



1、人教版二下Unit2 Weather Lesson2教案及反思教学目标:1.知识目标:学生能够运用 “sunny”, “rainy”, “cloudy”,“windy”“snowy”等形容词恰当的描述天气。能用所学句型 “Whats the weather like today” “Its.”进行日常对话。2.能力目标:锻炼口语表达能力,思考能力。3.情感目标:欣赏自然的美与力量,尽可能的保护我们的地球资源。重点难点:1.句型 “Whats the weather like” 的掌握以及后面加地点的用法。2.根据熟悉的话题练习口语。教学策略:运用多媒体直观教学,通过欣赏歌曲激发兴趣,争当小小天

2、气预报员竞赛等以学生为主体的任务型活动设计,激发学生的参与积极性。通过两两对话,师生交流和小组活动培养他们的交际能力和合作精神。最后以练习加以巩固,检查学习效果。在教学过程中我尽力营造轻松和谐的氛围,让不同层次的学生都能够参与到教学过程中来。教学过程:(一)课前探究话题贴近生活,学生有生活经验和主观体验。因此知识要点掌握不难,材料可用来着重训练他们的口语能力。(二)教学步骤Step one: warming-upGreeting students and sing an English song The months, then play an English gameMemory Game。

3、Step Two: lead inShow the video of weather report to the students, let them answer the questions and know the title.Step Three:Present new words with PPT,and practice dialogues in pairs.What is the weather like?It is sunny / rainy / windy / snowy / cloudyWhat is the weather like in 月份/地点?It is sunny

4、 / rainy / windy / snowy / cloudyMore able students are allowed to add contents according to their abilities, such as “ Do you like sunny weather?” “ Which weather do you like?” etc.Step Four:Show a map of China, the weather conditions of different cities will be marked with different signs. Student

5、s first write a short weather report about one city by imitating the text, then they will give weather reports in small groups. Then some students will be invited to give weather report to the whole class.Step Five:1) Have the students enjoy another song Weather, Introduce some famous sayings about

6、weather.2) Divide the students into several groups. They will choose a weather as their topic and have a hot discussion among them. The teacher will take part in each group for a few minutes, and inspire them with questions. For example: whats the weather like?Step Six:Sum up and give assignment.Com

7、position: My favorite weather.教学反思为了使学生能够更多的清楚各种类型天气的表达方法以及了解一些天气情况。在进行教学时我采用了情境创设、任务呈现、小组合作、延伸拓展等几个教学活动,让学生带着任务、在情境中自主学习同时巧妙的运用语言知识,根据自己选择的情景内容通过小组合作的形式进行对话表演以及汇报。在拓展延伸部分,为学生设计了做“小小天气预报员”的任务让学生在任务的驱动下,通过自主学习、教师示范、小组合作交流等形式,顺利地完成任务,从而让学生体会到学习的成功感。为学生创设轻松愉快又带有一些挑战的英语学习氛围,使每个学生都能积极地加入到学习中来。很好地发挥了不同学生的潜能,使每个学生都能不同程度地发展自己的能力。从整节课的教学设计和最终的教学效果看,基本达到了预期的教学目标,学生的表述能力得到了加强。但同时也存在不足, 如鼓励评价运用的欠缺,应该更多的鼓励学生,评价


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