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1、上海中考词汇(必备拓展篇)中考词汇整理(2014)一、词性转换1 able a.有能力 的,能够unable adj没能力 的,不能够v. enable 使。能 够n. ability 能力,才 能2 act v.表演,扮演, 行动n. actor男演员 actress女演员n. activity 活动 adj. active 积极的, 活跃的take an active part in积极参加un. action 行动take action to do15 choose v.选择choice n选择16 city n cities citizen 公民17 clear adj.清澈的, 清晰

2、的,明亮的, 清楚的 adv. clearly18 . collect v.收集n. collection 收藏n. collector 收藏家19 complain v 抱怨 投诉n. complaint20 complete adj.完整 的,完全的采取行动做某事3 art n,艺术artist n,艺术家4 add v.增加,添 加n. addition 添加adj. additional 额 外的5 agent n.代理人 agency n.代理社6 agree v同意 disagree, v不 同意 agreement n.同意7 attract v.吸引=thorough adv.

3、 completely= thoroughly21 confident adj.自 信的n. confidence 自信22 conclude v,结束n. conclusion 结 束,结论23 count v数数 accountant n.会 计师24 create v.创造 creative adj.具有创 造力的 creator n创造者 creation n.创造物25 Day n. daily adj.26 danger n.危险 adj. dangerous 危automatillyadj. attractive 吸引人的n. attraction 吸弓人的事物8 .automa

4、tic adj.自动的adv自动地 bake v.烘烤 baker n.面包师 bakery n.面包店10 base n.根据地)基础,基地basic adj基础的)基本的11 .busy adj 忙碌的27 die- died-died v.死 亡 death n.死亡 dying adj.垂死挣 扎的,奄奄一息的 dead adj.已经死 了的,没有生命迹 象的deadly adj.致命的28 decidev.decision n.决定29 depend V。依赖 adj. dependent依赖 的adj. independent 独 立的30 design v.设计 designer

5、 n.设计师31 develp v.发展 aadj. developing 发 展中的121314n. business 生意care un.忧愁) 忧伤n关心,照 顾adj. careful, 32 carelessadv.carefully, 33carelesslyChange v. n 改 34 变,变化 adj. changeable 变化多端的 chemistry n.化 Chemistry teacher 学与本身学科相关 的不需要变形Chemical adj.化 35 学的 a chemicaldj. developed 发达 的,已经发展好的 n. development 发

6、 展discuss v.讨论 discussion nt论 education n. educational adj. electric adj.可以 通电的 electricity n.电electrical adj.和 电有关的.courage n,勇气 encourage 微励change化学变化Chemicacsnome 36 engineer师擎43 foreign adj.国夕卜 65 kindadj.chemicals37 enjoy v.喜欢 adj. enjoyable 使人感到愉快的=amused = pleased38 enter v.进入n.entrance to。的

7、入口39 explainv.explanation n 解释40 express v. 表达 expression nl 达) 表情41 favour n.恩惠)好 意,帮助favourite adj.最喜 欢的42 fly v. n. flight 航班,飞行61 impossible adj. possibly adv.adj. possible62 62. introduce v introduction n 介绍63 invent v.发明 inventor n.发明 家invention n.发明 (物)64 invite v.邀请 invitation n.邀请 函的)foreig

8、ner n. 外国人44 free adj.自由 的,免费的,空闲 的 freedom n.自 由 freely adv.自由地45 friendn.friendlyadj.friendship n.46 fill v. full adj.47 fun n.乐趣)玩 笑,好笑的事情 funny adj.滑稽 的,可笑的,有趣 的48 gold un J 金子 golden adj.金色 的49 harm v n.伤害)害 处 harmful adjkindness n.66 knowv.knowledge n.67 long adj. length n.68 locate v.坐落于 loca

9、tion n地理位置 local当地的)本土 的 adj.69 luck n. lucky adj. luckily adv.unlucky adj. unluckily adv61 mean v.意味着 meaning n.含义meaningful adj。有意义的medicine n.药medical adj.医 学的,医药的63 mix. V. mixtureun混合物nation n.国家)民族nationality n.国籍national adj.全国性的,民族性的,国 家的native adj.本 土 的,本国的 n.本国 的人,国民有害的 harmless adj无害的50 H

10、ealth n. healthy 62 adj. healthily adv.51 hot adj. hotter-the hottest heat v. heat sth 力口 热 heat n.热度52 .heavy adj 沉重的 heavily adv.严重 地,沉重地,厉害 地53 high adj. height 64 n.54 help v. helpful adj. helpless adj.55 .history n.历史 historical adj.历 史的,历史上的56 honest adj.诚实 的 dishonest adj.不诚实的honesty n.诚实57 h

11、urry v.赶快) 匆忙 hurry n.赶 紧)匆忙 adv. hurriedly58 important adj.importance n importantly adv.59 different adj.difference n.60 patient adj. patience n.impatient adj.70 operate v.动手 术,开刀,执行, 操作,运转 operation n.手术65 nature n.自然)本 质 natural adj. 自然的,本质的66 need v. n. necessary adj.67 neighbour n 邻居 neighbourh

12、ood n.邻近地区,街坊68 noise n. noisy adj. noisily adv69 office n.办公室 official adj.官方的n.(公司,政府,团 体的)官员officer n.官员)办公 室人员72 peacen.peacefuladj.Peacefully adv737576person n人74 Please v.personal adj.个人的personally adv某人自己的,亲自地poem n 诗.poetn.诗人polite adj.有礼 77貌的politely adv.有礼 78貌地impolite adj.不礼 80貌的Pleased a

13、dj.修饰 人,开心的满意的Pleasant adj.修 饰物,使人感到开 心的Pleasure n.荣幸) 乐意pollutev.pollutionunpolluted duce v.生产 product n.产品real adj. really adv798183proper adjrealize v.意识至实现regularly adv. 规贝 U地,经常地properly adv 适合 82 regular adj. 规贝U地,恰当的的,经常record v. n t己录 recorder 录音机response n.反 84 save v.节约)拯映,作答,响应 adj

14、. responsible 负责的n. responsibility 责任85 sell v. n. sale86 .say v. saying n. 88 谚语87 science n. scientific adj. scientist n.89 serve v.服务 service n.月艮务 servant n.仆人90 solvev.solution n.解决91 speak v. speech 92 n.演讲救safer安全的,较安全的safely adv.安全地safety安全)安全的地方nsit v. seat nsleep v. sasleep adj.已经睡觉着了sleep

15、y adj 想睡觉的感到困意的Sleeping adj.用做睡觉用的think v. thoughtn.思想,想法thinker思想家n.92 succeed v. Adj. successfuladv successfully93 tradition n. 传统n. success94 true adj. truly adv. truth n.95 variety n.种种) 种类 various adj.各种 各样的,不同的98 wood un. woods 99 树林 wooden adjtraditional adj.传 统的96 wiseadj.wisdom n.97 win v.

16、winner n.wound n.伤口 wounded adj,受 伤的100 Memory n. memorize v.国家、国籍,语言、。的,国家人AfricaAfrican( s)Cana daCanad ian (s)Germ anyGerma n(s)Ameri caAmerica n(s)Chin aChines eItalyItalian( s)AsiaAsian(s)Engla ndEnglis hJapanJapane seAustr aliaAustrali an (s)Euro peEurop ean (s)Londo nBritai nBritishFran ceFre

17、nc hParis月份和星期January February March April MayJune July August September October November December 12 月Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday Saturday 一、比较容易混淆的词汇 1,country 国家 city 城市2. by the end of +E在时间(Now) 现在完成 时 have, has + doneBy the end of +过去时间(last week)过去完 成时 had doneBy the end of

18、 +1寻来时间(next term)将来完成 时 will have done3. hang- hanged-hanged上吊)绞死 Hang-hung-hung 悬挂) 把。挂起来The clothes hung over there are mine.被挂在那 里的衣服是我的I don t want to be hanged.我不想被绞死4. hard adj.硬的,艰苦的,努力的,困难的The biscuits are so hard for my grandma to bite. 饼干太硬了我奶奶咬不动It s hard for us to work out the problem.这

19、个 问题对我们来说太难了,解答不出Because of his hard work, he finally passed the exam.因为他努力的学习,他最终通过了考试The life there is very hard.那里的生活是很艰苦的hard adv努力地)利害地He passedthe exam becausehe always worked very hard.It s raining hard.外面雨下很大 =it s raining heavily.Hardly = almost not几乎不表示否定词It hardly snows in Hong Kong in wi

20、nter, does it?Hardworking adj.刻苦努力的 1A good student must be one who ishardworking.Hard work名词短语难做的工作It is hard work, we can not finish it in three days. 这是份难做的工作,我们很难在三天内完成这份 工作。4. jam un 果酱 cn 堵塞 a traffic jam5. late later latest lastLate adj. be late for school 上学迟至U了adv.get up late 起床晚了 stay up l

21、ate 遨夜 Later adv.稍后 e.g. a moments later, the telephone rang.Latest adj. 最新的 any latest news in thepaper?报纸上有什么最新的消息吗Last adj.最后的 he is always the last to leave classroom.他总是最后一个离开教室的6. lie- lied- lied 撒谎 dont lie to me 不要对我 说谎 tell lies撒谎Lie-lay-lain 躺 (lying) lying on the beach is very comfortable

22、.I found a purse lying on the ground on my way home yesterday.Dont lie in the bed to read book, if s harmful to your eyes. Lay- laid-laid 下蛋)摆放 when his mother was cooking, he always helped to lay the table.7.leave. forgetLeave sth是把东西落在了什么地方Forget sb/sth一般指忘记某人或者某件事情Oh, I left my car key in the off

23、ice, wait me for a moment.I will never forget his help.8. mark标t己 symbol符号)象征 sign迹象 You can leave some leaves and stones for the mark to go home.We don find any signs for his killing himself. Do you know the symbol for water?Good manner is the symbol for a gentle man.9. paper papers白纸不可数 有字的可数(报纸,问

24、卷,试卷)10. chemical n.化学物质adj.化学的)心理方面的Physical物理方面的)身体的 physical exercise身体锻炼11. useto do= use for doing 用。来做。 We always use wood to make furniture. We always use wood for making furniture.be used to do= be used for doing。被 用来做。Wood is used to make furniture.= wood is used for making furniture.Used t

25、o do= often did ago 过去常常做某事My father used to smoke a lot. But now he has given up smoking.Be used to doing= get used to doing 习惯于做某事After supper, I am used to having a walk in the park.I don get used to the spicy food, although I have lived in Si Chuan for a long time.12. price n价格prize n.奖品)奖励13.si

26、miliar 相似的 familiar 熟悉的Sth be similar to sb sth be familiar to sbSb be similar with sth sb be familiar with sth13. trouble, problem. Matter. Question trouble表示烦恼,麻烦的事情 problem题目)由。引出的问题matter与往常相比有不一样的地方,有不寻常的 地方question 问题 if others are in trouble. We should do them a favour.We should learn how to

27、deal with the trouble. The smoke from cars causeair pollution, it s a serious problemThe maths problem is too hard to work out.What s the matter with you, you look so upset.May I ask you some questions?14. across through prep.通过 across 表示运动 轨迹和运动平面成平行关系through表不运动轨 迹和运动平面成垂直关系go across the road,walk

28、 through the forest, drive through the tunnel, fly through the window, run through the city15. in addition= besides除以外还有(包括在 内的)eg. The food in the restaurant is delicious, besides the service there is also good 这家餐厅 的食物很美味的,除此以外他们的服务也很好=the food in the restaurant is delicious, in addition, the serv

29、ice there is also good.任意两 者用法的区别,beside in addition,)except除以夕卜(排除在夕卜)eg. Next month we will visit France except John, because he will have an important meeting to attend.(大家者 B 会 去法国但是约翰不会去,所以他不包括在去法国 的人之内)except for +短语(肯定全部)否定局部) eg.I like the carpet except for its price.尽管这条毯 子的价格比较昂贵,但是我还是喜欢这条

30、毯子, 价格不会影响我喜欢的程度。16. after +具体的事件)表示在。之后eg. I will come back after I see Jay Zhou.In +一段时间,表示一段之间之内,大多数时 候表示一段时间之后 用how soon提问I will come back in three weeks. How soon will you come back?一段时间+later 表示一段之间之后eg. Iwill come back three days later.(after引导时间状语从句时,后面加句子,但 是当后面不是句子的时候,after是介词,这 时候后面的动词要用动

31、名词形式)eg. I went out for flying kites after finishing my homework. I went out for flying kites after I had finished my homework.17. 一段时间+ago表示一段时间之后 three days ago (since three days ago = for three days)Before + 具体的事件 Before I arrived at his office, he had already left朋法同 after样) 当后面没跟句子的时候用做介词)18. a

32、live a.活着的,一般做表语,放在be动词 后面 be alive. Keep alive eg. When the soldier was sent to the hospital yesterday, he was still alive. Air keeps us alive.Living a.活着的,一般做定语,当在名词前面 a living computerLive a.现场的)直播的 the program is live= the program is on air.Lively a,生活的)活泼的 the teacher tries his best to make his

33、 lessons lively.19. all the students = the whole students所有学生(注意冠词的位置)20. also 放在句中 he is also my best friend.,too 放句末 he is my best friend, tooAs well 放在句末 he is my best friend as well.,either 用与 否定句 的句末 he is not my friend, either.21. among prep.三者或者三者以上之间 Between两者之间There is a ten minutes break b

34、etween classes.He is the tallest among the three.I put a leaf between the pages.22. and= and.,as well. = as well asI like sports and reading.= I like sports aswell as reading books.= I like sports and reading books , as well.23. arrive vi不及物动词 arrive at +小地方 (school, airport, hospital ) arrive in +

35、大地方(China, Shanghai) reach vt.及物动词 get to介词不能少)除非遇见 home, there, here When do you get home every day?My sister will arrive at the airport at 4 P.M. tomorrow.Finally, I reached the top of the mountain after 4hours climbing.When did you arrive?(问号前没有任何地点信 息,所以选择使用不及物动词,因为及物动词后 面必须加名词来体现它的及物性。)24. as,

36、when. WhileAs= while表示动作同时发生,主从句有延续性 动词一般都可使用进行时态,但是 while更有比 较的含义,而as使表示动作同时发生e.g. while my mother was mopping the floor, my brother was playing computer games.I was doing my homework as/ while my father was reading newspapers.When= while when 一般主句用进行时态 while 一般是从句使用进行时态When I got home yesterday ni

37、ght, it was raining heavily.The teacher entered the classroom while we were talking loudly in the classroom.=When the teacher walked into the classroom, we were talking loudly.25. 几个说的用法Speak + 语言 speak English 电话用语 May I speak to Mary? Speaking .Say+说话的内容 say it in English What you said doesn agree

38、 with what he said.文字类的叙述 The newspaper says, . What does the poster say? The advertisement sa id Talk 讨论 talk about sth, talk it over= talk it again and again. Talk sth to sb Tell 告诉 tell sb about sth tell sth to sb讲故事 tell a story = tell stories 识钟 tell the time识别 tell the difference between a and

39、 b26. 几个参加Attend亲自本人列席参加(婚礼,演讲,音乐会, 讲座等等)attend a sports club ,attend a weddingJoin参加人所组成的组织join us, join thesinging group, join the army, join the WTO Take part in参加人所组织的活动 take part in the group singingEnter for 报名参力口 have you ever entered for the high-jump.27. battle, was战役)战争 There are many diff

40、erent battle in a war. 区别只 在于战争的大小15. because向 子,becauseof+短语,since= now that+句子,for+句子Because直接阐述理由十句子 because of+短语 since墟而易见的原因for表示推测出的理由 Since everyone is here, les begin our meeting.It must be morning for the birds are singing.We failed because of his fault. We failed because he made a big mis

41、take.28. take对于说话人而言是远离的it raininghard, you (better take an umbrella with you.Bring对于说话人而言是靠近的don forgetto bring my dictionary tomorrow.Carry 是随身携带 what the thief carryingin his hand?Fetch是有个来回的取某样东西 Oh, no, I left my bag in the officeDon t worryI will fetch it to you29,几个发现Discover首次发现 Columb disco

42、vered the land of the USA.Find 找到)表示结果I can not find my notebook.Look for 寻找)表示经过 I am looking for my key everywhere, but I didnt find it.Find out经过努力找到。结果 No one can find out who broke the window.30.几个检查Check 核对正确与否 check the number on the bill carefully.Test 测试性能 test the machine first before it i

43、s put into working.Examine 检查身体 I need a thorough examine.31.修饰可 数的Many, several, few, a few, a number of, numbers of, a couple of修饰不 可数的Much, little, a little, an amount of, amounts of两者都 可修饰 的Some. Any, a lot of, lots of, plenty of, deal of, deals of. enough32 .几个但是But e.g. He can sing well but he

44、 can not dance well.However 后用逗号 He can sing well however, he can not dance well.While但是 然而 前有逗号He can sing well,while he can not dance well.33 . job cn工作 work un工作(更加侧重于工 作的内涵)career cn 职业生涯 occupation职位,岗位To be a teacher is a tiring job, his work is toteach children.His work is not easy to do.他 的工

45、作不好做(指工作的内容不好做)当work解释为著作和作品的时候是可数的The works of Sherk Spiers 。的著作 china works瓷器作品34 .几个听Listen to 强调动作 we should listen to the teacher carefully in class.Hear强调听到这个结果 What did you hear?There is something strange.Sound系动词。听上去)听起来It sounds good.35 .几个声音Sound指万籁之音,世界上的所有声音的总和Voice人的声音 sweet voice甜美的嗓音N

46、oise噪音,令人不高兴的声音36 .几个看Read 文字类的看 read the books read the newspapers read the menuLook at看静态的东西 look at the mapwatch 看动态的 watch a football matchsee 表示看至U结果 see a bird flying in the sky notice注意至!observe 关注37 .几个提供Offer sb sth= offer sth to sbProvide sb with sth= provide sth for sbSupply sb with sth=

47、supply sth for sb38 .几个偷Thief n.小偷=robber theft = robbery 抢劫案 steal= rob 抢劫 v.Steal sth from sb= rob sb of sthSteal-stole-stolen rob-robbed-robbed39 . such that so thatSuch强调名语 so强调形容词或者副词He is such a tall boy that he can reach the apple on the tree easily.He is so tall a boy that he can reach the a

48、pple on the tree easily.I can not finish the work in such a short time.I can not finish the work in so short a time40 . till, until当主句是延续性动词时,使用 until 这时候until = till的用法,解释为,直至黑。为止He worked on his computer until midnight. 他一直工作午夜为止当主句是瞬间性动词的时候, 使用not - until一般瞬间性动词要使用否定样式,解释为直到,才He didn go to bed un

49、til his mother called him他一直没有睡觉,直到他妈妈叫他,他才睡觉的41 . time时间,不可数 I was reading English at that time you rang me那时候,你打电话给我的时候我正在读英语次数,年代,倍数的时候是可数的How many times have you been to France?你去过法国多少次?In ancient times, people didnt use machines 在古代,人们都不用机器的That room is four times as large as this one. W间房间比这间大

50、四倍 三、表示感情色彩的词汇1.afraid= frightened= scared 害怕的=horrible 2.angry 3. amused 感至1J开心 4.amazed 感 到惊奇 5. sth is awful= sth is terrible。很可 怕)很糟糕 6.bored adj.无聊 的=dull 7. comfortable 舒服 的 uncomfortable 8confused困惑的)不解的9.convenient便禾U的 10.crazy疯狂的11 desire v渴望,热切希望12.destroy v破坏)损坏 13. disappointed 沮丧的 14, e

51、njoyable 开心的 15.hungry 16. full 饱的 17. nervous紧张的 18.proud骄傲的,自豪的 19.sad 悲伤的=unhappy四、连接词1 .although= though尽管(不能与 but同时使 用)e.g. Although he is only ten years old, be has already finished his university course.2 .because不能与 so连用在句中)在句中不用 逗号3 . if如果3. but = however然而)但是)表示转折5. unless 除三卜=if not6. or否

52、贝U7. now that= since 既然8. until直到o o o /j止。 直到o o o才9. since 自从10. as soon asr。就。11. at the same time 与此同时12. so that 为了13. in order to do= so as to do= to do = for doing 为了(in order not to do= so as not to do.= not to do 不为了。)五、不可数名词1 . advice un. 建议) 忠告) 劝告 a piece of advice some pieces of advice

53、an important piece of advice take ones advice = follow ones advice采纳某人的建议 give advice to sb 给某 人提建议2 .blood血液 3. bread面包点 4 butter黄油 5.cheese奶酪6. chicken (活的可数)死的不可 数)7. fish (死的不可数)活的可数)8,cotton 棉花9. energy精力)能量 10.food11 fuel n.燃料12. fun n.乐趣 13. furnituren.家具(a piece of furniture) 14. gas 气体 15 g

54、rass草16. hair (白发可数,黑发不可数) 17. homework housework 18. honey 蜂蜜 19 honour 荣誉 20,ice 21. illness= sickness 疾病 22. income收入(一般和金钱相关的都是 不可数的)23 industry nX业 24. information (a piece of information) 25. ink 墨水 26. courage 勇气 27. iron 铁 28. jam 果酱 29 joy= happiness 30. juice 31. knowledge知识 31. liquid 液体

55、32. solid 固体 33.litter= rubbish 垃圾 34.luggage n.行李 35. manner 行为举止 36 meat肉37 medicine药 38 metal 金属 39 milk 40 mind 思想 41 money 42. music 音乐 43. news 44. noise 44. oil 45.pity 怜悯 46. plastic 塑料 47. pollution 污染48 power能源)动力,电源)电力 49. progress进步 50. revision复习 51. rice 大米52.salary 薪金 53. sauce 酱汁 54

56、snow 55 steak牛肉 56 pork猪肉 57 lamp羊肉58 steam 蒸 气 59.technology n.技术 60. traffic 交通 61. wood 木头六、单复数同形的词和不规则变形的词1 .mouse- mice2 . foot-feet3 .tooth-teeth4.sheep-sheep5 .penny pence 便士6 .people people 人们(a people 一个民族)7 .mouse- mice8 .wolf- wolves9 .woman-women women teachers girl teachers七、同义词1. actually adv. (actual adj.) = in fact 实际地)现 实地


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