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1、美国联邦地区法院民事诉讼规则简称美国联邦民事诉讼规则目录美国联邦民事诉讼规则导论美国联邦民事诉讼规则第 1 章本规则的适用范围和一种诉讼形式第 1 条本规则的适用范围和目的第 2 条一种诉讼形式第 2 章诉讼开始;传唤令状、诉答文书、申请书及命令的送达第 3 条诉讼开始第 4 条传唤状第 4 条之 1 其他令状的送达第 5 条诉答文书和其他文件的送达与提交第 6 条期间第 3 章诉答文书和申请书第 7 条允许提出的诉答文书;申请书的格式第 8 条诉答文书的一般规则第 9 条诉答文书的特别事项第 10 条诉答文书的格式第 11 条诉答文书、申请书及其他文件的签名; 向法院的陈述;制裁第 12 条

2、抗辩和异议 提出的期间和方式 通过诉答文书或申请书 基于诉答文书请求判决的申请第 13 条反请求和交叉请求第 14 条第三当事人诉讼程序第 15 条修改和补充诉答文书第 16 条审理前会议;日程;管理第4章当事人第 17 条原告和被告;当事人能力第 18 条请求和救济方法的合并第 19 条为公正审判而必要合并的人第 20 条当事人的许可合并第 21 条当事人的合并错误及不合并第 22 条互争权利诉讼第 23 条集团诉讼第 23 条之1 股东的派生诉讼第 23 条之2 关于非法人团体的诉讼第 24 条诉讼参加第 25 条替代当事人第 5 章庭外证言与发现程序第 26 条规范发现程序的一般规定;出

3、示义务第 27 条诉讼之前和上诉系属期间的庭外证言第 28 条参与作成庭外证言的人员第 29 条关于发现程序的约定第 30 条口头询问的庭外证言第 31 条书面质问的庭外证言第 32 条在法院的诉讼程序中庭外证言的使用第 33 条对当事人的质问书的而进入房地产第 34 条提供文件和物件以及为调查或其他目第 35 条身体和精神状态的检查第 36 条要求自认第 37 条不出示或不协助发现:制裁第 6 章开庭审理第 38 条要求陪审团审判的权利第 39 条陪审团审判或法院审判第 40 条为开庭审理而分配案件第 41 条撤销诉讼第 42 条合并;分开审理第 43 条证言的取得第 44 条官方记录证明第

4、 44 条之 1 外国法的确定第 45 条传票第 46 条不需要提出异议第 47 条选定陪审团成员第 48 条陪审团成员人数 参与裁决第 49 条特别裁决和质问书有条件第 50 条在陪审团审判的案件中作为法律问题 作出的判决;选择重新审理的申请;的裁定第 51 条对陪审团的指示:异议第 52 条法院认定事实;部分认定事实的判决第 53 条主事官 第 7 章判决第 54 条判决;费用第 55 条缺席第 56 条简易判决第 57 条宣告判决第 58 条登记判决第 59 条重新审理;判决的修改第 60 条对判决或命令的救济第 61 条无害的错误第 62 条执行判决程序的中止第 63 条法官不能继续执

5、行职务第 8 章临时性和终局性财产救济方法第 64 条对人或财产的扣押第 65 条禁止令第 65 条之 1 担保:对保证人的诉讼程序第 66 条被联邦法院任命的财产管理人第 67 条向法院提存第 68 条判决方案要约第 69 条执行第 70 条特定行为的判决;赋予权限第 71 条有利于或不利于非当事人的第三人的 令状第 9 章特别程序第 71 条之 1 不动产征收第 72 条补助法官;审理前命令第 73 条补助法官;同意审判及上诉的选择权第 74 条根据美国法典第 28 编第 636 条 第 3 款( 4 )项和本规则第 73 条第 4 款的规定,对补助法官作出的决定向 地区法院法官提起上诉的

6、方式第 75 条根据本规则第73 条第4 款的规定,对补助法官作出的决定向地区法院法官提起上诉的程序第 76 条根据本规则第73 条第4 款的规定向地区法院法官提起上诉案件的判决和诉讼费用第 10 章地区法院及其书记官第 77 条地区法院及其书记官第 78 条申请期日第 79 条书记官保管的登记簿和记录以及登记第 80 条速记员;用作证据的速记员报告及速记译回文字第 11 章一般条款第 81 条一般适用性第 82 条管辖区域及审判地不受影响第 83 条地区法院的规则;法官的指令第 84 条诉讼文书格式第 85 条本规则的称谓第 86 条生效日期附件一:诉讼文书格式附件二:美国联邦民事诉讼规则

7、中的词汇英中文语义对照表美国联邦证据规则导言 美国联邦证据规则介绍第 1 章一般规定第 101 条适用范围第 102 条目的和结构第103条关于证据的裁定(a)错误裁定的后果(1)异议(2)提供证明(b)关于提供证据和裁定的记录(c)陪审团审理 (d)显见错误第104条初步询问(a)关于可采性的一般询问(b)以事实为条件的相关性(c)陪审团审理( d )被告人作证( e )重要性和可信性第 105 条有限的可采性第 106 条书面或录音证词的剩余部分或相关部分第 2 章司法认知第201条关于裁判事实的司法认知(a)适用范围(b)事实种类(c)任意采用 (d)强制采用(e)被听证的机会(f)采用

8、司法认知的时间(g)指示陪审团第 3 章民事诉讼中的推定第 301 条民事诉讼中推定的一般规定第 302 条民事诉讼中州法的适用性第 4 章相关性及其限制第 401 条 “相关证据 ”的定义第 402 条相关证据一般可以采纳;无相关性的证据不能采纳第 403 条因偏见、混淆或浪费时间而排除相关证据第404条品格证据不能采纳来证明行为;例外;其他犯罪(a)品格证据的一般规定(1)被告人的品格( 2 )被害人的品格( 3)证人的品格( b )其他犯罪、错误或行为第405条证明品格的方法(a)名声或评价(b)特定行为实例第 406 条习惯;日常工作第 407 条随后的补救措施第 408 条和解和要求

9、和解第 409 条支付医疗或类似费用第 410 条答辩、答辩讨论和有关陈述不可采纳第 411 条责任保险第 412 条性犯罪案件;与被害人过去行为相关第 5 章特权第 501 条一般规则第 6 章证人第 601 条关于证人能力的一般规则第 602 条缺乏亲身体验第 603 条宣誓或郑重声明第 604 条译员第 605 条法官作为证人的能力第606条陪审员作为证人的能力(a)参加审理 (b)对陪审团裁决或起诉书合法性的调查第 607 条谁可以提出质疑第 608 条关于证人品格和行为的证据( a )关于品格的评价证据和名声证据( b )行为的具体实例第609条以曾被定罪的证据提出质疑(a) 一般规

10、则 (b)时间限制(c)赦免、撤销或证明恢复名誉的效果(d)未成年人的裁判(e)上诉未决第 610 条宗教信仰或主张第611条询问和举证的方式和次序(a)法庭控制(b)交叉询问的范围(c)诱导性问题第 612 条使用书面材料来唤醒记忆第613条证人先前的陈述(a)就证人先前的陈述进行询问(b)有关证人先前陈述不一致的外部证据第614条法庭传唤和询问证人(a)法庭传唤证人 (b)法庭询问(c)异议第 615 条排除证人第 7 章意见证据和专家证词第 701 条一般证人的意见证词第 702 条专家证词第 703 条专家意见证词的基础第 704 条关于最终争议的意见第 705 条公开专家意见所依据的

11、事实和数据第706条法庭指定专家(a)指定(b)补偿(c)将指定公开(d)当事人自己选择专家第 8 章传闻证据第801条定义(a)陈述(b)陈述者(c)传闻(d)不是传闻的陈述(1)证人的先前陈述 ( 2 )为对立当事人承认第 802 条传闻证据规则第 803 条传闻证据的例外;陈述者可否作证无关紧要 ( 1 )表达感觉印象( 2)刺激的发 TOC o 1-5 h z 泄 ( 3 )当时存在的精神、感情或身体状态( 4)出于医疗诊断或治疗目的的陈述( 5)被记录的回忆( 6 ) 关于日常行为、 活动的记录( 7 ) 在第 ( 6) 项规定的记录中缺乏记载 ( 8)公共记录或报告(9)重要统计资

12、料(10)缺乏公共记录或没有记载(11 )宗教组织的记录 (12) 婚姻、 洗礼或类似证明 ( 13) 家庭记录 (14) 反映财产利益的文件记录(15)文件中反映财产利益的陈述( 16) 在陈年文件中的陈述( 17) 市场报告商业出版物 (18)学术论文(19)关于个人或家庭历史的名声(20)关于边界和一般历史的名声(21)性格方面的名声 ( 22 )先前定罪的判决( 23 )关于个人、家庭、或一般历史、或边界的 判决 ( 24 )其他例外第804条传闻证据的例外;陈述者不能到庭作证(a)不能出庭的定义(b)传闻证据的例外 ( 1 ) 先前证词 ( 2 ) 临终陈述 ( 3) 对己不利的陈述

13、( 4 ) 关于个人或家史的陈述( 5)其他例外第805条传闻中的传闻第 806 条攻击和支持陈述者的可信性第 9 章鉴定和辨认 TOC o 1-5 h z 第901条要求鉴定或辨认(a) 一般规定(b)说明(1)具有知识的人的证明(2)对笔迹的非专家意见 ( 3 ) 由审判者或专家证人进行比较( 4 ) 与众不同的特征或类似品质( 5)声音辨认( 6 )声音通话( 7 )公共记录或报告( 8)陈年文件或数据汇编 ( 9 )过程或系统 ( 10 )法律或规则规定的方法第 902 条自我鉴定( 1 ) 国内盖有印章的公文( 2 ) 国内未盖印章的公文( 3 ) 外国公文( 4)经证实的公共记录的

14、副本( 5 ) 官方出版物( 6) 报纸和期刊 ( 7) 商品注册或类似标记( 8)被承认的文件(9)商业票据和相关文件( 10)根据国会立法推定第 903 条不必要有补强证人证词第 10 章文字、录音和照相的内容第 1001 条定义 ( 1)文字和录音( 2 )照相( 3 )原件( 4)复制品第 1002 条要求原件第 1003 条复制品的可采性第 1004 条其他关于内容的证据的可采性( 1 )原件遗失或毁坏( 2 )原件无法获得( 3 )原件在对方掌握中( 4 )附属事项第 1005 条公共记录第 1006 条摘要第 1007 条当事人的证词或书面承认第 1008 条法庭和陪审团的职能第

15、 11 章综合规则第1101条规则的适用性 (a)法院和治安法院(b)诉讼范围(c)关于特权的规则(d)不适用规则的情况( e )部分适用的规则第 1102 条修改第 1103 条标题FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURESCOPE OF RULES ONE FORM OF ACTIONRule1 Scope and Purpose of RulesThese rules govern the procedure in the United States district courts in all suits of a civil nature whether co

16、gnizable as cases at law or in equity or in admiralty, with the exceptions stated in Rule 81. They shall be construed and administered to secure the just, speedy, and inexpensive determination of every action.Rule 2 One Form of ActionThere shall be one form of action to be known as civil action.COMM

17、ENCEMENT OF ACTION; SERVICE OF PROCESS, PLEADINGS, MOTIONS, AND ORDERSRule 3 Commencement of ActionA civil action is commenced by filing a complaint with the court.Rule 4 SummonsForm. The summons shall be signed by the clerk, bear the seal of the court, identify the court and the parties, be directe

18、d to the defendant, and state the name and address of the plaintiffs attorney or, if unrepresented, of the plaintiff. It shall also state the time within which the defendant must appear and defend, and notify the defendant that failure to do so will result in a judgment by default against the defend

19、ant for the reliefdemanded in the complaint.The court may allow a summons to be amended.Issuance. Upon or after filing the complaint, the plaintiff may present a summons to the clerk for signature and seal. If the summons is in proper form, the clerk shall sign, seal, and issue it to the plaintiff f

20、orservice on the defendant. A summons, or a copy of the summonsif addressed to multiple defendants, shall be issued for each defendant to be served.Service with Complaint; by Whom Made.A summonsshall be served together with a copy of the complaint. The plaintiff is responsible for service of a summo

21、ns and complaint within the time allowed under subdivision (m) and shall furnish the person effecting service with the necessary copies of the summons and complaint.Service may be effected by any person who is not a party and who is at least 18 years of age. At the request of the plaintiff, however,

22、 the court may direct that service be effected by a United States marshal, deputy United States marshal, or other person or officer specially appointed by the court for the purpose. Such an appointment must be made when the plaintiffis authorized to proceed in forma pauperis pursuant to 1915 or is a

23、uthorized to proceed asa seaman under 1916Waiver of Service; Duty to Save Costs of Service; Request to Waive.A defendant who waives service of a summons does not thereby waive any objection to the venue or to the jurisdiction of the court over the person of the defendant.An individual, corporation,

24、or association that is subject to service under subdivision (e), (f), or (h) and that receives notice of an action in the manner provided in this paragraph has a duty to avoid unnecessary costs of serving the summons. To avoid costs, the plaintiff may notify such a defendant of the commencement of t

25、he action and request that the defendant waive service of a summons. The notice and request.shall be in writing and shall be addressed directly to the defendant, if an individual, or else to an officer or managing or general agent (or other agent authorized by appointment or law to receive service o

26、f process) of a defendant subject to service under subdivision (h) ;shall be dispatched through first-class mail or other reliable means;shall be accompanied by a copy of the complaint and shall identify the court in which it has been filed;shall inform the defendant, by means of a text prescribed i

27、n an official form promulgated pursuant to Rule 84, of the consequences of compliance and of a failure to comply with the request;shall set forth the date on which request is sent; (F) shall allow the defendant a reasonable time to return the waiver, which shall be at least 30 days from the date on

28、which the request is sent, or 60 days from that date if the defendant is addressed outside any judicial district of the United States; andshall provide the defendant with an extra copy of the notice and request, as well as a prepaid means of compliance in writing.If a defendant located within the Un

29、ited States fails to comply with a request for waiver made by a plaintiff located within the United States, the court shall impose the costs subsequently incurred in effecting service on the defendant unless good cause for the failure be shown.A defendant that, before being served with process, time

30、ly returns a waiver so requested is not required to serve an answer to the complaint until 60 days after the date on which the request for waiver of service was sent, or 90 days after that date if the defendant was addressed outside any judicial district of the United States.Whenthe plaintiff files

31、a waiver of service with the court, the action shall proceed, except as provided in paragraph (3), as if a summons and complaint had been served at the time of filing the waiver, and no proofs of service shall be required.The costs to be imposed on a defendant under paragraph (2) for failure to comp

32、ly with a request to waive service of a summons shall include the costs subsequently incurred in effecting service under subdivision (e), (f), or (h), together with the costs, including a reasonable attorneys fee, of any motion required to collect the costs of service.Service Upon Individuals Within

33、 a Judicial District of the United States. Unless otherwise provided by federal law, service upon an individual from whom a waiver has not been obtained and filed, other than an infant or an incompetent person, may be effected in any judicial district of the United States:pursuant to the law of the

34、state in which the district court is located, or in which service is effected, for the service of a summons upon the defendant in an action brought in the courts of general jurisdiction of the State; orby delivering a copy of the summons and of the complaint to the individual personally or by leavin

35、g copies thereof at the individuals dwelling house or usual place of abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein or by delivering a copy of the summons and of the complaint to an agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process.Service Upon Indi

36、viduals in a Foreign Country. Unless otherwise provided by federal law, service upon an individual from whom a waiver has not been obtained and filed, other than an infant or an incompetent person, may be effected in a place not within any judicial district of the United States:by any internationall

37、y agreed means reasonably calculated to give notice, such as those means authorized by the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents; orif there is no internationally agreed means of service or the applicable international agreement allows other means of service,

38、 provided that service is reasonably calculated to give notice:in the manner prescribed by the law ofthe foreign country forservice in that country in an action in any of its courts of general jurisdiction; oras directed by the foreign authority in response to a letter rogatory or letter of request;

39、 orunless prohibited by the law of the foreign country, bydelivery to the individual personally of a copy of the summons and the complaint; orany form of mail requiring a signed receipt, to be addressed and dispatched by the clerk of the court to the party to be served; orby other means not prohibit

40、ed by international agreement as may be directed by the court.Service Upon Infants and Incompetent Person. Service upon an infant or an incompetent person in a judicial district of the United States shall be effected in the manner prescribed by the law of the state in which the service is made for t

41、he service of summons or like process upon any such defendant in an action brought in the courts of general jurisdiction of that state.Service upon an infant or an incompetent person in a place not within any judicial district of the United States shall be effected in the manner prescribed by paragr

42、aph (2)(A) or (2)(B) of subdivision (f) or by such means as the court may direct.Service Upon Corporations and Associations. Unless otherwise provided by federal law, service upon a domestic or foreign corporation or upon a partnership or other unincorporated association that is subject to suit unde

43、r a common name, and from which a waiver of service has not been obtained and filed, shall be effected:in a judicial district of the United States in the manner prescribed for individuals by subdivision (e)(1), or by delivering a copy of the summons and of the complaint to an officer, a managing or

44、general agent, or to any other agent authorized by appointment or by law to receive service of process and, if the agent is one authorized by statute to receive service and the statute so requires, by also mailing a copy to the defendant, orin a place not within any judicial district of the United S

45、tates in any manner prescribed for individuals by subdivision (f) except personal delivery as provided in paragraph (2)(C)(i) thereof.Serving the United States, Its Agencies, Corporations, Officers, or Employees.Service upon the United States shall be effectedby delivering a copy of the summonsand o

46、f the complaint to the United States attorney for the district in which the action is brought or to an assistant United States attorney or clerical employee designated by the United States attorney in a writing filed with the clerk of the court or by sending a copy of the summonsand of the complaint

47、 by registered or certified mail addressed to thecivil process clerk at the office of the United States attorney andby also sending a copy of the summons and of the complaint by registered or certified mail to the Attorney General of the United States at Washington, District of Columbia, andin any a

48、ction attacking the validity of anorder of an officeror agency of the United States not made a party, by also sendinga copy of the summonsand of the complaint by registered or certified mail to the officer or agency.(2)(A) Service on an agency or corporation of the United States, or an officer or em

49、ployee of the United States sued only in an official capacity, is effected by serving the United States in the manner prescribed by Rule 4 (i)(1) and by also sending a copy of the summons and complaint by registered or certified mail to the officer, employee, agency, or corporation.Service on an off

50、icer or employee of the United States sued in an individual capacity for acts or omissions occurring in connection with the performance of duties on behalf of the United States whether or not the officer or employee is sued also in an official capacity is effected by serving the United States in the

51、 manner prescribed by Rule 4 (i)(1) and by serving the officer or employee in the manner prescribed by Rule 4 (e), (f), or (g).The court shall allow a reasonable time to serve process under Rule 4 (i) for the purpose of curing the failure to serve:all persons required to be served in an action gover

52、ned by Rule 4 (i)(2)(A), if the plaintiff has served either the United States attorney or the Attorney General of the United States, orthe United States in an action governed by Rule 4 (i)(2)(B), if the plaintiff has served an officer or employee of the United States sued in an individual capacity.S

53、ervice Upon Foreign, State, or Local Governments.Service upon a foreign state or a political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof shall be effected pursuant to 1608Service upon a state, municipal corporation, or other governmental organization subject to suit, shall be effected by deliver

54、ing a copy of the summons and of the complaint to its chief executive officer or by serving the summons and complaint in the manner prescribed by the law of that state for the service of summons or other like process upon any such defendant.Territorial Limits of Effective Service.Service of a summon

55、s or filing a waiver of service is effective to establish jurisdiction over the person of a defendantwho could be subjected to the jurisdiction of a court of general jurisdiction in the state in which the district court is located, orwho is a party joined under Rule 14 or Rule 19 and is servedat a p

56、lace within a judicial districtof the United States and notmore than 100 miles from the place from which the summons issues, orwho is subject to the federal interpleader jurisdiction under 1335, orwhen authorized by a statute of the United States.If the exercise of jurisdiction is consistent with th

57、e Constitutionand lawsof the United States, serving a summons or filing a waiver of service is also effective, with respect to claims arising under federal law, to establishpersonaljurisdiction over the person of any defendant who is not subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of general jurisdict

58、ion of any state.Proof of Service. If service is not waived, the person effecting service shall make proofthereof to the court. If service is made by a person other than a United States marshal or deputy United States marshal, the person shall make affidavit thereof. Proof of service in a placenot w

59、ithin any judicial district of the United States shall, if effected under paragraph (1) of subdivision (f), be made pursuant to the applicable treaty or convention, and shall, if effected under paragraph (2) or (3) thereof, include a receipt signed by the addressee or other evidence of delivery to t

60、he addressee satisfactory to the court. Failure to makeproof of service does not affect the validityof the service. The court may allow proof of service to be amended.Time Limit for Service. If service of the summonsand complaint is not made upon a defendant within 120 days after the filing of the c


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