Unit5单元测四川省成都市七中育才汇源校区 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语下册_第1页
Unit5单元测四川省成都市七中育才汇源校区 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语下册_第2页
Unit5单元测四川省成都市七中育才汇源校区 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语下册_第3页
Unit5单元测四川省成都市七中育才汇源校区 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语下册_第4页
Unit5单元测四川省成都市七中育才汇源校区 2021-2022学年人教版七年级英语下册_第5页
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1、七育汇校初() 单元无案第部 听力(略五选填 从下题的 A、 三个项选正答(每题 分计 10 分21. is in the very smart! 22. People kill elephants _their ivory,that A.on 23. -The cute my new _, I like it C.kind24. -Do know lions are from?-They are Africa.A.why B.where C.when25. koalas hours a They are so lazy. B.sleep C.play26. animals are in th

2、ings _them. C.save27. lot of do today,_ I t go basketball with friends. A.Because;so B.Because;/ C./;and28. Billy A.noisy 29. I remember _ my homework I t find it now. t careful.A.to B.bring C.bringing30. smart A.What you B.Why you like C.What do think of 根对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话小题 2 分计 分) Whats on the

3、 desk?s book A:It looks 31_. what do you like? So I call Smart.C. Then you at home? very much. are lovely cute! I are friendly to I My dog do lot of He A:That great! B:He on can and soccer. is really 35_. think thats good name for him!六、完型填空小 1 分计 分六、完形填空。(每小题 分,计 分) Brown likes cats. are 36._house-

4、Dusty, and says,Lets climb(爬 tree and get a bird.The cats run trees the bottom( 部) a I it,Dusty It tall for “Dusty in cant climb it. Smoky “ can climb that small one. ”Dusty says. run small tree. first and Smoky Then find Rocky 42._at “43._dont you climb? Smoky “ tree too small. No birds like to liv

5、e in it.Rocky answers.I today is good 44._birds. Lets and fish. 45._ from the river under tree. Many birds are singing in to(注意 them.37.A.stop38.A.busy39A.so40.A.keep41.A.follows43.A.Where44.A.study45.A.fishB. yourB. workB. B.andB. thinkB.stillB. C.hisC. drawC.rightC. C. forgetC.savesC.reallyC.find七

6、、阅读短文,根据材料内容判断句子正误,正确”,错误写”B。每小题 、计 分)Our city has a big zoo. are many in First can see are old. They eat every There are also They Africa. They are friendly. a lot of fruit and are 20 in the zoo, Children them are cute. They like children they give them In the there f 海 豚)andten 企鹅 play with and ch

7、ildren, love fish and sea food. Parents like take us there. go zoo, always great 46.There two tigers in zoo both old.47.The Africa they eat lots 48. always the so the like them very much. 49.The penguins like and other 50.Parents like to zoo because always have fun there.八、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案每小题 2 分计

8、20 分SAFET RUESONTHEMIRTRAINSAt the station: Line up on the platform 站) wait for train Let passengers off first. rush onto train. It is do get train. closing. Wait for On train: or drink train. It dirty. on the train.Give old men or the women carrying 51. text is about how train.A.be good driver rule

9、s C.be in danger52. When you hear beep you _. with the driver train C.stop and for the next 53. If you _ train, will the train dirty.A.run C.read54. Which good (为) on the train according text?55. can see this notice? library. B.at train station C.In the classroom九、阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容选择出正确的答案 10 小,计 20 分

10、five During Spring Festival, the film Hi Mom broke of box office 纪. It touched peoples with mother her daughter. Xiaoling, a woman who sees as and her proud(骄傲的 goes. intime 1981. She her Li Huanying, and tries to help her happy life. With help.!buys first Jia also wants mom to join a volleyball gam

11、e, Li her I want 欢) I see Jia up for past regrets( 遗). In fact, Li her all the time she want Jia to blame herself much. does her to just make Jia happy.While mom cries.But I dont think my mom and I I know my isproud of me often show love each other. days home, will l you I hope we will have any regr

12、ets us. After are machines in t56.What does Xiaoling do when she goes back in helps mother buy her TV. helps join a C.She says “I miss 57.What does the underlined word 执行B.责C.表演58. Why does Li Huanying everything her to feels sorry for Jia. B. thinks is to 59. From the can know that_.A.the writer(作者

13、 her to her mother. mother has many C. the always her mother 60.What touches(动 A.The regret B.Lis ago.C.The love and B 卷共 40 分一、根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。 My mother me not swim in river, because it is C_ trees good they can He works all lot of s_. one of best People like go kinds animals the I like best g_.二、完

14、成对话,一空一词小 分计 10 分)A: zoo in our city, and see penguins(企鹅),Bill?B:Great, my favorite animal is penguins. I A: Really? what you 1._about B:Well, ofthem live Antarctica( 极) penguins live ice, but they go swim and well. good3._ like A:Well,but the climate(气候in Chengdu the 4._as you think it not right t

15、o China? live in all _ of are one of in world. penguins in Africa and too!A:Wow! cool! do they in the Antarctica, it for them other sea Here in zoo, they dont to do it _ will give food. But there is less space(间)f more around in zoo. right,being in zoo is for them, but I they back home.Animals are f

16、riends, they are great must try our to and 10_ will in one三、短文填空小 1 分计 分beforequickcutfirstscaryforgettalkwithOne day, my go to so my brother and I are at home.I 1._my the kitchen go to my to do my homework. Suddenly, I noise. l run 2._to 发生) I into I find my brother breaks( 打碎) c

17、up. he is 4._ in trouble, I try my best him. I run and 胶 水) pick all of 碎) them.It an but I fix cup. I find I also my to it!I take 6._ hair it to bathroom, I look in 镜) hair,I I know way my the 7._ my As 1 leaving the bathroom with ugly new my comes brother runs to his room. 8._ I can my happened, I

18、 break cup. I nothing and go room 9._and Iam on my bed, I ear someone knocking at my door. is it? I ask. brother walks in and says.“Thank you.”“Its nothing, I say. I think thats what a is for, a friend when you need _.四、阅读表达。(每小题 分,计 )The lion and mouse From One day, lion under a tree. A mouse runs tree. lion gets angrily 抓 mouse.1._Then the says, Please, kill Maybe I can help you day. The lion says, can your help, mouse? 2._.A lion 缠住)by strong Some the ropes catch kill them for comes and says to lion, Let 4._ So the saves lion from those ropes. 5._H


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