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1、【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】牛津译林版9A英语期中复习专题练习一单项选择()1. Excuse me, docs it if I forget to bring my VIPcard here?一 I m afraid the card is necessary if you want to get in.A. careB. mindC. matterD.worryJ()2.-the students the teacher is waiting for me whenI arrived at their school gate.-What a pity!A. Ne

2、ither, nor B. Either, orC. Both, andD. Not only, but also()3. The police found, so they left.A. anything unusualB. unusualnothingC. something unusualD. nothingunusual()4. We prefer her some presents her feel happy.A. buying; to makingB. to buy; tomakeC. buy; makeD. to buying; tomaking()5.David ,coul

3、d you tell me ? Every fouryears. Jwhen the 2014 World Cup finishedhow often the World Cup takes place C. how many teams took part in the World CupD. who scored the most goals in the 2014 World Cup()6. We never doubted the German football team B. whether; couldwin the 2014 World Cup? A. if; canthat;

4、couldD. that; can()7. Billy has all kinds of different ideas. He is to be agood writer, oA. enough creative B. too creative C. creative enoughD.so creative()8. Lucy the book while her parents TV.A. was reading, is watchingB. read, werewatchingC. was reading, watchedD. was reading, werewatching()9.1

5、don t know if it tomorrow. If it, we will goout for a picnic.A. will rain; won; t rainB. rains; doesn trainC. rains; won, t rainD. will rain;doesn t rain()1(). Why not your teacher for advice when you don tknow the problems?A. ask, what to deal withB. to ask, how to dowithC. ask, how to deal withD.

6、to ask, what to dowith()11. The teacher asked me.A. that I could answer the questionB. whether could Ianswer the questionC. whether I could answer the question D. that could I answer the question ()12. As a doctor, we be careful with our work.should, too B. can , soC. can t, too D.Shouldn? t, so()13

7、.he is not the best , he still wants to the sports meeting.A. Because, try forB. Although, tryout forC. As, try onD. Whenever, tryout()14. 一He doesn? t like South Korea operas, does he ? He thinks it is a waste of time.A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he doesn t C. No, he docsn, tD. No, he does()15. -If you

8、 re free tonight, what about having dinner together?A. Don t mention it. B It doesn? t matter. C. All right. D. Not at all.()16.Wars are disasters. A lot of people will lose their homeswhenever a terrible war.A. breaks outB. is broken out C. breaks downD. is broken down()17.Poor thing! Jack had a fa

9、ll while he on the icc. He gothurt badly.A. skatesB. skatedC. wasskating D. is skating ()18. Neither I nor my father swimming.A.likesis likeC. likeD. liking()19.China docsn t have a strong football team. Maybe it will beanother few years Jthe Chinese team wins the World Cup.A. beforeB. sinceC. after

10、D. when()20.The TV program A Bite of China Season Two is populararound China. How do vou like it?JA. I think so.B. Pretty good. C. It s mypleasure. D. All right.()21. If you keep on working hard, no one doubts youwill be successful in the future.A. thatB. whetherC. whenD. where()22. My parents arc s

11、trict their work and they arc alsovery7 strict me.A. with; inB. with; withC. in; withD. in; in()23. I m not sure red and white arc a good match.A. weather B. thatC. ifD how()24. I m building a new zoo because I think zoos arcterrible places for animals to live in.A. againstB. angryC. agreeD. about()

12、25. He hardly worries about his English,?A. doesn, t heB. docs heC. is heD. all right()26.Where arc you going to stay when you get to Shanghai?I may live in a hotel in a friend s house.A. both; and B. cither; or C. neither; nor D. not only; but also()27.一What s your plan for the coming summer holida

13、y?一I 11 devote as much time as I can some voluntary work. JA. to doB. doingC. do D. todoing()28.If you can some valuable information on job-hunting tome, PH be very grateful.A. showB. provide C. offerD.advise()29. What do you think of the white dress? its stvlc, but Jnot choose itbecause of its pric

14、e.A. would rather; preferB. prefer; preferwould rather; would ratherD. prefer; wouldrather()30.- Whats wrong with your uncle? Wc!re sure something is wrong with him, but we doubt the disease can kill him.A. if; whether B. that; thatC. whether; ifthat; whether()31.The boy white hasnt decided.A. in; w

15、hich one to chooseB. in; which tochoose oneC. on; what to choose itD. on; how can hechoose()32.Thc boy in the computer room was foundjust now.A. standing; play cardsB. standing; playingcardsC. stood; play cardsD. stood; playingcards()33. Mike hardly puts up his hand in class,he?, he is one of the mo

16、st active students in our class.A. docs; No B. docsn t; Yes C. does; Yes D. doesn t; No()34.Wc have problems him because he has manyproblems.A. to meet; to solveB. meeting; solvingC. to meet; solvingD. meeting; to solve( )35. Excuse me, could you tell me ?- Certainly.In half an hour.A. when the high

17、 speed train would arrive B. when the high speed train will arriveC. when would the high speed train arrive D. when will the high speed train arrive()36. If you don t go hiking,.A. Neither do I B. Neither will I C. Neither I willD. Neither I do() 37. Our English teacher often tells us that success n

18、eeds a lotof.A. charmB. careerC. effectsD.efforts()38. On those foggy days, you could hardly sec anything aroundvouit was at noon.J A. sinceB. because C. butD.though()39. Can you imagine that little ants can eatmany big worms?A. so; soB. such; suchC. such; soD. so; such()40.VCTicn will Sam get his m

19、oney back? .Better late than never!A. Till next weekB. Until the next weekC. Not until next weekD Not till the nextweek()41. He looks very sad, because someone his home andtook away his computer last night.A. broke outB. broke intoC. broke offD. broke up() 42.一Shall we make a cake by ourselves inste

20、ad of buying one?A. That s all right B. That, s OKC. That srightD. All right()43. Do you know when the light rail S7?一 Next year. Traveling to Nanjing will take much less time when it.A. will complete; completeB. will be completed;is completedC. will be completed; will be completed D. is completed;

21、will be completed()44.is good at all things at birth. You can do anything well if you are willing to put your heart into it.A. AnybodyB. Everybody C. SomebodyD. NobodyJ() 45. Why not go fishing in the river near our house?-There arc few fishes in that river.A. That sounds really great!B. How about g

22、oingwith us?C. I don t think it s a good idea.D. Thanks foryour good suggestion.()46. The film real-life events by Li An.It s moving.A. based upon, directed B. was based upon, was directedC. based upon, was directed D. was based upon, directed() 47. The police trying to who the thief is.A. is; findB

23、. are; find out C. is; work outD. are; look for() 48. That young man must have something to do with thecrime, right?- Though he insisted he hadn t done anything.A. I don t agree B. I suppose so C. I don t think soD. I hope so()49. My dream is to be a CEO (首席执行官)of Microsoftone day in the future.- I

24、think you d better do well in your study todav first.JA. In your dreams B. Every dog has its dayC. Better late then never D. The early bird catches the worm J() 5(). 一Excuse me, could you tell me?一There s an c-shop near the supermarket. You can go there.A. where I can have my bike repairedB. how can

25、 Iget to the c-shopC. where I can have my computer repairedD. if therewas an c-shop nearby()51. - -1 watched the NBA game last night. - -unusual game it was!A. VThat an B. How an C. What D. How()52. In order to hold G-20 successfully,money was spentin improving Hangzhou senvironment.A. the number of

26、 B. a number ofC. a greatdeal D. a great deal of()53.studying in the USA, Tan Dun got to know greatcomposers from around the world.A. Until B. After C. Since D. While() 54. - - How much is this colorful printer?-Im not sure. Maybe it is very expensive.A. spent B. taken C. cost D. worth()55. David al

27、l night to watch the football matchbetween France and Italy.JA. put up B. got up C. showed up D. stayed up()56.Do your parents like watching TV at home?一No. We like reading books.A. both B. all C. either D. none()57. Few men shopping with their wivesat home to watch TV.A. prefer going; to stayingB.

28、prefer go; toshoppingC. would rather to go; than stay D. would rather going; than staying() 58. 一Do you have difficulty ready for the exam?No, I have made a decision over lessons this weekend.A. to get; to go B. getting; going C. getting; to go D. to get; going()59. Why not your teacher for advice w

29、hen youdon t know theproblems?A. ask; what to do withB. to ask; how todeal withC. ask; what to deal withD. to ask; howto do with.()60. I don t doubt Mr Wang is an energetic manand always active in everythingA. whether B. that C. if D. so()61. The computer requires . I think I needto ask Tom for help

30、.A. fixing; going B. to fix; going C. fixing; to go D. to fix; to go() 62. - - Did you watch this year; s TV programme The FirstLesson on CCTV 1?-Yes. It s excellent and many people think ofit.A. simply B. clearly C. loudly D. highly()63. You can t imagine how beautiful the mountain isvou sec it wit

31、h vour own eves. JJJA.until B.afterC.whilcD.whcn() 64.a GPS will make easier for you tovisit a strange place.A. Take; it B. To take; that C. Taking; it D. Take; that()65. -Don t you think the paper is very7 good?Ycs. It isvery pleasant.A.to write on B.to write in C.to be written onD.to be written in

32、()66. What do you think of our football match?-Wonderful! Our football team has never played .A. worse B. worst C. better D. best() 67. 一Hqw s your homework going, Millie? I will finish it in one hour.A. I m still doing itB. Yes, that s OKC. Oh, it s doneD. That s all right7o()68. What do you think

33、of our city? Very beautiful. You know it is the first time that Ihere.A. will be B. was C. had been D. have been() 69. - - Excuse me, could you tell me?- - Yes.It s about twenty minutes walk.A. how long it takes to go to the park from here to the parkC. how does it take to go to the parkB. how far i

34、t isD. how far is itfrom here to the park ()70.-Thanks,A. Wish you a happy journey.I will.B.Give my bestto your parentsC. Thank you for your help D. You got the first prize. Congratulations!()71. When is National Public Memorial Day(国家公祭日)?-On December 13th. And it can us of the hard days in the pas

35、t.A. remindB. remember C. returnD.remain()72. Excuse me, Sir. But smoking is not allowed here.Sorry, I didn t sec the sign. I 11 my cigarette at once.A. put awayB. put upC. put outD. put off()73. Yesterday he the famous singer in the cinema.A. interviewed B. interviewed with C. had an interview D. h

36、ad an interview about()74. A few students don t know they should dealwith stress before an exam.A. how ; takeB. what ; taking C. how ; takingD. what; take()75. How much difficulty did you have thisproblem?A. to solve; No B. solving; None D. to solve; Neither() 76.1 don; t doubt.A. that the music is

37、worth listening to is worth listening toC. that the music is worth listening music is worth listening to() 77. I was about to leave homeC. solving; NothingB. if the musicD. whether theit started to rain thismorning.一I think it is just timely (及时的)rain. The weather report says the rain won t stop tom

38、orrow evening.A. when; since B. while; untilC. when; untilD. while; since()78.Cindy failed in the writing competition. She must be in abad mood.一Let s go and .A. wake her up B. cheer her up C. pick her upD.give her up()79. A nice day, isn t it? Let s go fishing, John!Hmm-, no. Ido some reading at ho

39、me.A. would likeB. would rather C. likeD.prefer()80. Would you tell usyou have been to theSummer Palace since 2004?Sorry, I ve forgotten.A. how longB. how farC. how many timesD. how soon() 81. Is your uncle in his?Yes. His birthday is coming next month.A. forty; forty-firstB. forties; forty-firstC.

40、forties; forty-oneD. forty; forty-first()82. -What do you think of your presents for Mother s Day?Well, this sweater that one fits her. They are too big.A. both; andB. cither; or C. neither; nor D.not only; but also() 83. Have you the invitation of Lily s birthdayparty?Yes, but I won t it. I don t h

41、ave any time on thatday.A. accepted; receive B. accepted; accept C. received; receive D. received; accept() 84. We may meet all kinds of difficulties in the future, but weshould be confident enough to any challenge.A. put onB. get onC. take onD.turn on() 85. 一Can you understand what I meant?Sorry, I

42、 canfollow vou.A. hardlyB. nearlyC. alwaysD. almost() 86. -What would you like for your birthday? What about anMP5?Oh, to tell you the truth, I have an I-Pad than get an MP5.A. would like B. prefer toC. had better D.would rather() 87. -Dont forget to come to our school assembly tomorrowmorning.-1won

43、t. I wasjustA. remindednow.B. promisedC. allowedD. required()88.Whatfs wrong withyou, Eric? You look tired. J 7I to prepare for the middle exam last night.A. picked up B. woke up C. put upD.stayed up()89. - The story is so amazing! It s the most interesting storyI ve ever read.-But I am afraid it wo

44、n t be liked by.A. anybodyB. somebodyC. everybodyD.nobody()90. People like to visit England, because it is too hottoo cold.A. neither; norB. either; orC. both; andD. not only; but also()91. Hey, Jim. What do think of the new clothes for theanniversary of our school(校庆)?I the colour. But I not accept the old-fashioned style.A. would rather, prefer B. prefer, prefer C. would rather, would rather D. prefer, would rather() 92. The washing machine requires . I muncertain if I can fix it mvsclf. JA. to repairB. to be repaired C. repairingD. both B and C()93. Could you tell


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