The term autism refers to a cluster of conditions appearing early in childhood. All involve severe impairments in social interacti

53、on,;grappling,communication, imaginative abilities, and rigid, repetitive behaviors. To be considered an autistic disorder, some of these impairments must be manifest before the age of three. The reference book used by mental health professionals to diagnose mental disorders is the Diagnostic and St

54、atistical Manual of Mental Disorders , also known as the DSM. The 2000 edition of this reference book (the Fourth Edition Text Revision known as DSM-IV-TR ) places autism in a category called pervasive developmental disorders . All of these disorders are characterized by ongoing problems with mutual

55、 social interaction and communication, or the presence of strange, repetitive behaviors,interests, and activities. People diagnosed with these disorders are affected in many ways for their entire lives. Description Each child diagnosed with an autistic disorder differs from every other, and so gener

56、al descriptions of autistic behavior and characteristics do not apply equally to every child. Still, the common impairments in social interaction, communication and imagination, and rigid, repetitive behaviors make it possible to recognize children with these disorders, as they differ markedly from

57、healthy children in many ways. Many parents of autistic children sense that something is not quite right even when their children are infants. The infants may have feeding problems, dislike being changed or bathed, or fuss over any change in routine. They may hold their bodies rigid, making it diffi

58、cult for parents to cuddle them. Or, they may fail to anticipate being lifted, lying passively while the parent reaches for them, rather than holding their arms up in return. Most parents of autistic children become aware of the strangeness of these and other behaviors only gradually. Imagine too the state of even the winners hands, protected only by having been soaked in brine. With their c


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