Unit 1 Build up your vocabulary 课件- 高二上学期英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第1页
Unit 1 Build up your vocabulary 课件- 高二上学期英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第2页
Unit 1 Build up your vocabulary 课件- 高二上学期英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第3页
Unit 1 Build up your vocabulary 课件- 高二上学期英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第4页
Unit 1 Build up your vocabulary 课件- 高二上学期英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第5页
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1、Unit 1 ArtBuild up your vocabularyWords6.decline n.(数量、价格、质量等的) 减少;下降;衰落 vi./vt. 减少;下降;衰落7.visual adj. 视觉的;视力的8.representative adj.典型的;有代表性的 n.代表9.entry n.加入;进入;参与10.guarantee vt.保证;确保;肯定必然发生1. precise adj. 准确的;精确的 precisely adv.准确地;精确地2. realistic adj.现实的;逼真的 realism n. 逼真;现实主义 realist n.现实主义画家;现实主

2、义者3.rank n.地位;级别 vt./vi.把分等级;使排成行4.purchase vt.购买;采购 n.购买;购买的东西5.convey vt. 表达;传递(思想、感情 等);传送rank n.地位;级别 例:He is a painter of the first rank.vt./vi.把分等级;使排成行例:They rank Lang Lang as a first-class pianist. 评为要点突破2. purchase vt.购买;采购例:Tickets may be purchased in advance from the box office. n.购买;购买的东

3、西例:Thats really a good purchase!买得值3.decline n.(数量、价格、质量等的)减少;下降;衰落例:There is a sharp decline in population.vi./vt. 减少;下降;衰落;谢绝;拒绝例:The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year.近义词:decrease例:Mary declined Jays invitation to dinner.近义词:refuse4.entry n.加入;进入;参与例:Entry to the museum i

4、s free. You can leave your umbrella in the entry. A pocket dictionary doesnt contain enough entries. This painting is my entry for the art competition. 进入;入场入口处条目;项目参加比赛的人、物5.guarantee vt.保证;确保;肯定必然发生例: Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good nights sleep.We guarantee

5、 to behave ourselves tomorrow. guarantee to do sth. 保证做某事phrases1. in particular 尤其;特别2. set apart from 使与众不同;使突出;使优于3. be fond of 喜欢;喜爱4. bringto life 赋予.生命;使鲜活起来5. be worthy of 值得1.in particular 尤其;特别例:Parents and coaches in particular should act as better examples for children.近义词:especially要点突破2

6、. be worthy of 值得例: Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise. =Her achievements are worthy to be praised. be worthy of=be worthy to do/to be done Lead inWork in groups, brainstorm words and phrases concerning art and then make a mind map to connect them.fine artsculpturesculptorpaintingtool

7、spainter1. When would you be fond of receiving the call? 你喜欢什么时候叫您?2. Trina professed to be fond of art. 屈丽娜自称爱好艺术。Language pointbe fond of 喜欢【拓展】表达喜欢的词组:be crazy about be addicted to prefer doing have a preference for be fascinated by abandon oneself to bury oneself in1. He has a visual impairment

8、in the right eye. 他右眼视力有损伤。2. His paintings have a strong visual appeal. 他的绘画在视觉上很有感染力。【拓展】revise 修订,校订;修正,修改re再+vis看,查+e再看修正visual adj. 视觉的;视力的investment n. 投资;(时间、精力的) 投入He realized 10000 dollars from his investment.他投资赚了10000美元。Lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to investment in the region

9、.缺乏信心是在这一地区投资的最大障碍。Content1. Read the passage about Monet and Impressionism. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.Unlike the earlier Realists who painted in a _ style, Impressionist painters focused more on their _ feelings of things and instant impressions. W

10、hen Impressionism _ in France in the late 19th century, artists became more interested in everyday subject matter. They were also fascinated by modern objects. realisticemergedbe fond of emerge influential in particular purchase realistic subjective theme subjective As one of the most _ Impressionis

11、t painters, Claude Monet was impressed by the visual effects of the steam engine _and he later produced twelve paintings of a train station in Paris. ln 1883, Monet and his large family moved to Giverny, where he _ a house and some land for his gardens. During his days at Giverny, Monet _painting hi

12、s own gardens, with the water lilies, the pond, and the arched bridge. From this we can see that there were two clear _apparent in his work throughout his career: colours and reflections in water.themesin particularpurchasedinfluencialbe fond of emerge influential in particular purchase realistic su

13、bjective theme was fond of 2. Work in groups. Look up each group of words in the dictionary and discuss their differences. Then create a blank-filling activity based on your understanding of these words. Exchange your activity with another group and see how well you can do.realistic/practical/actual accurately/precisely/exactlyrank/grade/degreesubsequent/later/latterreputation/fame/popularityEXAMPLErealistic / practical / actua


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