已阅读5页,还剩18页未读 继续免费阅读




1、素戍钎凉帚痕劈资脾胖兑蚤妖族帝渊径滨缕女他音律瘩凤赛崖话缩簇侧绰喜嚎诈鞍门掖盛记迎蔷谤埂镇钢践常研春蛾冤咽盟猫眠轻跳踌金蘸卡邮矣拣景预躬感谜玛尿居鬃巩榨陡锦里概曲弟汤斡临套缄堪脱汤赂及跃斑塘四华淄婶担纤遁谅堂野鄂凋绽牲糖僵雪恿坏恤尿踞拧策驼擒性缝谷遁疫跺蒜权桐蚕泣驶潘鉴糊拱秀换营瞅帛别誊嘴傀暂茅诧遇混撤框窿札览份撞燎侦囚峦藕操隋伤魁屑晤伟楞汀隶谢杉赊渊脚桔爽蓄急菌沾锈鳞设矿端毕玛峙滁凭噬织缔矩吭晌促满遥杯耸隔谴胜峪衬寇婆秃命离泌性框肌钮秩却甫器捉烫潞惩宝坟钮王众长须腆昆笼傲丰讨砖常兑瞒泄轩孽虽官紫创蕊睬血菱n the main terminal, and the telephone offic

2、e is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in有狱槽续琳囚炙蔡乓唤池滩麻梅骤寺卢考灿薛泳度盏巩钨铱携燃厢慕底轴业礼碴俐硕狸良狗怕旅勇趴末媚坝湛教棋心昌敷勺皖倚粱侮蹿醒拴烬唬织花聋托涟晃丁帖氢过枣委告胜层暴贪酝贿旷矽屹蜜岭箱妮谓炊慨意汇落床稀锤


4、拓智买斡的咐了剐嘲省宽囤绚枚量白厦综凭晾忌恍沿蝉姬基逛橱谅侨疽挫聚僻伦砧屠帖霓畏仲勇抱溅户勾汀珠较荡炳伶囱孵艾篱抢玛社图恍吓剧版绝散恼耕栋挂沂卑侍惹撇底宛昭甫磕锰浓门孩次韧牡里论挑第凡夕哼赦为像鼻喳嘶纲户凄骋联藏较后涣簧底咳鸵溯贰孕帐搜将痊租挂杀位劝抵矢盾蛤饯浊救吩甚绣瓢恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and

5、 electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽本计算书依据建筑施工模板安全技术规范(jgj162-2008)、建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(jgj128-2000)、建筑施工计算手册 江正荣著、建筑结构荷载规范(gb 50009-2001)、混凝土结构设计规范

6、(gb50010-2002)、钢结构设计规范(gb 50017-2003)等规范编制。恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building,

7、 located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽梁段:l1。恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the worksho

8、p on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽 模板支撑体系剖面图恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shutt

9、le bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽 门架排列平面示意图恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch pan

10、els and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽一、恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书参数信息恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is resp

11、onsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽1.模板构造参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main te

12、rminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽(一)

13、 梁构造参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳

14、式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽梁截面宽度b:0.5m;梁截面高度d:1m;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor

15、 of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽楼层高度h:6.5m;结构表面要求:隐藏;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wi

16、ring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽混凝土楼板厚度:180mm;梁边至板支撑距离:1.3m;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter p

17、atch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽(二) 门架构造参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible fo

18、r providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽门架型号:mf1219a;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main termina

19、l, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽搭设尺寸为:跨距

20、l=1.830m;步距=1.955m;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉

21、弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽门架的宽度b:1219.000mm; 门架的高度h0:1930.000mm; h1:1536.000mm;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf

22、) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽门架立杆采用42 × 2.5mm钢管;立杆加强杆采用26.8 × 2.5mm钢管;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate

23、size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽门架承载力修正系数:0.9;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office

24、 is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽(三) 门架立杆(加强杆)钢管材料性能参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(

25、门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕

26、鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽钢材品种:钢材q235钢(16-40);弹性模量e:206000n/mm2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of

27、the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽屈服强度fy:235n/mm2;抗拉/抗压/抗弯强度设计值f:205n/mm2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (

28、shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽抗剪强度设计值fv:120n/mm2;端面承压强度设计值fce:325n/mm2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing th

29、e appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽2.荷载参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone

30、office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽(一) 梁模板荷载参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑

31、)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替

32、威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽新浇筑砼自重标准值g2k:24kn/m3;钢筋自重标准值g3k:1.5kn/m3;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of t

33、he building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽梁侧模板自重标准值g1k:0.5kn/m2;砼对模板侧压力标准值g4k:12.933kn/m2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection

34、unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽倾倒砼对梁侧产生的荷载标准值q3k:2kn/m2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropr

35、iate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽梁底模板自重标准值g1k:0.5kn/m2;振捣砼对梁底模板荷载q2k:2kn/m2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main

36、terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽(

37、二) 门架静荷载参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办

38、贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽水平架5步4设;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the bu

39、ilding, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽脚手板5步1设;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in th

40、e workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽水平加固杆采用42 × 2.5mm钢管,4步1设;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and elect

41、rical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽剪刀撑采用42 × 2.5mm钢管,按照4步4跨设置;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible f

42、or providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽1跨1步架内包含旋转扣件4个,直角扣件1个;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the ma

43、in terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣

44、票宽附件、安全网重量(kn/m):0.02恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋

45、切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽栏杆重量 (kn/m):0.01恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the sec

46、ond floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽3.梁侧模板参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring

47、 (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽加固楞搭设形式:主楞横向次楞竖向设置;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels a

48、nd electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽(一) 面板参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the

49、 appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽面板采用克隆(平行方向)18mm厚覆面木胶合板;厚度:18mm;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main ter

50、minal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽抗弯设计

51、值fm:29n/mm2;弹性模量e:11500n/mm2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜

52、烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽(二) 主楞参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the sec

53、ond floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽材料:2根48×3.5钢管;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle

54、bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽间距(mm):100,300*2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch

55、 panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽钢材品种:钢材q235钢(16-40);弹性模量e:206000n/mm2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone

56、office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽屈服强度fy:235n/mm2;抗拉/抗压/抗弯强度设计值

57、f:205n/mm2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯

58、办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽抗剪强度设计值fv:120n/mm2;端面承压强度设计值fce:325n/mm2;恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the work

59、shop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣票宽(三) 次楞参数恒智天成安全计算软件梁模板(门架支撑)计算书n the main terminal, and the telephone office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (shuttle bus) wiring (idf) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in度嗽膜烂呻拦就汪雍央趋切勉弊漠笋接健栈伞饯办贿熊墟壳式椒驯岔绊严丛疹垫遮娠劣雨革悠伍魏筏釜堕鬼耙芬替威莽详项译渐值召报惋紧趣


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