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1、 MANUFACTURING CO., LTDSPECIFICATION技 术 协 议 书SPECIFICATION名称/NAME: 甲方/PARTY A: 乙方/PARTY B: 日期/DATE: 2016.08.25目录/Content1. 设备概览Overview of Equipment2. 设计要求/Design Requirement3. 动作说明/Motion Description4. 主要机构说明/Main Mechanism Description5. 设备标准配置及附件/Standard Configuration6. 设备主要部件品牌及型号/Brand and Type

2、 of Main Parts7. 技术参数表/Technology Parameter8. 设备性能要求/Performance Requirement9. 运输及安装调试/Transportation, Installation and Trial Run10. 验收条件/Acceptance Condition11. 大日程/Master Plan12. 售后/After Sale甲方及乙方,经过友好协商,对乙方提供的自动化设备的技术要求、质量保证等事宜,达成一致意见,特制订该技术协议。This specification is entered into by and between PA

3、RTY A and PARTY B through friendly consultations. It is about the technical requirement and quality guarantee etc. for the automation device that designed and manufactured by PARTY B.本协议以中英文双语方式起草,一式两份,如有冲突,以中文为准。This specification is prepared both in Chinese and English version, it will be held in

4、two copies of the same form, and in the event any conflicts, arises out of the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.1. 设备概览/Overview of EquipmentRoll-over magazineFinished goodsRobotRoller conveyorBelt conveyorChip removal deviceSawing machine2. 设计要求/Design RequirementNO.分类/Item内容/Content

5、备注/Remark16S外观整洁,没有破损,没有尖尖角角有可能造成作业员伤害的地方;Clear and neat appearance, no damage and nothing may cause harm to workers;26S水电气安装整齐,标示清晰完整,没有裸露的线头,没有安全隐患;Utility lines installationmarked tidy, clear and complete, no bare threads, and no hidden dangers;36S标示整齐、完整、正确;Having neat, integrated and right sign

6、 or mark;46S场地尺寸12米*6米;Space 12m*6m;5工艺/Process不锈钢材料,直径20100mm,厚度0.83mmStainless steel tube, diameter 20100mm, thickness 0.83mm6工艺/Process原材料长度6mRaw material length 6m;7工艺/Process单次送料长度 101000mmFeeding length 101000mm at single time;8工艺/Process伺服自动供料,自动取出加工好的产品,自动排屑系统Servo auto feeding, auto get the

7、 cut tubes out of the machine, auto remove the metal chips;9工艺/Process完成品通过机器人竖直放置在料箱里Finished goods is vertically placed in box by robot10工艺/Process锯切精度 0.1mmSawing accuracy 0.1mm11效率/Capacity加工直径60mm厚度1.5mm材料,循环时间=30秒;Cycle time MAX 30 sec produce 60mm and thickness 1.5mm material;12效率/Capacity换型时

8、间=1.3322终验收申请单;Final acceptance application供应商/Supplier满负荷运行三个月,达到100%设计要求Running at full capacity for 3 months, achieve 100% design requirements;11. 大日程/Master PlanNO.ActivityMay-16Jun-16Jul-16Aug-16Sep-16Oct-16Nov-16Dec-16Jan-17Feb-17Mar-171前期研究/Preliminary study2供应商确定/Supplier confirm3技术协议合同/Spec

9、ification4图纸发布/Design release5制造完成/Manufacture6预验收及改进/Pre-checking7安装调试/Install and adjust8试运行/Trial running9验收/Final checking备注/Remark: 计划/Plan 回顾会议/Review meeting12. 售后/After Sale 设备质量保证期1年;1 year quality warranty; 在质量保证期内,由乙方免费负责保修服务;During the quality warranty period, Party B is responsible for repair and maintenance service free of charge; 乙方保证终身提供保修服务,质量保证期后,只收取材料费用;Party B provides life-long quality service. And, only spare parts fees are charged by Party B after quality warranty expires;甲方(盖章)/PARTY A(S


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