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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。2试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。3考试结束后,考生须将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。. 单项选择1、The meat on the plate _ so delicious. Lets try it together.AsmellsBsoundsCfeels2、A friend in need is a friend indeed. The only way a friend is to be one.Afor ha

2、vingBhavingCto have3、Where is your uncle? I havent seen him for a long time.He Beijing for about half a year. He moved there Last November.Ahas gone to Bhas been to Chas arrived in Dhas been in4、Which pair of the words with the underlined letters doesnt have the same sound?ApoemBpositionCperiod5、 me

3、 a chance and Ill bring you a surprise.AGiveBGivingCGivesDTo give6、Everyone is born _ the ability to learn.AatBonCwithDin7、- excellentworkyouhavedone! -Itsverykindofyoutosayso.AWhatan BHow CWhat DHowan8、一Mom, can I draw little sheep in a short time?一Dear, I think you can.Aso; soBsuch; soCso; suchDsu

4、ch; such9、Mr. Green _ London, but he will come back in two days.Ahas been toBhas gone toCgoes toDleaves10、My radio didnt work yesterday. I tried to _ what was wrong with it.Afind outBcome outCmake upDlook up. 完形填空11、When Harold got up one morning, he looked from the window, He saw that the ground 1

5、with snow. On the side of the house ,the snow was 2 than Harold.“We must have a path through this snow,”said his father. “I would make one 3 I had time. But I must be at the office early this morning. Do you think you 4 make the path, my son?” he asked little Harold. “I? why? The snow is higher than

6、 me! How could I ever cut 5 path through that snow?” “How ? You can do it little by little . I hope you will try. ” said the father. Then his father left 6 his office.Later, Harold set to work. He threw up first one shovelful(一铲), and then another, 7 it was slow work. “ I dont think I can do it ,mot

7、her,” he said 8 . “A shovelful is so little ,and there is so much snow.” “Little by little, Harold.” said his mother .”That snow fell little by little ,but you see how much it 9 .” Yes, mother, I see,” said Harold .“If I throw it away little by little, it will soon be gone.”So he worked on .When his

8、 father came home to dinner, he was pleased 10 the fine path. The next day was Harolds birthday,and the father gave little Harold a pen,with yellow letters “Little by Little ”on it.1AcoversBcoveredCis coveredDwas covered2AhighBhigherChighestDthe highest3AafterBbeforeCifDwhether4AcouldBshouldCmightDw

9、ould5AaBanCtheD/6AtoBatCforDas7AandBbutCsoDor8AdisappointedBdisappointedlyCconfidentDconfidently9AmakesBwill makeChas madeDmade10AhearingBto hearCseeingDto see. 语法填空12、While 1 (travel) abroad, Mr. Jackson Frank spent almost all the money he took with him. So he wrote to his brother to send him $ 500

10、0 by bank transfer(汇款) to the Fischer Bank. After a week he 2 (begin) calling at the Fischer Bank. He showed his passport. “Nothing has come for you,” he 3 told. This went on for two weeks, and Mr. Frank got very 4(worry). He sent an email to his brother, but there was no reply.In the fourth week Mr

11、. Frank was arrested(拘留) for not 5 (be) able to pay his hotel bill(账单). He tried to explain the problem, but no one believed him. He stayed in prison(监狱) 6 sixty days.When he came out, he went immediately to the Fischer Bank. The clerk he spoke 7 was a new man. “Have you received $ 5000 for me?” he

12、asked. “My name is Jackson Frank.”The clerk checked his books. “Yes, Mr. Jackson, its here. It came by bank transfer more than two months ago. We wondered where you were. ” He showed Mr. Frank the order(汇票).The order read, “Pay Mr. Frank Jackson the sum of $5000”“But my name is Jackson Frank, not Fr

13、ank Jackson.” “Oh, thats all right, sir. It was in our books under the letter J, but it s your money.” The clerk laughed. “A human mistake, sir! Were all human beings, arent we? And so we all make mistakes. A family name like Frank 8 (sound) strange to me.”Mr. Frank was in 9 (silent). He really want

14、ed to hit somebody. At last he said, “A human mistake is that what you call it? I think some humans need 10 (kick).”. 阅读理解A13、 WecanmakemistakesatanyageSomemistakeswemakeareaboutmoneyButmostmistakesareaboutpeople.“DidJerryreallycarewhenIbrokeupwith Helen? ”, “WhenIgotthatgreatjob,didJerryreallyfeelg

15、oodaboutit,asafriend?Ordidheenvymyluck?”Whenwelookback, doubtslikethesecanmakeUSfeelbad.Butwhenwelookback.Itstoolate.Whydowegowrongaboutour friends-orourenemies?SometimeswhatpeoplesayhidestheirrealmeaningAndifwedontreallylisten,wemissthefeelingbehindthewordsSupposesomeonetellsyou “yourealuckydog”Ish

16、ereallyonyourside?ifhesays“Yourealuckyguy” or “Yourealuckygal”ThatsbeingfriendlyBut “luckydog”?TheresabitofenvyinthosewordsMaybehedoesntseeithimselfButbringinginthe dog” bitputsyoudownalittleWhathemaybesayingisthathedoesntthinkyoudeserveyourluckHowcanyoutelltherealmeaningbehindsomeoneswords?Onewayis


18、py,thinkingofhownicehisfriendsweretohimBfeelshemaynothave “read”hisfriends truefeelingscorrectlyCthinksitwasamistaketohavebrokenupwithhisgirlfriend,Helen.Dissorrythathisfriendslethimdown2Inthesecondparagraphtheauthorusestheexampleof “Yourealuckydog”toshowthat_Athespeakerofthissentenceisjustbeingfrie

19、ndlyBthissayingmeansthesameas“Yourealuckyguy”or“Yourealuckygal”CsometimesthewordsusedbyaspeakergiveacluetothefeelingbehindthewordsDtheword “dog” shouldntbeusedtoapplytopeople3Thispassagetriestotellyouhowto_.AavoidmistakesaboutmoneyandfriendsBbringthe “dog bitintoourconversationCavoidmistakesinunders

20、tandingwhatpeopletellyouDkeeppeoplefriendlywithouttrustingthem4Inlisteningtoaperson, theimportantthingis_.Atonoticehistone,hisposture,andthelookinhiseyesBtolistentohowhepronounceshiswordsCtocheckhiswordsagainsthismanner,histoneofvoice,andhispostureDnottobelievewhathesays5Ifyoufollowedtheadviceofthew

21、riter,youwould_.AbeabletogettherealmeaningofwhatpeoplesaytoyouBavoidanymistakeswhiletalkingwithpeoplewhoenvyyouCnotloserealfriendswhosaythingsthatdonotpleaseyouDbeabletoobservepeopleastheyaretalkingtoyouB14、There was one thing that I found rather strange on my first day as housekeeper at MonkS House

22、The floors in the house were very thinThe bathroom was right above the kitchen,and when MrsWoolf was having her bath before breakfast,I could hear her talking to herselfon and on she went,talk,talk,and talk,asking questions and giving herself the answersI thought there must be two or three people th

23、ere with herWhen MrWoolf saw that I looked surprised,he told me that MrsWoolf always said out loud the sentences that she had written during the nightShe needed to know if they sounded fight and the bath was a good place for trying them outI was not allowed to make coffee at MonkS HouseMrand MrsWool

24、f were very particularabout coffee and always made it themselvesso MrWoolf came into the kitchen at eight oclock every morning to make itWhen we carried the breakfast to MrsWoolfs room,I noticed that she had always been working during the nightThere were pencil and paper beside her bed so that when

25、she woke up,she could work,and sometimes it seemed as though she had had very little sleepMrsWoolfs bedroom was outside the house in the gardenI used to think how inconvenient(不方便的)it must be to have to go out in the rain to go to bedHer bedroom had been connected to the back of the house:the door f

26、aced the garden and a window at the side opened out on to a fieldBecause the writing-room was small,MrWoolf had built a large one for her at the end of the garden against the church wallI can always remember her coming to the house each day from the writing-room when I rang the bell for lunch at One

27、 OclockShe used to come in,smoking one of her favourite cigarettes,which were bought by MrWoolf for her in LondonShe was tall and thin and very prettyShe had large eyes and a wide mouthShe wore long skirts-usually blue or brown-in the fashion of the day ,and silk jackets of the same colour MrsWoolf

28、wore clothes that suited for her wellI ironed them for her and did any sewing that was necessary-She was not able to sew ,although sometimes she liked to tryThere was one thing in the kitchen that MrsWoolf was very good at doing:she could make beautiful bread1What was very unusual about Monks House?

29、AMrsWoolfs bedroom door opened on to the gardenBThe kitchen window looked out over fieldsCThe breakfast room was upstairsDThe bathroom was fight above the kitchen2MrsWoolf wore clothes which were Adesigned for her personallyBsuitable for country lifeCin matching coloursDvery ugly and unattractive3Mr

30、Woolf seemed to be that .Ahe found her strange ways difficult to acceptBhe lived a very different lifeChe watched over her all the timeDhe did what he could for her4According to the article,MrsWoolf .Awas much too busy to do any houseworkBshowed no interest in doing any houseworkCwas really bad at d

31、oing houseworkDliked a couple of particular housework tasksC15、I think that a great friend is a great artist who can change my feeling about life greatly. When I talk about the person who influenced me most. I must think of my best friend quickly.When I was in my university, one of my classmates sat

32、 beside me. His name is Wang Tao. He is my unforgettable friend in my life. He is good at study and handsome. Everyone knows that he is a genius(天才) of my university.He is kind hearted and is always ready to help others. But he doesnt like others to praise him, because he thinks what he did is commo

33、n. There is an old saying: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Wang Tao sets a good example in many parts in my life.I remembered that my mathematics was mediocre at that time, but he was excellent in solving mathematics questions. He often received high scores. Of course, I wished I could reach at

34、 his level. Since we talked all day long, he was patient and polite to answer my mathematics questions. Slowly, I made great progress in mathematics. I passed the examination finally.Then we became friends naturally. And now, I still remember his strong will to study.We know that we live in a societ

35、y, so we need a lot of friends. There are two kinds of friends, good and bad, bad friend may make our life failed, while good ones make our life successful. To me, Wang Tao is a very good friend. I learned so many advantages from him, and I changed more and more excellently.We separated three months

36、 ago. Now I miss him very much, and I hoped that our friendship will continue to be just as strong after we graduate.1The writer believes that an excellent friend _.Ais a man who works on art Bcan change his life slowlyCcan influence his idea about life Dmust think of him quickly2Which of the follow

37、ing about Wang Tao is NOT true according to the passage?AHe has a strong will. BHe is warm hearted.CHe is good at math. DHe likes art very much.3The underlined word “mediocre” most probably means “_”.Abad Bnot very good Cthe best Dvery good4What does the writer mainly suggests us to do?AWe should ma

38、ke good friends and learn from themBWed better have two kinds of friends, good and badCWe must make our best friends successfulDWe have to make less bad friendsD16、Since 1982, July 1st has been officially known as Canada Day. Canadians of all ages take part in this festival across the country.Canada

39、 Day is the years biggest national party. In many towns and cities, the government organizes a lot of events, often outdoors. These include parades(游行), concerts, festivals, firework displays and ceremonies for new Canadian citizens(公民).The celebrations often have a patriotic(爱国的)mood. Canadas natio

40、nal flag, a symbol for Canada Day, can be seen everywhere and a lot of people paint their faces red and white, which are Canadas national colors. The celebrations in Ottawa, Canadas capital city, are especially grand and exciting.In the province of Quebec, many home rentals(租赁)start on July 1st and

41、last for exactly one year, and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another. So in Quebec, Canada Day is also known as Moving Day.Many organizations, businesses and stores are closed this day. Only some bookstores, hospitals and gas stations may be open. Post offices are c

42、losed, too. As Canada Day falls in the Canadian summer holiday period, all schools are closed as well. In some areas, special services are provided for large events. The concerts, parades and festivals may cause some traffic jams.1According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?ACanada Day

43、falls on the first day of June.BCanada Day was celebrated before 1982.CCanada Day is celebrated throughout Canada.DCanadians except new citizens celebrate Canada Day.2From Paragraph 4, we know that on Canada Day _.Ano student goes to school Btraffic jams happen everywhereCall Canadians stop working

44、Dfew businesses and stores are closed3Canada Day is known as Moving Day in Quebec because on this day _.Apeople think it lucky to move to new housesBpeople look for houses from one place to anotherCpeople like moving from house to house to visit friendsDpeople move home when new home rentals go into

45、 effect4Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Canada Day?ABackground BSymbol. CPublic life. DEvents and activitiesE17、Popular music in America is what every student likes. Students carry small radios with earphones and listen to music before class, after class, and at lunch. Students with ca

46、rs buy large speakers and play the music loudly as they drive on the street.Adult(成年的)drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news about sports, the weather, and the life of American people. Most of the radio programmers are music.Pop or popular music

47、singers make much money. They make a CD or a tape which radio stations use in many places. Once the popular singer is heard all over the country, young people buy his or her tape. Some of the money from these tapes goes to the singer. Wherever the singer goes, all the young people want to meet him o

48、r her. Now the singer has become a national(国家的) star.There are other kinds of music that are important to Americans. One is called folk (民间)music. It tells stories about the common life of Americans. Another is western or country music. This was started by cowboys(牛仔)who would sing at night to the

49、cows they were watching. Today, any music about country life and the 1ove between a country boy and his girl is called western or country music.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。1(小题1)What kind of music are mentioned in this passage?APop, folk, country and western music.BPop, folk and classical music.CPop, f

50、olk and country music.DPop, country and western music.2(小题2)When do the adult drivers always listen to music ?Awhen they drive the car.Bwhen they drive to work.Cany time they want.Dwhen they want to sing along with.3(小题3)From the passage we know that _.Amusic is very important to Americans lifeBcowb

51、oys only like country musicCdifferent people like different kinds of musicDboth A and C4(小题4)Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?AFew students in America like popular music.BStudents with cars in America like to listen to music while driving.CAdult drivers in America listen to m

52、usic all the time while driving.DEveryone in America wants to meet pop singers wherever they go.5(小题5)What would be the best title for this passage?AAmerican Music. BFold Music.CPop Music. DCowboys and their Country Music.F18、The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be the 20thWorld Cup, which is expected to ta

53、ke place between June 12 and July 13,2014 in Brazil. It will be the second time for the country to host the competition, the first being the 1950 FIFA World Cup. Brazil will become the fifth country to have hosted the Fifa World Cup twice, after Mexico, Italy, France and Germany.Brazil is the greate

54、st football nation in the world. There are 100 million Brazilians. How many of them are football fans? 100 million! All of them think that they know all about football. This makes life very difficult for the Brazilian team manager. When things go badly for the Brazilian team, the newspaper would dem

55、and (要求)that the team manager should leave his job. “If we win, they put me in heaven(天堂),”as a manager once said, “If we lose, they put me in hell(地狱).”You cant escape football in Brazil. There are football matches on every street and beach. On television, the results of the football matches come b

56、efore the main news programs. There are six television Channels in Rio de Janeiro(里约日内卢). On Sundays each channel shows a different football match.Brazil is not the richest country in the world,but the government spends much money on football. It cost more than one billion pounds to prepare for the 1950 World Cup. Thats 10 pounds for every Brazilian. And many Brazilians dont earn as much as 10 pounds a week. Is it worth it?“Brazil must have a great football team.” says one reporter. “If it costs one billion pounds, thats all right. If the government doesnt give a good football team, then


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