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1、PAGE 绝密启用前高三教学质量调研英语试题注意事项:1. 本试卷分分第卷(选选择题)和第第卷(非选选择题)两部部分。第卷卷1至12页。第卷13至16页。满分分为150分,考考试用时1220分钟。2. 答题前,考考生在答题卡卡和试卷规定定位置务必用用直径0.55毫米黑色墨墨水签字笔将将自己的姓名名、准考证号号填写清楚。 3. 选择题每每小题选出答答案后,用22B铅笔把答答题卡上对应应题目的答案案标号涂黑,如如需改动,用用橡皮擦干净净后,再选涂涂其他答案标标号,在试题题卷上作答无无效。4. 第卷必必须用0.55毫米黑色签签字笔作答, 答案必须须写在各题目目的指定位置置。答题时不不能使用涂改改液、

2、胶带纸纸或修正带。第卷(三部分分,共1055分)第一部分:听力力(共两节,满满分30分)该部分分为第一一、第二两节节。注意: 回答听力部部分时,请先先将答案标在在试卷上。听听力部分结束束前,你将有有两分钟的时时间将你的答答案转涂到客客观题答题卡卡上。第一节(共5小小题;每小题题1.5分,满满分7.5分)听下面五段对话话。每段对话话后有一个小小题,从题中中所给的A、B、C三个选项中中选出最佳选选项,并标在在试卷的相应应位置。听完完每段对话后后,你都有110秒钟的时时间来回答有有关小题和阅阅读下一小题题。每段对话话仅读一遍。1. Whicch lannguagee doess Maryy spea

3、ak welll?A. Chinnese.B. Ennglishh.C. Jaapanesse.2. Whatt probbably causeed thee mans stoomachaache?A. The cold.B. Thhe meddicinee.C. Thhe seaa foodd.3. Whatt doess the man mmean?A. Edwaard wiill bee heree on ttime.B. Noboody wiill coome onn timee.C. Edwaard wiill geet thee job.4. Wherre willl thee w

4、omaan go for hher hoolidayy?A. The seasiide.B. Thhe couuntrysside.C. Thhe citty cennter.5. Whatt are the sspeakeers taalkingg abouut?A. Hobbbies.B. Joobs.C. Cooursess.第二节(共155小题;每小小题1.5分,满满分22.55分)听下面五段对话话或独白。每每段对话或独独白后有几个个小题,从题题中所给的AA、B、C三个选项中中选出最佳选选项,并标在在试卷的相应应位置。听每每段对话或独独白前,你将将有时间阅读读各个小题,每每小题5秒钟;

5、听完完后,各小题题将给出5秒钟的作答答时间。每段段对话或独白白读两遍。听下面一段对话话,回答第66至第8三个小题。6. How did tthe maan gett to SSouth Lake?A. By bbus.B. Byy car.C. Byy boatt.7. Wherre didd the man hhave ppicnicc luncch?A. On MMonkeyy Islannd. B. Onn Birdd Islannd.C. Onn Snakke Islannd.8. Whenn did the mman geet bacck homme?A. At aabout 5:0

6、0.B. Att abouut 7:000.C. Att abouut 8:000.听下面一段对话话,回答第99至第11三个小题题。 9. Wherre doees thee convversattion pprobabbly taake pllace?A. In aa resttaurannt.B. Inn a hootel.C. Inn a hoospitaal.10. Wheen willl thee womaan comme to stay? A. Nextt Thurrsday.B. Neext Weednesdday.C. Neext Frriday.11. Whaat doees

7、 thee womaan wannt?A. Two singlle roooms.B. Onne douuble rroom. C. Onne sinngle rroom.听下面一段对话话,回答第112至第14三个小题题。12. Whaats tthe wooman nnormallly liike?A. Sad.B. Haappy.C. Neervouss.13. Whaat is the wwomans prooblem?A. She lost her jjob.B. She wantss a chhange.C. She needss to sstudy.14. Whaat doees

8、thee man suggeest thhe womman doo?A. Apollogizee to tthe booss.B. Starrt herr own businness.C. Movee to aanotheer citty.听下面一段对话话,回答第115至第17三个小题题。15. Whaat seaason iis it probaably nnow?A. Summmer.B. Auutumn.C. Sppring. 16. Whyy did the wwoman come here?A. To vvisit John.B. Too atteend a weddiing. C.

9、 Too teacch skaating.17. Wheere dooes thhe mann workk now?A. At BBank oof Ameerica.B. Att a raadio sstatioon.C. Inn a gyym.听下面一段独白白,回答第118至第20三个小题题。18. Wheen didd the speakker wrrite hher fiirst nnovel?A. At aage 4.B. Att age 5. C. Att age 6.19. Wheere diid thee speaaker gget thhe ideea forr Harrry

10、Pottter?A. On aa traiin.B. Att her home.C. Inn her officce.20. Whyy did the sspeakeer preefer tto wriite inn cafees?A. It wwas saafer tthere.B. Itt was quietter thhere. C. Itt was warmeer theere.第二部分:英语语知识运用(共共两节,满分分35分)第一节:语法和和词汇(共115小题;每每小题1分,满分155分)从A、B、C、DD四个选项中中,选出可以以填入空白处处的最佳选项项,并在答题题卡上将该项项涂黑。

11、例:It iss geneerallyy conssidereed unwwise tto givve a cchild _ hhe or she wwants.A. howeever B. whhateveer C. whhichevver D. wwhenevver答案是B。21. Doo you like cookiing, SSally? . Lucckily Ive neverr had to woorry aabout it. A. Neveer minndB. Noot reaallyC. I dontt agreeeD. Yoou saiid it 22. chilldren

12、belieeve thhey caan succceed, theyy willl neveer beccome ttotallly inddependdent.A. IfB. ThhoughC. UnnlessD. Whhen 23. We askedd bothh Tonnny andd Jerrry, buut couuld offfer aany heelp.A. eithherB. alllC. nooneD. neeitherr24. Haave yoou seeen Jacck reccentlyy?No. Hee for anothher coompanyy now.A. is

13、 wworkinngB. haad worrkedC. woorkedD. waas worrking25. Ourr car brokee downn sudddenly and tthe heeavy rrain our helpllessneess.A. madee outB. leed toC. tuurned outD. addded tto26. Shee remooved hhat shhe wass wearring aand trried oon _ bllack ssilk oone.A. a; aaB. thhe; thheC. thhe; aD. a; the27. S

14、omme peoople ttry too knocck me down, onlyy me mmore ddetermmined to doo bettter.A. to mmakeB. maakesC. haaving madeD. maade28. Davvid woont gget loosthee has a goood of direcction. A. feellingB. iddeaC. exxperieenceD. seense 29. Peoople wwho seeldom do spports or dieet is high in faat willl putt on

15、 wweightt quicckly. A. whoB. whhoseC. whhichD. whhat30. Tomm eageerly ffinishhed upp was left of thhe chiicken pie.A. whattB. thhatC. whhichD. whhere31. Lilly seeems too knoww a loot aboout Hoong Koong, bbut shhe hass neveer beeen theere.A. luckkilyB. sttrictllyC. acctualllyD. naaturallly32. Thhank

16、yyou foor youur cofffee.But yoou_ it.A. didnnt drrinkB. arrent drinkkingC. dont driinkD. haadnt drunkk 33. Thee inveentionn of aartifiicial heartts marrked aa turnning ppoint in thhe batttle hearrt dissease.A. amonngB. foorC. aggainsttD. beetweenn34. Beffore uus liees thee bigggest rroom, _wiith thh

17、ings like guns, dollls andd old clothhes.A. filllingB. fiilledC. beinng fillledD. haaving been filleed35. If peoplle eatt natuural ppoisonns by mistaake, tthey _ goo to hhospittal wiithoutt delaay.A. woulldB. caanC. maayD. muust 第二节:完形填填空(共200小题;每小小题1分,满分200分)阅读下面短文,掌掌握其大意,然然后从3655各题所所给的四个选选项(A、B、C和

18、D)中选出最最佳选项,并并在答题卡上上将该项涂黑黑。It was a colld winnterss nighht wheen I sstoppeed forr gas on myy way home from work. I waas tirred annd hadd a sllight 36 .I workeed in a 337 ddoctorrs offfice and tthis wwas onne of thosee dayss whenn the unexppectedd happpened, makiing thhe schhedulee run 38 thaan usuual

19、. IIt seeemed II was goingg to bbe latte 339 hhome aand myy husbband, beingg the 40 perrson, wouldd be rready to prronounnce mee latee oncee agaiin. Maaybe 41 I huurriedd, I ccould stilll makee it hhome.I was hheadinng insside tto 442 ffor myy gas when I notticed an ollder ccouplee at tthe coounterr

20、. I hheard them askinng forr 433 too the locall hosppital. It wwas thhe samme hosspitall thatt I haad jusst 44 a feww minuutes aago.The youung maan at the ccounteer wass tryiing too be 45 in exxplainning hhow too get theree, witth twoo otheer peoople mmakingg 466 . OOne off themm was 47 tryying tto

21、givve theem a wwhole diffeerent routee backk. It was tthen tthat II walkked ovver too the couplle andd saidd, “Woould yyou liike too folllow mee to tthe 48 ?”A look of 49 crosssed thhe wommans face.“Im gooing rright by thhere,” I saiid, whhich wwasntt a(ann) 550 ssince I hadd justt madee up mmy minn

22、d to do 51 that.I got iin my car aand beegan tthe joourneyy backk. I wwas trrying to waatch tto be sure they were rightt 522 mee. It took only fifteeen miinutess to gget thhere aas russh houur traaffic was bbeginnning tto 553 . I fellt bettter tthan II had all dday annd my headaache wwas neearly gon

23、e.Later, as I arrivved hoome, mmy hussband 54 , “SSo youu arennt evver laate anny morre.” I said, “Sommetimees its 555 tto be late.”36. A. breakkB. feeverC. cooldD. heeadachhe37. A. foreiignB. coommonC. buusyD. nooisy38. A. earliierB. laaterC. eaasierD. siimplerr39. A. gettiingB. coookinggC. caallin

24、ggD. woorkingg40. A. toughhB. puunctuaalC. geenerouusD. caarefull41. A. asB. siinceC. whhileD. iff 42. A. payB. chhangeC. waaitD. seearch43. A. opiniionsB. trroubleeC. diirectiionsD. mooney44. A. reachhedB. viisiteddC. caalledD. leeft 45. A. skillledB. heelpfullC. exxperieencedD. acctive 46. A. comm

25、eentsB. prromiseesC. jookesD. offfers47. A. onlyB. sttillC. evvenD. evver48. A. statiionB. offficeC. hoospitaalD. hootel49. A. paniccB. reeliefC. saadnesssD. peeace50. A. dutyB. faactC. reeasonD. liie51. A. partllyB. prroperllyC. exxactlyyD. peerfecttly52. A. acrosssB. beeforeC. beesideD. beehind 53

26、. A. go uppB. diie dowwnC. sppeed uupD. tuurn doown54. A. teaseedB. shhouteddC. buurstD. laaughedd55. A. possiibleB. sppeciallC. gooodD. saafe第三部分:阅读读理解(共220小题;每每小题2分,满分 440分)阅读下列短文,从从每题所给的的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。APublic schoools inn Washhingtoon, D.C. provvide sstudennts wiith muusicall

27、insttrumennts foor freee. Whhen soomethiing gooes wrrong wwith aan insstrumeent, CCharlees Wesst andd Larrry Jerrnigann do tthe reepairss. Botth menn apprroach theirr workk withh a paassionn(激情). For them, itss impoortantt thatt studdents have a joyyful eexperiience with musicc.The twoo havee workke

28、d toogetheer forr almoost 200 yearrs. Thhis yeear allone, theyve fiixed aabout 450 iinstruumentss. Botth menn are musiccians and mmusic loverrs, soo learrning to doo repaairs ccame nnaturaally.“I havee beenn a muusiciaan alll my llife.” says West. “I pplayedd in aan orcchestrra herre in the ccity. I

29、 majjored in muusic iin colllege. I pllayed in ann armyy bandd.”Jernigaans mmusicaal intterestts aree variied. “II was formeerly ttraineed in the ppiano and gguitarr. Thee altoo sax, and the fflute, I piicked up whhile wworkinng herre.”In addiition to fiixing instrrumentts, thhe twoo alsoo go tto sc

30、hhools to innstrucct teaacherss and studeents oon howw to mmake mminor repaiirs onn theiir ownn. West beelievees if childdren sstart earlyy and stay invollved wwith mmusic, it eenrichhes otther aareas of thheir llives. “I ssee thhat inn otheer kidds. I see iit in mysellf. I have seen it huundredds o

31、f timess and it woorks,” he saays. “TThey llearn teamwwork. They learnn patiience and rrespecct.”But Wesst hass conccerns aboutt the futurre of musicc in tthe ellectroonic aage.“This iinstannt agee has takenn awayy fromm the sit-ddown, the ppatiennce. AAnd too learrn to play an innstrumment, it taak

32、es ppatiennce, iit takkes diiligennce, iit takkes tiime.”Being aable tto enjjoy muusic oon thee job is onne of the bbenefiits off the job. Both men aagree theirr bestt rewaards aare thhe stuudentss perrformaances. 56. Whaats tthe joob of West and JJerniggan att schoool? A. Teacching musicc.B. Writti

33、ng mmusic.C. Makiing muusicall insttrumennts.D. Repaairingg musiical iinstruumentss.57. Theey lovve thee job becauuse thhey caan .A. earnn moree moneeyB. leearn rrepairr skilllsC. enjooy mussicD. waatch pperforrmancees58. Whiich off the folloowing is trrue off the two mmen?A. Theyy havee fixeed 4500

34、 insttrumennts inn the past 20 yeears.B. Theyy can play and rrepairr musiical iinstruumentss.C. Jernnigan used to pllay inn an aarmy bband.D. Westt was trainned too playy the pianoo.59. Acccordinng to West, whatt can peoplle leaarn frrom muusic?A. Teammwork and ppatiennce.B. Thhe vallue off timee.C.

35、 The truthh of ssocietty.D. Diiligennce annd connfidennce.60. Whaat is mainlly tallked aabout in thhe texxt?A. How to reepair musiccal innstrumments.B. Learrning experriencees of two rrepairrmen.C. How to prreparee a muusicall perfformannce. D. The enjoyyable job oof twoo musiic lovvers.B“Our aiim i

36、s to taake ouur artt to tthe woorld aand maake peeople underrstandd whatt it iis to move,” saiid Davvid Beelle, the ffoundeer of parkoour(跑酷酷).Do you love runniing? IIt is a goood exeercisee, yett manyy peopple fiind itt boriing. BBut whhat iff makiing yoour moorningg jog a creeativee one? Likee jum

37、pping ffrom wwalls and oover ggaps, and ggroundd rollls? Juust liike thhe Jammes Boond inn the moviee Casiino Rooyale? Bondd jumpps dowwn froom a rroof tto a wwindowwsill and tthen rruns sseveraal bloocks oover oobstaccles oon thee way. It iis jusst beccause of Boonds wondeerful perfoormancces thhat

38、 thhe spoort haas beccome ppopulaar worrldwidde.Yes, thhats parkoour, aan exttreme streeet spoort aiimed aat movving ffrom oone pooint tto anoother as quuicklyy as ppossibble, ggettinng oveer alll the obstaacles in thhe patth usiing onnly thhe abiilitiees of the hhuman body. Parkkour iis connsiderre

39、d ann extrreme ssport. As iits paarticiipantss dashh arouund a city, theyy may jump over fencees, ruun up wallss and even move from roofttop too roofftop. Parkourr can be juust ass exciiting and ccharmiing ass it ssoundss, butt its partiicipannts seee parrkour much more than that.Overcomming aall th

40、he obsstaclees on the ccoursee and in liife iss partt of tthe phhilosoophy(理理念) beehind parkoour. TThis iis thee samee as llife. You mmust ddetermmine yyour ddestinnationn, go straiight, jump over all tthe baarrierrs as if inn parkkour aand neever ffall bback ffrom tthem iin youur liffe, too reacch

41、thee desttinatiion suuccesssfullyy. A pparkouur lovver saaid, “II lovee parkkour bbecausse itss phillosophhy hass becoome myy lifee, my way tto do everyythingg.”Anotherr phillosophhy weve leearnt from parkoour iss freeedom. It caan be done by annyone, at aany tiime, aanywheere inn the worldd. It is

42、a kind of exxpresssion oof truust inn yourrself that you eearn eenergyy and confiidencee. 61. Parrkour has bbecomee popuular tthrougghout the wworld becauuse off .A. its foundder, DDavid BelleeB. thhe fillm, Caasino RoyalleC. its riskss and trickksD. thhe varrietiees of partiicipannts62. Thee undeer

43、lineed worrd “obbstaclles” iin Parragrapph 2 iis cloosest in meeaningg to “ ”.A. streeetsB. obbjectssC. barrriersD. rooofs63. Whiich off the folloowing is trrue off parkkour?A. It cchalleenges humann abillitiess.B. Itt is aa goodd but borinng spoort.C. It nneeds speciial trraininng.D. Itt is aa team

44、m sporrt.64. As its pparticcipantts movve aroound aa cityy, .A. theyy can ask ffor heelpB. thhey maay chooose tto esccapeC. theyy shouuld ruun to extreemesD. thhey muust leearn tto surrvive65. Whiich off the folloowing is thhe phiilosopphy off parkkour?A. Sporrts annd exttremess.B. Exxcitemment aand

45、 poopularrity.C. Dreaams annd succcess.D. Deetermiinatioon andd freeedom.CParentss are oftenn amazzed att how fast theirr chilld groows annd devvelopss. Neww reseearch has ddetermmined that the aabilitty to quanttify mmay deevelopp muchh soonner thhan moost paarentss reallize.Kristy vanMaarle, profe

46、essor of thhe Uniiversiity off Misssouri, has deterrminedd thatt conttrary to whhat prreviouus stuudies have shownn, inffants(婴婴儿)aree ablee to qquantiify suubstannces(物物质)liike saand orr wateeras earlyy as 110 monnths. As loong ass the diffeerencee betwween tthe twwo subbstancces iss largge enoough

47、, infannts wiill chhoose the llargerr amouunt, eespeciially when it coomes tto foood.With thhe asssistannce off her team reseaarcherrs, vaanMarlle tessted tthe quuantiffying skillls of babiees by preseentingg themm withh two cups: one contaainingg a smmall aamountt of ffood, and oone coontainning aa

48、 largger ammount. Conssistenntly, the bbabiess chosse thee largger ammount.“Severaal stuudies throuughoutt the last 15 yeears hhave sshown that infannts arre verry goood at telliing hoow manny objjects they see; howevver, iinfantts donnt seeem too counnt thiings llike wwater or saand,” vanMaarle ssa

49、id. “Whatt werre sayying iis thaat theey cann quanntify substtancess; its jusst mucch harrder. The iinfantts cann see how mmuch ffood ggoes iinto eeach ccup annd commpare that in thheir mmemoriies. TThey ddecidee whicch amoount iis larrger, and tthey aalmostt alwaays seelect the llargerr one.”This i

50、nnformaation furthher reefutess(驳斥)tthe loong-heeld iddea thhat baabies “knoww nothhing oof thee worlld,” vvanMarrle saaid.“Since psychhologiists hhave bbegun studyying iinfantts witth sennsitivve meaasuress, weve diiscoveered aa lot of eaarly aabilitties. I thiink foor parrents, it sshouldd be eexc

51、itiing too knoww thatt therres ssomeboody inn therre thaat hass somee funddamenttal annd bassic knnowleddge off the worldd, andd thatt knowwledgee is gguidinng theeir deeveloppment,” vannMarlee saidd.In the futurre, vaanMarlle sayys thiis kinnd of studyy coulld be linkeed to a chiilds progrress iin

52、matth-rellated skillls, allthouggh proogramss markketed to inncreasse thoose abbilitiies, ssuch aas “Baaby Eiinsteiin,” sstill have mixedd reviiews wwhen iit commes too acaddemic studyy. 66. Thee quanntifyiing abbilityy refeers too the abiliity too .A. chooose beetweenn diffferentt subsstanceesB. ge

53、t much knowlledge of thhe worrldC. desccribe the qquantiity off someethinggD. obtaain maath-reelatedd skillls67. Whaat is mainlly tallked aabout in Paaragraaph 4?A. The proceess off doinng ressearchh.B. The scienntificc finddings.C. The finall choiice off infaants.D. The obserrvatioon of infannts bb

54、ehaviior. 68. Babbies cchoosee the largeer amoount oof foood .A. by ssayingg numbbersB. wiith thhe hellp of parenntsC. on ppersonnal prrefereenceD. thhroughh theiir nattural abiliities69. We can llearn from the ttext tthat .A. somee pareents ddont care aboutt theiir kiddsB. peopple ussed too thinnk

55、thee worlld is knownn to bbabiessC. litttle reesearcch hass beenn donee on iinfanttsD. schoolars disaggree oon babby-traainingg proggrams70. Whaats tthe beest tiitle oof thee textt?A. Breaakthroough iin Babby StuudiesB. Amazzing BBaby-ttrainiing IddeasC. Earlly Humman AbbilitiiesD. Uniqque Quuantiff

56、ying MethoodsDThe webbsite FarmeersOm callls itsself aan onlline ddatingg and frienndshipp findder. TThe iddea sttartedd in tthe miind off a maan, Jeerry MMillerr in OOhio. He woondereed howw farmmers ccould meet new ppeoplee who underrstandd the life of a farmeer. Jeerry MMillerr is nnot a farmeer

57、butt he rrepressents a lott of ffarmerrs. As he ttells it, tthe iddea foor thee sitee was plantted whhen a farmeer tolld himm one day tthat sshe waas reccentlyy divoorced and wwould like to daate. BBut soomeonee woulld invvite hher too meett for coffeee at nine ocloock att nighht, whhen shhe hadd to

58、 sstart her dday att fivee the next morniing. So, in 2005, Jerrry Milller llaunchhed hiis webbsite. “Youu dont havve to be a farmeer to be onn FarmmersOnnly.coom, buut youu do hhave tto havve thee goodd old-fashiioned tradiitionaal vallues oof Ameericas Heaartlannd.” You alsso havve to live in thhe

59、Uniited SStatess or Caanada to bee a meember of thhe sitte. Soome seervicees aree freee, butt a fuull meembersship ccosts fiftyy dolllars ffor a year. As oof lasst weeek thee sitee listted moore thhan 588,000 membeers. MMany oof theem aree farmmers iin thee Unitted Sttates. Otheers arre stuudentss o

60、r wworkerrs invvolvedd in ssome wway wiith aggricullture. Jerrry Milller ttells us abbout tthirtyy marrriagess in tthe laast yeear haave reesulteed froom hiss webssite. Some faarmerss havee alsoo founnd lovve thrrough a grooup, SSinglees in Agricculturre, whhich wwas foormed as a nonprrofit organniz


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