已阅读5页,还剩26页未读 继续免费阅读




1、- - 启明学院选拔考试复习指导适用于全部想要考入启明学院的亲- -.可修编 - . - - 本卷须知:全部历年的试题是的不外售,所以市面买的试卷都是假的,都是投 机的“ 热心青年的杰作, 题目每年都会有转变; 本套试题是某一届师哥师姐根 据回忆和后期加工制作的; 保证了权威性和真实性, 并且出于公益绝不以盈利为 目的期望各位亲敬重前人的劳动,不要用来挣学校弟学妹的 money总论启明学院的优惠政策,包括保研率60%左右,每人一个导师的制度,仍有就是试验室的优先使用权,奖学金的评定优势加权高,名额多等;并且师资配备也是很好的;剔除机制: 除执行学校本科生学籍治理规定外,凡显现以下情形之一者,

2、应转出学院 一学年学业评判不合格; 二因各种缘由受警告或警告以上处分;三 因身体状况不能坚持连续学习;四自愿申请退出;入学须知同济局部鉴于以往招生的各种事端总结,特此公示几个考前 须知; 1.进入这个班不是全部的人都会出国,每年交换生名额有 6 个,原那么是 三届中德班竞争名额, 但主要是大二和大三这两届中德班共享,合同两年签一次,有停顿续约的可能;不过一般会有合同的;2.出国虽然不收学费,但是生活费仍是要自己出的,大约 7-10 万人民币,小城市可能会少一些;3.这个班是本科六年制的; 4.在报考之前请确定自己会真心想参与这个班级,在这里说明一下,每年都会几个同学通过了笔试却舍弃面试资格,这

3、样自己可能无所谓, 但是却占用了宝贵的面试名额,对那些真心想进入的同学是个不公正的恶性竞争;5.信任不是每个报考中德班的临床专业的人都是想要出国吧,所以要认真考虑假如不出国的话,能不能承担 6 年本科,究竟其他专业的同学使用这个考试时机可以转专业,对于已经是临床专业同学的意义要权衡一下;- -.可修编 - . - - 主校区院系本卷须知同样是进这个班的意义问题,有人说好,保研率高,试验班,有人却在里面被埋没,明明很努力却连奖学金都拿 不到;选拔考试分笔试和面试 ;考生报名后将会参与启明学院的统一笔试,笔试容为高中所学学问 高考完不要松懈啊, 并且英语不计入总分一般就是往年的英语四级题目加工!包

4、括笔试数学,难度和高考相当, 建议把各种根本学问复习一下,并且假期做一下的数学高考卷;题目量很少但是分值高;英语,是分级考试根本是四级考试题难度,不会计入总分;是分级测试的;物理化学 一般会考的,有些年份不考, 2022,2022年都考试了, 2022和2022年没有考试,但是仍是充分备考,高考水平;综合涉及政治,历史地理,规律才能可以参考一下省的综合考卷,都是根本常识的,涉及经济局部也都是常识,比方货币政策,通货膨胀等,高中政治能考的比拟难的就是经济了,那些政治制度一般不会考试的, 仍有就是规律思维,比方找规律等,的综合考卷只是参考,难度没有那么难的;- -.可修编 - . - - 笔试成果

5、排名时不包含英语成果英语不好的松口气,依据排名会有 50名左右的考生获得面试资格;面试前填写2022字以上中文申请书;参与面试后经老师打分打算最终其实参与面试的大局部都能录用的;面试中德班局部,其他班没有收集过程,等待后人补充4、面试容为 1.一般话读文章 2.读英语段落 3.和一两句简洁的德语;放心 中,英,德句子都很简洁但是有时会要求用英语做简短自我介绍,所以提前预备 4.仍有就是考试官问答,题目一般是学医的目的,上中德班的缘由,家庭状况,高考理想的容等; 酌情答复有技巧啊 面试特殊的重要,甚至高过笔试,因为面试官可是同济医学院的领导,他们的看法打算你的命运, 平常就应当大大方方的,有肯定

6、的表达才能, 表达自己, 他们要什么样的同学你就表现什么样子 即可笔试通过后, 就离胜利特别近了; 谈谈面试,面试主要考察三个方面: 语言、家境、言谈;程序是先读一段报纸新闻,在读一段英语,然后有老师或是外教会说德语让你 仿照;这个环节是为了看你有没有才能学德语;然后就和一群领导自我介绍,他 们会问你家境是否贫困, 能不能承当多出来的一年的费用等等;整个过程都要举 止大方啦 哦对了,确定面试资格后,要写个人简历,不是很重要;如何预备暑假是一个大好的预备启明的时机,全部的时机都在你自己手中, 是否去争取,全凭自觉; 信息已经给出了, 从知道开场, 都不该懈怠, 假如你情愿报考;- -.可修编 -

7、 . - - 捡起高中课本,笔记,练习,做做英语,听听听力;真的,转入临床的时机只有一个;考试是在军训期间,军训很累,但是不要忘了听力不要忘了理想;考这个班并不是想象中的那么难,一步步来,就成为了启明人;高考题型难度,应当考虑做几套的高考题就是高考难度,不会很难的都是根本常识性知识;真的,比方货币通货膨胀一类的,3 年没有考试过生物;个人认为到达四级水平考试就够了,那些词汇实在追求不了;英语不计入总分;2.然后是数学,比高中学问难,里面有一些高数的简洁容;3.物理,感觉比高中难,没有竞赛水平,物理和数学只建议复习好高中容;华中科技高校启明学院选拔考试数学局部1. 7 分设 x、y 分别是和的温

8、度,这些温度不是独立的,概率 Px=37 =a,Py=37 =b,Pmaxx,y=37 =c,那么 Pminx,y=37 为 a+b-cPx37=1-a Py37=1-b Pmaxx,y=37=px=37py37+py=37px37+py=37px37+px=37py=37 - -.可修编 - . - - 上面两式相加有Px=37py37+py=37px37+2px=37py=37=c+pminx,y=37 解得 pminx,y=37=a+b-c 2. 7分给定抛物线族,那么a变化时抛物线族的顶点的轨迹方程为;顶点3. 7 分设 fx=ax 2+bx+c a0,且 fm=f n+f m-nm,

9、其中 fx表示 fx的导数,那么 的值为;am 2+bm+c=an 2+bn+c+2a+bm-n 化简得=4. 7 分设三次多项式fx=x3+3x2+ax+b,且设 f2x=f xmx+n,其中 m,n 为某实数,那么 与 m,n 无关f2x=f xmx+na= 12 ,b= -16注: a,b 应为详细的值,8x 3+12x2+2ax+b=3x2+6x+amx+n=3mx3+3n+6mx2+6n+amx+an 8=3m;12=3n+6m;2a=6n+am;b=an; 联立求解- -.可修编 - . - - 5. 7 分设函数 fx在除 x=0 和 x=1 外的全部实数处都有定义且满意方程 f

10、x+f =1+x ,那么满意这些条件的函数 fx=6. 12 分设 a,b 是数,数列 x n 按以下定义:x0=a,x1=b,xn+1=试用a,b表示极限;可以认为知道比方;7. 18 分1说明方程 x 2-xy+y 2+x+y+1=0 仅一组解,并求出这一解;2说明平面曲线 x 3+3xy+y 3=1 的外形;3说明曲线 x 3+3xy+y 3=1 上只有三个不同的点可构成一个等边三角形,并求出这个等边三角形的面积;8. 14 分求 |sinx+cosx+ 值;在其定义域上的最小- -.可修编 - . - 上的函数 fx满意 f- =f9. 21 分设定义在xfy,且 f10. 证明:(1

11、) fx=f-x=f |x| x;(2) 对任意正整数 n 和任意实数 x,成立 f归纳法;x=f x n要求:用数学(3) 对任意有理数 r,成立 fr= ; (4) 假设 fx仍到处连续,从上面的事实中你能得到什么结论?为什么?华中科技高校启明学院选拔考试综合局部第一题20分2022年高校新生收到录用通知书时,仍受到了一个公益囊和悦读感,公益囊是指利用暑假时间做公益活动,并记录活动的点点滴滴, 悦读那么是重温 .弟子规 .并且要在读书记录卡上写明读书的时间,地点,和谁读,读后感等;假如你是相关新生,你会怎么做,如何对待这一现象;其次题,20分有人说 :创新才能来自于奇怪心,有人说来自于文化

12、制度,仍有说是严苛的训- -.可修编 - . - - 练,你认为高校生的创新来源什么?第三题20分微博是传统媒体模式的一种补充,其快速的信息传递模式和互动性,始终是传统媒体的渴求, 但有些人却认为微博让人变得心情繁重,负面新闻,你如何对待这一问题?第四题20分由于微博里布满着大量的2022年 6 月 16 日,中国国足 1 比 5 输给泰国队, 8 月 9 日,中男篮在大比分 领先状态下, 被台北反超, 这场突如其来的失败让球迷把中男篮比做男足,你认 为两大球失败有共同点吗?第五题20分中国经济高速开展的同时环境污染问题日益凸显,的雾霾重重,被称为 光灰 城市等,你认为作为公民该如何应对环境污

13、染问题?华中科技高校启明学院选拔考试英语局部- -.可修编 - . - - 英语不计入总分一般就是往年的英语四级题目加工!华中科技高校高校英语教学模式为了贯彻训练部 .高校英语课程教学要求 .,充分调动同学英语学习的主动性和潜在能力,进一步提高教学质量,在总结高校英语教学改革经受的根底上,我校 2022 级本科生大学英语将连续实施学分制分层次教学模式;现将该模式的主要容和要求描述、说明如下:教学模式描述层教学教学课程学第一学期其次学期教学方案第四学期次对象目标分第三学期层根底根本根底14 根 底 英 语根 底 英 语根底英语 A 根底英语 A 一般A A 次学时: 56 学时: 56 的学要求

14、英语学时: 56 学时: 56 一学分: 3.5 学分: 3.5 生学分: 3.5 学分: 3.5 层英语较高根底14 根 底 英 语根 底 英 语根底英语 B 根底英语 B 根底英语学时: 28 学时: 28 A A 次良好中级英语中级英语要求中级学时: 56 学时: 56 二的学学时: 28 学时: 28 学分: 3.5 学分: 3.5 生英语学分: 3.5 学分: 3.5 层英语更高根底14 根 底 英 语根 底 英 语根底英语 C 根底英语 C 学时: 课外自学时: 课外自学 学 根底英语A A 高级英语 高级英语 次优秀要求高级学时: 56 学时: 56 学时: 28 学时: 28

15、三的学学分: 3.5 学分: 3.5 高级英语 高级英语 生英语学时; 26 学时; 26 学分: 3.5 学分: 3.5 说明 1.三个层次的划分:本科新生 同济医学院本科生除外在入学的第一周参与高校英语分级考试;见“ 华中科技大学高校英语分级考试大纲;本大纲可从华中科技高校外国语学院主页下载,网址为:./ ;依据分级考试成果,高校外语系详细确定各层次同学;2.教学目标:1层次一:同学通过两学年的根底英语学习,要求英语水平到达训练部 .高校英语课程教学 要求 .规定的一般要求:2层次二:同学通过两学年的根底英语和中级英语学习,要求英语水平到达训练部 .高校英 语课程教学要求 .规定的较高要求

16、;3层次三:同学通过两学年的英语学习其中第一、其次学期为根底英语,第三、四学期为高级英语,并课外自学根底英语教材,要求英语水平到达训练部.高校英语课程教学要求.规定的更高要求;3.课程设置 : 1根底英语:指传统的兼顾听、说、读、写、译等技能的通用高校英语课程;根底英语课 按学时数分为 A56 学时 、B32 学时 和 C课外自学 三类:2中高级英语:指在根底阶段高校英语课中传授、培育特地语言学问或技能的课程,如:- -.可修编 - . - - 中、高级听说、 英美影视、 媒体视听、 英美文化、 西方企业文化、 英美文学选读、 时文赏析、进阶写作、应用文写作、科技翻译、商务英语等;中级英语为层

17、次二的同学开设:高级英语为层次三的同学开设;4.考试科目、成果报告,层次异动:第一、二学期三个层次的同学均每周学习四学时根底英语课程层次二和层次三将适当补充教学容,期末参与根底英语考试,报告分数为根底英语成果;及格者,记3.5 学分层次一和层次二的学生,成果特殊优秀者下学期可以进入高层次学习;成果不及格者须重修;层次二和层次三学生,成果不及格者将于下学期降到低层次学习;第三、四学期 层次 1.考试科目:根底英语2.成果报告及学分:报告分数为根底英语成果:及格者,记 该课程;3.5 学分;不及格者须重修3.级别异动: 课程成果特殊优秀者下学期将进入层次二或层次三学习 本条第四学期不适用;层次二

18、1.考试科目:根底英语中级英语2.成果报告及学分:报告分数由两局部构成:根底英语成果占 50和中级英语考试成绩占 50:报告分数及格,记 3.5 学分:报告分数不及格者,须重修其中没有及格的课程;已及格课程成果在运算重修报告分数时仍有效;3.级别异动:凡根底英语成果不及格者下学期将降至层次一学习,且失去参与中级英语学习的资格;凡根底英语成果特殊优秀者下学期将升至层次三学习本条第四学期不适用;层次三1.考试科目:根底英语高级英语 高级英语 2.成果报告及学分: 报告分数由三局部构成:根底英语成果 占 20,高级英语 成果占 40和高级英语 成果 占 40:报告分数及格,记 3.5 学分;报告分不

19、及格者,须重 修其中没有及格的课程;已及格课程成果在运算重修报告分数时仍有效;3.级别异动:凡根底英语成果不及格者下学期将降至层次二或层次一学习,且失去参与高级英语或中级英语学习的资格本条第四学期不适用;注: 1.报告分数指向教务处、同学本人及同学所在院系报告的期末英语综合评定分数;2.考试科目成果由卷面成果和平常成果构成,层次三同学第三、四学期的根底英语成果即为卷面成果3.三个层次根底英语考试为同一试卷华中科技高校教务处华中科技高校外国语学院高校外语系华中科技高校2022 级新生入学英语分级考试全真模拟1Part Listening prehension Section ADirection

20、s: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, yo

21、u must read the four choices marked A, B,C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 留意:此局部试题请在答题卡2 上作答;1.A He has proved to be a better reader than the woman. B He has difficulty understanding the book. C

22、He cannot get access to the assigned book. - -.可修编 - . - - D He cannot finish his assignment before the deadline. 2.A She will drive the man to the supermarket. B The man should buy a car of his own. C The man neednt go shopping every week. D She can pick the man up at the grocery store. 3.A Get mor

23、e food and drinks. B Ask his friend to e over. C Tidy up the place. D Hold a party. 4.A The talks can be held any day except this Friday. B He could change his schedule to meet John Smith. C The first-round talks should start as soon as possible. D The woman should contact John Smith first. 5.A He u

24、nderstands the womans feelings. B He has gone through a similar experience. C The woman should have gone on the field trip. D The teacher is just following the regulations. 6.A She will meet the man halfway. B She will ask David to talk less. C She is sorry the man will not e. D She has to invite Da

25、vid to the party. 7.A Few students understand Prof. Johnsons lectures. B Few students meet Prof. Jonsons requirements. C Many students find Prof. Johnsons lectures boring. D Many students have dropped Prof. Johnsons class. 8.A Check their puter files. B Make some putations. C Study a puter program.

26、D Assemble a puter. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9.A It allows him to make a lot of friends. B It requires him to work long hours. C It enables him to apply theory to practice. D It helps him understand people better. 10.A It is intellectually challenging. B I

27、t requires him to do washing-up all the time. C It exposes him to oily smoke all day long. D It demands physical endurance and patience. 11.A In a hospital. B At a coffee shop. C At a laundry. D In a hotel. 12.A Getting along well with colleagues. B Paying attention to every detail. - -.可修编 - . - -

28、C Planning everything in advance. D Knowing the needs of customers. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13.A The pocket money British children get. B The annual inflation rate in Britain. C The things British children spend money on. D The rising cost of raising a ch

29、ild in Britain. 14.A It enables children to live better. B It goes down during economic recession. C It often rises higher than inflation. D It has gone up 25% in the past decade. 15.A Save up for their future education. B Pay for small personal things. C Buy their own shoes and socks. D Make donati

30、ons when necessary. 来源 :考试大 -英语四级考试 Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four ch

31、oices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. 留意:此局部试题请在答题卡 2 上作答; Passage One Questions 16 to 19 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 16.A District managers. B Regular customers. C Sales directors. D Senior cler

32、ks. 17.A The support provided by the regular clients. B The initiative shown by the sales representatives. C The urgency of implementing the panys plans. D The important part played by district managers. 18.A Some of them were political-minded. B Fifty percent of them were female. C One third of the

33、m were senior managers. D Most of them were rather conservative. 19.A He used too many quotations. B He was not gender sensitive. C He did not keep to the point. D He spent too much time on details. Passage Two Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. 20.A State your problem

34、to the head waiter. B Demand a discount on the dishes ordered. C Ask to see the manager politely but firmly. D Ask the name of the person waiting on you. - -.可修编 - . - - 21.A You problem may not be understood correctly. B You dont know if you are plaining at the right time. C Your plaint may not rea

35、ch the person in charge. D You cant tell how the person on the line is reacting. 22.A Demand a prompt response. B Provide all the details. C Send it by express mail. D Stick to the point. Passage Three Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard. 23.A Fashion designer B Architect

36、. C City planner. D Engineer. 24.A Do some volunteer work. B Get a well-paid part-time job. C Work flexible hours. D Go back to her previous post. 25.A Few baby-sitters can be considered trustworthy. B It will add to the familys financial burden. C A baby-sitter is no replacement for a mother. D The

37、 children wont get along with a baby-sitter. Part Reading prehension Reading in Depth Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage thro

38、ugh carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 47 to 56 are based on the fo

39、llowing passage.When we think of green buildings, we tend to the kind of high-tech, solar-paneled masterpieces that make the covers of think of new ones architecture magazines. But the U.S. has more than 100 million existing homes, and it would be _26_ wasteful to tear them all down and _27_ them wi

40、th greener versions. An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the construction of those houses. And it would take an average of 65 years for the _28_ carbon emissions from a new energy-efficient home to make up for the resources lost by destroying an old one. So in the broadest _29_, the

41、 greenest home is the one that has already been built. But at the same time, nearly half of U. S. carbon emissions e from heating, cooling and _30_ our homes, offices and other buildings. You cant deal with climate change without dealing with existing buildings, says Richard Moe, the president of th

42、e National Trust. With some _31_, the oldest homes tend to be the least energy-efficient. Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2022, mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that _32_ over time and let in more outside air. Fortunately, there are a _

43、33_ number of relatively simple changes that can green older homes, from _34_ ones like Lincolns Cottage to your own postwar home. And efficiency upgrades 升级 can save more than just the earth; they can help _35_ property owners from rising power costs. - -.可修编 - . - - 留意:此局部试题请在答 题卡 2 上作答;A acmodati

44、ons B clumsy C doubtful D exceptions E expand F historic G incredibly H powering I protect J reduced K replace L sense M shifted N supplying O vast Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there

45、are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage One Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. You never see him, but theyre with you every time you fly. They re

46、cord where you are going,how fast youre traveling and whether everything on your airplane is functioning normally. Their ability to withstand almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of a ic book.Theyre known as the black box. When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on

47、its way to oros Islands in the India ocean June 30, 2022, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong. So when a French submarine 潜水艇 detected the devices homing signal five days later, the discovery marked a huge step toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passenge

48、rs were killed.In 1958, Australian scientist David Warren developed a flight-memory recorder that would track basic information like altitude and direction. That was the first mode for a black box, which became a requirement on all U.S. mercial flights by 1960. Early models often failed to withstand

49、 crashes, however, so in 1965 the device was pletely redesigned and moved to the rear of the plane the area least subject to impact from its original position in the landing wells 起落架舱 . The same year, the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes, which were never actually black, be painte

50、d orange or yellow to aid visibility. Modern airplanes have two black boxes: a voice recorder, which tracks pilots conversations,and a flight-data recorder, which monitors fuel levels, engine noises and other operating functions that help investigators reconstruct the aircrafts final moments. Placed

51、 in an insulated 隔绝的 case and surrounded by a quarter-inch-thick panels of stainless steel, the boxes can withstand massive force and temperatures up to 2,000. When submerged, theyre also able to emit signals from depths of 20,000 ft. Experts believe the boxes from Air France Flight 447, which crash

52、ed near Brazil on June 1,2022, are in water nearly that deep, but statistics say theyre still likely to turn up. In the approximately 20 deep-sea crashes over the past 30 years, only one planes black boxes were never recovered. 留意:此局部试题请在 答题卡 2 上作答; 36. What does the author say about the black box.

53、A It ensures the normal functioning of an airplane. B The idea for its design es from a ic book. C Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible. D It is an indispensable device on an airplane. 37. What information could be found from the black box on the Yemeni airliner. A Data for analyzing the

54、cause of the crash. B The total number of passengers on board. C The scene of the crash and extent of the damage. D Homing signals sent by the pilot before the crash. 38. Why was the black box redesigned in 1965. A New materials became available by that time. - -.可修编 - . - - B Too much space was nee

55、ded for its installation. C The early models often got damaged in the crash. D The early models didnt provide the needed data. 39. Why did the Federal Aviation Authority require the black boxes be painted orange or yellow. A To distinguish them from the colour of the plane. B To caution people to ha

56、ndle them with care. C To make them easily identifiable. D To conform to international standards. 40. What do we know about the black boxes from Air France Flight 447. A There is still a good chance of their being recovered. B There is an urgent need for them to be reconstructed. C They have stopped

57、 sending homing signals. D They were destroyed somewhere near Brazil. Passage Two Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.The $11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like I never do anything right into positive ones like I can succeed.

58、 But was positive thinking advocate Norman Vincent Peale right. Is there power in positive thinking. Researchers in Canada just published a study in the journal Psychological Science that says trying to get people to think more positively can actually have the opposite effect: it can simply highligh

59、t how unhappy they are. The studys authors, Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick, begin by citing older research showing that when people get feedback which they believe is overly positive, they actually feel worse, not better

60、. If you tell your dim friend that he has the potential of an Einstein, youre just underlining his faults. In one 1990s experiment, a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled. When the essayists were later praised for t


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