



1、翻译林版小学三年级英语下册期末考试。第一部分:听力部分(40分)第一,听录音,选择听的选项。(10分)()1。a. ruler B. ready C. rubber()2 .a. talk B. drink C. thank()3 .a. breakfast B. behind C. beside()4。a. ten B. two c.twelve()5。a. six B. stand C. sister()6。a. pie B. apple C. book()7。a. wake up B. stand up C. tick-tock()8 . a . lunchbox b . little

2、box c . nicebox()9 .a. this B. that C. those()10。a. orange B. ducks C. oranges第二,根据录音排列以下句子。(10分)()1。我的uncle is very tall。()2 .Dont sleep in class .()3 .Hurry up,boys and girls。()4。Please open your English books。()5。What are these?()6。Is that your schoolbag?()7。Theyre on the farm。()8。Welcome to my c

3、lassroom。()9 .Shes Tinas mum。()10。The robots are on the desk .第三,选择听句子的答案。(10分)()1。a yes,it is.b no,it isnt my pencil。()2 .a How nice!B It isnt my picture。()3 .a she s eleven . b she s my cousin Linda。()4。a Its a crayon。b Here you are。()5。a No,thanks。b Come in,please。()6。a Theyre apples。b Its an app

4、le .()7。a no,they aren t. b they re my bags .()8。a OK .b Im sorry。()9 .a Its ten oclock。b Im eight .()10。a hes behind the door .b its in the tree .第四,填写不足的单词。(10分)1.开放your please。2.Dont the cake now .3.Wheres my?4.Its time for .5.Whos that?6.Is that an?7.Whats and?8.he s .第二部分:笔试部分(60分)首先,选择其他选项。(10

5、分)()1 . a . chair b . ruler c . blackboard d . desk()2 . a . friend b . brother c . sister d . mother()3 .a. cow B. hot dog C. duck D. pig()4 . a . dinner b . lunch c . breakfast d . pear()5。a. drink B. eat C. boy D. run()6。a. behind B. big C. in D. under()7。a. man B. woman C. girl D. uncle()8。a. re

6、d B. orange C. blue D. apple()9 . a . eleven b . morning c . after noond。evening()10。a. what B. where C. there D. how2、选择填充空格。(10分)()1,-look at my toy car-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _A.Its a car B.How lovely!()2.-what _ _ _ _ _ _ this?- Its a penA.is B.are()3 3 .- What time is it,please?_ _ _

7、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fouro clockA.Its B.It()4。it s time _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ English classA.at B. for()5.- how old are you?- I m _ _ _ _ _ _A.刘涛B.nine()6.-唤醒,巴比!-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uA.好的!B.Im sorry()7.-比特日快乐!-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uA.Thank you B. Make a wish()8.-it s eleven

8、 o clock . it s time for _ _ _ _。A.lunch B.dinner()9 .- What are these?-they re _ _ _ _ _ _ _。A.orange B.oranges()10.-_ _ _ _ _ _ thatman?-hes my grandpa .A.Whos B. Whats3、根据情况选择正确的响应。(10分)()1。晚上去迈克家的话,应该说:A.goodmorning B. goodevening。()2 .如果你想问新同学的年龄,你可以这样说。A.海洛!How old are you?b .海洛!How are you?()

9、3 .想向对方介绍自己的时候,可以这样说。A.Hi,Im Liu Tao。B. This is Liu Tao .()4。把一件事交给对方,可以说:A.Look at me。B. This is for you .()5。称赞洋娃娃可爱的时候,应该这样说。A.How lovely!b .太好了!()6。想知道现在几点的时候,可以问:A.Where is it?B.What time is it?()7。早上上学的路上有人问几点,可以回答。A.it s seven o clock b . it s twelve o clock()8。上学迟到的时候,妈妈会提醒你:A.Hurry up。B.Wak

10、e up .()9 .客人来你家做客,你告诉他们了。A.welcome to my home.b. youre right .()10。玩游戏的时候,如果你想说汤姆出局了,你可以告诉他。A.Tom,youre right.b. Tom,youre out .第四,挑选适合左边句子的答案。(10分)I II()1。Look!A bird!A. Its on the chair .()2 .Wheres my lunchbox?B. Thank you。()3 .how old are you,团队?C. Its seven oclock .()4。Whos she?D. Im two .()5。

11、What time is it?E. How beautiful!()6。Dont talk here。F. My cousin。()7。This book is for you .G. Im sorry。()8,Nice to meet you。H. Nice to meet you,too。()9,Open the door,please?I. No,it isn t .()10,Is this your book?J. Yes,Mr Green。第五,连词文章。(10分)1.Is pencil this your(?),以获取详细信息_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

12、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.cap a What nice(!),以获取详细信息_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u3.This you is for Bobby(.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4.please time is What it(?),以获取详细信息_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5.

13、is oclock two It(.)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _第六,读短文,判断对错,正确地写T,错误地写F。(10分)hello . welcome to my grandpa s farm . I m Tom . I m ten . let s visit(访问the farm together)(一起).they re red and green . they all look great . those are pigs and cows . can you see the chickens and ducks over there(在那儿)?they re under the


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