1、 语块默写寻求人与自然和谐共存 _积极应对气候变化 _采用线上学习 _具体原因 _拖一下地板上的水 _气馁 _取得突破 _性格上与某人截然不同 _创造奇迹 _制定一系列紧急措施 _以惊人速度 _有助于人的心理健康和性格培养 _值得善待 _无人驾驶飞机送外卖 _遵守当地的法律法规 _非营利组织 _一部文学作品 _融入个人的社会经历 _有生命危险 _安然无恙 _如释重负 _引进了更多互动体验 _在机器人的引导下 _开始意识到 _保持镇静 _有很多共同的品质 _共克时艰 _学习古诗词 _不用死记硬背 _缓解紧张情绪 _用手机调整高度 _注意力持续时间变短 _加快的生活节奏 _跳过片头曲 _考上心仪的
2、大学 _使他们拥有足够的动力 _夏天穿起来很舒服 _埋头读一本侦探小说 _乍一看 _游客青睐的景点 _一部叫好的电影 _形式和内容一成不变 _与当今观众的期待相差甚远 _火遍大江南北 _与观众产生共鸣 _缜密分析 _严格考证 _面对纷繁芜杂的证据 _相貌平平的老大爷 _知名的外交家 _减少中小学生过重的学业负担 _课外辅导 _公众主要关注的问题 _广受追捧 _煤炭消耗量 _取包裹 _传统灯笼之美 _烛光和剪纸的交融 _哈欠连天 _突然想到 _点到家乡菜 _毫不犹豫 _普及科学常识 _大规模地 _发表了一通奇怪的演讲 _搞得大家一头雾水 _不惜一切代价取胜 _无从得知 _数字化借阅服务 _投入使
3、用 _吸引着络绎不绝的游客 _适用于生活的方方面面 _不可小觑 _看着窗外飞快略过的风景 _及时提供救援 _社区遭灾 _近在咫尺 _遥不可及 _参考答案:seek harmonious coexistenceactively respond to climate changeadopt online learningconcrete reasonmop up the water on the floorget discouragedmake a breakthroughdiffer completely from sb in characterdo/work/perform wonders/m
4、iraclesmake a series of urgent measuresat an astonishing ratecontribute to peoples mental health and character cultivationdeserve to be treated / treating well / good treatmentdrone delivery / delivering takeout by droneobey the local laws and regulationsnon-profit organizationsa literary work/a wor
5、k of literaturebe integrated into personal social experiencescost you your lifesafe and soundbreathe a sigh of reliefintroduce more interactive experiencesunder the guidance of robotscome to realize that.keep calmhave a lot in common in personalityovercome the difficulties togetherlearn some ancient
6、 poemswithout rote learningrelieve nervousnessbe adjusted by a mobile phoneshortened attention spanquickened life paceskip the opening songbe admitted to the universityget them motivated enoughbe comfortable to wear in summerbe absorbed in reading a detective storyat first glancea popular tourist at
7、tractiona well-received movieremain unchanged in form and contentbe far from the expectations of the audience nowadaysbe popular across the countryidentify with the lecturercareful analysisstrict researchin the face of/faced with numerous and complicated evidenceordinary-looking old mana famous dipl
8、omatreduce excessive academic workoff-campus tutoringa major issue of public concerngain much popularitycoal consumptionfetch / pick up the package(s) / parcel(s)the beauty of traditional lanternscombination of / mixture of / integration of candlelight and paper-cuttingkeep yawningIt occurred to sb
9、that order hometown dishes/cuisinewithout hesitationpopularize scientific knowledgeon a large scalegive a strange speechleave everyone confusedwin at all costsThere is no telling.digital lending servicebe put into operation/be put into useattract a steady stream/continuous flow of touristsapply to e
10、very aspect in our lifecant be underestimatedgaze out of the window at the view flying pastprovide assistance right awaya disaster strikes/hits a communitybe close at handbe out of reach单词用法1. 我们要寻求人与自然和谐共存,积极应对气候变化。(between)2. 这两年新冠病毒改变了我们的生活,期间有些地方的学生不得不采用线上学习的方式。(adopt)3. 那个曾经一贫如洗的小山村近几年发展迅猛。(wit
11、ness)4. 面对实验一次又一次失败,这个科学家并没有气馁,而是不断改进实验,最终取得了突破。(face)5. 姐姐在性格上与妹妹截然不同。(differ)6. 面对这一罕见的病毒,专家们正在紧锣密鼓地制定一系列紧急措施来应对这场大规模的社区传播。 (face) 7. 由于通信网络的快速发展,智能手机用户数量近年来以惊人速度增长,这极大地改变了人们的阅读方式。(increase)8. 研究表明饲养宠物有助于人的心理健康和性格培养。(contribute)9. 一言以蔽之,绿色环保理念理应是本届冬奥会最靓丽的底色。(suppose)10. 凭良心说,生活中总有我们在乎的人,也有在乎我们的人,所
12、以每个人都值得善待。(deserve)11. 期望外国游客能了解并遵守当地的法律法规。(expect)12. 一部文学作品,无论灵感来自梦境或是现实,只有融入个人的社会经历,才可能成为佳作。(inspire)13. 开车时用手机,会有生命危险。(cost)14. 听到他安然无恙的消息,我们都如释重负。(relief)15. 成功者有很多共同的品质,比如坚持不懈。(common)16. 海豚疗法真的有助于缓解紧张情绪吗?(help)17. 这件衬衫是真丝做的,夏天穿起来很舒服。(comfortable)18. 我正在宿舍埋头读一本侦探小说,没留意走廊里发生了什么。(absorb)19. 这条街乍
13、一看不起眼,但由于在一部叫好的电影中频频出镜,现在已成了游客青睐的景点。(thanks to)20. 有些电视节目几十年来形式和内容一成不变,与当今观众的期待相差甚远,遭到市场淘汰是迟早的事。(far from)21. 这段灵感来自于宋代名画的舞蹈火遍大江南北。(popular)22. 那位相貌平平的老大爷年轻时是知名的外交家。(turn)23. 近年来减少中小学生过重的学业负担和课外辅导是公众主要关注的问题。(concern)24. 我自己去取包裹吧,省得麻烦他。(bother)25. 烛光和剪纸的交融构成了传统灯笼之美。(lie)26. 我们应该大规模地普及科学常识。(scale)27.
14、昨天会议期间,彼得突然发表了一通奇怪的演讲, 搞得大家一头雾水。(leave)28. 奥林匹克精神强调的是参与而不是不惜一切代价取胜的竞技精神。(lie)29. 比起第一个版本,这一版更详尽且生动。 (compare)30. 湛蓝天空映衬着雪白的梨花, 景色美丽独特,吸引着络绎不绝的游客。(attract)31. 想到睡在帐篷的硬地上,野营就没那么诱人了。(thought)32. 对铁路迷来说,没有什么比看着窗外飞快略过的风景更棒。(gaze v.)33. 那年夏天,我和小学同学结伴在庐山骑行,我们有一度看到山巅近在咫尺,然而它实则遥不可及。(once)备注需要注意的提示词考法接近高考出题要求
15、的题干参考答案:1. We need to seek harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and actively respond to climate change.2. Covid-19 has been changing our life in the past two years, during which students in some areas have to adopt online learning.3. Recent years has witnessed the quick development of the
16、mountain village which was extremely poor.4. Facing the failure of experiment after experiment, the scientist didnt get discouraged; instead, he kept improving his experiment and finally made a breakthrough. 5. The elder sister differs completely from the younger one in character.6. Facing/ Faced wi
17、th/In face of the rare virus, the experts are busy making a series of urgent measures to cope with the large-scale community transmission.7. Because of /Due to the rapid development of communication network, the number of smartphone users has increased/has been increasing at an astonishing rate in r
18、ecent years, which has significantly changed the way that/in which many people read.8. Research / A study shows / indicates that keeping pets contributes to peoples mental health and character cultivation / building / development.9. To sum up / In a word / To sum up in a word / Briefly / In a nutshe
19、ll / In one word / In short / To make a long story short, the concept of green environmental protection is supposed to be the most beautiful / attractive background (color) / foundation / essence / principle of this winter Olympic Games.10. In (all / good) conscience, there are always people (whom)
20、we care about and people who care / caring about us in life, so everyone deserves to be treated / treating well / good treatment.11. Foreign tourists are expected to know and obey the local laws and regulations.12. A literary work/A work of literature, whether inspired by dreams or reality, can beco
21、me a great/good one only when it is integrated into personal social experiences.13. Using a mobile phone while driving could cost you your life.14. Hearing the news that he is safe and sound, we breathed a sigh of relief.15. Successful people have a lot in common in personality, such as perseverance
22、.16. Does dolphin therapy really help to relieve nervousness? 17. This shirt is made of real silk and is very comfortable to wear in summer.18. I was absorbed in (reading) a detective story in my dormitory and didnt notice what was happening in the corridor.19. At first glance, the street is nothing
23、 special, but it has become a popular tourist attraction thanks to its frequent appearances in a well-received movie.20. Some TV programs have remained unchanged in form and content for decades, which is far from the expectations of the audience nowadays and they will be eliminated by the market soo
24、ner or later.21. This dance inspired by famous paintings of the Song Dynasty is popular across the country.22. That ordinary-looking old man turns out to be a famous diplomat when he was young.23. In recent years, reducing excessive academic work and off-campus tutoring for primary and middle school
25、 students has been a major issue of public concern.24. Ill fetch / pick up the package(s) / parcel(s) by myself in order not to bother him / in case I bother him.25. The beauty of traditional lanterns lies in the interaction between / combination of / mixture of / integration of candlelight and pape
26、r-cutting.26. We should popularize scientific knowledge on a large scale.27. During the meeting yesterday, Peter suddenly gave a strange speech, leaving everyone confused.28. What the Olympic spirit emphasizes lies in participation rather than winning at all costs.29. Compared with the first version
27、, this version is more detailed and vivid.30. The scenes of the white pear blossoms against the clear blue sky are beautiful and unique, attracting a steady stream/continuous flow of tourists.31. The thought of sleeping on the hard ground of the tent makes camping less attractive.32. For railway fan
28、s, nothing is/there is nothing better than gazing out of the window at the view flying past.33. When I rode in Lushan Mountain with my primary school classmates that summer, we once saw that the top of the mountain was close at hand, but it was out of reach in fact.三大从句中国教育正在发生一场崭新的革命,看来数字化转型势在必行。(s
29、eem)2. 那个退休老大爷每天都要上抖音做节目,他还有不少的粉丝,这可能是他如此痴迷于抖 音的具体原因吧!(which)3. 赶紧拖一下地板上的水,以免有人滑倒。(in case)4. 你昨天不该听任你的孩子在餐厅里为所欲为的,那肯定打扰到了其他顾客。(which)5. 无需多久,无人驾驶飞机送外卖,这个当下鲜为人知的小行业,将迅速发展成为一个年销售额愈千亿美元的大产业。(before)6. 这次展览会引进了更多互动体验,例如:使参观者可以在机器人的引导下到处游览,吸引了很多年轻人。(which)7. 无论我们追求什么,真正重要的是内心的幸福和满足。(matter)8. 此次疫情(pande
30、mic)提醒我们,人类比以往更加紧密相连,我们要守望相助,共克时艰。(reminder)9. 注意力持续时间变短以及加快的生活节奏或许有助于解释为什么观众倾向跳过片头曲。(explain)10. 考上心仪的大学需要花大力气,这可能会让一些学生望而生畏,然而,对成功的渴望将最终使他们拥有足够的动力。(which)11. 健康专家建议毛巾、牙刷等物品要定期更换。(suggest)12. 演讲者在演讲中投入的情感越多,观众越容易被打动并产生共鸣。(the morethe more)13. 北京冬奥会吉祥物(mascot)冰墩墩(Bing Dwen Dwen)广受追捧得益于设计中的众多中国元素。(wh
31、y)14. 哈欠连天有时并不意味着你困了,也可能是你身体不适的征兆。(signal)15. 我小的时候,总是纳闷着地平线的那一边是什么。(what)16. 多一分理解,少一分指责”,这句话适用于生活的方方面面,它对社会的积极影响不可小觑。(whose)参考答案:1. A brand new revolution is happening in Chinese education, which seems that digital transformation is a trend and must in the future.2. The old retired man is always m
32、aking his own programme on TikTok every day, and he has a lot of fans, which might be the concrete reason he is so fascinated with TikTok.3. Mop up the water on the floor at once in case someone slips.4. You shouldnt have had your children doing whatever they wanted in the restaurant yesterday, whic
33、h must have disturbed the other customers.5. It will not be (too) long before drone delivery / delivering takeout by drone, (which is) a little-known / seldom-known small business /industry (a small business / industry that people seldom know / know little), quickly / rapidly develops into a large i
34、ndustry with annual sales of over / more than 100 billion dollars.6. The exhibition has introduced more interactive experiences, for example, allowing visitors to tour around under the guidance of robots, which has attracted a lot of young people.7. No matter what we pursue, what matters is the inne
35、r sense of happiness and satisfaction.8. The pandemic is a reminder that all human beings are more connected than before, so we should help each other to overcome the difficulties.9. Shortened attention span and quickened life pace might help to explain why audience tend to skip the opening song.10.
36、 Although being admitted to the university one loves requires a lot of efforts, which might be a little forbidding for some students,the desire for success will finally get them motivated enough.11. Health experts suggest that items such as towels and toothbrushes should be replaced /changed regular
37、ly.12. The more feelings a lecturer puts into a speech, the more easily the audience will feel moved and identify with the lecturer.13. The key reason why the Beijing Winter Olympics mascot Bing Dwen Dwen is gaining much popularity is the wide use of Chinese elements in its design.14. Sometimes keep
38、ing yawning doesnt mean (that) you are sleepy, and it may / might / can / could (also) be the signal that / it may / might / can / could (also) signal that there is something wrong with your body / you dont feel (very) well.15. When I was young, I always wondered what was on the other side of the ho
39、rizon/beyond the horizon.The saying that there should be more understanding and less finger-pointing can apply to every aspect in our life, whose positive impact on society cant be underestimated.其他句型正是谷爱凌(Eileen Gu)的坚持不懈让她在本届冬奥会上创造了奇迹。(It, enable)2. 孩子们从未想过有一天能有幸观看宇航员在空间站做实验。(occur to)3. 正是这些非营利组织采
40、取的有效举措为残疾人的事业发展创造了良好的条件。(that)4. 在经历了一系列的事件后,他开始意识到:面对紧急情况时,人们只有保持镇静、同心协力才能更快找到应对之法。(only)5. 通过这部纪录片,小朋友们不仅能欣赏到布景优美的水墨动画(ink-wash animation),还不用死记硬背就能学习古诗词。(not only)6. 用户没想到那张智能书桌能用手机调整高度。(occur)7. 面对纷繁芜杂的证据,只有经过缜密分析和严格考证,我们才有可能找到事实的真相,并做出正确的判断。(Only)8. 除非严格控制煤炭消耗量,否则应对气候变化的方案无论制订得多周详,都无法获得成功。(Neve
41、r)9. 他突然想到这款手机应用上能够点到家乡菜,于是毫不犹豫下了单,以解思乡之愁。(It)10. 图书馆数字化借阅服务何时投入使用无从得知。(no telling) 11. 如果社区遭灾,及时提供救援常常是最关键的一环。(It)1. It was Eileen Gus persistence that enabled her to do/work/perform wonders/miracles in this Winter Olympics.2. Never did it occur to / It never occurred to the kids/children that they
42、 would one day be lucky to watch astronauts doing experiments at the space station.3. It is the effective measures taken by the non-profit organizations that have created good conditions for the career development of the disabled.4. After going through a series of incidents, he came to realize that
43、only by keeping calm and having one heart to help each other in an emergency can people find a solution more quickly.5. Through (By means of) the documentary, not only can children enjoy the ink-wash animation with beautiful scenery, but also learn some ancient poems without rote learning. (but also
44、 learn some ancient poems naturally instead of memorizing them mechanically.)6. It never occurred to the customer that the height of the smart desk could be adjusted by a mobile phone.7. Only through careful analysis and strict research can we find the truth (of the facts) and make a correct judgmen
45、t/judgement in the face of/faced with numerous and complicated evidence.8. Never will the program to deal with climate change work no matter how complete and thorough its developed unless coal consumption is strictly controlled.9. It occurred to him that he could order hometown dishes /cuisine on th
46、e cellphone app and he placed an order without hesitation to cure homesickness /relieve the feeling of missing home.10. There is no telling when the digital lending service in the library will be put into operation/be put into use/ open to the public.11. It is often crucial/critical/essential to pro
47、vide assistance right away if a disaster strikes/hits a community. 1. We need to seek harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and actively respond to climate change.2. Covid-19 has been changing our life in the past two years, during which students in some areas have to adopt online learning.
48、3. Recent years has witnessed the quick development of the mountain village which was extremely poor.4. Facing the failure of experiment after experiment, the scientist didnt get discouraged; instead, he kept improving his experiment and finally made a breakthrough. 5. The elder sister differs compl
49、etely from the younger one in character.6. Facing/ Faced with/In face of the rare virus, the experts are busy making a series of urgent measures to cope with the large-scale community transmission.7. Because of /Due to the rapid development of communication network, the number of smartphone users ha
50、s increased/has been increasing at an astonishing rate in recent years, which has significantly changed the way that/in which many people read.8. Research / A study shows / indicates that keeping pets contributes to peoples mental health and character cultivation / building / development.9. To sum u
51、p / In a word / To sum up in a word / Briefly / In a nutshell / In one word / In short / To make a long story short, the concept of green environmental protection is supposed to be the most beautiful / attractive background (color) / foundation / essence / principle of this winter Olympic Games.10.
52、In (all / good) conscience, there are always people (whom) we care about and people who care / caring about us in life, so everyone deserves to be treated / treating well / good treatment.11. Foreign tourists are expected to know and obey the local laws and regulations.12. A literary work/A work of
53、literature, whether inspired by dreams or reality, can become a great/good one only when it is integrated into personal social experiences.13. Using a mobile phone while driving could cost you your life.14. Hearing the news that he is safe and sound, we breathed a sigh of relief.15. Successful peopl
54、e have a lot in common in personality, such as perseverance.16. Does dolphin therapy really help to relieve nervousness? 17. This shirt is made of real silk and is very comfortable to wear in summer.18. I was absorbed in (reading) a detective story in my dormitory and didnt notice what was happening
55、 in the corridor.19. At first glance, the street is nothing special, but it has become a popular tourist attraction thanks to its frequent appearances in a well-received movie.20. Some TV programs have remained unchanged in form and content for decades, which is far from the expectations of the audi
56、ence nowadays and they will be eliminated by the market sooner or later.21. This dance inspired by famous paintings of the Song Dynasty is popular across the country.22. That ordinary-looking old man turns out to be a famous diplomat when he was young.23. In recent years, reducing excessive academic
57、 work and off-campus tutoring for primary and middle school students has been a major issue of public concern.24. Ill fetch / pick up the package(s) / parcel(s) by myself in order not to bother him / in case I bother him.25. The beauty of traditional lanterns lies in the interaction between / combin
58、ation of / mixture of / integration of candlelight and paper-cutting.26. We should popularize scientific knowledge on a large scale.27. During the meeting yesterday, Peter suddenly gave a strange speech, leaving everyone confused.28. What the Olympic spirit emphasizes lies in participation rather th
59、an winning at all costs.29. Compared with the first version, this version is more detailed and vivid.30. The scenes of the white pear blossoms against the clear blue sky are beautiful and unique, attracting a steady stream/continuous flow of tourists.31. The thought of sleeping on the hard ground of
60、 the tent makes camping less attractive.32. For railway fans, nothing is/there is nothing better than gazing out of the window at the view flying past.33. When I rode in Lushan Mountain with my primary school classmates that summer, we once saw that the top of the mountain was close at hand, but it
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