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1、2021年九年级英语上册Unit7Films知识汇总素材新版牛津版2021年九年级英语上册Unit7Films知识汇总素材新版牛津版2021年九年级英语上册Unit7Films知识汇总素材新版牛津版Unit7单词superstarn。 超级明星romanticadj。 浪漫的science fictionn. 科幻电影;科幻小说westernn。 西部电影;西部小说industryn. 工业;产业such that如此 。.。 以至于storytellern。 讲故事的人scriptn. 剧本alltimeadj。 一向的;空前的actressn. 女演员lossn. 丧失,损失;失败huma

2、nitariann. 人道主义者balletn。 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧dancern.舞蹈者charmn. 魅力insistvt. &vi。 坚持认为;坚持leadn. 主角,扮演主角的演员rolen。 角色basevt。 以.。.为基础majoradj。 主要的;较大的markvt. 表明;标志play the role of扮演。.的角色princessn. 公主lifetimen. 终身,一生nominationn。 提名finaladj。 最终的,最后的appearancen。 出现,露面;外貌angeln. 天使beyondprep。 超出,除.。之外effortn。 努力;艰难的尝试p

3、ass away(委婉语)去世peacefullyadv. 宁静地;和平地attractiveadj. 漂亮的,有吸引力的rush hourn。 交通高峰期parkvt. vi。 停车car parkn. 停车场rown。 (一)排,(一)行amazedadj. 大为惊奇mistakevt. 误以为mistake for把。.误认为.kung fun。 功夫DVDabbr. (=digital videodisc)数码影碟actorn. 演员talen. 故事;讲述,叙述dinosaurn. 恐龙fall in love with爱上某人special offern. 特价优惠cancelvt

4、. 取消;终止neitheradv。 也不stupidadj. 愚蠢的stuntmann. 特技替身演员considervt. 认为;考虑in your dreams你做梦,你妄想so that如此.。.以至于action filmn. 动作片catch someones attention吸引某人的注意Unit7知识梳理【重点短语】1。tomorrows TV superstar明日超级电视明星2。so+adj/adv+that如此以至于3。romantic film 爱情片4.action film 动作片5.science fiction film 科幻片6。enter the film

5、 industry加入电影产业7。be suitable for doing适合做某事8。such a/an +形容词+名词单数 + that 如此一个以至于9。write exciting scripts 写令人兴奋的剧本10.a good storyteller一个善于讲故事的人11。international superstar国际超级明星12.alltime greatest actress空前伟大的女演员13。feel sad about sth对某事感到伤心14。the loss of 的失去15。dream of doing sth =dream to do sth梦想做某事16

6、。work as a model以模特为职17。beauty and charm美貌和魅力18。catch ones attention =be paid attentionto by sb引起某人的注意19.the lead role=the major role主角20.a play based upon her novel一个根据小说改编的剧本21。be chosen to do被选中去做22.her successful career她的成功生涯23。mark the beginning of sth标志着.的开始24。become worldfamous变得世界闻名25。win th

7、e Oscar for Best Actress for sth因为而获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖26。during her lifetime 在她的一生中27.her final appearance她的最后露面28。go beyond超越了29。work closely with sb 和某人亲密合作30.her last few years她最后的几年31。her efforts in this area 她在这个领域的努力32。pass away peacefully平静的走了 ,去世33.care a lot about sth很关注某事34.have an attractive qual

8、ity有一种吸引人的品质35.insist on sth/doing sth坚持做某事36。go away走开37。go past走过38.avoid the rush hour避免车流高峰39。find a space to do找到一块地方去做某事40.a big car park 一个大型停车场41.in the last row在最后一排42.keep coming in持续进来43。have a Tshirt on穿一件体恤衫44.be told to do sth被告诉去做某事45.have a day off休息一天46.read sth through without stop

9、ping没有停下来通篇阅读 。.。47。be amazed by her beauty因她的美貌而感到吃惊48。mistake her for a real priness错认为她是一个真的公主49。a course on Chinese kung fu一个关于中国功夫的课程50.be suitable for all ages适合各个年龄段51.fall in love with sb 爱上某人52。bring sth alive on screen把活生生搬到屏幕上53。a special off on sth在.。上的一个特殊折扣54.be cancelled被取消55.a talk o

10、n sth一个关于的讲座56。arrange afternoon tea准备下午茶57.know perfectly well 很了解58。be seated at the table=be sitting at thetable 坐在桌子旁59.look quite plain 看上去很痛苦60。join humour and exciting action together把幽默和令人兴奋的动作结合到一起【重点句型】1。 Who is the most suitable for entering/to enter the film industry?谁最适合进人电影界?2. She wou

11、ld rather be a director than (be)an actress.她宁可当一名导演,也不愿当演员。3. Tom Hiddleston is one of the most famoussuperstars.Tom Hiddleston是最著名的超级明星之一。4。 It was such a good action film that wewere all excited.这是一部如此优秀的动作电影,以至于我们都很激动。5。 Im so lucky that I have so many goodfriends.我真是幸运有这么多好朋友.6。 Entering that b

12、ig company marked thebeginning of his successful career。进人那家大公司,标志着他成功职业生涯的开始。7。 The player successfully caught ourattention in the football match.在这次足球赛中,这位运动员成功吸引了我们的注意7。 Stephen Hawking is one of the alltimegreatest scientists in the world.斯蒂芬。霍金(Stephen Hawking)是世界上空前伟大的科学家(scientist)之-。8. He on

13、ce dreamed/ dreamt of being asuccessful businessman.他曾梦想成为一名成功的商人。9. I insist that she is the perfect personto play the role.我坚持认为她是饰演这个角色的绝佳人选。10. He has played many lead roles/ majorroles since he entered the film industry。自他踏入电影界,他已经扮演了多个主要角色。11. I cant win this prize without youreffort.没有你的努力,我赢

14、不了这个奖。12。 She made her first appearance in thefashion show and won high praise。/She won high praise when she made her firstappearance in the fashion show。她首次在时装秀,上亮相就赢得了高度赞扬.13。 His achievements go far beyond filmindustry.他的成就远不仅限于电影业。14. She devoted her lifetime to teaching/education。她将她的一生都奉献给了教育事

15、业。15.The director insists on choosing thegirl to play the lead role.这个导演坚持选这个女孩来扮演主角。16.The old man passed away peacefully inhis sleep。这个老人在睡眠中安详地去世了。17。 The people worked closely with thepolice and caught the bad man警民密切合作,抓获了那个坏人。18。 Though/ Although nobody agreed withhim, he insisted on his own t

16、hought.虽然没人同意他的观点,但他还是坚持自己的想法。19. The drivers find it hard to find asuitable car park to park the cars sometimes。驾驶员发现有时很难找到一个合适的停车场来停车.20。 We were amazed at/ by these amazingphotos.我们对这些神奇的照片大感惊奇.21. Dad left home early in order to avoidthe rush hour。为了能避开高峰,爸爸很早就出门了。22. She was so beautiful that m

17、any peoplemistook her for a film star。她如此漂亮以至于很多人都错认为她是个电影明星。23. He has spent so much time on educationthat he will always be remembered。他已为教育事业付出了这么多的时间,他会被一直铭记.24. I dont like the films directed by thedirector。 Neither do I.我不喜欢这个导演拍的电影. 我也是!25. The film shows us what our city was like30 years ago

18、.这部电影向我们展示了30年前我们城市的面貌。26。 Horror films are not suitable forchildren under the age of 18。恐怖片不适合未满18岁的孩子。27。 Its said that this years art festivalhas been cancelled.据说今年的艺术节已经被取消了。28。 He fell in love with the beautiful cityas soon as he got off the plane。他一下飞机就爱上了这座美丽的城市.29. The film has brought bear

19、s wonderfullife alive on screen这部电影已将熊精彩的生活搬上了荧幕。30. I wonder if/ whether there is a specialoffer on Fridays。我想知道周五是否有特价。31. Andersen is considered as a great writerbecause of his efforts in literature。安徒生(Andersen)因为在文学上的努力,被认为是一个伟大的作家32. The film won a big success by joininghumour and exciting action together.通过将幽默和刺激的动作结合起来,这个电影赢得了巨大的成功33. He worked as a stuntman before hebecame an actor.在他成为一个演员前,他担当替身。34。 How many years has he spent on charitywork so far?目前为止,他已在做慈善工作上花了多少年的时间?35。 Jackie Chans achievements are far morethan/go far beyond a kung Fu superstar。成龙的成就远不止于一个


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