1、2020年北京成人高考高起点英语真题试卷【附答案】绝應启用前2020年成人高等学校招生全国统器试高起点英语家试卷分第1幻选择题)和第0幻非选择禮)西部分。滿分150分孝试时间120分仲:题号一二三1四1 六 职分统分人签字i分数?第丨卷(选择题,共105分)得 分 评卷人一、语音知识:共5小題;毎题15分,共7 5分。在下列毎组单词中,有察个单询的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同,找出这个词。:I . |ZB. Irii|-( :. hllon:2. p)liB nlr(:. Id1)old93. agiiiR dRul1)ago4. L ikiuK. kmm(:. ! nn knik
2、; ilh*-ie-.:. mirB. ou:7. X ml(l iiii hkr li have nmrr rirr /兪nl Jt allK . u plrawwh n an- mi lab-. rplainrlH. r|ilain L In explain1). exp dining10. Harry Pnllrr is ihr iinI iiilrrr-.ling bMk1 ha, ru-i rrad. ihatB. uhrn. dn1). hrrr:1 1. Rill is tml id die k 、出nla . but mmi iliiln1 rral ihrm al all.:
3、X. urrr pulB. Ik-iiijj pul:. put1). llM pill2020年版人向手手嵌招全国统一考试高匕占.4语试KN&WF栄义鮮析(为8而)J 1 Wo14. Go straight forward and youthe shop on your right.A. would seeB. will secC. hate mtiiD. MW15. Afterhealed discusion. they Gnallyagreed on the priceihr new rar.A.toB. atC. forD. with16. My brother workedthan
4、ainolhrr nirmbrr in his Iram and gol the fn*l prize.A. hardB. harder(1. harcirl1). hardh17. You can invile Tom to the party.plrasr don 1 ak thatfriend of his.A. butB. forC. sinceD. or18. Ur will go oul fori |h riict dorsn * t rain tomorrow.A. ifB. afterC. ihal19. Someone is knocking at ihr door, bul
5、 whom canbe?1). thou#;liA. oneB. hrC. itD. she20. The babv usuallyihrer tim a night.A. has woken upB. is waking upC. will wake upD. wakr*. up得分评卷人三、完形填空:共15小题;毎题2分,共30分。通读下面的短文,掌握其 大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处的最 佳选项。The tallet building in America * * capital city is I hr Washington Mmiiirnrnl (纪念碑).I
6、l i* 21 for Grorgr Washington. I he firsl president of I hr Initrd Slatr. Hr 22 the Aincrian (lonirs (項民 地)in I hr War of Independence (狡立)against England from 1775 lrld. Lights shine on it al niglil. Il canUMiallv br 26from far awa.Grorgr Washington was bom in 1732. Hr27 school for onl about wvrn o
7、r eight rar. Al agr20 he 28 aiofficer in thr colonial armv.29 . as timepassed, hr became angn with the wayEngland 30thr American colonies, l he war against Britain31 in 1775. The Americans named(ieorge Washington chief of lhe revolulionan annirs.Many of hissoldiers wrrr not trained. and they were 32
8、 equipped (装务).During our winterof thr Rrvolutionan- War. his soldiers 33froze Io death.Bul General 4 龄hinglon led ihrni Io34 . The Iasi group of British soldiers left the colonies in 1783. In 1789, hr wa* 35 a* the firstpresident of ihrJnitrd States.21. A. coxrredB. namedC. takenD. aclrd22. A. push
9、edB. followedC. ledD. separated23. A. paMcdB. showedC. ad i”dD. helped24. A. centuryB. battlesC. thing1). years25. A. placesB. gardensC. ways1). stations26. A.srenB. realizedCellaredD. drvrioprd27. A. at 1 endedB. missedC. escapedD. changed28. A. caughtB. knewC. mrlD. beranw29. A. ThereforeB. Howeve
10、rC. OtherwiI). Besides30. A. niledB. destroyedC. drfralrdD. allackrd31. A. brokeB. startrlC. declaredD.spread32. A. fullyB. speciallyC. poorlyD. Muilably33. A. rrallvB. almontC. Iianllv1). still34. A. failureB. trouble(:.virton,D. pleasure35. A. calledB. annrdC. clioMrnD. rr*ognizrk* grl cniplrlt*l
11、quickly and elTi-irnlly(高效地).However, poor leainuork can hinder a biKinrss success and inakr oprralions much morr diiTiruh. Four parts of tramuork can make il rffrctixr and lead Io business success.Effective Communication (沟通)Wilhmit pfle livr communicalion. a Irani will br weak. Wlirn a Irani has o
12、pen and honrsl rommuni(alio). a lot more will br achirvrd. Gmimunivalioi) makr sure llrnl rvenonr lislrns to onr another* s ideas and will help I hr in express thrir llioughts and feelings. ( hmmI (-nmniiiniealion also helps pul togrlhrr a clrar plan ol ai-lion.Different SkiUsTilt* way llir Irani is
13、 madr up of plays a major role in hm well ihr gr(up works as a Irani. It is net-rssan that people will) diflrrrnt skills lx* paired togrllirr so that lhr cdii makr usr of onr anollirr* s knowledge and skills. For example. in a Iram. ihrre should bubjr.Strong Leadershipleadership is im|M)rtanl in a l
14、ean. A Iradrr i、nrrdri lu srlllr disagrrrmeiih. set goals and keep thr Irani on (rack. A good Irailrr can lead willioul bring . adiirvr goals by rucouraging the learn and slipping in when necesury, and makr suggrslions for improvements.Passion (激情)A train wilhoul passion will grl nmlirir. If any tne
15、mlx*r of I hr tram drs not have the passion to get the job done and do il well, lie or she wi lwrk can help a business Io _ . -losrsi in inraniiig IoA. Iral toB. help MidiC. changr uilliD. hold backU hich of thr follow ing would help make a clear plan of act ion*/Effn-livr(*oiiHiiuiiicalinti.B. A go
16、od Iradrr without being .C. A tram wilh passion.D. People uilh diflerenl kills paired together.U hat is a must for een member knoulrdgr. D. Passion.Most 11 -rar-old arr jul happ to havr finished ihrir first yrar of middle school. However. Tom is not like most kids. Hr did not go in rlrmrnlary (小学).m
17、iddle or high hod but went slraighl to collrgr al ihr young agr rigid.Whil, Toms parents kn*w hr was smart. ihry had never imagined pulling him in collrgr this young. Howrer. whrn they tried to wnd him hi a private (私立的)school al llir agr of six. hr was turned down. iwcausr hr 湘 smart that llir scho
18、ol was afraid he would feel dull.It turns out ihr M-hl was right. Alter lionirx-IxMiling ihr oung Iwy for two years. ihe parent* realized lhal Ilf* vsa read、 for *oinr real liigli-levrl( oursr*. Thr) camr lu Easl Ixs Angrlrs Oillrgr, who agreed m lake him in. I lwrvcr. until hr pro、rd himsrlf. hr co
19、uhl take only Iwo courseiimath and music.Toni did not diMppoinl. Hr g(l As in Ixilli and hasnt looked hark since. Iasi week, hr graduated as a lop sludenl. In fad. ihr young boy was so smart lhal he helped hi* fellow nialh stiMlenls. sonw, of wltom uere 10 years older tlian him.2020年成人高等学校招生一01晚一考试髙
20、也点英语试灣和参考养蜜及解析(FZ)第3員While lhe rli max hrrr him as a grnius (犬才).his parents ihink hr i just a nonnal boy who plas loot ba 11 and ualchrs movirs for rhildrrn.How is Toni diffrrrnl from msl kid* of hisA. Hr was lakrn in by a collrgr al 8. B. Hr was will Io high school al 8.C. He went to middle school
21、 al II.D. Hr graduated Inun high school Mi ILThr phrase ,,hirnrd down in llir srcotid paragraph is dowsl in meaning lA. acceptedB. rrsprc(rlC. rdu”dI), examinedWhat did thr parents do to Tom for two rars brforr hr wrnl Io collrgr?A. Tliry him Io a school in Lo* Atigrlrs.K. They let him attrnd music
22、program*.They hired a mulh leather for him.They taught him at homr.CNouadavs rvrnonr is so much trying 1 k”p Gl that somrlime* thry miss thr lad ihrrr arr limes when ihry should not lx* exercising at all. Hrrr you can find real rran* Io slop training for a while ami du nol frrl sorry for our lazine*
23、.When you are illDo nol rxrnuM* if you are not frrling urll, rvrn if il is jtisl a cold. orkoul car. hurt your iininunr 5slrm (免疫系统)and Irngthrn illness. As a result. you will spend more time away fmm I hr physical aclivily. Training while Ming ill is also a main raiise* of thrr injuries since il is
24、 more diffi ull Io f off vour UMial rxrrcisr rati make* a liflrrrnr.When you are tired outTlirrr ramrlimes arr days when you nol frrl likr going lo llir sports ground, and *omelime* your body might Iw* lelling you to lake a break. Il will s clasps. (; homr. have a hrallln mral and do not frrl srry f
25、r ult of rxrrciing whrn you arr ill?A.、mihill improxr your immune syslrm. B.You will catch a cold easily.(:.Youwill br ill for a longer limr.D.You will jay little altrnlion lo yourine.1hile wovrring from an illness, you arr 孙lvi”d l A. go to ihr sports ground even daB.Mart training as early as powib
26、lrC. rushback lo your uorkoul habilD.start your rxerrise gradual!) and carefullyUhal is suggrslrd in lhe passage when you do nol frrl likr rxrn ising?*. Join a Hlnrss cla.R. lime a rich mral.C. Slay awax from th? sports ground.D. Sleep for a day al homr.hat might Im* ihr hesl tillr for ihr IpxI?Reas
27、ons Thai You Don I Frrl l.ikr ExrrciwngTiinri* U hrn You Should ol Exrr-irCause* of Tirrtlnr*?.I). Effrrt* of IllnessMikI Irrnagrn* in ihr Initrd Slalrs In lu inakr limr for school, family and friends. Bui sonic cIkmim* bigger goals. Hire are ihr slorirs of luo Ainrricat) Irrn:- working lo make a(li
28、fTrrn( r in thr world.Al age 15. intrr Vinrcki has already had more successes than mo*l people have in ihrir lifrtimr. -1 rrrrnlh coinplrtrd a marallion (马扌立松)on all i*rrn roiilinrnis and bc-ame ihr yo dad.Doctors discovered Winters father had proetale cancer (前列腺癌)when she was ninr years old. Hrr f
29、ather died 10 months later.When he was first found ill 1 immediately knew I had Io do somrlliing to help him. That*s when 1 formed Team Winter for prostate cancer rrnean-h.Hirough Team Winter. U inter Vinrcki has raiwd almost 500.000 dollars. Shr has taken prolalr ancer education worldwide from Afri
30、ca Io Asia through foot races called marathons. on seven conlinrnls.The olher tern is Jack Andraka. Ilf invented an inexpensive tool that can lirlp find lung eanerr. when he was 15 at ihr lime.Without the Internet, 1 would have never been ahlr l team ail lliesr malrrials I nc-lcl for this projr*l. “
31、Jack is now 17 and seeking patents (专利)for his lalrst invrnlions. Hr lias developed low-col water quality machine#. Biry help lake away heavy mrlals and chrmicalx from watrr.How did Winter make a difference in ihr world?She was the youngest lo nin fool races on seven continrnts.She raised almost 500
32、.000 dollars for her (alhrr.She formed Tram Winter in Africa.She completed a marathon in a sports game.Why did Winlrr run marathons around I hr world?To bring proslale cancer education lo olhrr people.To do prostate cancer rrsrarch.To take prostate cancer lemons.I). T( rai*r money for pro*lale cancr
33、r patients.What did Jack use I hr Intrmrl for?A. Reducing the cost of ihr project.B. Selling hi* waler quality machine.C. Sran-hing for the needed malrrials.D. Helping him palrnl his imritfionA.What helps people make great achievrmrnls acc ording to the text?A. Family love. B. Young agr.C. Big goals
34、.D. Frirnd support.第II卷(非选择题,共45分)得分评卷人五、补全对话:共5句;毎句満分为3分,共15分。根据中文提示,把对 话中映少的内容写在线上。这些句子必须符合英语衰达习惯。打句 号的地方,用陈述句;打问号的她方,用變问旬。提示:Henry准备去I.海升会.打电话到航空公司订票.T.作人员Lillian搂听电话 (L = Lillian ; H = Henry)51Hello! This is Air China.51Hello. Td like lo book a flight from Beijing to Shanghai. TOC o 1-5 h z Sure
35、52?This Saturday morning July I2.OK.How many tickets?53.So, that * s onr lickrlfrom Beijing lo Shanghai.54?Well, that will be 1.030 yuan.OK. Can I book that now?Ortainly.55You re welcome.2020年成人髙号学帔招生企国统一考试高起点英语的頰和收考&金,解析(*8页)第5六、书面裹达:満分3。分。假设你是李华.写一封电广邮件给你的美国朋友Prtrr.请他帝你买本英文以邮件的具体 内容包括:节名和作:Annr Li
36、ndbergh 所普(ift from the Sea;买B目的和原因:写学期论文用作參符.在,地实不到;邮寄地址:北京城市大学英语学院邮编:100000;询间付款方式;表示感谢注意:1 .词效应为100左右;2.邮件内容须写在答題K的指定位置toDear Peter.Yours.I.i Hua参考答案及解析4. B 5. A一、语育知识4. B 5. AI.C 2. B二、询汇与语法知识【答案】D【应试指导】本是旁*代词鮮析 句意:桌子上的字是我的.你的书在邪儿 空格灶#奏一个Z词性物主代词 表示“你的书”.应用、mm 故本暴逸D.【答案】R【应试指导】大毒片壹忧*时话句癒:一你妻再来一点米
37、饭吗?一不了 .谢谢成吃怕了 A項和C顼 用来囱4谢,D顷不符合话意 故也期逸B【答案】D【应试指导】本竟规词的用法 句意:我的叔叔生活在一个为是年人电的敝老院皇 第一个空塔处正指一 个敝*院.应用不定在词,第二个宅修处表示老年人“这一臭人.应用“Uu +形变词”的皓梅故本题逸D【答案】Bi应试指导】本亳専查国定句式 句:t:総请你解孫一下今大你为什么这么吃吗? ould OU pl”MA示冬蛇 请求某人阪义亨,后面的动词应用动词原形故【答案】a【应试指导】装毒胃主定语从句 句意:哈利波為 是我读辻的*有谜的苗 先行旬 hook.从句中缺少宾 法.引导词可用山al我whi h但先行词被尋客词最
38、岛嫌條伴.引导词只能用山抓 故tli-i AII【答案】Bi应试指导】家题年*时志 句意:Bill 办公室 他一个小时前去衣句樣遇的是Bill去图书拉 対现在的影响,即他现在不在办公宅.因此*用息在完就时 他还没有从图书坑园如.所以用ha pme故家时B【答案】C【应试指导】家題*查动词的用法句童:改更你的伏食习慣是最好的*.k方去动诃代主法放在勺首,庾用 动名词用式.并且与ili语之间是主动关系,所以用h-npng故家地逸。【答案】A式Irllrra和put之间是被动关系.*用被动语& .所以要用式Irllrra和put之间是被动关系.*用被动语& .所以要用were pul故家龍逸A14.
39、【答案】B【应试指导】太题号麦图定句或 句*:礼拄讨是.你会看丸邪束店在你的右边 新使句主语 willdo衰示“做策亨,其后会-故家聞速B15.【答案(:【应试指导】本U孝壹介词愣护 句意:经过热見的讨论.他们長为在新车的价格上达成一敷llu- price for ,山.玄为“某物的价格“介词用for故本題iAC2020生蚣直玉手校招生全耍二禹蛆玄芟世乂题和泰考备冬如另8项)跄I.,謨答案】B【应试指导|本期号比的句式 句會:我的若*比他们队里的任何其他成員亲关努力,所以他拿了一于 災句中有比統級的粽志lhan.M此这卫应用比较鎌故t-ltit R答案】【应试指导】衣题号廉连词的用法句意:你可
40、以遐计Tom本加変会.但副建清他的朋友根据句玄.常后两 句话有明里的姑折.时此委用bul故本鶴速【答案】A【应试指导】呆H号糸件状活从勺 句意:如是明夭不下而,我们会出去野费示.如果”.条件轼语从句用if引导.邊骨主将从现.的原则 故家检逸A【答军】:【应试指导】本题号*代词的用;妄 句:有人在站门.但是会是谭呢?在不曲定时方是谭的语境中.蚤用n 代指故夫専速(:20【答案】n(应试指导】本題时态 句处:宝宝通常会在夜里缓来三次UMially A示“经常.谊當”.是一凝现在时的 标志.因此谓诺动词用一会现在时故本題迎D三、完形填空【答案】R【应试指导】它以美国第一任总统(爪wr Ughmgt师
41、的名字名lu- named for为“以I 故家U逸B【答案】(:应试指导】词义饼祈题 色在1775年到1783年吋抗英国的仗立貝争申領导美国的殖艮地pushed推; followed跟M ; Ird领导;M-paralrd分升 犠据句奇.本鶏选C.【答案】D【应试指导】词义桝折題 作为总统.他督助新*的美国度过了它長升桔眾*的年岁p-rd it过:,hged辰 示;a.lvisrd n 4-3o【答案】、【应试指导】23242526272930313334询义桝析if cenlury世纪;Iwmlr、我*;山标字I*;年 根胃句童.本灣选動诃义艸析K 这座紀*是世荘上員薈名的地方之一 plar*地方:gardens花0
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