



1、What color is it 教案教学内容:表示颜色单词 black white purple pink orange 句型: What color is it. It s What color are they . They are . 教学目标:认读表示颜色单词,能够区分、使用 What color 句型来询问一个或多个物体的颜色;教学难点:black white 发音,What color is it . 以及 What color are they. 的正确区分;教学重点:单词教具预备:颜色垫板,图片,标签,转盘,课件教学步骤:老师活动同学活动练习目的一Greeting S: Go

2、od morning teacher, fine, 培 养 学 生T:Good morning students. How are you . 讲 礼 貌 的Nice to meet you. Thank you, Nice to meet you too. 好习惯;二 Sing a song. T: Bfore we begin our class, Let s sing a song. S: Yes. Sing the song. 感 知black Ok. S: It s a panda. 和 white 两个词,并活play the song 三 New words to learn 跃

3、 课 堂 气T: please look at the screen, 氛;Q1:What s this. Q2: What color is it . 板书 S: What color is it. It s black and white. S: It s Teach the word “black”示范,带读,操练,板书;同法教 white. Q3: Look , What are these. S: They are pandas. 让 学 生 再Q4: What color are they . S: They are black and white. 次 感 知 单复 数 的 区T

4、hey are black and white. Ok, let s contiune. 别;S: It s blue. T:播放课件,出示蓝色,Q1: What color is it. Show me blue. S: It s yellow. 复 习 以 前Q2: What color is it. S: It s green. 学 过 的 旧知,同时通Show me yellow. 过 亲 自 动Q3: What color is blue and yellow. 用手势告知同学这句话是什么意思;S: It s green. 手 的 形 式发 现 颜 色You can have a t

5、ry . T:播放课件,出示一个青苹果图片S: They are green. 的秘密;Q1: What color is it. T:播放课件,出示两个青苹果图片;Q2: What color are they. S: It s red T:播放课件,出示红色,黄色 S: It s yellow. What color is it . 动手操作What color is red and yellow. Plasese have a S:It s orange. look. Yes, It s orange. S:It s orange. 此时板书;引导同学背单词;播放课件,出示一个桔子;S:

6、 They are orange. What color is it. 出示两个桔子 操练句型;What color are they. Who can ask a question like me. “ What color are they. “S:It s blue / It s red. T:播放课件,出示红色,蓝色Now , pay attention . look What color is it . Show me blue , show me red. S” It s 紫色;Q1: What color is red and blue . have a look . if yo

7、u know the answer , hands up. S: purple. Purple It s purple. Yes, It s purple. 板书:背词 S: It s purple. 播放课件,出示一个茄子What color is it . S: What color are they. 播放课件,出示两个茄子;S: They are purple . Who can ask . Ok, you can choose one to answer your question. S: It s red. 播放课件,出示红色,白色;S: It s white. OK, now,

8、look What color is it . What color What color is it . Watch S: pink is red and white. carefully. It s . can you read. P in k S:What color is it. 老师引导同学自己读出单词;出示卡片,并板书;S: It s pink. Point to pink,please. S: What color are they. S: They are pink. 播放课件,出示一朵花;Who can ask a question. 播放课件,出示一束花. S: read

9、the words. Who can . S:yes. Now, look at the blackboard. Read after me. 通 过 转 动Activity 1: Color Turntable S: It s . 转 盘 来 复I m a little tired , let s play a game , ok . 习 本 节 课Look , It s a turntable and there are many 所学新词,colors on it . 并操练T: What color is it. what color T: What color is it. is i

10、t. 句型T: What color is it. I don t want to ask , Who can ask . ok , listen, Do this exericise. these four groups , you are Group1. And these four groups you are Group 2. First , Group 1, you ask , What color is it. Group 2. you answer “ It s .”And the ,let s change. Are you clear. Let s have a try .

11、Group 1. follow me, “ What color “ one two. Group 2. “It s . Let s begin, Are you ready. 手势示意 1 组,手势示意 2 组;问答练习;练习一轮后,两个组交换;S: yes. S: read the words. Activity 2 : 摆单词 通 过 此 活You are great, let s another exercise. Ok. 动 来 认 读There are some words in my hand , can you 单词;read them. Now , I ll give the

12、m to some of you , After I say one two three. Please run here, and put the word under the right color. At last ,read the word for us . then you can get a preasent. Are you clear. Who want to get it. Hands up. 老师将黑板上的颜色卡片放于黑板当中,使 出单词卡片, 让同学认读;将卡片发给台下同学,让同学在老师说 one two three 后快速 将单词放在正确的颜色卡片下;并带同学将单词朗

13、读一遍,视时间长短玩两到三次;Activity 3: 涂颜色通 过 此 活老师看表, oh there is also some time left, let s 动 来 让 学paint a picture . ok. Please take out your paper, 生 运 用 所on this paper, there are five pictures, ok. 贴标签,涂色;学学问,将Yes, and on your desk there is a cup too. 颜 色 与 单In the cup ,there are five lables , on each lable 词相连接;there is a number, and a word of color . 通 过 介 绍First you must stick the bable next to the right 自 己 的 作picture, and then color the picture as the lable 品,来操练says. Do you understand. It s 在大屏幕做演示;They are. 两 个 功 能句;老师可做相应指导;仍


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