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1、中国国际贸易中心三期A阶段工程China World Trade Center Phase 3A之设计、供应及安装玻璃幕墙工程Facade Scope of Work塔冠幕墙结构计算书Structural Calculation for curtain wall on tower crown编制人AUTHOR:版号REV : B编制单位:JIANGHE GROUP编制日期:September 28, 2007中国国际贸易中心三期A阶段工程 China World Trade Center Phase , Façade Scope of work,之设计、供应及安装玻璃幕墙工程 Str

2、ucture Calculation结 构 计 算 书 Cupples-J&H-ASI TEAMCatalogue说明 notes2PART :玻璃幕墙计算 calculation on glass C.W.41 荷载计算Load calculation42 玻璃面板计算Glass panel calculation93 中横料计算Calculation for middle transom184 单元横料计算Calculation for transom235 单元竖料计算calculation for mullion296 单元边立柱计算 Unit mullion calculat

3、ing457 竖料插芯计算Calculation for plugboard in mullion518 挂件组计算calculation for bracket group659 层间附加钢梁计算Calculation for spandrel steel beam79PART :铝板结构计算Calculation for Alum panel Structure10110 荷载计算Load calculation10111 铝板计算Calculation for alum panel10312 钢立柱计算calculation for steel mullion113PART :玻璃翼计算

4、Calculation for Glass fin11713 玻璃计算Glass calculation117说明 notes1. 本工程计算采用的风荷载,根据国家规范计算和风洞试验结果进行比较,取较大值。大楼标高330m,根据中国规范建筑结构荷载规范GB 500092001计算出的风荷载标准值为4.1 KPa。根据业主提供的风洞试验报告,最大风荷载位于大楼东立面26层,标高110.6m,其风荷载标准值为3.3 KPa。所以塔冠结构计算时取4.1KPa。The larger one of the wind load value calculated per national code and

5、result from wind tunnel test will be used in this calculation. The height of tower is 330m. The characteristic value of wind load calculated according to the “Load Code for the Design of Building Structures GB50009-2001” is 4.1 KPa, while per the wind tunnel test provided by Owner, the Max wind load

6、 is on the L26 of the eastern façade, 110.6m high, whose characteristic value for the wind load is 3.3 KPa Therefore 4.1KPa is adopted when conducting the structural calculation for the hotel floor.2. 玻璃翼风荷载按照风洞试验报告最大值选取,其风荷载标准值为8.25 KPa。the Max value 8.25 KPa of wind tunnel test is adopted for

7、 the wind load on glass fins.PART :玻璃幕墙计算 calculation on glass C.W.1 荷载计算Load calculation1.1 幕墙自重荷载计算Dead load calculation for curtain wall玻璃重力密度Gravity density of glass: 25.6 KN/m3铝材重力密度Gravity density of Aluminium: 28 KN/m310+12A+8钢化中空玻璃自重面荷载标准值Characteristic value for area dead load of 10+12A+8 t

8、empered insulated glass:GGK=18×10-3×25.6=0.461 KN/m2选取一个1.4m×6m单元进行计算(L72):A unit of 1.4m×6m is used for calculation(L72)1)竖料(包括公料、母料及扣盖等):Mullion (including male extrusion, female extrusion and capping):截面积sectional area: A=8515 mm2,线密度linear density:(5940+2342)×10-6×2

9、8=0.232 KN/m重量为weight:0.232×6=1.392 KN2)横料(包括顶横料、底横料和中横料及扣盖等):Transom (including head transom, sill transom, middle transom and capping)截面积sectional area: A=2469+2×2303+2014=9089 mm2,线密度为linear density:9089×10-6×28=0.255 KN/m重量为weight:0.255×1.4=0.357 KN3)铝合金背板(包括3mm铝背板和波纹型材)

10、Aluminium back board (including 3mm Alum. back pan and corrugated extrusion)3mm铝背板自重面荷载 area dead load of 3mm Alum. back pan: 28×10-3×3=0.084 KN/m2;波纹型材截面积 sectional area of corrugated extrusion:A=131 mm2,线密度为 the linear intensity: 131×10-6×28=0.00367 KN/m;重量为 weight:0.084×1

11、.26×0.88+19×0.00367×1.26=0.181 KN以上三项重量合计为 total weight of the above three items:1.392+0.357+0.181=1.93 KN将该部分重量折算成面荷载transform the weight of this part into area load:1.93/(1.4×6)=0.230 KN/m2则单元自重面荷载标准值(不包括螺钉等零配件):Then characteristic value for the area dead load of unit:(Screws a

12、nd other accessory are not included)GGK=0.461+0. 230=0.691 KN/m2考虑螺钉等零配件重量,取 weight of screw and other accessory will put into consideration, adopt:GGK=0.75 KN/m2幕墙单元自重面荷载设计值The design value for area dead load of unit:GG=G·GGK=1.2×0.75=0.9 KN/m2自重作用效应分项系数取G =1.2,按玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003第5.4.

13、2.1条规定。The dead load effect distribution coefficient:G =1.2 per the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 item 风荷载计算Wind load calculation 计算高度Calculating Height:H=330 m地面粗糙程度Ground roughness type:C基本风压Basic wind pressure:W0=0.5 KN/m2(Beijing,100 yea

14、r wind)瞬时风压阵风系数Gust coefficient of momentary wind pressure:gz=1.428高度变化系数Changing coefficient of height: Z=2.869体形系数Shape coefficient:S=-2.0.作用在幕墙上的风荷载标准值Characteristic value of wind load on the CW:WK=gzZSW0=-1.428×2.869×2.0×0.5=-4.10 KN/m2根据招标文件风洞试验报告,风荷载标准值最大为-3.3 KN/m2,如下表:Characte

15、ristic value of the Max wind load given by the wind tunnel testing report of the tender documents is -3.3 KN/m2, shown as follows:表面surface1秒钟外部峰值压力1-sec Peak External Pressure1秒钟峰值净压力1-sec Net External Pressure1秒钟峰值压差1-sec Peak differential Pressure PmaxPminkPakPaPmaxPminkPakPaPmaxPminkPakPa东立面east

16、 elevation1.2-3.01.5-3.3-北立面 north elevation1.6-2.71.8-3.0-南立面south elevation1.3-2.81.5-3.1-西立面 west elevation1.5-2.81.8-3.0-屋顶 roof0.1-3.00.4-3.2-雨蓬 canopies1.2-2.4-1.7-2.4综合后取 therefore : WK=-4.1 KN/m2风荷载设计值Design value of wind load:W=W×WK=1.4×4.1=5.74 KN/m2风荷载作用分项系数W=1.4,按玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ1

17、02-2003第5.4.2.1条规定。The wind load effect distribution coefficient:G =1.4 per the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering JG102-2003 item 水平地震荷载计算Horizontal seismic load calculation抗震设防烈度Seismic fortification intensity: 影响系数Influence coefficient: =0.16动力放大系数Dynamic ampl

18、ificatory factor: =5.0作用在幕墙上的地震荷载标准值Characteristic value of seismic load on the CW:qEK=··GGK=0.16×5.0×0.75=0.6 KN/m2作用在幕墙上的地震荷载设计值Design value of seismic load on the CW:qE=E·qEK=1.3×0.6=0.78 KN/m2地震荷载作用效应分项系数,取E=1.3,按玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003第5.4.2.1条规定。Seismic load effect

19、distribution coefficient W=1.3,per the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 Item 荷载组合Load combination根据玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003第5.1.6条规定Per the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 item 5.1.6.A 无地震作用效应组合时,承载力应

20、符合下式要求:Load bearing capacity shall be in accordance with the following formula when there is no seismic effect combination: 0SR (5.1.6-1)式中 S荷载效应按基本组合的设计值(S in the formula is the design value of the basic combination of load effect);0结构构件重要性系数,根据建筑结构可靠度设计统一标准GB50068-2001第7.03.1条,100年设计年限取1.1;(0 is t

21、he importance coefficient of the structural brackets, per the Uniformed Standard for the Reliability of Architectural Structure GB50068-2001 item 7.03.1 the design age limit for 100 year is 1.1;) R构件抗力设计值(R is the Characteristic value of the structural components resisting force)结构构件需抵抗的水平荷载设计值 Desi

22、gn value of horizontal load resisted by the structural components:q=0·W=1.1×5.74=6.32 KN/m2B 有地震作用效应组合时,承载力应应符合下式要求:Force bearing capacity shall be in accordance with the following formula when there is a seismic effect combination SER/RE (5.1.6-2)式中 SE地震作用效应和其他荷载效应按基本组合的设计值(SE is the desi

23、gn value of the basic combination between seismic effect and other load effect); RE结构构件承载力抗震调整系数,应取1.0(RE is the adjusting coefficient of the load bearing capacity of structure, which shall be selected as 1.0.)风荷载和水平地震作用组合设计值计算Calculation for the design value of wind load and horizontal seismic effe

24、ct combinationq=W·W+E·qE=1.0×5.74+0.5×0.78=6.13 KN/m2W:风荷载作用效应组合系数,取W=1.0,按玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003第5.4.3条规定(Wind load action combination coefficient: W=1.0, per the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 item 5.4.3.)E:地震荷载作用效应组合系数,取E=0.5,按玻璃幕墙

25、工程技术规范JGJ102-2003第5.4.3条规定(Seismic load action combination coefficient: W=0.5, per the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 item 5.4.3.)综合后取水平荷载设计值 The final design value for horizontal load is:q=6.32 KN/m22 玻璃面板计算Glass panel calculation玻璃采用四边支承,玻璃面板选用10+12A+

26、8钢化中空玻璃,需要对玻璃的强度和受风荷载产生的挠度进行校核。The glass is supported by four sides; the panels use 10+12A+8 tempered insulaed glass. Glass strength and the deflection caused by wind load need to be checked.取70层梯形玻璃the trapezoid glass on L70 is adopted into calculation玻璃分格尺寸Module dimension for glass:(14111664)mm&#

27、215;3600 mm计算尺寸calculation dimension :a×b=1460 mm×3550 mm2.1 玻璃强度校核Glass strength checking 中空玻璃的强度计算,按玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003第6.1.5条规定,需要分别对内外片进行强度校核。Per the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 item 6.1.5, both the strength of the external lite and i

28、nternal lite need to be checked.外片玻璃厚度 External lite thickness:t1=10 mm外片玻璃自重Dead load of external lite:GGK1=25.6×10-6×10=0.256×10-3 N/mm2外片玻璃直接承受的地震荷载Seismic load directly on external lite:qEK1=··GGK1=0.16×5.0×0.256×10-3=0.205×10-3 N/mm2外片玻璃直接承受的风荷载为Wind

29、 load directly on external lite:=2.983×10-3 N/mm2内片玻璃厚度 Internal lite thickness:t2=8 mm内片玻璃自重Dead load of internal lite:GGK2=25.6×10-6×8=0.205×10-3 N/mm2内片玻璃直接承受的地震荷载Seismic load directly on internal lite:qEK2=··GGK2=0.16×5.0×0.205×10-3=0.164×10-3 N/

30、mm2内片玻璃直接承受的风荷载为Wind load directly on internal lite:=1.388×10-3 N/mm21)外片计算External lite calculation外片玻璃的应力计算External lite stress calculation: =19.5m:弯矩系数,由玻璃短边与长边之比a/b=1460/3550=0.411,查玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003表6.1.2-1得,m =0.1102Bending moment is decided by the ratio between the short side and the

31、 long side a/b=1460/3550=0.411, referring to the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 ,Item 6.1.2-1, m =0.1102:折减系数,由参数=19.5,查玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003表6.1.2-2得,=0.922Reduction coefficient ,the parameter: =19.5, According to the Technical Specification for Glazin

32、g Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 ,Item 6.1.2-1, =0.922 =55.6 N/mm2fg= 84.0 N/mm2ok!2)内片计算 Internal lite calculation内片玻璃的应力计算Internal lite stress calculation: =22.5m:弯矩系数,由玻璃短边与长边之比a/b=1460/3550=0.411,查玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003表6.1.2-1得,m =0.1102Bending moment is decided by the ratio between t

33、he short side and the long side a/b=1460/3550=0.411, referring to the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003,Item 6.1.2-1, m =0.1102:折减系数,由参数=22.5,查玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003表6.1.2-2得,=0.9108Reduction coefficient ,the parameter: =22.3. According to the Technical Spe

34、cification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 ,Item 6.1.2-1, =0.91 =40.8 N/mm2fg= 84.0 N/mm2ok!2.2 玻璃挠度校核Glass deflection checking玻璃的等效厚度The equivalent thickness of glass:te=10.90 mm玻璃的刚度glass rigidity : =8102194 N·mm玻璃的挠度glass deflection =18.3:折减系数,由参数=18.3,查玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102

35、-2003表6.1.2-2得,=0.927Reduction coefficient Parameter:=18.3,according to the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003, Item 6.1.2-2, =0.927:四边支承玻璃面板的挠度系数, 由a/b=1460/3550=0.411,查玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-2003表6.1.3得,=0.01123Deflection coefficient of the glass panel supporte

36、d by four sidesa/b=1460/3550=0.411,according to the Technical Specification for Glazing Curtain Wall Engineering Table JG102-2003 ,Item 6.1.3, =0.01123=23.9 mma/60=1460/60=24.3 mm25mmok!2.3 玻璃与龙骨间结构胶计算 Calculation for the structural silicone between glass and frame玻璃采用结构胶与龙骨粘接,外加扣盖,结构胶为主要受力。计算时只考虑结构

37、胶受力。Glass is bonded with the framing by structural silicone and covered by capping. It will be considered that only the structural silicone bears load when conducting calculation.1)基本参数Basic parameter:胶的短期强度设计值Design value for structural silicone short -term strength : f1=0.2 N/mm2胶的长期强度设计值Design va

38、lue for structural silicone long -term strength: f2=0.01 N/mm2年温差最大值Max. difference in annul temperature :T=68 (北京地区最大年温差为Max annual diffenerce of temperature in Beijing:T=68, tmax=40.6, tmin=-27.4)铝型材线膨胀系数:Linear expansion coefficient of Alum extrusion: a1=2.35×10-5玻璃线膨胀系数Linear expa

39、nsion coefficient of glass:a2=1.0×10-5另外根据厂家提供的数据,得到以下参数:Per the data provided by the manufacturer, the following parameters are obtained硅酮结构密封胶温差效应变位承受能力movement bearing capacity of structural silicone caused by difference in temperature1=0.1252)胶的粘结宽度bonding width of silicone玻璃承受的地震荷载Seismic

40、load on glass:qEK=··GGK=0.16×5.0×0.461×10-3=0.369×10-3 N/mm2玻璃受面荷载设计值Design value for the area load on the glass:q=5.74+0.5×1.3×0.369=5.98 KN/m2标准单元typical unit:CS=18.87 mm结构胶宽度取(width of the structural silicone)CS=20 mm。Ok!70层单元unit on L70:CS=21.08 mm结构胶宽度取(w

41、idth of the structural silicone)CS=22 mm。Ok!3)胶的粘结厚度bonding thickness of silicone由于在地震作用变位时,幕墙单元作为一个整体相对主体产生变位,而玻璃与单元铝材间没有相对偏移,所以计算结构胶时只考虑温差效应。Because curtain wall units move as a whole under sesmic action and there will be no relative movement between glass and aluminum extrusion, the structural si

42、licone calculation only considers effect of temperature difference.玻璃板块在年温差作用下玻璃与铝型材相对位移量:The relative movement between glass and aluminum extrusion under the difference in annul temperature US =b·T·(a1-a2)=3550×68×(2.35×10-5-1.0×10-5)=3.259 mm结构胶粘结厚度bonding thickness o

43、f silicone:=6.32 mm胶的粘结厚度取(bonding thickness of silicone)8 mm。Ok!2.4 玻璃合片结构胶计算 Calculation of structural silicone for connecting glasses 主要对结构胶的宽度进行计算。Calculation is mainly conducted for the width of structural silicone.外片玻璃承受的地震荷载Seismic load on external lite:qEK1=··GGK1=0.16×5.0

44、5;0.256×10-3=0.205×10-3 N/mm2外片玻璃直接承受的风荷载标准值Characteristic value of wind load directly on external lite:=2.983×10-3 N/mm2则面荷载设计值then the design value of the area load :q=1.4×2.983+0.5×1.3×0.205=4.31 KN/m2标准单元typical unit:CS=13.6 mm结构胶宽度取(width of the structural silicone

45、)CS=15 mmok!70层单元unit on L70:CS=15.2 mm结构胶宽度取(width of the structural silicone)CS=17 mmOk!2.5 底横料玻璃托条计算Calculation of glass setting block at sill transom1)计算说明note玻璃下端设置铝合金托条,采用6063-T5材质。根部壁厚为t=4.5 mm,根据受力形式,托条前端相当于悬挑结构,每块玻璃下端布置2个托条,每段托条长b=150 mm。玻璃面板重心距最危险的截面距离D=19.2 mm,悬臂长度为31mm。Place aluminum set

46、ting block below the glass, 6063-T5 material. Thickness of the root: t=4.5 mm; per the force bearing form the setting block front equals to soffit structure.There are two setting block below each glass panel, length: b=150 mm. Distance between glass panel centroid to the most dangerous section: D=19

47、.2 mm. length of cantilever is 31mm.2)荷载计算Load calculation玻璃自重面荷载标准值Characteristic value for area dead load of glass:GGK=0.461 KN/m2玻璃尺寸glass dimension( L70):1460 mm×3550 mm托条承受的集中荷载设计值Design value of concentrated load on the setting blockP=1.2×0.461×1.46×3.55/2=1.434 KN托条承受的弯矩Be

48、nding moment on the setting blockM=1434×19.2=27533 N·mm3)抗弯强度校核Permissible bending strength checking抵抗矩 Resisting moment:WX=150×4.52/6=506.25 mm3=M/W=27533/506.25=54.4 N/mm285.5 N/mm2Ok!4)托条挠度校核 Setting block deflection checking托条承受的集中荷载标准值Characteristic value of concentrated load on

49、the setting blockPK=0.461×1.46×3.55/2=1.195 KN惯性矩 Inertia moment :IX=150×3.53/12=535.94 mm3(按平均厚度3.5mm计算 Calculation is conducted as the mean thickness is 3.5mm )df=0.16 mmdf,lim=32.5/90=0.36 mm1 mmOk!2.6 中横料玻璃托条计算Calculation of glass setting block at middle transom1)计算说明note玻璃下端设置铝合金

50、托条,采用6063-T5材质。根部壁厚为t=3 mm,根据受力形式,托条前端相当于悬挑结构,每块玻璃下端布置2个托条,每段托条长b=150 mm。玻璃面板重心距最危险的截面距离D=21.7 mm,悬臂长度为35mm。Place aluminum setting block below the glass, 6063-T5 material. Thickness of the root: t=3 mm; per the force bearing form the setting block front equals to soffit structure.There are two setti

51、ng block below each glass panel, length: b=150 mm. Distance between glass panel centroid to the most dangerous section: D=21.7 mm. Length of cantilever is 35mm.2)荷载计算Load calculation玻璃自重面荷载标准值Characteristic value for area dead load of glass:GGK=0.461 KN/m2玻璃尺寸glass dimension : 1365 mm×2335 mm(L

52、72)托条承受的集中荷载设计值Design value of concentrated load on the setting blockP=1.2×0.461×1.365×2.335/2=0.882 KN托条承受的弯矩Bending moment on the setting blockM=882×21.7=19139 N·mm3)抗弯强度校核Permissible bending strength checking抵抗矩 Resisting moment:WX=150×32/6=225 mm3=M/W=10372/225=85.1

53、 N/mm285.5 N/mm2Ok!4)托条挠度校核 checking for the setting block deflection托条承受的集中荷载标准值Characteristic value of concentrated load on the setting blockPK=0.461×1.365×2.335/2=0.733 KN惯性矩 Inertia moment :IX=150×3 3/12=337.5 mm3df=0.20 mmdf,lim=32.5/90=0.39 mm1 mmOk!3 中横料计算Calculation for middle

54、 transom 3.1 中横料弯曲计算Bending calculation for middle transom3.1.1 计算说明notes在水平方向,中横料须承受横料上下面板传递的水平荷载,上下均为三角形荷载。在自重方向,承受横料上方板块的重量,在横料距端部200mm处设置有两个玻璃垫片,所以承受玻璃自重视为集中荷载。Horizontally, the middle transom must bear the horizontal load transferred from upper and lower panels, triangle load. On dead load leve

55、l it bears the weight of the panel above. At the area where 200mm away from each end of the transom, two glass shims are set. So the glass dead load born is regarded as concentrated load.取72层中横梁adopt the middle transom on L72跨度(span)l=1240 mm;自重分格高度 (dead load module height) :h=2370 mm;垫片距端部距离(shim

56、to the end):a=200 mm;三角形水平荷载高度(Height of horizontal triangle load): h1=1240/2=620mm3.1.2 荷载计算load calculation玻璃尺寸glass dimension : 1365 mm×2335 mm自重荷载标准值Characteristic value for dead load:GGK=0.5 KN/m2水平荷载设计值 Design value of horizontal load:q=6.32 KN/m21)中横料承受的竖直方向每个集中荷载(玻璃垫片处)Each vertical con

57、centrated load on the middle transom (at glass shim)N=1.2×0.5×1.365×2.335/2=0.956 KN2)中横料承受竖直方向荷载产生的最大弯矩Max bending moment caused by vertical load on the middle transomMX=Na=0.956×0.2=0.191 KN·m3)中横料承受的水平方向线荷载值The horizontal linear load on the middle transom三角形(triangle):q1= q2=q·h1=6.32×0.62=3.918KN/m4)中横料承受的水平方向荷载产生的最大弯矩Max bending moment caused by horizontal load on the middle transom=1.004KN·m3.1.3 中横料截面参数Section parameter of middle transomX轴惯性矩 Inertia moment of X axis IX


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