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1、 Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁(Wild Kingdom of purity in the ocean) 1 The Great Barrier Reef is the worlds longest and largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900 individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,600 kilometers over an area of approximately 344,400 square kilometers. The reef is

2、located in the Coral Sea, off the coast of Queensland in north-east Australia. 大堡礁是世界上最长和最大的珊瑚群,有2900单独的珊瑚礁,900个岛屿,海岸线长2600千米。大堡礁坐落于珊瑚海,包括位于澳大利亚东北部的昆士兰海岸。 2 The Great Barrier Reef is the worlds biggest single structure made by organisms, which is composed of and built by billions of coral remains. I

3、ts climate is tropical weather. It supports a wide diversity of creature and was included into World Natural heritage in 1981. CNN labeled it as one of the seven natural wonders in the world. 大堡礁是世界上最大的生物体结构,由上亿的珊瑚虫尸体组成。气候是热带雨林气候。大堡礁有丰富的生物群。1981年列入世界自然遗产目录,CNN将其评为世界7大自然奇迹之一。3 由于其丰富的生物多样性,清澈的海水,大堡礁是非

4、常受欢迎的旅游地,尤其是对于浅水爱好者来说。昆士兰沿岸的许多城市提供日常船游服务.许多路堤和珊瑚礁岛屿都已成为度假村,其中包括伊力特女士岛。自从1996年,大堡礁的27个岛屿已成为度假胜地。 Owing to its rich biodiversity ,baodavsti and clear seawater, the tourism of The Great Barrier Reef is very popular, especially for those who like to play in shoal water . Many cities along the coast of Q

5、ueensland offer daily trips with boats. Several continental and coral islands now are resorts, including Lady Elliot Island. Since 1996, 27 islands belong to the Great Barrier Reef have been resorts。4 The surroundings of The Great Barrier Reef has been polluted severely because of involvement of mor

6、e and more population and human activities. Therefore, we all should do our best to reduce the pollution towards The Great Barrier Reef .5 Great Barrier Reef consists of more than 400 types of blew corals.大堡礁由超过400多种绚丽多彩的珊瑚组成 Coral feeds on plankton, like the collective life .珊瑚虫以浮游生物为食,喜欢集体生活。 Cora

7、ls live in annual temperature maintained at 22 28 waters, quality of water must be clean.珊瑚虫只能生活在全年水温保持在2228的水域里,水质必须洁净。 Great Barrier Reef sea life with about 1500 species of tropical marine fish大堡礁海域生活着大约1500种热带海洋鱼类6789101112 A variety of boat and cruises are offered for short-term trips or long-term voyages. Size of boat ranges from dinghy to super yacht. Glass-bottomed boats, helicopter flights and underwater tours are also popular. By far, the most popular tourist activities on the Great Barrier Reef are snorkeli


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