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1、 基于支架式教学模式的教学案例设计与分析 柴鹏菲Summary本论文是在中国大环境下英语教学的研究,运用支架式教学的五个步骤,针对英语这门课,具体到英语学科听、说、读、写、译五种技能之中的“读”点,从课堂教学中(精读),三个层面:语言层面、信息层面和思想层面设计教学案例、深层次地剖析、引导、有效提高学生的阅读策略能力与综合成绩,并且培养学生在效果评论中自主学习的意识。本研究是一种基于最近发展区理论、建构主义理论的一种新的教学模式,倡导以学生为主体,强调课堂中教师和学生之间的引导和合作。在教学实践中该教学方法主要通过为学生搭建支架,模拟情景,引导学生探索和合作,完成对目标知识的独立建构。并且更进

2、一步证明了支架式教学的可行性和有效性,在学生之间也是一种受欢迎的教学方法。The thesis aims at a research in English teaching in the context of China, applying to the five steps of scaffolding teaching. From English listening, speaking, writing, reading and translating to the point of English reading, it was designed to the teaching clas

3、s, including the three parts from the perspectives of linguistic, information and thought, analyzing deeply and guiding and improving effectively the students reading comprehension and comprehensive performance, furthermore, it was cultivated the students autonomic learning conscious in effectivenes

4、s evaluation. The research is a fresh teaching model on account of zone of proximal development and constructivism theory, initiating student-oriented teaching, emphasizing on the guidance and cooperation between teachers and students. It was to complete the independent construction for the target k

5、nowledge by mainly setting up scaffolding, creating question situation, exploring independently, learning collaboratively and evaluating the effect in teaching practice. Moreover, it was to further prove the feasibility and effectiveness in scaffolding teaching, and it is also the popular teaching w

6、ay for students.關键词:支架式教学、高中英语阅读理解、阅读策略能力、阅读理解成绩授课内容培养学生的阅读能力贯穿在整个高中英语教学的过程。阅讀理解题,作为检测高中生英语阅读理解和语篇能力水平的题型,多年来一直出现在高考英语试题中,且占权重较大(教育招生考试院,2015:204)。阅读活动是一种多种因素,多向交流与反应的复杂解码过程(束定芳、庄智象,1996:130)。 但在中国环境下,英语教学在课堂实际的过程中,呈现出以下几方面的问题: 形式化,极端化、片面化和理想化的问题;同时大部分教师在阅读教学中,只注重词汇和语法,导致教学目标的实现性相对比较差等。为逐一避免这些问题的持续,



9、于帮助学生顺利穿越”“最近发展区”以获得更近一步的发展。通过支架的帮助,管理学习的任务逐渐由教师转移给学生自己(学习过程被内化),并且针对学生的学习能力及学习水平,为学生搭建合理的使之可以攀登向上的支架。普利斯里(pressly,1996)等人的定義是:根据学生的需要为他们提供帮助,并在他们能力增长时撤去帮助。建构主义是关于个体如何获得知识和经验的理论,有很多分支,其中影响支架式教学的主要是维果茨基的的社会建构主义和皮亚杰的认知建构主义。支架式教学有以下几个环节组成:搭建学习支架;进入情境;独立探索;协作学习;效果评价。 学习支架建构技能强调有经验的他人对学习者知识建构所起的作用,以最近发展区




13、用支架式教学最重要的是进一步培养了学生的自学能力和独立探索的能力。教师不是直接提供现成的答案,而是提供资源,示范、启发学生,学生不但可以借助所提供的有效的支架解决问题,还可以将这种方式、方法都迁移到自己的日常学习中,培养了其独立学习能力。为学生寻找、利用“学习支架”,创建“有援”的学习环境提供帮助。三、基于支架式教学模式下的教学案例与分析English around the world(1)教材分析本节课上的是人教课标版必修1 Unit 2 English around the world的阅读课The road to modern English。本节课的中心话题是“English lang

14、uage and its development, different kinds of English”。通过对英语语言的发展历史这一话题的探讨,加强学生对英语语言的了解,特别是对英语发展趋势的了解。世界在发展,时代在前进,语言作为交流的工具,也随着时代的发展而变化。并且通过本课的学习要让学生了解英国英语、美国英语、澳大利亚英语、印度英语、新加坡英语等都有自己的惯用法和不同的发音规律。在完成本节课的学习后,学生能感受到英语语言的多层次和多元化,有助于培养学生的跨文化意识。(2)教学目标1.语言技能目标 Talk about English and its development, diffe

15、rent kinds of English. Talk about difficulties in language communication. Learn to make dialogue using request & command. Learn to transfer from Direct Speech into Indirect Speech. Learn to give opinions and organize ideas by way of brainstorming.2.语言知识目标(1)重点单词、短语Subway, elevator, petrol, gas, offi

16、cial, voyage, conquer, native, come up, apartment, actually, base, at present, gradually, vocabulary, make use of, latter, identity, fluently, frequently, usage, command(2)功能句式English is a language spoken all around the world.There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak En

17、glish.The number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million.In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or a second language.3.情感态度目标让学生通过阅读获取有关英语语言发展的知识,扩大国际视“,强化文化意识,激发他们学

18、习英语的热情。(3)教学重点、难点1. To be able to get the main idea from the text.2. To be able to solve the problem by analyzing.3. To be able to use the different learning strategies for different reading purposes.(4)教学方法A.三个层次:语言层面、信息层面、思想层面B.支架式教学五种基本环节:(5)教学过程Step 1 建立学习支架(问题型支架为主)根据教学目标和学生的情况精心设计如下几个问题:Can yo

19、u guess what this unit mainly talks about from the title?How many circles in the world are English spoken?Could you tell us something about the development of English language?What kind of English before Modern English?Which country do you think has the most English learners?【设计说明】从学生回答层层递进的五个问题的角度来

20、准确地判断学生的“最近发展区”,同時,通过关注大部分学生的学习状态、反映以及根据学生回答问题的全面与深浅与否,判断学生知识储备的程度,对本课了解的宽度和广度等等,针对存在的问题采取相应的调整措施,使得课堂教学的进程有利于学生的学习。Step 2 创设情境a. As for this reading passage, the teacher asks the students to skim the whole passage quickly and keep the key words in mind with the help of note.Show the students the ma

21、p of the world by multimedia and observe carefully.b. Ask the students the following questions:. How many people spoke English at the end of the 16th century?. Why later in the next century, more and more people spoke English?. Why has English changed over time?c. Guide the students to work in pairs

22、 and think about the reasons for the wide spread of the English language throughout the world. English is one of the official languages of the world.English is the main language used on the internet.English is used in the international trade and tourism.【設计说明】通过学生快速浏览课文,把握主旨大意;并在多媒体创设的实际的情境下进行学习,利用生

23、动、直观的形象有效地激发联想,唤醒长期记忆中有关的知识、经验或表象,从而使学习者能利用自己原有的认知结构中的有关知识与经验去同化之前学习的新知识,赋予新知识以某种意义;同时根据图片提示探讨、回答问题进一步加深对课文的主旨大意的理解;Step 3独立探索After introducing the background information of the topic by different methods, the students have more or less understood them about this passage.Show the students one piece

24、of Indian film to have a deep impression of different English dialects around the world and learn a little from it.Ask the students to think about the differences that they have already known between British English and American English, and then finish the following table.American English British E

25、nglishSpellingPronunciationGrammarVocabularyPresent some reading strategies such as cognitive strategies (creating structure for input and output by taking notes, summarizing and highlighting), social strategies (empathizing with others like developing cultural understanding and becoming aware of ot

26、hers thoughts and feelings) and so forth, and meanwhile talk about some relevant background. To skim the passage as soon as possible and get the key point of it. To scan the passage carefully, and then get some concrete information as the key sentence of each paragraph and realize the attitude and s

27、tyle of author.Para 1: _Para 2: _Para3: _Para 4: _Para 5: _-. Try to answer the following questions with your own words.(細节题) How many people did most of the important early work on dictionaries? And who are they?(主旨题)What does the passage mainly talk about?(推断题) What does the writer think of the de

28、velopment of English?(猜词题) Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with one another.What does it mean in English? In fact/ Moreover / However / Thus【设计说明】学生通过问题引导、观看视频进入情境之后,开始让学生独立探索。独立探索的目标是挖掘学生的独立探索其自主性,培养自主学习习惯和自学能力,使其终身受益。给学生提供时间独立探索,让学生在读中感知,在读中感悟,在读中接受情感熏陶

29、。探索过程让学生观察、思考、引导、总结,学生沿着框架逐步攀升。最后争取做到无需教师引导,学生自己就能在框架中继续攀升。.Step 4协作学习Work in pairs and discuss the following topic with taking notes (Cognitive strategies: creating structure for input and output by taking notes, summarizing and highlighting):. Do you think it important for Chinese to learn English

30、? Why?. What do you think that Chinese will become the most widely foreign language in the world in the future?. Do you have any good ways to master a foreign language as soon as possible? What are they?. Have you ever had any difficulties in communication? How did you overcome it?【設计说明】 将学生分组,实行合作的

31、学习方式。学生分组讨论解决问题,使学生有充分的学习机会,组内同学可以“取长补短”,使知识得到累积和重组。另外在合作学习中,学生能够充分体会合作交流的乐趣,体验成功的快乐,使学生充分感受到交流的魅力从而产生交流的渴望。Step 5效果评价It is universally accepted that any educational plan should have effectiveness evaluation which, to some extent, not only can understand how the students comprehend what they have le

32、arned, but also can benefit a lot to teaching reflection as follows. Autonomic learning ability evaluated by the reading practice;. Cooperation learning evaluated through their performance, that is , how much contribution they have made in the group discussion;. Whether the students can meet the req

33、uirements;. Whether it gets the optimal teaching efficiency for teachers and students;Furthermore, effectiveness evaluation should also present throughout the whole application of scaffolding instruction. At the same time, it could be evaluated by teachers or students with each other, then it would summarize by the teacher.【設计说明】在师生平等的基础上,及时、准确、灵活地进行过程性评价,评价方法多样化,评价内容多元


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