



1、Unit 8 exercise 1I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1. Miss Guo is asking some questions about_weather. (wind, windy)2. I can see people windsurfing in the sea when there is_. (a strong wind,a typhoon) 3. Do you know the _ kinds of windy weather. (different,difference)4. Miss Guo is asking k

2、itty _(some,any)questions _( about,on) weather. 5. In spring the wind is very_. (fierce,gentle)6. Drivers should be very_when there is a strong wind. (careful,carefully) 7. There_ a new film on next week. (will be,is)8. At home, I sometimes help my mum_some houisework. (do,did)9. Its snowing heavily

3、. Its really cold_. (inside,outside)our house,but its warm _. (inside,outside) the house because we make a fire in it.II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.1. Please hold your raincoat_ .(tight)2. The _ in the sky move _ . (cloud) (quick)3. The wooden ball hit the gro

4、und _ (gentle)4. James is taking these flower_.into his room . (pot)5. People usually go _ on the sea in summer. (windsurf)6. _ are full of the garden in autumn .(leaf).7. Leaves on the trees are blowing _ (slight).8. Simon always has different _ of ideas.(kind)III Choose the best answer( )1. Someti

5、mes _ typhoon is dangerous.A. a B.an C.The D. /( )2. Mother is taking _ into the flat .A.flower pot B.flowers pot C. flower pots D. flowers pots( )3. I can see people _ when there is a strong wind.A.windsurfing B.to windsurf C.windsurfed D. windsurffing( )4. Bruce began to skate _ he was five years

6、old.A.when B.if C.because D. and( )5.People like windsurfing _ a windy day.A.in B.to C.for D.onIV. Rewrite the following sentences as required1. There are some flowers in the school garden.(一般疑问句)_ there_ flowers in the school garden ?2. We can see the clouds moving quickly in the sky . (否定句)We _ _

7、the clouds moving quickly in the sky.3. We can see flowers everywhere in spring . (对划线部分提问)_ _ we see everywhere in spring ?4. They are singing happily. (对划线部分提问)_ _they singing?5. Tom will help Kitty to make a display board. (意思不变)Tom _ going to help kitty _ a display board.Unit 8Exercise 2I. Compl

8、ete the sentences with the given words in their forms.1. Kitty and Ben were playing in the park _. (happy )2. _ (sudden )the wind became _. (strong)3. Amy is a top student . She always does her homework _ (careful)4. The wind is blowing_ . The cyclists cant ride their bicycles at all.(fierce) 5. Its

9、 a _ day. Lets fly kites together. (wind)6. Look! Kitty is running_ than two minutes ago.(slow )7. Street _ help make our city a clean place .(clean )8. There goes the bell . Lets go into the classroom _ (immediate)II. Choose the best answers( )1. Last night ,the wind blew strongly. Some trees_ down

10、.A.fall B.fell C.felt D.falling( )2. _ , the wind blew gently.A. At first B. First C. / D.Frist( )3. The weather becomes_ and _ in winter.A.cold;cold B.colder;cold C.cold;colder D. colder;colder( )4.Jim lives _ than anyone else.A.happily B.happilier C.more happily D. much happily( )5.The wind was ve

11、ry strong and blew the mans hat _ the day before yesterday. A.on B.at C.in D. away( )6. David is a _ boy.But yesterday he did his homework. _ . A.carefully;careless B. careful ; carelesslyC. carelessly; careful D. careful ; carefully( )7. Yesterday I saw some children _ kites in century park.A.fly B

12、.flew C.was flying D. flying( )8.When a typhoon is coming, people usually go back home _ . A.immmediately B.tightly C.slightly D. happily( )9. Kate held her coat _in the street because the wind blew _ . A.gently,lightly B.quickly,suddenlyC.tightly, fiercely D.immediately,slightlyIII. Rewrite the fol

13、lowing sentences as required1. A strong wind broke the window of my bedroom this morning. (一般疑问句) _ a strong wind _ the window of your bedroom this morning ?2. Big waves sank two ships last night. (否定句)Big waves _ _ two ships last night.3. Many fishing boats stayed in typhoon shelters. (对划线部分提问)_ _m

14、any fishing boats stay ?4. The typhoon passed quickly . (对划线部分提问)_ _ the typhoon pass?5. I saw Lisa in the library. She was reading a strong book.(意思不变)I_ Lisa _ a strong book in the library.Unit 8Exercise 3I. Fill in the blanks with the proper words1. Big waves_ the sea (on ,in)_ sink ships and boa

15、ts.(should,may)2. Little Tom jumped from the tree and fell_the ground. (on ,in)3. The teacher asks the students _ the problem. (think about,to think about)4. A_ wind may break windows. (gentle,strong)5. The earthquake in Wenchuan destroyed(毁坏)a lot of_flats. (people,peoples)6. Some students may _ to

16、 bring their homework to school. (forget, forgot)7. Can you match the description _ the pictures ? (to,with)8. A strong wind may blow away flower pots _peoples flat. (outside,inside)9. Heavy _(objects,object) may fall _(on ,in)cars_(on ,in )the street. II. Choose the best answer( )1. _these pictures

17、 in new order,please .A.Put B.To put C.Putting D. Puts( )2. -_ I leave a little earlier,Mr.Wang ?-Sorry , you _ .A.May, may B.May,cant C.Must,cant D.Must, may not( )3. Think_ what may happen when there is a typhoon.A.in B.to C.about D. at( )4. A strong wind may _ away the flower pots outside peoples

18、 flats.A.blowing B.blew C.to blow D. blow( )5. A strong wind may _windows.A.break B.broke C.broken D. breakingIV. Rewrite the following sentences as required.1. Heavy objects may fall on cars in the streets (一般疑问句)_ heavy objects _ on cars in the streets ?2.Tim broke the window just now. (一般疑问句)_ Ti

19、m _ the window just now?3.We may see flags flying in the sky. (否定句)We_ _ see flags flying in the sky?4.Big waves sank the ship last night . (否定句)Big waves _ _ the ship last night .5.Big waves in the sea may sink ships and boats when there is a typhoon.(对划线部分提问) _ may _ when there is a typhoon?6.The

20、wind blew heavily. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the wind blow ?7.Mike didnt go to school because he was ill yesterday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Mike go to school yesterday ?8. Linging helped her mum do some housework.(保持句意不变)Linging _ her mum _ some housework.9.I saw Nick just now.He was playing football. .(保持句意不变)I saw Nick _

21、 _ just now.Unit 8Exercise 4I. Complete the sentences with the given words in their forms.1We should obey the _ rules around us . (safe)2.The man asks the way with a _ voice(gently).3.The London Bridge is _ down.(fall)4.We should find a _at once because of the heavy rain.(shelter).5. On_ days , we m

22、ust be more careful with the traffic.(rain)6.My heart _when I heart the bad news.(sink)7. January is the _ month of a year.(one)8.Its sunny today,but the weather report says itll be _ tomorrow.(cloud) 9.Taxi _ are usually very tired after a days work.(drive)10.What a fine day ! Why not go _ today? (

23、fish)II. Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions(用适当的介词填空)1.Look _ the box and youll find a toy car in it.2.There are five pictures _ the poster.3.Lily usually stays _ home. She doesnt like going _. 4.Drivers should park their cars _ the car parks.5.Ships and boats should stay_ typhoon shelters

24、when the weather is bad. 6.He is having a talk _ his good friend.III. Choose the best answer( )1. We should _the light when we leave the classroom.A.turn on B.turn off C.to turn on D. turning off( )2.Listen! The wind is blowing _.A.fierce B. fiercely C.fiercly D.gentle( )3. We only have two lessons _Friday afte


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