



1、成都天府新区小学英语(外研版)四年级上册教学设计学校南湖小学姓名龙燕上课年级四年级模块单元M7U2课题There are twelve boys on the bike课型听说课一、教材分析本单元的话题是photos,主题是描述图片,功能是用There is.句型谈论照片,同时会用到现在进行时句型。用现在进行时描述对学生来说比较容易,要结合There is a 来综合表达,会有一定难度。二、学情分析已知:用现在进行时谈论正在发生的事, 使用This is,Its a.来介绍事物。未知: There is 表示“有”动词短语ride a horse, climb a tree三、教学目标知识与技

2、能目标:1. 理解课文大意,能朗读课文2. 听懂会说句型There is a horse in this photo. Its running fast.3. 听懂,会说there is, horse, there are, have a look, sheep, vegetable, climb, face能力目标:1. 能看图复述课文2. 能使用句型There is a horse in this photo. Its running fast.描述图片3. 能看图说单词horse, sheep, vegetable情感目标:乐于表达,善于合作学习。四、教学重难点重点:理解、使用There

3、 is句型。难点:结合There is.和现在时句型描述照片。五、教学准备教材配套动画,PPT,卡片。六、教学步骤StepsActivitiesPurpose Step1 warm upActivity 1Greeting.Activity 2Chant.打招呼并齐唱歌谣来激发学生兴趣。Step2Lead inActivity 1Look at the 4 pictures and talk about it. “There is.in this photo. It/She/He is.Activity 2Show a picture and talk about: how many monk

4、eys in the tree ? There is a monkey. There are two monkeys. There are three monkeys. What are they doing? They are climbing a tree.Activity 3学习课文活动1 Do you remember our old friends? What are they doing? Let Ss watch, listen, and try to describe the three pictures.Activity 4Ss repeat and teacher writ

5、es down the title on the blackboard.以复习there is 的句型引入本节课的句型there are.Step3Presentation Activity 1Let Ss watch and think:Just now, we can see Lingling, Amy, and Sam,they are watching a game. What about Daming? What is he doing? He is introducing some photos. Lets have a look. How many photos are ther

6、e?Activity 2Look at pictures and think how to introduce them.Whats in the photo? There is a panda in the photo. Whats is it doing? Its eating fruit.What are in the photo? There are three chickens in the photo. What are they doing? They are eating rice.Now please open your books, read by yourself to

7、find answer.Activity 3Show the pictures and learn the new words: fruit, chicken, bear, pig.Activity 4Listen and point to read books.Activity 5Lets retell the textActivity 6Role-play who wants to be Daming to introduce these photos.以问题引入课文的学习,让学生带着问题进行文本解构。开始两幅图由老师带着学生介绍,后面两幅图由学生自己在书上寻找答案。通过复述让学生巩固所学

8、的新句型并为下一步练习做铺垫。Step4 consolidation Activity 1 just now Daming introduces four photos to us. And then let us introduce some photos. How many chlidren in the photo? What are they doing?Activity 2 can you guess where are they ? please introduce these four photos about our classmates.Activity 3 there is

9、 our city. Who can tell me what can you see in this photo? There is_ . Hes/ Shes / Its_.There are_. They are_.在学习Daming介绍照片后,让学生两人一组自己介绍有关学校的图片从介绍学校逐渐上升到介绍生活的城市,四人一组选择性讨论。Step5 SummaryandhomeworkActivity 1What have we learnt today?Activity 2 Homework1) read the text 3 times. Then retell it to your friends or parents. (读课文三遍,并向朋友或者父母复述)2) choose a photo to describe. (选择一张照片进行描述)板书设计Module 7 Unit 2 There are twelve b


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