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1、home,Objectives,In this unit, you will,Objectives, listen to an interview with the actor who played Harry Potter; read a story about Harry Potter; enlarge your vocabulary for talking about magic stories; get some tips about the use of inversion in English; read an interview with J. K. Rowling, the a

2、uthor of Harry Potter; read and write a summary.,main,Listening and Speaking,Text A,Grammar Tips,Text B,Comprehensive Exercises,Practical Reading and Writing,Warm-up,Joanne Kathleen Rowling and Harry Potter,Warm-up-Background Information,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,Born in Gloucestersh

3、ire, England, Joanne Kathleen Rowling grew up in the south-western part of that country. Rowlings childhood experiences shaped her future literary creations. She explored the English countryside, visiting castles and historical sites which inspired her imagination.,Warm-up-Background Information,Bac

4、kground Information,Discussion,Warm-up,Rowling excelled in literature classes. She wrote funny, fantastical tales, especially the Potter siblings whose name she later used for her novels. As a teenager, Rowling dreamed of becoming a published author whose books were sold in stores. Studying language

5、s at Exeter University in order to be employable as a bilingual secretary, Rowling graduated with a degree in French and Classics. This scholarly knowledge aided her later clever construction of characters in the Harry Potter books.,Warm-up- The use of the Internet,Warm-up,Background Information,Dis

6、cussion,Rowling did not like her secretarial duties, often writing instead of working. She also often visited her mother. During one of these train trips, Rowling struck on an idea about an orphaned boy wizard named Harry Potter and began inventing characters and settings. She outlined seven books o

7、n Harrys adventures at the Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft and his battle against evil forces. Each book would be about one year of Harrys schooling as he aged from eleven years old to seventeen. During the search for his,Warm-up- The use of the Internet,Warm-up,Background Information,Dis

8、cussion,identity as he matured, Harry would avenge his parents murder, discover his familys heritage, and secure place where good wizards and witches could live. Rowlings careful planning enabled her to place subtle clues that would later prove crucial to characterization and plot development.,Warm-

9、up - The use of the Internet,Warm-up,Background Information,Discussion,The Harry Potter books are a cultural phenomenon. Since the release of the first book in 1997, the Harry Potter books have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide.,Question: 1. Do you like The

10、 Harry Potter books or films better? Why? 2. Who is your favorite character?,Warm-up- Discussion,Discussion,Background Information,Warm-up,You will hear a recorded conversation. After that you will hear five questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be read twice. When you hear a quest

11、ion, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than three words). The questions and incomplete answers are given for your reference.,1. Who is Daniel? Daniel is the actor who has been Harry Potter for 10 years.,Listening,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,

12、I. Listening,Script,playing,_,2. What souvenirs did Daniel take from the Harry Potter films? He took two pairs of . 3. Of which Harry Potter film does Daniel have the best memory? He has his best Harry Potter memory from the film. 4. What is the scene in that film that gave Daniel the best memory? I

13、t was the scene where he burst out of the water in the cave, surrounded by a ring of .,Listening,Listening and Speaking,glasses,_,Speaking,Listening,fire,_,sixth,_,Listening,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,5. Does Daniel want to play in another Harry Potter film? No. He thinks that playing

14、 Harry Potter for ten years is .,enough,_,Before you come to class, watch the first Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (2001). You can watch this movie on many websites. After watching the movie, discuss the following questions with your partner and get ready to answer them in

15、class.,Speaking,Listening and Speaking,II. Speaking,Speaking,Listening,1. Do you like the movie? Why? 2. Who is your favorite character in the movie? Why do you like him or her? 3. What is the most fascinating magic in the movie? Can you describe it in your own words?,Speaking,Listening and Speaking

16、,Speaking,Listening,4. What are some of the reasons for so many young people to love the Harry Potter books and movies?,Listening Script,W: Daniel, you have been playing Harry Potter for 10 years. How does it feel now that the Harry Potter films are coming to an end? M: Obviously, toward the end, it

17、 was very emotional. We all cried a lot. The first month away from the film was very strange. W: Did you take any souvenirs from the films? M: I only wanted Harrys glasses. I ended up getting two pair of the glasses. I have one pair without glass from the seventh film, and I also got a pair with gla

18、ss from the very first film. Im very happy with them. W: Whats your best Harry Potter memory from the past 10 years? M: Well, it was the scene in the sixth film where I burst out of the water in the cave, surrounded by a ring of fire. Its a lot of fun, and Ill miss that, certainly.,Listening and Spe

19、aking,Speaking,Listening,Listening Script,W: If there were another Harry Potter book, would you want to star in that next film? M: No, probably not. Ten years is enough. I think the films have come to reach a rather perfect and wonderful conclusion.,Listening and Speaking,Speaking,Listening,a place

20、where wild animals are kept and people come to look at them 动物园,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,cousin n.,Text A,the child of your aunt or uncle 表(堂)兄弟姊妹,try to frighten sb. who is smaller or weaker 欺负 sb. who bullies others 欺凌弱小者的人,bul

21、ly vt. n.,zoo n.,at this point,在这时候,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,vanish v.,disappear suddenly 消失,突然不见,move smoothly over a surface 滑行,滑动 滑动;幻灯片,an animal whose body is covered with scales (pieces of hard skin) and whose blood

22、changes temperature 爬行动物,reptile n.,slide vi. n.,crush vt.,press sth. so hard that it is made flat or broken 使变形,挤扁,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,sleep for a short time a nap 瞌睡,打盹,at the moment,此刻,眼下,make a long, high, sad sou

23、nd; complain in an annoying way 发出呜呜声,发出抱怨声 the action of whining 抱怨,哀鸣,whine vi. n.,snooze vi. n.,knock vt. the action of knocking 敲,敲击,in the mood,有此心情,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,boredom n.,the state of being bored 厌倦,inte

24、rrupt what sb. is doing 打扰,干扰,silly or not intelligent 蠢,傻,stupid adj.,disturb vt.,visitor n.,sb. who visits a person or place 访客,来访者,cupboard n.,储藏室,壁橱,把叫醒,wake up,和在一个水平上,on a level with,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,wink vi.

25、 n.,quickly close and then open an eye, in order to be friendly or to show that sth. is a joke the action of winking 眨眼,使眼色,ceiling n.,the surface of a room above you 天花板,stare v.,look at directly and fixedly 盯着看,凝视,in a clear and obvious way 清楚地,明白地,plainly adv.,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,

26、Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,murmur vi. n.,speak quietly the sound of sth. being said quietly 低语,咕哝,making you feel a little angry 恼人的,讨厌的,annoying adj.,tail n.,尾巴,nod vi. n.,move your head up and down the action of nodding 点头,Comprehension,Words and Expressions

27、,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,peer v. n.,look carefully or with difficulty 眯着眼睛看;偷看 a person who is an equal in social standing, rank, age, etc. 同辈,王蛇(一种大蟒蛇),boa constrictor,(get) out of the way,让开,滚开,Brazil n.,巴西,move the top part of your body in a particular d

28、irection 倚靠,向倾斜 thin and healthy 瘦的,lean vt.,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text A Words and Expressions,Text Study,Text A,leap vi. n.,jump a big jump 跳跃,跃起,跃进,exit n. v.,the door or gate which allows you to leave the place 出口 leave a place 退出,离开,scream vi. n.,make a loud, h

29、igh noise the sound of screaming 尖叫,震惊,in shock,sb. who looks after a place 管理者,看守人,keeper n.,This is a story from the first Harry Potter book. Before he went to the magic school, Harry Potter lived with his aunt and uncle, who treated him badly. His cousin, Dudley, often bullied him. At this point,

30、 Harry did not know any magic tricks, but sometimes things happened just as he wished. The following is what happened one day when Dudley, Dudleys best friend Piers, and Harry were taken to the zoo.,Text A-0,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Text A,Text A-1,Text A,Co

31、mprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,1 After lunch they went to the reptile house. It was cool and dark in there, with lighted windows all along the walls. Behind the glass, all sorts of snakes were crawling and sliding over bits of wood and stone. Dudley and Piers wanted

32、 to see the huge snakes, and Dudley quickly found the largest snake in the place. It could have wrapped its body twice around Uncle Vernons car and crushed it into a trash can but at the moment it didnt look in the mood. In fact, it was asleep.,The Vanishing Glass,Text A-2,Text A,Comprehension,Words

33、 and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,2 Dudley stood with his nose pressed against the glass, staring at the huge brown snake. 3 “Make it move,” he whined at his father. Uncle Vernon knocked on the glass slightly, but the snake didnt move. 4 “Do it again,” Dudley ordered. Uncle Vernon knoc

34、ked on the glass rapidly, but the snake just snoozed on. 5 “This is boring,” Dudley said. He slowly went away.,Text A-3,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,6 Harry moved in front of the glass and looked carefully at the snake. He wouldnt have been surprised if i

35、t had died of boredom itself no friend except stupid people knocking their fingers on the glass trying to disturb it all day long. It was worse than having a cupboard as a bedroom, where the only visitor was Aunt Petunia hitting on the door to wake you up; at least he got to visit the rest of the ho

36、use.,Text A-4,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,7 The snake suddenly opened its small and bright eyes. Slowly, very slowly, it raised its head until its eyes were on a level with Harrys. 8 It winked. 9 Harry stared. Then he looked quickly around to see if anyo

37、ne was watching. They werent. He looked back at the snake and winked, too.,Text A-5,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,10 The snake moved its head toward Uncle Vernon and Dudley, and then raised its eyes to the ceiling. It gave Harry a look that said quite plai

38、nly: “ I get that all the time.” 11 “I know,” Harry murmured through the glass, though he wasnt sure the snake could hear him. “It must be really annoying.” 12 The snake nodded.,Text A-6,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,13 “Where do you come from, anyway?” Ha

39、rry asked. 14 The snake pointed its tail at a little sign next to the glass. Harry peered at it. 15 Boa Constrictor, Brazil. 16 “Was it nice there?”,Text A-7,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,17 The boa constrictor pointed its tail at the sign again and Harry

40、read on: This boa constrictor was born in the zoo. “Oh, I see so youve never been to Brazil?” 18 As the snake shook its head, a very loud cry behind Harry made both of them jump. “DUDLEY! MR. DURSLEY! COME AND LOOK AT THIS SNAKE! YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT ITS DOING!”,Text A-8,Text A,Comprehension,Words

41、and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,19 Dudley moved his heavy body toward them as fast as he could. 20 “Out of the way, you,” he said, hitting Harry in the ribs. Caught by surprise, Harry fell hard on the floor. What came next happened so fast that no one saw how it happened one second, P

42、iers and Dudley were leaning right up close to the glass, the next, they had leapt back in horror.,Text A-9,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,21 Harry sat up and breathed hard; the glass in front of the snake had vanished. The great snake was moving rapidly, s

43、liding out onto the floor. People throughout the reptile house screamed and started running for the exits. 22 As the snake slid quickly past him, Harry heard a low voice said, “Brazil, here I come. Thankssss, friend.”,Text A-10,Text A,Comprehension,Words and Expressions,Vocabulary Building,Text Stud

44、y,23 The keeper of the reptile house was in shock. 24 “But the glass,” he kept saying, “where did the glass go?”,Text A- Comprehension1,A. Complete the following sentences orally according to the text, and then work with your partner and take turns asking and answering the questions orally.,1. Where

45、 did Harry, Dudley, and Piers go after lunch? After lunch, 2. What did they find there? There they found 3. Why did Uncle Vernon knock on the glass? Uncle Vernon knocked on the glass because,they went to the reptile house,_.,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Text A,Words and Expressions,a

46、ll sorts of snakes,_.,wanted him to make the snake move,Dudley,4. What did the snake do when Harry said “It must be really annoying”? The snake 5. Why did Piers and Dudley leap back in horror when they were leaning up close to the glass? They leapt back because,Text A- Comprehension2,the glass in fr

47、ont of the,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,snake had vanished and the big snake was moving rapidly, sliding out onto the floor,nodded in agreement,_.,Text A- Comprehension3,1. When Dudley found the big snake, it was _. A. wrapping its body around Uncle Verno

48、ns car B. playing with a trash can C. in a bad mood D. asleep,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,B. Choose the best answer for each of the following statements or questions according to the text.,Text A- Comprehension4,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,T

49、ext Study,Words and Expressions,2. Most probably it was _ that lived in a cupboard as a bedroom. A. the big snake B. Dudley C. Harry D. Uncle Vernon,Text A- Comprehension4,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,3. The big snake was born in _. A. the reptile house B

50、. a cupboard C. Brazil D. the zoo,Text A- Comprehension5,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,4. When Piers and Dudley were leaning close to the glass to look at the snake, the glass _. A. fell hard on the floor B. disappeared C. was broken D. was moving rapidly,

51、Text A- Comprehension6,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,5. Most probably, what happened to the glass? A. Piers and Dudley knocked the glass broken. B. The big snake broke the glass. C. The glass vanished as Harry wished unconsciously. D. The zoo keeper remove

52、d the glass so that visitors could look at the big snake closely.,Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA1,Active Words,v. (1) 找到 I found my lost key under the bed. (2) 发现,发觉 If you find any mistakes in my writing, please correct them. (3) 认为 I find the book very interesting. (4) 获得,争取到 They finally found the

53、money to start their project.,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Text A,Words and Expressions,find,Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA1,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,find,find oneself 发觉自己处于某种状态;(在健康方面)自我感觉 She found herself absorbed in the book. How do

54、 you find yourself today? find out 发现,揭露 Please find out when the ship sails for New York.,Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA2,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,v. (1) 压,按,挤 I felt something hard pressing against my back. (2) 压榨,榨取 She pressed oranges to get juice f

55、or her baby. (3) 催促,催逼 She pressed her client for an immediate reply. n. (1) 压,按,挤 The machine started running at the press of the red button. (2) the 报界,新闻界The minister invited the press to a meeting to explain his actions.,press,Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA2,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Buildin

56、g,Text Study,Words and Expressions,knock,v. (1) 敲,击 Before you enter the room, you should always knock on the door first. (2) 碰撞,击打 A car drove onto the sidewalk and knocked into a trash can. n. 敲,击 I heard a knock at the door. knock down 打倒在地,撞倒 He was knocked down at the intersection when he hurri

57、ed to work. knock out 用锤等敲掉 He knocked the nail out of the board.,Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA3,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,n. (1) 惊奇,诧异 To my surprise, the door was open. (2) 令人吃惊的事 His gift of flowers came as a surprise to her. v. 使惊奇,使吃惊 I wouldnt be

58、surprised at anything he would say.,surprise,Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA4,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,v. (1) 听见 I heard a loud noise. (2) 听说 I heard that his son had gone to London. (3) 听取 We must hear opinions contrary to our own. (4) 听证 The judge heard the last witness yesterday afternoon.,hear,Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA5,Text A,Comprehension,Vocabulary Building,Text Study,Words and Expressions,hear,hear from 收到的来信 I havent heard fr


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