1、旅游学概论教学大纲课程名称:旅游学概论系(院、部):旅游管理系云南财经大学旅游与服务贸易学院编 写 说 明一、教学目的旅游业已经成为许多国家经济增长最为迅速的部门之一。2000 年,WTO的评估,旅行和旅游业是世界上最大的行业之一,能创造出良好的就业机会,是建筑业和制造业的催化剂。经济的重要性和光明前景使世界上几乎每个国家都致力于发展旅游业。然而在旅游活动和旅游业的发展过程中,人们遇到了许多复杂和。要客观科学地对待这些问题和,必须对旅游有一个比较全面的、历史的、逻辑的了解和认识;必须充分认识旅游对经济、社会、文化、生态、环境所带来的正面和影响;必须从适当的角度出发,从同时兼顾和满足旅游者、旅游
7、划,严格管理,遵循生态经济规律和市场经济规律,才能确保旅游发展的永续性。考虑到旅游的社会和环境问题日益突出,本部分将特别介绍国际的旅游业环境-社会界面管理模式。第七部分影响旅游业未来发展演变的重要趋势性,勾画未来旅游发展蓝图,并介绍世界各国前沿性的旅游研究结论与规划管理理念。四、教学环节与旅游学概论双语教学总数为 54,具体分配详见分配11表。本门课程采用多教学,以课堂讲授为主,理论实践,其中研究性训练 3,所设计用来衡量学生对主要问题的理解;实践案例8,要求学生应用所学过的内容来解答问题,这些问题可以是作占总数的 20%。业,也可以是课堂。两项实践分配详见具体章节。五、测试要求课程测试采用闭
8、卷形式,以百分制计分。其中,客观题占 40%分值,包括单项选择题、多向选择提、填空题、判断并改错题;题占 60%,题目类型包括、简答题、论述题和案例分析题。按照学校命题要求和授课情况选择具体题型:“期末一律用外语命题,学生用外语作答的比例应占总分的 60%以上(其中以简答、论述题形式要求学生外语作答的比例应占总分的 20%以上)”。按照学校课程办定,本课程的成绩:“由平时成绩、期中成绩、期末成绩,具体比例为 2:2:6。期中成绩低于 60 分或平时成绩低于 60 分者(按百分制计),即认定该课程为不及格,不得参加期末。凡课程期末成绩低于 50 分者(按百分制计),即认定该课程不及格,不再与平时
9、成绩、期中成绩综合评定计算课程考核成绩。”六、参考书目1.J Christopher Holloway. The Business of Tourism.外语教学语研究20042.Tourism Geography. Stephen Williams. London.19983.Mcosh & Goeldner. Tourism: Principles, Practi, Philosophies (SixthEdition). John Wiley & Sons. 19904.Adrain Bull. The Economics of Travel And Tourism (Second Ed
10、ition) 东北财经大学20045.Dennis Nash. Anthropology of Tourism. Pergamon. 19966.Chris Cooper Et Al, Tourism: Principles and Practice (Second Edition), Longman,1998.7.Clare A. Gunn, Tourism Planning: Basics, Concepts, Cases (Fourth Edition),Taylor & Francis, 2002.8.Edward Inskeep, Tourism Planning: Anegrate
11、d and Sustainable DevelopmentApproach, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.9.A J Veal, Researethods for Leisure and Tourism: A Practical Guide,Education Limited, 1997.10.Stephen Smith, Tourismysis. Second Edition. Longman, 199611. 旅游地理学. 高等教育. 2003 年12.R理工大学耐等. 旅游业,2003 年:原理、方法与实践(第八版),大连13.李天元. 旅游学概论.,2004
12、 年大学14.J利等. 旅游学通论. 中国旅游,2002 年15. 国际旅游. 商务印书馆,1997 年16. 旅游经济分析. 云南大学. 2002 年17.等. 现代旅游管理导论. 电子工业,2004 年18.瑟厄.全球旅游.中国旅游,2001 年19. 区域旅游规划原理. 中国旅游. 2001 年20. 基础旅游学(第二版). 中国旅游,2004 年21.与旅游学概论命名类似的同层次旅游专业教科书22.旅游学刊、旅游管理杂志各期Contentsroduction to Tourism (9 teaching hours)Part 1Topic1.AnGeneral Knowledge of
13、 Tourism and Tourism Industry (2 teaching hours)A General Description of Tourism Nowadays (1 teaching hour)The importance of tourism (0.5 teaching hour)Basic approaches to the study of tourism (0.5 class hour)Topic 2What is tourism(4 teaching hours)The multiple facets of tourism (1 teaching hour)Def
14、inition of tourism (1 teaching hour)2.3. Relationship bet hour)n leisure, recreation and tourism(1 class2.4. Categories of Tourism Activities (1teaching hour)Topic 3Tourism System (3 teaching hours)3.1.roduction to Leipers M(1 teaching hour)Tourist(1 teaching hour)Tourist product(1 teaching hour)Par
15、t 2Topic 1History of tourism (6 teaching hours)From the Origoof(4 teaching hours)The primitive societyThe slavery societyMiddle AgesDevelopments in road transport in the seventeenth nineteenth centuriesThe Grand Tourto early1.6. Tourismhe nineteenth centuryTopic 2Tourism2.1 Thehe twentieth century (
16、2 teaching hours) fifty years2.2 Tourism since World War IIPart 3Topic 1Tourist Motivation and Behaviour (9 teaching hours)The Tourists Needs and Wants (3 teaching hours)Maslows hierarchy of needsWhy Do People Travel?1.3 The Motivation ProsTopic 2General and Specific Motivation(3teaching hours)Gener
17、al motivationSpecific motivation2.3 Motivators and FaciliorsTopic 3Factorst influence motivation (3 teaching hours)psychological factorsSociological factors3.3 The pros of deci-makingPart 4Topic 1Tourist Industry (6 teaching hours)What is tourism industry?(2 teaching hours)Definition of tourism indu
18、stryThe Characteristics of tourism industryThe structure of tourism industryTopic 2Common-erestanizations (2 teaching hour)SectoralDestinationTourismanizationsanizations anizationsTopic 3egrationhe tourism industry(2 teaching hour)3.1 The benefit of sizeHorizontalVerticalegration egrationPart 5Topic
19、 1The Business of Tourism (9 teaching hours)The structure and role of public sector tourism (3 teaching hours)1.1 The nature ofernment involvement (2 class hours)1.2 Theanization of public sector tourism (0.5 class hour)1.3 Functional roles of Nand NGOs (0.5class hour)Topic 2Tourism sectors2.1 Touri
20、stractions(1.5 teaching hours)2.2 Amenities (1.5 class hours)2.3 Acs (1 class hour)2.4 Ancillary servi(1 class hour)2.5 Middlemen (1 class hour)Part 6Development of tourism(9 teaching hours)Topic 1The impact of tourism(3 class hours)The economic impact of tourism (1 class hour)The environmental effe
21、cts of tourism (1 class hour)The socio-cultural effects of tourism (1 class hour)Topic 2Tourist destination management(3 class hours)The destination life cycle (0.5 class hour)Tourist carrying capacity (1 class hour)2.3 Stakeholders and theirs (0.5class hour)2.4 The management of tourist destination
22、/site (1 class hour)Topic 3Tourism planning(3 class hours)3.1 Why tourism planning is nesary (0.5 class hour)Planning for control and conservation(2class hours)Sustainable tourism (0.5 class hour)Part 7Topic 1The future of tourism(3 teaching hours)Ies confronting develocountries (1.5 class hours)the
23、 role and value of develo industry (0.5 class hour)the features of tourism in develocountries in globaltourismcountries (0.5 class hour)1.3 planning and management (0.5 class hour)Topic 2The future development of tourism (1.5 class hours)Prospects of tourism (0.5 class hour)factors influencing the f
24、uture development of tourism (1classhour)Part 1 Anroduction to Tourism(9 teaching hours)Topic1. hours)General Knowledge of Tourism and Tourism Industry (3 teachingTeaching Objective: To give the students a general idea of the development of tourism and tourism industry at present days in the world a
25、nd the importance of tourism in worldwide economy; to get to know the different approaches of studying tourism.Key and Difficult Po s:1. Different s tourism;istical figures to support the sements about the descriptions ofThe importance of tourism to different countries economy;Approaches of studying
26、 tourism4. Some spel terms of tourism and tourism industry1.1. A General Description of Tourism Nowadays (1 teaching hour)Tourism is now generally regarded as one of the most important economic, soland cultural influenof modern times. As one of the largest and fastest growingindustries, tourism is a
27、 large and dynamic business in the whole world. Tourism isprobably the single most important industryhe world. It currently accounts for atleast 6 per cent of the worlds gross domestic product (GDP), and the employs 127 million people around the world, one job in every fifteen.1.2. The importance of
28、 tourism (1 teaching hour)Tourism has grown to be an activity of worldwide importance and significance:The third largest retail industry and facilie the local economy as a whole One of the top ten private employerAccounts for billions in domestic and foreign visitor spending, exceeding 5 percent of
29、the GDPDirectly employs millionss at every level of skillGenerate billions wages and salaries and tax revenuesHase a major sol and economic forcehe world1.3. Basic approaches to the study of tourism (1teaching hour)Institutionalapproachconsidersthevariousermediariesandinstitutionst perform the touri
30、sm activities. it emphasizes institutionssuch as travel agency.Product approachinvolves the study of various tourism products of how they are produced, marketed and consumed.Historicalapproachinvolves institutions from an evolutionarysisoftourismactivitiesandle.Managerial approachfirm oriented (micr
31、oeconomic), focusing on themanagement activities nesary to operate tourist entrises, such asplanning, research, pricing, advertising, control, and the like.Economic approachfocus on supply, demand, balance of payment,foreign exchange, employment, multiprs, and other economic factors, Sociological ap
32、proachstudy the tourism behavior of individuals, groups of people, and the impact of tourism on society.Geographicalapproachspelizesinthestudyoflocation,environment, climate, landsc, and economic aspects.erdisciplinary(systematic)approachegratestheotherapproacheso a comprehensive method dealing with
33、 both micro andmacro i systems.Topics for discuses, such as psychological, legal, political economic and sol:understand the importance of tourism to the local economy in1.How do youtourism a destination place? (host place)Why do a lot of Asian countries try to develop tourism industry?2.3.How do you
34、 describe the prospects of the tourism in China 2020?he future, say byTopic 2What is tourism(3 teaching hours)Learning objectives:Understand what tourism is and its multidimenal aspects.Distinguish tourism from travel, leisure and recreationKnow the nature of a tour and its characteristicsDefine wha
35、t is meant by tourism, both conceptually and technicallyKey pos for review:Basicpartsoftourism TripImportance of tourism tourismTourismdefinitionsRecreationThe host communityStudy approaches toContents:2.1 The multiple facets of tourism (0.5 teaching hour)Tourism is neither a phenomenon nor a simple
36、 set of industries. It hasmultidimenal aspects as:A human activity, whichpasses human behavior, use of resour, anderaction with otheople, economies and environments.Just one form of recreation, along with sportivities, hobbies and pastimes,andt of all of these activities are discretionary uses of ou
37、r leisure time.A physical movement of people away from their normal place of residence.A comite of activities, servi, and industriest deliver a travelexperience for individualsroupst are traveling away from home.passes all providers of visitors-related servi.An opportunity to make a profit by supply
38、ing the goods and servi tourists market demand.t theThe entire world industry of travel, hos, transpor components.ions, and all otherMostly Using of an individuals discretionary time, but inevitably linked with obligations, such as business or health requirements.2.2 Definition of tourism (2 teachin
39、g hour)Any attempt to define tourism and to describe fully its scope must considerthe various groupst participate in and affected by this industry. Theirs are vital to the development of a comprehensive definition:.arisingFrom the From the From the From the Conceptualof the tourist.of the bus
40、iness providing tourist goods and serviof theernment of the host community or areaof the host communitydefinition“the sum of the phenomena and relationshipsfrom the travel and stay of non-residents, in so far as they do not lead topermanent residence and are not connected to any earning activity.” (
41、Held byProfessorsziker and Krapf of Berne University, in 1942. For a deeperunderstanding of the subjectn the mere technicalities):Technical or working definitionTourism comprises the activities ofs traveling to and staying in plaoutside their usual environment for not moren one consecutive year for
42、leisure, business or othures. Tourism may or maynot involve overnight stay away from home. (Based on distance traveled, the length oftime spend, and the pure of the trip. This definition Devised by the WTO andendorsed by the UN Sistical Commisin 1993 in order to provide identifiable,preferable measu
43、rable, variable with which to undertakeysis)2.3 Relationship betn leisure, recreation and tourism (0.5 class hour)Tripeach timerson goes to a placeeast 100(10kms and stayeast 6 hours in China) away from home and returns or is out of town one or more nights.Travelthe action of activities of people ta
44、king trips to a place or plaoutside of their home communities for any pur to and from worke except daily commutingTourisma termt is synonymous with travel now.Recreationthe action and activities of people engaging in constructive and ally pleasurable use of leisure time. Recreation may include passi
45、ve oractive participation in individualroup sports, cultural functions, naturaland human history appretion, non-formal education, pleasure travel,sightseeing, and enterta Differentiating forms of experienent.(figure)2.4 Categories of Tourism Activities (1 teaching hour)Tourism activities are of vari
46、ous types. They can be classified in different ways.Classified according to where the tourists travel to(the destination place):.5.domestic tourism ernational tourismcross-continent tourismaround-the-world tourism (global tourism) regional tourismClassified according to how far the tourists t
47、ravel (the distance )1. far-distance tourism2. near-distance tourism (excur)Classified according to for what the tourism travel (purholiday tourismbusiness tourismother tourismes)Classified according to how the tourists aretour in groupsindividual touranized to travel (travel forms)Classified accord
48、ing to how the tourists are charged (payment)package tour , including ITX, IT and CITnon-package tourClassified according to who pays for the travel (fund source)Self-funded tour (recreational traveller, price elastic market)business tour (including incentive trip)Classified according what means of
49、transporion the tourists takeCase problem and discus:1.Find from textbooks any three definitions of tourism. Do they agree? If not, why do youthink not?2.Explain in your own words the discrepancy betresearchers view of tourism.n consumers, producers, andTopic 3Tourism System (3 teaching hours)Teachi
50、ng Objective: To have a systematic knowledge of tourism and tourismstructure, to get to know differenements and factors of tourism, to understand therelationships of these elements and factors. Define who is tourist. Define what istourism product Identify the characteristic of tourism product. Ident
51、ify theegraland assoted sectors of the tourism industryContents: 3.1roduction to Leipers M(1 teaching hour)Geographical elements Traveler-generating region, tourist destination region and transit route region(1) The traveler-generating region (also refer to the origin region) represents erating mark
52、et for tourism and, in a sense, provides the “push” to stimulate andtmotivate travel. It is from this placet the potential tourists search for information,make the bookings and depart for different destinations.(2) The tourist transit route region does not simply represent the short periodof travel
53、to reach the destination, but also includes theermediate plawhiaybe visited en route. There is always anervalrip when the traveler feels he hasleft his home region bus not yet arrived.(3) The tourist destination is a crul element of tourism system. It representsthe third element of Leipers tourism s
54、ystemt focuses on the supply side for thetourist.ay aspects this is the most important one because destinations, and theirimages, attract tourists, motivate the visit and therefore energize the whole touristsystem. Not only does the destination provide a focal po also represents the “pull” factor fo
55、r the tourist.for tourism activity but itEnvironmentsfortourismhuman,socio-culture,economical,technological, political and legal,etc.Topic for discus: 1.l the location of tourism industry.2.l different functions of the three regions.3. What is your understanding of the system?4. What3.2 Tourist(1 te
56、aching hour)eractions may happenhe system?Many definitions of “the tourist” are based on distance traveled, the length oftime spent, and the pure of the trip:visiting a country otherVisitoranynt in which he has hisusual place of residence, for any reason othern following an occupationremunerated fro
57、m withhe country visitedTourists who were classified as temporaryvisitors staying at least 24hours, whose pure could be categorized as leisure (whether for recreation,health, sport, holiday, study or religion), or business, family, mis meeting.orExcurists (Day-visitor) who were classed as temporary
58、visitors staylessn 24 hours, transit.Foreign tourist a usually resides, forincluding cruise travelers but excluding travelers invisiting a country, othernt in witch heriod ofeast 24 hours.Domestic tourist who travels away from his home for a distance ofeast50pur(one way) for business, pleasure,al ai
59、rs, or any othere except to commute to work, whether he stays overnight or return thesame day.Defining a tourist (see Figure1.1at page 3)Tourist product(1 teaching hour)Defining tourist product 1) the Total product: Tourist product is, from thestand poof the tourist, a total of experiena tourist get
60、s from the trip. It may beeasily visualized as everythingourist uses, consumes or acquires on one trip. Itis the total sum of all serviprovided to a tourist during the total pros of his tour.Included in it are attractions, acs, amenities and ancillary servi. 2) the specificproduct: Tourist cso be de
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