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1、Unit 2Working the landUnit 2Working the land-2-【识记阅读单词】1.statistic n. 数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料2.sunburnt adj. 晒黑的3.super adj. 特级的;超级的4.output n. 产量;输出 5.crop n. 庄稼;农作物;产量6.grain n. 谷物;粮食;颗粒7.occupation n. 工作;职业;占领8.production n. 生产;制造9.pest n. 害虫;害兽;害鸟10.nutrition n. 营养;滋养;食物11.mineral n. 矿物;矿石12.soil n. 土壤1

2、3.root n. 根;根源14.skim vt. 浏览;略读15.underline vt. 画底线标出;强调16.summary n. 总结;摘要;概要.单词 由简到难,水到渠成The first step is as good as half over.-2-【识记阅读单词】.单词 由简到难,水到渠成The -3-【拼写高频单词】1.struggle vi.&n.斗争;拼搏;努力2.decade n.十年;十年期3.battle n.战役;战斗;较量;斗争 vt.&vi.搏斗;奋斗4.rid vt.摆脱;除去5.therefore adv.因此;所以;因而6.regret vt.遗憾;惋

3、惜 n.遗憾;懊悔7.focus n.焦点;中心点 vt.集中;聚集8.reduce vt.减少;减缩ment n.评论;议论 vi.&vt.表达意见;做出评论-3-【拼写高频单词】-4-【拓展核心单词】1.hunger n.饥饿;欲望vt.& vi.(使)饥饿hungry adj.饥饿的2.disturbing adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的disturb vt.扰乱;打扰disturbed adj.被扰乱的;精神失常的3.expand vt.&vi.使变大;伸展expansion n.扩大;膨胀4.circulate vt.&vi.循环;流传circulation n.循环;流通5.fre

4、edom n.自由;自主free adj.自由的;免费的freely adv.自由地;随意地6.equip vt.&vi.配备;装备equipment n.装备-4-【拓展核心单词】-5-7.export v.& n.输出;出口import v.& n.进口;输入8.nationality n.国籍nation n.国家;民族national adj.国家的;民族的nationwide adj.在全国范围内的9.confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难confused adj.糊涂的confusing adj.令人困惑不解的confusion n.混乱;迷惑10.chemical adj.化学的;

5、关于化学的n.化学物质chemistry n.化学chemist n.化学家;药剂师11.bacterium n.细菌bacteria细菌(复数形式)12.discovery n.发现;发觉discover vt.发现;发觉-5-7.export v.& n.输出;出口imp-6-1.“评论”单词知多少review n.复习;评论comment n.评论;议论remark n.评论criticism n.批评2.“扩展”词汇大接触spread v.扩展;蔓延;传播enlarge v.扩大;放大expand v.扩展;扩张;膨胀extend v.延伸;扩大-6-1.“评论”单词知多少-7-3.-

6、dom后缀名词一览kingdom王国freedom自由wisdom智慧4.equip用法小结动词变化形式:equipped;equipped;equippingequip.with.用装备be equipped with装备着be well/poorly equipped设备精良的/较差的equip.for sth./to do sth.为了而装备-7-3.-dom后缀名词一览-8-5.由reduce想到的reduce.by.降低了reduce.to.降低到increase.by.增加了increase.to.增加到decrease.by.减少了decrease.to.减少到6.由discov

7、er想到的look for寻找find找到invent发明-8-5.由reduce想到的-9-【识记】1.rid.of 使摆脱或除去2.would rather 宁愿;宁可3.keep.free from/of 使免受(影响;伤害等);使不含(有害物)【默写】1.幸亏;由于;因为 thanks to2.对感到满意 be satisfied with3.逐渐增强;建立;开发 build up4.导致;造成(后果)lead to5.集中(注意力、精力等)于 focus on.短语化难为简,轻松记忆Learn to walk before you run.-9-【识记】.短语化难为简,轻松记忆Lea

8、rn to -10-1.“导致”短语lead to导致;造成bring about导致;引起result in导致;结果是contribute to促成;有助于account for解释;导致2.与focus on结构相同的短语call on号召concentrate on集中;全神贯注于count on依赖depend on依赖live on以吃为生-10-1.“导致”短语-11-If so,what did you do to grow them?如果是这样的话,你怎样来种植这些植物?考点提炼if so “如果是这样的话”,是if 引导的条件状语从句的简略形式,表示肯定意义;如果表示否定意

9、义,则用if not。.高频句型分析探究,融会贯通Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.1.他们认为他可能来电话,如果那样的话,就必须有人守在这里。They think he may try to phone.If so,someone must stay here.2.如果可能的话,尝试每天在同一时间睡觉和起床。If possible,try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.-11-If so,what did you do to-12-Yuan Longping was bo

10、rn in 1930.Since he 1.graduated(graduate) from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953,he has devoted his life to 2.finding(find)ways to grow more and more rice.As a young man,he saw the great need for increasing the rice output.At that time,hunger was 3.a disturbing problem in many parts of the coun

11、tryside.Yuan Longping searched 4.for a way to increase rice harvests without 5.expanding(expand) the area of the fields.In 1950,Chinese farmers could produce about fifty-six million tons of rice.In a recent harvest,however,6.nearly two hundred million tons of rice was produced.语篇填空旧材新用,探究根源Kill two

12、birds with one stone.-12-Yuan Longping was born in -13-These 7.increased(increase)harvests mean 8.that 22% of the worlds people are fed from just 7% of the farmland in the world. Yuan Longping is now circulating his knowledge in India,Vietnam and many other 9.less(little)developed countries to incre

13、ase their rice harvests.Thanks to his research,the UN 10.has(have)more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.Using his hybrid rice,farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.-13-These 7.increased(increa-14-核心词汇核心句式1.struggle vi.&n.斗争;拼搏;努力;挣扎领悟高考究考法写出下列句子中struggle的意思(1).many st

14、udents will struggle to find a sense of belonging.(2016北京,阅读理解D)(2)Robinson suggested that may be because parents themselves struggle to understand the tasks.(2015陕西,阅读理解D)(3)They have to struggle for their independence.(4)She struggled fiercely against her attacker.(5)The wounded young man struggle

15、d to his feet.努力 努力 斗争 搏斗 挣扎 -14-核心词汇核心句式1.struggle vi.&n.斗-15-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点(1)struggle to do sth.艰难地做某事;挣扎着做某事(2)struggle for 为而斗争 (3)struggle with/against 与做斗争;同搏斗(4)struggle on 挣扎着;坚持下去 (5)struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 体会语境辨词义用fight或struggle的适当形式填空They had to for their lives against weather and

16、wild animals.These soldiers bravely in the battle.struggle fought -15-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点struggle f-16-核心词汇核心句式自助巩固(1)fight 搏斗,打斗,打架,斗争,包含着“体力”和“勇猛”的因素。(2)struggle 指较长时间的、激烈的争斗,包含着“奋力挣扎”的因素。-16-核心词汇核心句式自助巩固(1)fight 搏斗,打斗-17-核心词汇核心句式2.rid.of使摆脱或除去领悟高考究考法完成句子(1)Cats can help the home mice.猫能帮忙清除家里的老鼠。(2)M

17、ary wanted to of the burden of the secret.玛丽想把秘密说出来,让自己得到解脱。联想拓展记考点be/get rid of去掉;除去;摆脱rid of rid herself -17-核心词汇核心句式2.rid.of使摆脱或除去-18-核心词汇核心句式3.focus on集中(注意力、精力等)于领悟高考究考法翻译句子(1)Most of us are more focused on our tasks in the morning than we are later in the day.(2016全国,语篇填空)_(2)Much of the debat

18、e so far has been focused on the safety of driverless cars.(2018北京,阅读理解D)_(3)The lion tries to focus on all four legs of the chair at the same time._相比一天中的晚些时候,我们大部分人在上午更能把注意力集中在工作任务中。到目前为止,大部分争论都集中在无人驾驶汽车的安全问题上。这只狮子试图将注意力同时集中在椅子的四条腿上。-18-核心词汇核心句式3.focus on集中(注意力、精-19-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点focus ones atten

19、tion/mind on/upon.集中某人的注意力于-19-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点-20-核心词汇核心句式4.reduce vt.减少;减缩领悟高考究考法用介词或reduce的适当形式填空(1)It turns out that just looking at green,growing things can _ stress,lower blood pressure,and put people into a better mood.(2019全国,七选五阅读)事实证明,看绿色的正在生长的东西就能减轻压力,降低血压,并让人们有更好的心情。(2)A home environment

20、in blue can help people food intake.(2015课标全国,阅读理解B)一个蓝色的家庭环境有助于减少人们对于食物的摄入量。(3)She reduced her weight five kilograms.她把体重减轻了5公斤。reducereduce by -20-核心词汇核心句式4.reduce vt.减少;减缩r-21-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点(1)reduce sth.to.把减少到(2)reduce sth.by.把减少了(3)reduce sb.to.把某人(从某级别或职位)降至(4)They reduced the expenses 60 pe

21、r cent.他们将开支压缩到60%。(5)Steven Stein is an environmental scientist who studies how litter.(2018浙江,阅读理解B)史蒂芬斯坦因是一位研究如何减少垃圾的环境科学家。to reduce to -21-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点(4)They re-22-核心词汇核心句式5.keep.free from/of使免受(影响、伤害等);使不含(有害物)领悟高考究考法介词填空(1)Eating well and good exercise keep you free cold.良好的饮食和适度的锻炼使你远离感冒。

22、(2)We must keep touch with each other.我们必须相互保持联系。(3)Parents should keep the children the river.父母应该让孩子远离河流。from/of in off -22-核心词汇核心句式5.keep.free from-23-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点(1)keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事(2)keep sth.from sb.不想将某事告诉某人(3)keep sb.off sth.使某人远离某物(4)keep in touch with与保持联系(5)keep . in mind

23、把记在心里(6)keep away from避开;不接近-23-核心词汇核心句式联想拓展记考点-24-核心词汇核心句式If so,what did you do to grow them?如果是这样的话,你怎样来种植这些植物?分析提炼究考法if so“如果是这样的话”,是if引导的条件状语从句的省略形式,其反义表达为if not(如果不这样的话)。类似结构还有:(1)if ever如果有过的话(2)if any如果有的话(3)if possible如果有可能(4)if necessary如果有必要-24-核心词汇核心句式If so,what did you-25-核心词汇核心句式领悟考法用考点

24、用if的省略结构填空(1),take another look at other methods you could try.(2017全国,七选五阅读)如果不行,就再考虑尝试其他的方法。(2)I might be away next week.,I wont be able to see you.我下周可能会离开。要是这样的话,我就不能见你了。(3)She seldom,goes to the cinema.她难得看电影。(4),Ill take part in some social activities so that I can know more about the society.

25、如果可能的话,我将参加一些社会活动以便我能更多地了解社会。If not If so if ever If possible -25-核心词汇核心句式领悟考法用考点If not If -26-核心词汇核心句式(5)Last but not least,you may also tell your problem to your teachers and friends .最后但同等重要的是,如果有必要,你也可以把你的问题告诉你的老师和朋友。if necessary -26-核心词汇核心句式(5)Last but not le-27-.单句填空1.It is (disturb)to think a

26、bout so much work to do.2.We regret (inform) you that your application has not been successful.3.(struggle) for months to find a job,Mary finally took a position at a local advertising agency.4.New scientific (discover)are being made every day.5.We often do (chemistry)experiments in the lab.6.The di

27、scussion focused three main problems.7.I would rather (laugh)at than quarrel with him.8.You may have a bad mood. so,you should get rid of it as soon as possible.disturbing to informHaving struggleddiscoveries chemical on be laughed If -27-.单句填空disturbing to inf-28-9.The heavy rain made harder for us to get to the top of the mountain before sunset.10.I would rather you (come)here tomorrow.itcame -28-9.The heavy rain made -29-.单句改错1.Confusing by the question,the boy referred to the book for further explanation._2.A balan


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