七年级英语上册《Unit 1 This is me》教案2 (新版)牛津版_第1页
七年级英语上册《Unit 1 This is me》教案2 (新版)牛津版_第2页
七年级英语上册《Unit 1 This is me》教案2 (新版)牛津版_第3页




1、Unit 1 This is me教学目标认知目标: 全体学生能正确理解课文内容及了解四位新同学的信息。 80-100%的学生能熟练用英语介绍新同学及和自己。2.感情目标:锻炼学生用英语自主交流的能力及培养学生说英语的自信心。教学重难点重点:见认知目标。难点:运用英语知识自由交流。 教学准备多媒体教学教学课时1课时教学过程个人复备Step1 Revision1.Ask students to correct their homework and explain the common problems.1.Teacher ask two pairs to make a dialogue for

2、the first time in English. 2.Ask students to say out four new friends name.Step2 Before readingCheck the previsionRead and translate the following new words.grade_student_reading_classmate_slim_ over there_ classroom_ after school_ be good at_【活动指导】师徒结对,互读互译。老师检查抽查合作效果。Step3 While readinglisten to t

3、he tape and find their hobbies. Finish Part B1.Read the passage and finish B2.Listen and repeat.Read the passage and have a reading competition. Language points.翻译重点短语:12岁_踢足球_放学后_ 擅长于_(2)同义句转换:I have short hair.= _ hair _ short. He come from Nanjing.= He _ _ Nanjing.找规律。II love _(read). Lets _(meet

4、) my new classmate.【学法指导】认真听读,准确模仿,注意语音语调。朗读声音洪亮,准确流利+3分。小组合作知识点讲解清晰的小组+3分。Step4 After readingFinish B3 as quickly as possible.Read passages and find useful expressions to introduce yourself.姓名_ _学校_年龄_出生_外表_ _ _爱好_Finish C About yourself【学法指导】小组合作,总结句型,模仿写作。表现优秀+5分。Step5 A short test.此环节采用以下步骤进行:1、

5、学生做题5分钟;2、组内互批1分钟,3、组内帮扶并订正答案2分钟。一、根据汉语及句意完成下列句子,每空一词:He is _.(乐于助人)I am in _ _(七年级一班)。Sandy _ music.(喜欢)_(让我们) go to school now.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. John is good at _(play) basketball.2. Kitty _(be not) from China.3. The teacher _(come) from Japan.4. He likes _(watch) TV.5. She _(have) long hair.三、根据课文内容填空。Millie is_years old. Her hair is _. She loves _.Simon is very _.He loves playing _. Sandy is tall and _. She has _ hair. She likes listening to _. Daniel wears glasses. He is _ Nanjing .He is good at _.布置作业1.完成大册练习 2.


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