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1、Unit 5 Canada“The True North”,Language points,1. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train west to east across Canada. 她们不想一路乘飞机,她们决定先飞到温哥华,再从西海岸乘火车横穿加拿大到达东海岸。,rather than 表示客观事实,意为“是而不是;与其不如”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。,(1)

2、连接两个名词或代词 He is an explorer rather than a sailor. 与其说他是一个海员,不如说他是一个探险者。,You rather than I are going to go camping. 是你而不是我要去野营。,rather than 连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than 前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。,注意!,(2) 连接两个形容词 The sweater she bought was beautiful rather than cheap. 与其说她买的这件羊毛衫便宜不如说它漂亮。,(3) 连接两个介词(短语)或动

3、名词 We will have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the great hall. 我们是在教室里开会,不是在大厅里。 She enjoys singing rather than dancing. 她喜欢唱歌,而不喜欢跳舞。,(4) 连接两个分句 We should help him rather than he should help us. 是我们应该帮助他而不是他应该帮助我们。 (5) 连接两个不定式 I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不打电话。,

4、注意:rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to, 如上句。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。 如: Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price. 他唯恐蔬菜烂掉,把它们以半价卖掉了。,(6) 连接两个动词 He ran rather than walked. 他是跑来的,而不是走来的。 注意:这里rather than 后用了walked,而没有用walk,表示客观事实,而不是主观愿望。如果换成walk,则作“宁愿而不愿 ”解。,2. G

5、oing eastward, you will. -ward(s)加在前置词上,构成副词,表示方向backward(s)向后,upward (s)向上。,3. People think it is Canadas most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. 许多人认为温哥华是加拿大最美的城市,因为它被大山包围,濒临太平洋。,surround vt. 包围, 围绕; 圈住 Trees surround our house. 我们房子的四周都是树。 The police surrounded the hou

6、se. 警察包围了这幢房子。 The oceans and seas surrounding the islands are deep blue and many of its cities lie on the bay.,settle down 1) 坐下,躺下 He settled down in his chair to read the newspaper.,4. That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. 那天下午,这对表姐妹上了火车落了座。,aboardadv., prep. 在

7、上;在船上,2) 过安定的生活 After years of traveling, he decided to settle down here. 3) 安下心来,专心致志于 Then they settled themselves down _ work. A. to B. on C. with D. in,A,5. manage to do 阅读下列句子,注意manage to do的意思和用法。 1). Although he hasnt received any formal education, Mr. Wang managed to finish his task. 2). We

8、should manage to realize our dream. 归纳总结 manage to do sth. (= succeed in doing sth.) 是“设法做、设法完成某事”的意思。,辨析 manage to do与try to do 用manage时,成功的把握大些;用try时,成功的把握不大。即:manage to do sth.的意思是“设法成功地完成”,而try to do sth.的意思是“尽力做(但结果不一定成功)”。,6. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousand

9、s of dollars in prizes.,1) have a gift for. 在.方面有天分/天赋 gift 特指与生俱来的天份或才能,如绘画、音乐等。 Her gift for dancing amazed the teacher. 老师对她舞蹈的天份大感惊奇。,2) thousands of 成千上万的 类似的用法还有: hundreds of 数以百计的 scores of 许多 millions of 上百万的 dozens of 许多,大量 tens of thousands of 数以万计的,7. most Canadians live within a few hund

10、red kilometres of the USA border 大多数加拿大人居住在靠近美国数百公里以内的边疆地带 考点 within 介词,在(尤指时间、距离、范围、限度等)之内,以内;在里头。,within与in表达时间的区别: within指在时间范围之内,不超过;而in是经过若干时间,指期限之外。 Ill be there within an hour. (一小时之内) Ill be there in an hour. (一小时之后) within reach of sb. 或within ones reach 意为“在某人能够得着的范围之内”。,8. They went throu

11、gh a wheat-growing province and saw farms that covered thousands of square acres. 火车穿过一个种植小麦的省份,他们看见了面积有数千平方英亩的农场。,wheat-growing 是一个复合形容词。,9. . Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. 句中的more . than any other .是用比较级表示最高级含义。如果是在同一范围内比较,常用“主语 + 谓语 + 比较级 + than any other + 单数名词

12、”或者“主语 + 谓语 + 比较级 + than any of the other + 复数名词”。,如果是在不同的范围内比较,常用“主语 + 谓语 + 比较级 + than any + 单数名词”。如: He is taller than any other boy in our class. / He is taller than any of the other boys in our class. 他是我们班上最高的男孩。 China is larger than any country in Africa. 中国比非洲的任何一个国家都大。,Exercises,I. 根据下列各句句意及

13、所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。 1. Passengers checked their b_ before boarding the plane. 2. My kids spend hours _ (闲聊) on the phone to their friends. 3. We began our _ (向东的) journey at dawn.,eastward,aggage,chatting,4. The government was urged to take _ (措施) to fight the spread of AIDS. 5. They were the

14、 last two to go a_ the ship. 6. They were near the _ (边界) between France and Germany.,border,measures,board,7. The boss decided to pass over his _ (轻微的) mistakes. 8. In some developing countries more and more people are migrating to u_ areas. 9. The police s_ the house after a murder happened last n

15、ight. 10. During the windstorm the ships stayed in the h_.,arbour,slight,rban,urrounded,. 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。,1. 他住在一所四周都是美丽花草的房子里。(be surrounded by) He lives in a house (that / which is) surrounded by beautiful flowers and grass. 2. 就像他的父亲一样,他也有音乐天赋。(have a gift for) Just like his father, he also has a

16、 gift for music.,3. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。(catch sight of) The driver failed to catch sight of another car in time. 4. 你认为你能在一小时内完成这项工作吗?(manage to do) Do you suppose / think / believe you can manage to finish the work in / within an hour?,5. 他一路冲往车站,结果还是误了火车。(all the way) He rushed all the way to the station, only to miss th


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