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小池初级中学2014-2015学年第一学期期中质量监测八年级英语试题( 时间:90分钟 满分:100分)班级: 姓名: _ 成绩: 听力部分(20分)i. 听句子,选择句中所听到的单词. (5分)( ) 1.a. famous b. excited c. favorite( ) 2.a. bicycling b. skating c. skiing( ) 3.a. examine b. spread c. examining( ) 4.a. remember b. december c. however( ) 5a. far from b. all over the world c. instead ofii. 听问句,选择合适的应答句. (5分)( ) 6. a. no, thank you. b. not at all c. i want a shirt.( ) 7. a. thank you all the same. b. it doesnt matter. c. that is a good idea.( ) 8. a. how about next wednesday? b. what about having a party?c. shall we go and meet them tonight?( ) 9. a. you are welcome. b. really? i was in the reading-room. c. i didnt look for you.( ) 10. a. i like it very much. b. it is very beautiful. c. i dont like it very much.iii. 听对话及问题,选择最佳答案. (5分)( ) 11. a. eight oclock b. about eight oclock. c. about seven oclock.( ) 12. a. kates birthday. b. anns birthday. c. bruces birthday.( ) 13. a . its very difficult. b. its very interesting. c. its very important and useful.( ) 14. a .he is waiting for his brother. b. he is waiting for a bus. c. he is feeling too tired.( ) 15. a. hes going to see a doctor. b. hes going wait for a bus.c. he is going to see his brother.iv. 听短文,选择最佳答案。(5分)( ) 16.hands are usually _ than feet for most people.a. less important b. more important c. less useful( ) 17. tom lives with_. a. his feet b. his hands c. playing( ) 18.tom had to play in the street because_.a. his parents were poor. b. his father played there. c. their house was too small( ) 19.toms father _ a real ball at first for him.a. didnt make b. made c. bought( ) 20.tom is one of the _ football players in the world.a. worst b. best c. biggest笔试部分(80分)i. 单词释义。(6分)( ) 1. i am fond of playing volleyball. a. hate b. enjoy c. am afraid of( ) 2. he always takes care of me at school. a. all the time b. in the daytime c. at least half an hour( ) 3. lets have a game. who can reach the farm first? a. be on the way to b. get to c. arrive( ) 4. you can see many flowers here and there in our school. a. a kind of b. plenty of c. a lot of( ) 5. he felt angry. a. worried b. serious c. unhappy( ) 6. the doctor visited his patients in hospital. a. illness b. healthy men c. sick menii. 单项选择。(12分)( ) 1. -which do you prefer, milk or coffee? -i prefer coffee _ milk. a. to b. than c. on( ) 2. eating_ is not good for your health. a. too little b. much too c. enough too( ) 3. would you mind making _ with the foreign people after games? a. friend b. a friend c. friends( ) 4. on my way _ home, i met an old friend of mine. a. to b. / c. at( ) 5. i am not good _ english. will you please help me _ it? a. with, at b. at, to c. at, with( ) 6. close the windows! its windy. it_, a. rained b. rain c. is going to rain( ) 7. i got_. i had the wrong direction. a. lost b. lose c. losing( ) 8. -whats_? -there are great changes everywhere in china. a. going right b. going on c. going ahead( ) 9. you should do _best to finish your work on time(按时)。 a. yours b. yourselves c. your( ) 10. cba means _. a. 中国篮球协会 b. 全美篮球协会 c. 国际篮球协会( ) 11. the olympic rings have the colors of_. they stand for the five parts of the world. a. blue, yellow, black, green and redb. blue, yellow, black, green and whitec. blue, yellow, grey, green and white( ) 12. he is _ to take care of himself. a. enough old b. enough c. old enough. 情景交际。(12分)(a). 根据情景,选择正确的上句或者下句。( ) 1. -_ -much better, thank you. a. how are you feeling today? b. what happened to you? c. what can i do for you?( ) 2. -sorry. i filled the form by mistake yesterday evening. -_ a. shame on you. youre too careless. b. dont make the same mistake again! c. it doesnt matter.( ) 3. must we lift the heavy boxes now? -_ a. yes, you may not. b. no, you mustnt. c. no, you dont have to.( ) 4. -_ -she spends more than half an hour there. a. how often does she spend in the reading-room every week? b. how long does she spend in the reading-room every week? c. how much does she spend in the reading-room every week?( ) 5. -why not go with us? -_ a. im afraid not. my right hand is painful. b. sue. id be glad to.c. i dont think so. ill go with you next time.( ) 6. -_ -yes, he swims well. a. is he good at swimming? b. are you good at swimming? c. does he swim very well?(b) 句子排序,完整对话。( ) 7. a: how should we prevent(预防)it effectively(有效地)?( ) 8. b: hi, may i ask you some questions, dr wang?( ) 9. c: we should form a nice living habit. we must eat balanced diet and do more exercise.( ) 10 d: oh, sure, but we mustnt be afraid of catching a cold. its a very common disease.( ) 11. e: yes, please.( ) 12. f: i often have a bad cold. is it going to be very serious for me?. 句型转换,按照要求完成下列句子改写,每空填一词,并注意大小写。(10分)1. youd better take a message for her. (改写为否定句) you _ _ _ take a message for her.2. call him back! (改写为否定句) _ _ him back!3. there will be more roads in our town. (改写为一般疑问句) _ _ _ more roads in your town?4. they must not sweep the floors today.(对划线部分提问) _ _ they _ the floors?5. he had to take his brother to the doctors.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he _ to take his brother?6. going to bed early and getting up early will keep you active in the daytime.(改为同义句)going to bed early and getting up early will keep you active _ _ _.7. our english teacher is good at telling jokes. (改为同义句) our english teacher_ _ _ telling jokes. 完型填空。(10分)food is very important to our 1 .everyone needs to eat well 2_ he or she wants to have a strong body. our minds, _3_ our bodies, always the need best food. this kind of food is knowledge(知识). we start 4 knowledge when we are very young.studying on our own 5 us the most knowledge. when we get 6 , we should enjoy reading and learning about all kinds of things. if we 7 accept(接受)answers without thinking about 8 , we never learn well. when we study in the right 9 and get knowledge on our own, we enjoy learning. we 10 learn more and understand better.( ) 1. head b. mouth c. health d. country( ) 2 . so b. if c. before d. until( ) 3. a. in b. to c. like d. by( ) 4. a. get b. gets c. got d. getting( ) 5. a. brings b. takes c. sends d. makes( ) 6. a. young b. old c. younger d. older( ) 7. a. ready b. often c. just d. first( ) 8. a. it b. them c. her d. they( ) 9. a. day b. way c. time d. place( )10.a.either b. both c. also d. last. 阅读理解。(20份)(a)when you cut your skin, you bleed(流血). if a person loses a lot of blood (血), he will become ill and may die. blood is very important. people have known that. at one time, some people even drank blood to make them strong!when doctors understand how blood goes around inside the body, they try ways of giving blood to people who need it. they take blood from the healthy people and give it to people who need it. this is called “blood transfusion”. the blood goes from the arm of the sick person.but there are two problems. first, it does not always work. sometimes people die when they have blood transfusion. later, doctors find that we do not all have the same kind of blood. there are four groups - o, a, b and ab. we all have blood of one of these groups. they also find that they can give any kind of blood to people of group ab. but they find that they must give a group blood to a group people and b group blood to b group people. i have o group blood and the doctor told me that i could give blood to anyone else safely.there is another problem. to give blood of the right kind, doctors have to find a person of the right blood group. often they can not find a person in time. if they have a way to keep the blood until someone needs it, they can always have the right kind of blood. at first they find they can keep it in bottles for fifteen to twenty days. they do this by making it very cold. then they find how to keep it longer. in the end they find a way of keeping blood for a very long time.we call a place where we keep money a “bank”. we call a place where we keep blood a “blood bank”. one day, when you grow up, you may decide to give blood to a “blood bank”. in this way you may stop someone from dying. or perhaps one day you become ill. you may need blood. the “blood bank” will give it to you.( ) 1. from the passage, we learn that sometimes people die when they have blood transfusions because they _.a. are unhealthy people b. have lost a lot of bloodc. are not given the right kind of blood d. are ab group people( ) 2. which of the following is true? a. doctors can give any kind of blood to the writer. b. the writer can give blood to b group people. c. the writer has never had a blood transfusion. d. the writer has the same kind of blood as his father.( ) 3. people set up the “blood bank” so that they can_. a. give the right kind of blood to the people who need it in time. b. keep different groups of blood as much as possible. c. make it easier to sell or buy blood d. keep blood for more than twenty hundred years( ) 4. from the last paragraph(段落) of the passage, we learn that_. a. the writer thinks its good to give blood to a “blood bank” b. we may become ill if we give blood to a “blood bank” c. many people died because they lost a lot of blood d. blood is more important than money( ) 5. the writer doesnt talk about _ in the passage. a. how important blood is to us b. the four groups of blood c. where the blood bank isd. what “ blood transfusion” is (b)most americans enjoy moving from place to place. for example, they often drive their cars 120 to 160 kilometers away just to have dinner with a friend or even fly to europe just for watching a football math. in some states only one person in five lives in a place for more than five years. one may be born in one city, and go to school in another. he may finish his middle school in two or three cities, and then attend( 出席) a college far across the country. when he has entered business, he may possibly(可能地)move from job to job. moving from one job to another, which is called “job-hopping”, is a very common practice in the united states.job hopping does good to workers, because every change of a job gives them a chance to move up to a higher position(位置) and to get better pay. and job hopping also give bosses the chance to get new ideas and skills(技巧) that different people bring to their companies(公司) and factories.( ) 6. according to (根据) this passage, americans often travel_. a. in order to have dinner with their friends b. in order to watch football matches c. to enjoy themselves d. in order to find a job( ) 7. in some places in america,_ for more than five years. a. most people stay in one place b. about 20% of the people live in one place c. the owners of houses stay in one place d. the owners of five houses stay in one place( ) 8. in the usa job hopping _. a. has become a custom(风俗)b. had helped young people to attend a college c. has helped students to enter business d. has helped workers in traveling( ) 9. the writer thinks _. a. job hopping does good only to the bosses b. job hopping does good neither to the workers nor to the bosses c. little of the job hoppingd. highly of the job hopping( ) 10. the writer wants to say _. a. if the country is rich. probably people dont like to move b. in the usa people probably like to change their homes when they get new jobs c. job-hopping may cause trouble in the country d. job-hopping may cause some people to lose theirs jobs. 书面表达。(10分)a: aboutb: comesc: eachd: excitede: makef: plentyg: celebratingh: morei : right根据图示和对话内容,在所给方框内选择适当词汇填空,使对话意义完整,其中第6小题需要笔头填写答案。a:how happy the people are! why are they so _1_?b:because china gained the _2_ to host the 2008 olympic. they are _3_ our success. this is a success for _4_ chinese.a: how much do you know _5_ the olympic?b:quite a lot. a: really? what day will the 2008 olympic be held in beijing?b: _6_, 2008.a: thanks a lot. id like to know _7_ through the internet later.b: well have _8_ of wok to do before that day _9_. well try our best to _10_ it be a greatest game in the world.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._听力材料及答案i. 听句子,选择句中所听到的单词1. david beckham is a famous soccer star. 2. how often does she go bicycling? 3. dr lee is examining the patients. 4. remember me to your parents. 5. this school has students from all over the world. ii. 听问句,选择合适的应答句6. would you like to have some tea? 7. i am going to give our english teacher some flowers for teachers day. 8. when shall we meet again? 9. where did you go? i looked for you everywhere. 10. how do you like your grandmas farm? iii. 听对话及问题,选择最佳答案.11. w: the game will start at five to eight.m: we have one hour to get there.q: what time is it now? 12. w: hi, kangkang. tomorrow is anns birthday. will you go to her party?m: yes, ill go there with bruce.q: whose birthday is it tomorrow?13. w: tom, i find it is difficult to learn maths well. i would like to give it up


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