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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Everyone is born _ the ability to learn.AatBonCwithDin2、 big success Stephen Hawking is! Hes one of

2、 the best-known scientists on space and time in the world.AHowBWhatCHow aDWhat a3、Children like stories _have happy endings, and so do many old people.AwhoBwhichCwhat4、I had egg and some milk for breakfast this morning.AaBanCtheD/5、My dear friend, your attitude today has _ important effects on your

3、success tomorrow. Come on, please.AaBanC/6、Mike visited his teacher with his classmates_.Alast SundayBon SundayCevery SundayDnext Sunday7、I have to leave now _ I can catch the last bus.Aso thatBbecause ofCuntilDas soon as8、Kevin is a soccer fan and he plays _ soccer quite well.AaBtheC/9、Although I d

4、ont feel very well myself, I will not go to hospital for some reason.AcertainBa certainCfewDa few10、Cheer up! If you want to go up high, then _ your own legs.Ato useBuseCusingDused. 完形填空11、When Mr. Hunt woke up in the morning, he felt his bedroom was very bright. He thought he _ to turn off the ligh

5、t again. He sat up and tried to do that. And now he _ it was the sunlight.Mrs. Hunt went to see their daughter in the city two days ago. She cooked some food for him _ she left. But Mr. Hunt hoped to have breakfast in a restaurant near the park. And then he could walk _ the lake. He put on his cloth

6、es and went out. The sun was shining brightly in the sky and the _ was fresh (清新的) . But people were busy and he could see only some old people and children. He went in the restaurant and sat down at a table, waiting for the _.“Hi, Peter!” someone called him and he saw it was his _ Richard. “Hi, Ric

7、hard. Glad to meet you here.” “Glad to meet you, too,” said Richard. “Im sorry , but I _ my wallet at home . So could you lend fifty dollars to me, please?” “Sure, but I have only twenty five dollars in my _.” “It doesnt matter ,” said Richard , “ then youll owe(欠) me twenty-five dollars and Ill owe

8、 you _ dollars , too . Thatll be fair (公平的) .”1AknewBhopedCforgotDliked2AguessedBfoundCsaidDtold3AbeforeBafterCwhenDbecause4AinBonCunderDaround5AfruitBcloudCairDwater6AmoneyBglassCanswerDmenu7AfriendBworkerCdriverDwaiter8AtookBputCforgotDleft9AshoesBpocketCshirtDhand10AfifteenBtwentyCtwenty-fiveDthi

9、rty. 语法填空12、Mr. Jenkins has several big shops in the city. Hes very rich but he does his best 1(pay) the persons who work in his shops less. And they all hate him.Several months ago a young woman borrowed thirty thousand dollars from him. But she couldnt return the money to him in time. He went to h

10、er and made her 2(give) her ring to him which cost more than fifty thousand dollars. He put it into his wallet and went home happily. But when he got to the bus stop, the bus 3(leave). He hurried to get on and left his wallet outside. He didnt find it until he got home. He hurried 4(make) promise, I

11、f someone finds my wallet and returns it to me, I 5(give) half the money to him.An old woman who 6(wait) for another bus that day found the wallet. She sent it back to Mr Jenkins. But he changed his mind.There are two rings in my wallet, said Mr. Jenkins, I wont give half of the money in my wallet t

12、o you until you return the other ring to me.I 7(see) only a ring in the wallet, the old woman said and took the man to a judge and told him what 8(happen) to them. The judge said to Mr. Jenkins, Im sure you have lost a wallet in which there are two rings and some money. But there is only one ring in

13、 this wallet. I 9(not think) its yours. Wait for some days. Perhaps someone will be able to return your wallet to you.Then the judge turned to the old woman and said, Take the wallet home. If the loser doesnt go to get it back in three days, it 10(belong) to you. 阅读理解A13、“Why do birds sing?” I asked

14、 a group of children. “To attract metes(配偶)!” answered a boy. A 4-year-old girl added shyly, “birds sing because they are happy, and they want to make us happy, too.” I think both answers are probably true in a way. If birds sing happily, it shows all is good in the forest: no predators (捕食者) are pr

15、esent, and the birds can feed, sing and do other bird things. The sound of a relaxed robin(知更鸟) singing is easy to understand because it makes us feel this way tooits a sound that lifts our own hearts when we hear it.What happens when a predator comes into their areas? The nearby birds quickly give

16、an alarm(警报) call, a short sound that warns, “Danger is coming!” On hearing the sound, the other birds stop singing and fly away, the deer lift their heads and stop moving and the rabbits run into the bushes. Suddenly, the forest becomes silent. When humans walk through the woods in a hurry or while

17、 talking with a friend, we dont see much wildlife. We may think that there arent many animals living there, but more likely, they know we are coming and hide minutes before our arrival. But if we learn to avoid setting off alarms, we can see many more wild animals without frightening them. To practi

18、ce, find a place in a park and sit quietly for an hour. Take notes as the birds begin to relax and sing again. When I do this, I am always surprised at the wonderful thing animals will do when humans stay still (不动的) long enough.1In the writers opinion, the childrens answers to his question are .Afu

19、nny Binteresting Chonest Dreasonable2Why cant we see much wildlife in the woods from this passage?ABecause we have set off alarms. BBecause we fail to give warnings.CBecause we come at the wrong time. DBecause few animals live there.3The purpose of the last paragraph is to .Ashow people how and when

20、 birds sing.Bask people to learn something about birds.Ctell people how to protect birds in the wild.Dadvise people to enjoy the songs of birds.4What is the passage mainly about?AThe life of birds. BHow birds sing in the forest.CBirds in the forest. DThe messages in birds singing.B14、Singapore is a

21、good place for sightseeing. There are a lot of good hotels with good services. Different furniture and different price of rooms. Here are four hotels you can choose. Read it and decide for yourself.1(小题1)Holiday Inn Atrium Singapore is _.Anear Changi AirportBacross from the islands famous Singapore

22、RiverCat 11 Cavenagh RoadDat 80 Middle Road2(小题2)_ is the best of the four hotels.AInter Continental SingaporeBHoliday Inn Atrium SingaporeCHoliday Inn Singapore-ParkviewDCrowne plaza Hotel Changi Airport3(小题3)The cheapest price for a single room is in _.AInter Continental SingaporeBHoliday Inn Atri

23、um SingaporeCHoliday Inn Singapore-ParkviewDCrowne plaza Hotel Changi Airport4(小题4)If your parents want to stay in Crowne Plaza Hotel Changi Airport for three nights, they will pay_.A$270 B$180 C$2 D$905(小题5)Youll spend _ from Holiday Inn Singapore-Parkview to Changi Airport by car.A25 minutes B30 m

24、inutes C25 hours D30 hoursC15、The young turtle has been swimming for three months now in the same warm shallow bay, dreaming of calm water and plenty of food. But as the days begin to shorten and the night comes earlier and earlier, the water grows colder. It drops to fifty degrees Fahrenheit(华氏). S

25、wimming is harder. Its heartbeat slowsand almost stops. The young turtle is in danger of losing its life.Ten days before Thanksgiving, Max Nolan, a ten-year-old boy, and his mother begin theirpatrol. The Nolans are among volunteers who walk Cape Cods beaches during November and December to search fo

26、r turtles who are often cold and trapped and seem deadturtles whose lives they may be able to save.Max and his mother and the other volunteers do an important job. All sea turtles are threatened or endangered. Among them Kemps ridleys are the most endangered. Right now on our planet there are fewer

27、than eight thousand Kemps ridley turtles left.Max is far in front of his mother when he sees a turtle washed up by the surf. He runs up to it and shouts to his mom, “Got one!” The turtle is cold. Its eyes are open, but the turtle is not moving at all. It might be dead or still alive.Max remembers th

28、e instructions given to all the volunteers. He picks up the turtle, which weighs about five pounds, and moves it above the high-tide mark to keep it from washing out to sea. Then he runs to find seaweed to protect it from the wind. He finds a stick to mark where it is, and next, he and his mother go

29、 to the nearest telephone and call the sea-turtle hot line for help.1The young turtle is in danger of losing its life because _.Ait has been swimming for three monthsBit dreams of calm water and plenty of foodCthe water drops to fifty degrees FahrenheitDthe days get longer and the nights come earlie

30、r2The underlined word “Patrol” in Paragraph 2 probably means _.Aswimming in the seaBtravelling to the seasideCenjoying Thanksgiving with othersDwalking along the beaches for turtles3In order to prevent the turtle from washing out to sea, Max _.Aruns to find seaweedBcalls the sea-turtle hot lineCfind

31、s a stick to mark where it isDmoves it above the high-tide markD16、“I believe youre the right person to write an advice column (专栏) for the students called Dear Amy!” Jenny, editor of the school newspaper, said to Andy, who finally agreed to accept the job if Jenny promised not to tell it to anyone

32、else.At first it wasnt too bad. Most of the letters he received were interesting and quite easy to answer. Then came a letter from a person named Joe.“Dear Amy,” it began, “Im in real trouble. Ive wanted to be a songwriter all my life, but my parents wont even let me take music lessons. I have a gui

33、tar, but they both get angry if I play. Ive tried explaining, but they wont listen. I feel sad. Should I run away from home? Maybe that will make my parents agree.” The letter signed “Joe”.Andy thought about this letter for a long time. Should he advise someone to run away from home? Probably not. B

34、ut didnt Joe have a right to be a songwriter if he wanted to? Andy thought hard, but couldnt think out a good answer. Andy couldnt sleep. He just worried about poor Joe.At a bar a few days later, Eleanor, a girl in Andys math class, sat down next to him and asked, “ Whats wrong with you? You look a

35、little worried.”“I guess I do,” said Andy.“If you got an problem, why dont you try writing to Dear Amy about it?” asked Eleanor.Andy sighed; but she continued, “in fact, I guess Dear Amy is rather busy with other problems. She still hasnt answered thephonyletter I wrote her last week. Youd better re

36、ad it it may even make the most hard-hearted person cry! It was supposed to be from a songwriter named Joe.”1Andy might be _.Aan editor of the school newspaperBa songwriterCa math teacherDa doctor in the school2Its clear “Dear Amy” _.Ahelps students who want to run away from homeBanswers letters fro

37、m the studentsCwrites songs for the studentsDmeets readers at a bar3It seemed to be easy for Andy to do the job until _.Ahe changed his nameBreceived a letter signed “JoeChe met Eleanor at a barDhis name was well-known4In the letter Joe says that _.Ahis parents dont know about musicBhis classmates d

38、ont understand himChe would stay away from his parentsDhe would obey his parents5The underlined word “ phony ” perhaps means _.AunrealBboyishCpopularDfavoriteE17、Special FestivalsSt. Anthonys DayJanuary 17th is St. Anthonys Day in Mexico (墨西哥). Its a day when people ask for protection for their anim

39、als by bringing them to church. But before the animals go into thechurch, the people usually dress them up in flowers and ribbons.The Festival of RakhiLong ago in India, a young lady who needed help sent her silk bracelet(手镯) to a king. Although he did not arrive in time to help her, he kept the bra

40、celet as a sign between them. Today in India, during the festival of Rakhi, sisters of all ages tie bracelets around wrists of their brothers to show their care and love.Spring FestivalOne of the biggest celebrations in China is Spring Festival. Its the first day of the lunar year. Families get toge

41、ther and watch special programs on TV with the family on the Lunar NewYears Eve. People can see a lot of traditional programs too, such as lion dancing or dragon dancing. They wish people a happy new year and a bright future.SetsubunOn the evening of February 3rd, people in Japan celebrate the end o

42、f winter and the beginning of spring. This is known as Setsubun. Family members throw dried beans around their homes, shouting, “Good luck in!”1People celebrate the festival of Rakhi in _.AMexico.BChin ACIndi ADJapan.2Which festival is on the evening of February 3rd?ASetsubun.BThe Festival of Rakhi.

43、CSpring Festival.DSt. Anthonys Day.3What do people do on the Lunar New Years Eve?ABring their animals to church.BWatch special programs on TV.CGive a bracelet to their family.DThrow beans around their homes.F18、Spring is coming . The flowers will start blossoming (开花)and the trees will be filled wit

44、h colors. Its time of the year for people to plant trees. Planting trees is a good way to protect our environment. But most of us dont have a place to plant trees. So what can we do for protecting the environment? We can make a difference from the others. For example, we can think about a way to mak

45、e people cut down fewer trees. As we know, paper is made from trees. If we use less paper, we can save a lot of trees. Then we may have a problem that how to use less paper. Let me tell you my ideas.Reducing Our Paper WasteEvery day we just use the paper and we dont think about where the paper comes

46、 from.Let us think about wasting a piece of paper is like wasting a tree. We can start with reducing the amount of paper products that we use. This could be done by such a simple way as using e-mail instead of writing notes.ReusingWe could reuse paper that is clean on one side for drafts, notes and

47、even photocopies. As students, we could reuse paper by doing our research online or at libraries rather than buying lots of written paper. Sharing books or buying a used textbook for school is another way of reusing.RecycleWe should consider recycling notebook paper, newspapers, magazines and colore

48、d paper. We can buy paper towels, tissues, and toilet paper that have been made from recycled paper. Dont throw away the wasted newspapers or books which are not useful to you.1People can protect the environment by doing the following things except _.Aplanting treesBreusing paperCdrinking less waterDcutting down less trees2We can reduce our paper waste by_.Asending e-mailBwriting lettersCsending cardsDusing paper bag3_isnt a way for you to reuse paper.ADoing research onlineBBuying lot


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