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1、科技英语论文写作摘要摘要摘要摘要的英文术语及概念摘要的英文术语原来有两个词汇,一个是abstract,一个是summary。“ “过去时过去时” ”:summary一次文献的文摘(作者自写的提要),专门介绍论文的实质性内容。abstract二次文摘(他人为文献编写的浓缩格式),介绍论文的大致内容。摘要摘要现在的趋势是一篇论文或专著的摘要,无论是自写还是他写,统称为abstract,尤其是放在索引资料中一律要用abstract这个术语,在论文的题目下也一律用这个词。summary现在更多的是用于对文章主要内容作再一次扼要的陈述,放在文章的结尾,目的是为已经读过正文的读者归纳出方向性结论,因此也可

2、称为小结。摘要摘要Abstract 中文有二种说法: 文摘独立存在,单独出版,如SCI、EI、CA等 摘要与原文在一起共同点:从原文中抽出主题内容,以简练的文字写写成,只是准确、扼要地表述原文内容,不加以解释或评论。以下统称为摘要摘要摘要_ _类型类型按对原文的压缩程度,摘要一般分为三类:指示性或说明性摘要(indicative or descriptive abstract)资料性或报道性摘要(informative abstract)报道指示性摘要(informative- indicative abstract)按摘要内容,大致分为三类:论著摘要综述摘要专利摘要摘要摘要_ _摘要的长短摘

3、要的长短摘要一般不宜过长,多在100150词左右,更确切地说,约为原文长度的15。美国有些高校规定,硕士论文提要以250词为宜,博士论文以350词为宜。摘要摘要_ _应具备的要素应具备的要素简明扼要(conciseness):去除文献中的次要材料或辅助细节。客观公正(objectivity):摘要中不应有原文中没有的信息资料。全面完整(completeness):要包括主题思想,主要资料,结论或建议。摘要摘要_ _指示性摘要指示性摘要指示性摘要(indicative or descriptive abstract),也称说明性摘要,只向读者指出文献的主要内容是什么,主要概括论文的涉及范围、研究

4、方向和研究目的,以便读者决定是否有必要阅读全文。因此,说明性摘要的篇幅较短,一般词数在50词以内。这类摘要主是泛泛叙述,不涉及实质问题,所以一般在科研一般在科研论文中不予使用论文中不予使用,只刊登在文献索引这类期刊中,也可用于讨论性文章、综述性文章、图书或某些会议论文集。摘要摘要_ _指示性摘要指示性摘要oThis paper presents an analysis of principles of magnetic refrigeration with application to air conditioning. A comparison with conventional evapo

5、ration-condensation gas cycle device is presented. Conclusion concerning the applicability of magnetic refrigeration to air conditioning are made.oCooling water requirements in the petroleum refining, oil shale retorting, coal liquefaction, and coal gasification industries are described.摘要摘要_ _资料性摘要

6、资料性摘要资料性摘要(informative abstract)是原文内容要点的总结,尽量多而完整地报道原文献中的具体内容,涉及论文的主题范围、研究对象(装置、流程、工艺、材料等)及原理、所使用的研究手段和方法、主要研究结果和结论、以及建议等方面的内容,并列出主要数据、公式、图表。反映论文的基本面貌,反映论文的基本面貌,一般情况下能够代替阅读论文全文。一般情况下能够代替阅读论文全文。这类摘要适用于研究或试验报告、研究论文及专题论文。此类文摘篇幅稍长,一般为100250词,多者可达500词1000词。摘要摘要_ _资料性摘要资料性摘要Selective oxidation kinetics of

7、 n-butane to maleic anhydride in air were studied over a commercial, fixed-bed vanadium-phosphor oxide catalyst. The temperature range was 573-653 K with butane concentrations up to 3 mol % in the feed, which is within flammability limits but below ignition temperatures.The rate data were modeled us

8、ing power low kinetics with product inhibition and included total oxidation and decomposition reactions. Kinetic parameters were estimated using a multiresponse, nonlinear regression algorithm showing intercorrelation effects. The kinetics were combined with independent measurements of catalyst diff

9、usivity and reactor heat transfer using a one-dimensional heterogeneous reactor model. Model predictions and observed temperatures and concentrations from non-isothermal pilot plants compared up to 115 days on stream. Agreement was acceptable with inlet butane concentrations up to 2.7 mol %. For exa

10、mple, runaway was predicted at a temperature 3 K higher than observed. Effectiveness factors around the hot spot were estimated at o.6 with catalyst surface temperature 2-3 K higher than average gas temperature.摘要摘要_ _报道指示性摘要报道指示性摘要对文献中的基本内容作较为详尽的报道性介绍,对其它部分则作指示性的表述。以最短的篇幅传递最大信息量。以最短的篇幅传递最大信息量。摘要摘要_

11、 _报道指示性摘要报道指示性摘要Baffle effects on the performance of a catalytic fluidized bed reactor were examined experimentally. The circulating fluidized bed reactor or riser was 102 mm in diameter and 6.32 m in height. Reaction was the catalytic decomposition of ozone using FCC particles with a mean diameter

12、of 89 um, impregnated with ferric oxide as catalyst. Four ring-type baffles, mounted horizontally around the riser wall, were used in this study. Ozone concentrations were measured in both axial and radial directions under various operating conditions in a riser with baffles, the ozone concentration

13、 in the radial direction was more uniform and the ozone conversion was higher than that in a riser without baffles except at the lowest gas velocity used. A mathematical model developed accounted for the gas-phase ozone conversion under various operating conditions. The gas-solid contact efficiency

14、in the riser was discussed in light of the model. 摘要摘要_ _论著摘要论著摘要论著摘要包括期刊论文、会议论文、技术报告、学位论文、专著等的摘要,内容通常有四个方面:n 研究的目的和范围n 研究的方法n 研究的结果n 作者对研究的主要结论摘要摘要_ _论著摘要论著摘要A major difficulty affecting the control of product quality in industrial polymerization reactors is the lack of suitable on-line polymer pro

15、perty measurements. In this article a scheme is developed to predict melt index and density in a fluidized-bed ethylene copolymerization reactor. Theoretically-based models are derived to predict quality variables from the available on-line temperature and gas composition measurements. Adjustable pa

16、rameters in these models are updated on-line using infrequent laboratory measurements and a recursive parameter estimation technique. The application of this methodology is illustrated using operating data from an industrial reactor. It is shown that both melt index and density can be successfully p

17、redicted. Knowledge of product property derivations from desired targets is required so that manufacturers can take corrective actions to reduce the quantity of off-grade material made and produce a consistent product. 摘要摘要_ _综述摘要综述摘要综述通常有专题评述、政策评述和书评等。例如,专题评述是综合有代表性的材料,对某一专题的方向、特点、效果、研究手段和有关方法的优缺点等

18、予以综合比较,提出作者的看法。摘要摘要_ _专利摘要专利摘要专利摘要是专利说明书的提要,是专利文献的重要检索工具。介绍技术发明的要点与专利持有人的专利权范围。专利摘要属于专利文献之一。专利摘要不仅具有科技摘要的一般语言特点,而且具有法律文件的语言特点。例如多用长句,许多专利摘要仅有一、二句,常用wherein, whereby, therein, thereof等词语连接。摘要摘要_ _专利摘要专利摘要A continuous process of producing sodium carbonate peroxide for use in laundry compositions by in

19、troducing separate streams of 50-70% hydrogen peroxide and saturated sodium carbonate solution into a crystallization zone at a pH of 11.5 at about 30 for about 8 hours. The reactants are added in essentially 3.2 molar proportions. Before use, sodium carbonate is freed of iron and heavy metal contam

20、inants by -treatment with magnesium oxide. The reaction is car-ried out at in the presence of magnesium silicate stabilizer. After separating the product by centrifugation, the mother liquor is concentrated by removal of water by evaporation under vacuum. Fresh charge materials are added to maintain

21、 a steady state system.摘要摘要_ _结构形式(紧扣题旨)结构形式(紧扣题旨)u紧扣题旨u围绕标题,深化要旨,每一句话都重复标题中的一、二个关键词。uCorrosion of copper by soft water with different content of humic substances and various temperaturesAn investigation on corrosion of copper in soft water has shown that the corrosion rate increases with increasing

22、 amount of humic substances and with increased additions of CO2. In hot water, the corrosion rate increases with increasing temperature to a maximum. In water without humic substances, the corrosion maximum is at about 50 and seem to shift towards higher temperatures in water with humic substances.

23、The decreases in corrosion rate at higher temperature may be due to the formation of copper oxide on the metal surface.摘要摘要_ _结构形式(横向展开)结构形式(横向展开)o横向展开o从横向不同角度来阐明主题,多层次、多线索的叙述o Heat recovery from gas and liquid in different temperature rangeso(1) There are many ways of saving energy in industrial pr

24、ocess. (2) Mentioning several of industry as examples, the author shows how utilization of energy in industrial processes can be improved by heat recovery and the use of waste heat. (3) Cost aspects and profitability are outlined. (4) Measures designed to utilize the heat content of vapours as produ

25、ced in the processing of foodstuffs are described. (5) The author further outlines and evaluated possibilities for process improvements and production increase in a light alloy melting furnace.摘要摘要_ _结构形式(总起分述)结构形式(总起分述)o总起分述oo文摘的前一、二句说明论题的背景、条件、作用、意义等,接下来分门别类,呈平行的层次叙述。oStudy of extraction technique

26、s for heavy metals in the evaluation of aquatic sedimentsoThe principle of assessing the usefulness of chemical extraction techniques are discussed. A suitable general procedure is as follows, on the assumption that the geology of aquatic sediments in polluted and less polluted areas is similar. (1)

27、 Extract total heavy metals from sediment samples in polluted area by a method recommended by the Environment Agency, Japan. (2) Extract soluble heavy metals from sediment samples of step 1 with a proposed technique. (3) Calculate the 50% non-excess probability from the difference of analytical resu

28、lts of step 1 and 2. (4) Extract total heavy metals from sediment samples in a less polluted area by the method of step 1. Calculate the range of distribution of heavy metal concentrations.摘要摘要_ _结构形式(上下勾连)结构形式(上下勾连)o上下勾连n与论文段落相似,句子之间逻辑关系紧密。Use of blast furnace gas at temperature below 0(1) In terms

29、 of quality, blast furnace top gas is classified as lean gas. (2) Lean gases have a low heating value and are of low grade owing to the high nitrogen content. (3)Their unstable ignition characteristics deteriorate if during winter the gas drops to temperatures below zero during conveyance. (4) In vi

30、ew of these negative factors, the combustion of blast furnace top gas therefore requires that specific conditions be met. (5) The author describes one way of using mixed gas under stable conditions.摘要摘要_ _结构形式(一气呵成)结构形式(一气呵成)o一气呵成o把研究目的、工艺流程、主要方法、专题的动向等溶于一句,一气呵成。专利摘要常用这一结构。oMethod of converting a do

31、wnflow/upflow wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) system to an upflow single-loop WFGD systemoA method of reducing the pressure drop in a downflow/upflow wet flue gas desulfurization (WFGD) system and improving overall sulfur dioxide collection efficiency by converting the downflow / upflow WFGD sys

32、tem to an upflow single-loop WFGD system including the replacing of the downflow quencher and related duct work with a bypass for connecting the incoming flue gas duct with the upflow absorber and the adding of a quenching zone in the absorber comprised of spray headers.摘要摘要_ _写作特点写作特点u谓语动词很简单而句子其余成

33、份十分复杂。u大量使用be和have的变化形式做谓语动词。u使用不提及人的陈述句。u经常以第三人称作为主语。以一个主题句开头,可以用主动态,主语为“作者、本文、本文的目的” 等。也可用被动态,句尾一般不加“ in this paper ”u时态可用一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时。u切忌逐字抄原文的句子,必须浓缩或改写原文的句子。u尽量避免使用人们不熟悉的术语、缩略语、符号等。u文摘下要求写出主题词、关键词,一般35个。摘要摘要_ _句子结构(常用句型)句子结构(常用句型)u常用句型常用句型the principle of is outlinedthe apparatus for is de

34、scribedthe use of is addressedthe mechanism of is examinedthe analysis of was carried outthe dependence ofwas establishedan account ofis givenautomation of is disscused摘要摘要_ _常用时态常用时态ua) Present tense: To show currently what is true in the research fieldub) Present tense: To summarize main points fr

35、om the writers resultsuc) Present tense: To generalize a rule from the resultsud) Present modal(情态): To show general possibility at present time ue) Present modal(情态): To summarize a point which is possibly trueuf)Present perfect tense: To show the research that was done in the past and still has ef

36、fects now 摘要摘要_ _常用时态常用时态nPresent perfect tense: To show the research that was done in the past and has a conclusion currently availablenPast tense: To show the writers actual research done in the pastnPast tense: To show what the writers results of the research indicatednPast tense: To show the writers results were the same as a previous onenPast tense: To compare the results in different groups of the writers research nPast modal(情态): To summarize a point which is hardly to be trueRead the abstract and mark I,M,R,D.oA Study on the Influence of Pin Hol


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