



1、四川省资阳市雁江区第一中学2022-2023学年高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. After years of hard work he finally realized his dream of becoming a teacher,he aimed to be at an early age.A.thatB.whichC.whoD.what参考答案:B考查定语从句。句意:经过多年的努力他最终实现了成为一名教师的梦想,这是他小时候就梦寐以求的职业。关系代词which指代上文的a teacher,并在非限制性定语从句中充当表语。2. She was told to wear fla

2、t shoes _her back problem. A. on account of B. regardless of C. in terms of D. in case of参考答案:A3. This kind of cell phone is very common and I also have _. A. one B. it C. that D. another参考答案:A4. This event not only raised _ of world hunger, but also raised lots of money to help starving children.A.

3、 information B. knowledge C. instruction D. awareness参考答案:D5. In front of our school _ on whose tops we can have a clear view of the lake Astanding two towers Bstands two towers Cdo two towers stand Dstand two towers参考答案:D略6. I am fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. She _ be reall

4、y stubborn.A. can B. may C. must D. shall参考答案:A7. To fully understand the writer, we must read not only between the lines, but sometimes _ the lines. A. beyond B. within C. among D. beside参考答案:A8. - What happened to you? - I _ in the street when someone patted me on the shoulder, which frightened me

5、. A. was about to walk B. was walking C. had walked D. walk 参考答案:9. 语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.1. doors A. dR:z B. d R:s C. d R? z D. d ? s2.loose A.l ?s B. l U:s C. l U:z D. l ?s3.ignore A. ? n? B. en?: C. ? n?: D. ?n ?:4.suffer A. sBf: ? B. s ?f ? C. sQf ? D .

6、sQf ?5.concern A. k ? ns ?:n B. k ? n s ?:n C. k ? ns ?:n D. k ? ns ? n参考答案:1-5 ABCDB10. It is uncertain side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it Athat Bwhat Chow Dwhether参考答案:B11. - Excuse me, Id like to know more details on how the course is arr

7、anged?-Well, the course is made up of 36 two-hour , which will mainly be given in the evenings or on weekends.A. sessionsB. curriculaC. termsD. criteria参考答案:A12. At the sight of the super star, the fans are always _ with excitement.A. anxious B. trembling C. casual D. refreshing参考答案:B13. - Nancy, ca

8、n I take a look at the note you took for last period, please?- Im sorry, I _ something else then. Ill make it up right away.A. didB. was doingC. had doneD. have done参考答案:B14. -David,you got hurt again.-Oh,_!A. my pleasure B. just my luck C. take care D. go ahead参考答案:B15. Nothing taught by others can

9、 have the same effect on you as _ learned by yourself A. the one B. each C. that D. those参考答案:C16. I have no idea _ the cell phone isnt working, so could you fix it for me?A. whatB. whyC. ifD. which参考答案:B二、 书面表达17. Lets face it. You are constantly exposed to common viruses. There is nothing you can

10、do about them. However, you can greatly influence the effect of those viruses on your health. Dont accept that the flu or common cold is something you have to suffer from time to time. Cast off this thought and keep yourself and your entire family healthy regardless of the weather or season. These 4

11、 easy tips will help you to reduce the number of times you are down with the flu or common cold:1.Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables daily. They will provide you with important nutrients, mainly vitamins, which are needed to increase your ability to win the fight against common viruses.2.Drink

12、 plenty of water. The water runs through your body, removing everything your body wants to get rid of. 3.Sleep 8 hours per night. If you often fail to have enough sleep, not only will you feel tired, but also your immune system will work less efficiently. You will be more easily affected by viruses.

13、【写作内容】请你用英语以“健康的生活习惯让我们远离病毒”为题写一篇短文,主要内容包括:1 以约30个词概括以上短文的主要内容。2 然后以约120个词谈谈你对养成健康生活习惯的看法,内容包括:(1) 病毒的危害及形成健康生活习惯的必要性;(2) 要保持健康,还有哪些可行措施;(3) 倡导大家培养良好生活习惯,健康生活。【写作要求】1 作文中可使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。参考答案: In our daily life, we may often be infected with different virus

14、es; however, we can avoid them if we form good living habits, such as eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water, and so on. As we know, viruses can cause diseases, which range from a slight cold to the murderous AIDS. To stay away from the harm of these viruses, its necessary for us to form heal

15、thy habits. In addition to the four tips mentioned in the above passage, I think forming a habit of doing physical exercise regularly is also important. Physically, doing exercise strengthens our body and builds up our immunity. Besides, think positively and keep an optimistic view on our life situa

16、tions. Our encouraging thoughts will bring the best out from our immune system.In conclusion, we should lead a healthy lifestyle, holding a positive life attitude and doing sports regularly. All these habits will make us stronger and enable us to fight against viruses.名师点睛: In our daily life, we may

17、 often be infected with different viruses;运用了情态动词的被动语态;however, we can avoid them if we form good living habits, such as eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water, and so on.条件状语从句在句中使用;As we know, viruses can cause diseases, which range from a slight cold to the murderous AIDS. As we know和which

18、引导的非限制性定语从句在句中同时出现;To stay away from the harm of these viruses, its necessary for us to form healthy habits.动词不定式做目的状语和动词不定式做真正的主语;In addition to the four tips mentioned in the above passage, I think forming a habit of doing physical exercise regularly is also important. Physically,宾语从句和动名词短语作主语完美结合

19、;In conclusion, we should lead a healthy lifestyle, holding a positive life attitude and doing sports regularly.现在分词作状语;另外,句中运用了一些高级词汇和高级词组,however, In addition to,regularly,In conclusion,make us stronger and enable等,为文章增加了很多亮点。三、 阅读理解18. “What If” questions can help you think about what to do in ca

20、se something should happen. There are no fight answers because every case is differentUse the questions with your parents or with friends and decide what you think might work? Think of your own solutions and make up new“What If”questions to answer1 ) You are walking to school and a gang of alder bul

21、lies(person who uses his strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people) demands your money Do you: aShout and run away? bGive them the money? Give them the money(or other possessions)一your safety is more impoaant than money. 2) You are in the school toilet and an older student comes in,beats y

22、ou and then tells you not to do anything oryouII get worseYou know who the person is and you have never done anything to himherDo you: aWait until the person leaves and then tell a teacher? bGet it a fight with himher? cAccept what happened and dont tell? Tell the teacheryou didnt deserve to be beat

23、en and the bully was wrong to do itIf you dont tell,the bully will just keep on beating up other kids3) A gang of bullies gets you alone and starts beating youDo you: aDo nothingjust take it? bFight back? eShout to attract attention? dWatch for your chance and run away? You must decidebut c. dtogeth

24、er could work very wellIt would be quite difficult toa whole gang of bullies and you might be hurt badly if you did4) Someone in your class always makes rude comments about you and says them loud enough for you(and others)to hearIt really upsets youDo you: aIgnore the comments? bFace the bully and t

25、ell himher off? cTell the teacher? dHit the bully on the nose? You may feel like beating the bully,but youll probably be the one to get into trouble if you do. Try a .firstignoring comments is difficult,but can work if the bully gets tired of trying to get you to be angry or cry or show some reactio

26、nYour teacher should be told about the commentsbecause no one should make hurtful comments to othersIf you are feeling brave,tell the bully ofTry practicing in the mirror to get the right effect !64What is the passage mainly about? AThe bullys behaviors BThe questions the students meet CThe solutions to the studentsquestions DThe advice on how to fight against


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