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1、龙凤区第五学校老师教学设计 编 写 者 张亚红 执 教 者 张亚红 执教时间 版 本 外研版 学 科 英语 册 数 二年级(下册) 单 元 Module1 Unit1 课 题 M1 U1 What s the weather like. 一, Function: Talking about the weather 课 时 二, Language :What s the weather like. It s What do you 教学目标 wear when . I wear a raincoat when it s raining. 三, Vocabulary: windy, snowing

2、, raining, sunny, mask, raincoat 德育教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学预备 教学板块 争辩天气,调整心情 能够精确让他人做某事或不做某事 能够在实际生活中灵敏,精确运用此类句型,正确争辩天气; 课件 CD 教与学预设 教学重构 (师生活动) 修改看法 前置性作业 一 自学本模块单词, 能够达到熟读,会认知的程度; 二 熟读课文,能够明白文章大意; 自己搜三 集天气的单词,课堂呈现给大家; 1 / 4 第 1 页,共 4 页教学过程 课前 3 分钟内容: 并分组给分, 全班同学分小组朗读本课单词和课文, 评出等级,并赐予各组相应分数; Step 1 Warmer

3、: 1 ,Say “ hello ” to each other. 2 ,Sing “A B C ” song. 3, Do some actions “clap your handsStep your feetsmile. ” Step 2 Have the new lesson 1 ,Show the topic “What s the weather like. ” Let the stusents read and ask the meaning of “weather ” 2 , Look the picture 课件出示 carefully and learn the word “

4、sunny ” T: Spring is coming, the sun is shining. We fell very comfortable. We can go out for a walk or climbing the hills. We call it “ sunny ” S: Read after the teather. 单个读 领读齐读分组读 T: Ask “What s the weather like. ” S: Answer “It s sunny. ” 3 ,Practice in pairs. 4 ,Look the picture 课件出示 carefully

5、. 2 / 4 第 2 页,共 4 页T: After spring,it comes summer. weather like. ” “What s the S: Answer “It s hot. ”男女生分读互问 T: Do you want some wind. Please listen carefully. What s sound. 5 , Show the picture 课件出示 Let s the students look the picture carefully .raining T: Please tell me “What s the weather like.

6、” S: 下雨 . T: Yes, raining.read it. S: Read it. Boys and girls ask each other. “ What s the weather like. ”“It s raining.” 6 , Show the picture 课件出示 Let s the students look the picture carefully .cold T: Please tell me “What s the weather like. ” S: It s cold. 7 , Show the picture 课件出示 Let s the students look the picture carefully .snowing Step 3 Learn the poem. T: This poem is very popular in England. It is known by almost British children. Now let s learn it 3 / 4 第 3 页,共 4 页together. Read the poem for 3 times. Step 4 Dismiss the class by saying “Good-bye ”. The expected response i


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