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1、2021-2022学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、How do you study _ a test?I often study _ a group.Ato; forBfor; atCat; inDfor; with2、Could you tell me _?Well, the key is to be polite

2、 and patient.Aif can you catch up with everyoneBwhy can you get along with everyoneCif you can catch up with everyoneDwhy you can get along with everyone3、Kelly is thinking about how these old books can be put _ good use.AtoBinConDat4、 Do you think teenagers to make their own decisions? No, I dont t

3、hink so. Theyre too young to do that.AencourageBare encouragingCshould be encouragedDwere encouraged5、Whenever we had a meeting, he was never late, which impressed us much with his sense of _.Ahumor Btime Cart6、-Why do you go to school by bike?- Because its good for my health and it doesnt _ the air

4、.AbreakBwasteCproduceDpollute7、Michael_in a school in Yunnan from February to June next year.AteachBtaughtCwill teachDwas teaching8、Our history teacher is very _. She never plays jokes with us.AseriousBfunnyCnervousDpatient9、-Could you please tell me _?-Yes, she came to teach here just last week.Ath

5、at she is a new teacherBwhen did she come hereCwhether she is a new teacherDwhats wrong with her10、Could you please tell me ?Yes. He came to study here just last month.Athat he is a new student Bwhen did he come hereCif she likes English best Dwhether he is a new student. 完形填空11、Dear Li Lei,How are

6、you these days? Id like to tell you something about my 1 . My parents and I have been in Guilin for three days. We are having a 2 time here.We came here by 3 . After a long trip, we reached Guilin Railway Station. Unluckily, it was raining 4 when we arrived. Then we went to a famous park that day. I

7、 thought the view was much more beautiful in the 5 than usual.On the 6 day of the trip, we went to Lijiang River. We saw many 7 mountains along the river. Some are like people and some are like a few 8 sitting together. The most interesting thing was a big rock. You may 9 a horse if you look at it c

8、arefully enough. 10 wonderful! The mountains around were green and the water was clear. I was so 11 that I couldnt stop taking photos.Today we went 12 . We bought some souvenirs(纪念品)and beautiful 13 made of silk(丝绸). Theyre comfortable to wear. We are busy packing our bags so that we will get things

9、 ready 14 we leave. We will be back home this time on Sunday. I hope to visit Guilin again and you are 15 your trip to the World Park, too!Yours,Jim1AschoolBtripCcityDhometown2AgoodBbusyCseriousDdangerous3AbusBplaneCtrainDship4AslowlyBstronglyChardlyDheavily5AsnowBrainCwindDsun6AfirstBthirdCsecondDf

10、ourth7AsameBdifferentClargeDsimilar8AflowersBtreesClakesDanimals9Atalk aboutBthink ofCmake ofDtake in10AHowBWhatCWhyDWhen11AexcitedBboringCtiredDrelaxing12AswimmingBboatingChikingDshopping13ApicturesBclothesCbooksDcards14AalthoughBuntilCafterDbefore15AseeingBvisitingCenjoyingDtraveling. 语法填空12、综合填空。

11、阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。In China, lucky numbers have pronunciations that are similar to words with lucky1(mean). For example, the number 8 is the most favored number 2 in Chinese it is pronounced ba and sounds similar to fa,meaning “getting rich”. Thus 8 is said3 invite great wealth.Mayb

12、e the 4(good) example that shows how Chinese people love the number 8 is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The Opening ceremony (开模式)5(hold) at 8 minutes and 8 seconds past 8:00 p.m. on the 8th August. This was in expectation of6 (win) the most out of this big competition.Chinese couples also hope tha

13、t the number 8 will bring luck to their children. In 2008, there7 about 17 million newborns, making a record since early 1990s.And many of the 8(baby) were born around August.Chinese peoples love for the number 8 can be seen even in small things such9 number plates(牌照). Number plates 10”8888” can be

14、 sold at very high prices. When the Chinese choose floor numbers, phone numbers, or dates of events, they prefer numbers with 8 in them, too. 阅读理解A13、 Tea is an important part of Chinese tradition. Tea has very close relationship to Chinese culture.It is said that Chinese tea was discovered by King

15、Shen Nong. People say that he lived 5,000 years ago. One summer day, while he was visiting a faraway part of his country, he felt very thirsty. The servants began to make water hot enough to turn into gas for him to drink. Dried leaves from a near plant fell into the water. The king drank some, and

16、found it could make him feel less tired. Also as a scientist, Shen Nong was interested in the new drink. And so, tea was created in 2737 BCDrinking tea has many advantages. It makes people feel less tired, clears heat inside the human body and helps people lose weight. As you add a cup of tea to you

17、r daily life, please check the following helpful advice.Drink it hot. Tea oxidizes(氧化) quickly, so it is suggested that you drink it hot.Do not drink too much strong tea. It will probably be harmful to your stomach and make you feel sick if you make the tea too strong.The best time to drink tea is b

18、etween meals. It may not make you have a strong wish to eat when your stomach is empty, or cause stomachache when your stomach is full.Do not drink with medicine. It may change the medical result. You can drink tea two hours after you take medicine.Green tea is the best choice for office workers.Why

19、? Because green tea helps stop the bad result of the computer.1Paragraph 2 is mainly about _.Awhen King Shen Nong livedBwhere Chinese tea was createdChow Chinese tea was discoveredDwhy King Shen Nong drank tea2Drinking tea has lots of advantages EXCEPT _.Ahelping you lose weightBletting you feel les

20、s tiredChaving a strong wish for foodDclearing heat inside your body3Mr. Smith is a computer teacher. Hed better drink _.Agreen teaBblack teaCstrong teaDcoffee with milk4What can we infer(推断) from the passage?ADont drink too much strong tea.BNot all office workers drink green tea.CTea is connected w

21、ith Chinese culture closely.DKing Shen Nong loved creating new things.5The passage is mainly written to _.Alet us know how tea was discoveredBgive some advice about drinking teaCtell people the history of teaDadvise people to drink green teaB14、 In an Italian school, the students are taking a scienc

22、e lesson.Mr Marco, their teacher, explains, “For part of our lesson today, some of you are going to visit the Lakeside Park to study trees in natural surroundings. You will be looking carefully and thinking about the conditions trees need to grow.”Mr Marco and the group walk to the woodland where th

23、ere are many beautiful trees. The students are required to match the trees with the names of three trees on their question paper. Two students try guessing the height of young trees. Then they measure the distance from a young tree to the parent tree by counting their steps between the trees. One of

24、 the students reminds them to stay on task and follow the group. The rest of the group see several trees matching the descriptions on their task list and run towards them.Mr Marco gives the students three large plastic bowls with three labels (标签). The students begin to search under each tree and fi

25、nd things to fill the labelled bowls. They put the things they find into a bowl labelled red birch. Then they find the other two trees, a Tibetan cherry, and a paperbark maple with red and orange curly leaves. Once the students have finished, they relax, draw and make notes.When the group return to

26、school, Mr Marco gives them special glasses to look through. They begin to sort and order their collections. Two of the students put tiny seeds between two pieces of glass.They examine them carefully. Two more students pour water into a metal container (容器) to cover some leaves and dead flowers. The

27、y put on special gloves to stir the liquid (液体) as the container heats up on a hotplate. Two other students are drawing and taking notes.Then Mr Marco calls the group together. The group tell the class about the things they saw and the results of their experiments (实验). Mr Marco thanks the group and

28、 says he hopes to see the results of their experiments growing in the school garden.1The students visit the park to .Awalk round the lakeBdiscuss ideas about plantsCstudy trees in the natural worldDguess the height of trees2In the park, the students are asked to .Acarry out more than one taskBmeasur

29、e the height of young treesCfinish their activities by counting stepsDmatch trees to the names on a list3Before the students leave the park, they need to .Agather all the large and small seeds togetherBput all their nature study materials into containersCshow Mr Marco their drawings of flowersDcount

30、 all the leaves under the trees4After the group arrive back in school, they do all the following things EXCEPT .Astudy natural materials with special glassesBsort and order their collectionsCdraw and take notesDheat natural materials to make a plant food5What do the students share with the rest of t

31、he class at the end of the lesson?ATheir guesses about nature.BTheir collections of natural materials.CThe results of their observations and experiments.DAnswers to all the questions on the task list.C15、After eleven years of marriage, a couple had a boy. They were a loving couple and the boy was a

32、gem of their eyes.When the boy was around two years old, one morning the husband saw a medicine bottle open. He was late for work, so he asked his wife to cap the bottle and keep it in the cupboard. His wife who was busy in the kitchen forgot the matter.The boy saw the bottle, playfully went to it,

33、was fascinated by its color and drank it all. It happened to be a poisonous(有毒的) medicine. When the child fell to the ground, the mother took him to the hospital in a hurry, where he died. The mother was stunned. She was terrified at how to face her husband.When the father came to the hospital and s

34、aw the dead child, he looked at his wife and just said, “Im with you, darling.”The child is dead. He can never be brought back to life. There is no point in finding fault with the mother. Besides, if only he had taken time to keep the bottle away, this would not have happened. No one is to blame(责备)

35、. She had also lost her only child. What she needed at that moment was consolation (安慰)and sympathy (同情)from the husband. That is exactly what he gave her.1Who opened the medicine bottle?AThe husband. BThe wife.CThe boy. DThe passage doesnt tell us.2How did the boy die?AHe fell downstairs by acciden

36、t.BHe took some poisonous medicine by accident.CHe had a heart disease.DHe ate too much candy.3When the father knew his son died, _.Ahe was very sad and angry with his wife because she didnt look after him well.Bhe was very sad, but he comforted(安慰) his wifeChe was very sad because he didnt take goo

37、d care of him at home.Dhe was very sad because the doctor didnt try his best to save him4In the last paragraph, the writer wants to tell us_.AThe father should cap the bottleBThe parents should keep the medicine from the kidsCThe husband should care more for his wife instead of the dead child.DThe w

38、ife should try to look after her only son as well as possible5Whats the best title for the passage?AKeep the medicine from your kid.BCandy or Medicine?CHow to keep children safe.DIm with you.D16、Many animals have special skills that make them perfect for certain jobs - even better than humans!Take a

39、 train ride in Japan and you may meet Tama, a cute, friendly stationmaster, who just happens to be a cat! This ll-year-old cat works in exchange for cat food at Wakayama Electric Railways Kishi station. She has her own office, and theres even a Tama train ! When Tama was “hired (雇用)” in 2007, the st

40、ation was losing money, but today, thanks to Tama, its a popular tourist attraction.In the 1950s, US Navy (海军) officials got a great idea. Why not train dolphins to do some special work humans cant do? Today, dolphins are trained to find underwater mines (水雷) so that the Navy officials can make the

41、mines disabled before they explode (爆炸). Dolphins are well fit for the job for many reasons, but the best of all, theyre too small to set off the mines so theyre never in danger.Most squirrels are happy to collect nuts, and run after each other up and down trees. Not Twiggy! She prefers water skiing

42、. Twiggy comes from a team of water-skiing squirrels, whose owner trained them to ski behind a toy boat. Today, Twiggy travels around the United States putting on shows and even appearing on TV. Its all in a days work for this squirrel!1How long has Tama been the stationmaster?AFor 5 years.BFor 8 ye

43、ars.CFor 10 years.DFor 11 years.2Why are dolphins trained to find underwater mines?AThey are quite good at swimming in the sea.BThey are so smart that theyre never in danger.CThey are small enough not to set off the mines.DThey can understand the officials orders easily.3What is Twiggys job?ACollect

44、ing nuts.BRunning after others.CPerforming water skiing.DTraveling around the world.4What do these animals have in common?AThey all can make money.BThey are all from America.CThey all can do special work.DThey are all popular around the world.E17、Once my father asked me to hold his hammer while he r

45、epaired something, so we could have some time to talk to each other.For 22 years, after I left home for college, he called me every Sunday at 9 am. He was always interested in my life and how my family was doing, and I never once heard him complain about his own life.Nine years ago when I bought my

46、first house, my father, 67 years old, spent eight hours a day painting it for three days. He would not allow me to pay someone to have it done. All he asked for was a glass of iced tea and for me to hold a paint brush for him and talk to him. But I was too busy. Five years ago, at age 71, my father

47、spent five hours putting together a swingset (秋千组) for my daughter. Again, all he asked was that I get him a glass of iced tea and talk to him. But again, I was too busy.Four years ago, my father drove all the way from Denver to Topeka, with an eight-foot Colorado blue spruce (蓝叶云杉) in his trunk, so

48、 that my husband and I could have a part of Colorado growing on our land. I was preparing for a trip that weekend and couldnt spend much time with him.Then, one day, my father telephoned me as usual, this time from my sisters home in Florida. We talked about the tree he had brought me, “Fat Albert”,

49、 but that morning he called it “Fat Oscar”, and he seemed to have forgotten some things. I had to get to church, so I cut the conversation short.The call came at 4:40 pm that day: my father was in hospital in Florida with an aneurysm (动脉瘤). I got on a plane immediately, and on the way I thought of a

50、ll the times I had not taken the time to talk to my father. I realized that I had no idea who he was or what his deepest thoughts were. I promised that when I arrived, I would make up for lost time.I arrived in Florida at 1 am. My father had passed away at 9:12 pm. This time it was he who did not ha

51、ve time to talk to me.1Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe writer arrived in Florida before her father passed away.BThe writer didnt find enough time to talk to her father all these years.CThe writer noticed nothing unusual about her fathers health before he was put in the h

52、ospital.DThe writers father brought them the Colorado blue spruce because it is an expensive kind of tree.2How did the writer feel when she was rushing to the hospital where her father was staying?AHopeless. BSorry.CFrightened. DDisappointed.3Which words best describe the writers father?AHonest and

53、modest.BStrict and demanding (要求高的).CTalkative and positive (积极乐观的).DCaring and thoughtful.4Whats the best title of this passage?AWhat a good father! BHow busy I am.CTime keeps going. DMy father and our family.F18、Although most of Pakistanis live in the countryside, still many Pakistanis live in cit

54、ies. Karachi has over 5 million people and Lahore has over 3 million people. Islamabad was built to be Pakistans capital. The rich city people live in large, air conditioned houses.Pakistan has 121,000 miles of roads. Bus services and minibuses are available to the public. The trains are still the m

55、ost common transport of long-distance travel for Pakistanis. Pakistan also has an airline that operatesdomesticand international flights.It is difficult to identify(识别) Pakistani food because the country shares food traditions with its neighbour, India. The main difference between Pakistani and Indian food is that Pakistani food is less spicy (辛辣). Pakistani dishes are often made with yoghurt(酸奶), which reduces the effect of the hot spices used in cooking. Wheat is the main food for most of the people. It


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