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1、Module 3My school精讲导学 巧练激活【导语】“骐骥一跃, 不能十步; 驽马十驾, 功在不舍。”成功没有秘诀, 贵在坚持不懈。Birds Learn to Nest Among all the birds, the nest of the phoenix(凤凰)is the most beautiful and the most solid. Many birds come to learn how to nest. But the eagle(老鹰)hears only a few words, he thinks he has learnt how to nest. Next

2、, the crow(乌鸦)and the tit(山雀). . . fly away one after another. They all think they have learnt the skills of nesting from the phoenix and leave in a hurry to build nests. Only the swallow(燕子)listens to the phoenix patiently, so it can build the most solid and warmest nest. 【词海拾贝】nest鸟巢; 筑巢 among在之中s

3、olid结实的 fly away飞走one after another相继地; 依次地 skill技巧; 技能leave离开 in a hurry匆匆忙忙地百鸟学艺在所有的鸟中, 凤凰的窝搭得最好看、最结实, 许多鸟都来学习建巢。可是老鹰刚听了几句话, 就认为学会了, 飞走了。接着, 乌鸦, 山雀也相继飞走了。它们都认为自己已经学会了凤凰的本领, 急急忙忙去建巢了。只有燕子耐心地听完了凤凰的话, 所以它建的巢最牢固最暖和。【我的感悟】As long as we consult with an open mind and perseverance, we will be successful.

4、(我们只要虚心请教并持之以恒, 就可以取得成功。)语言目标描述学校概况Unit 1单词computer电脑 furniture家具(总称) television电视; 电视机 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十sixty六十 seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十really真正地; 非常, 很any任何一个; 一些短语a lot of大量; 许多 at the front of在的前面a map of一张的地图句型(1)Whats your classroom in England like? (2)There are thirty students in my

5、 class. (3)How many students are there in your class in Beijing? (4)Is there a lot of furniture? Yes, there is. (5)There arent any pictures on our walls. Unit 2单词gate大门 library图书馆 office办公室 playground操场 science科学; 科学课behind在后面 near靠近; 接近 room房间; 屋子短语in front of在前面 on the right/left在右边/左边 classroom b

6、uilding教学楼 dining hall饭厅; 饭堂 in the middle of在中间 between . . . and . . . 在和之间句型(1)Between this building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms. (2)Where are the computer rooms and science labs? Unit 3单词age年龄 most大多数的leave离开 before在以前短语primary school小学secondary scho

7、ol中等学校. . . years old岁句型(1)Children must go to school when they are 5 or 6 years old. (2)They cant leave school before they are 16 years old. 语法there be句型的用法Module 3My schoolUnit 1. 选词配图television, computer, tree, furniture, picture答案: 1. tree2. television3. picture4. computer5. furniture. 短语互译1. 一张

8、的地图 a_2. 在我们的教室里 _our classroom3. a lot of _4. on the classroom walls _5. at the front of _答案: 1. map of2. in3. 许多4. 在教室的墙上5. 在的前面. 句型填词1. 你在英国的教室什么样? _your classroom in England_? 2. 在北京你们班里有多少学生? _ _ students _ _ in your class in Beijing? 3. 你们教室里有什么? _ _ your classroom? 答案: 1. Whats; like2. How ma

9、ny; are there3. Whats in4. 在教室的墙上有一些图片吗? _there _ pictures on the classroom walls? 是的, 有。Yes, _ _. 5. 我们的墙上没有图片。There _ _ pictures on our walls. 答案: 4. Are; any; there are5. arent any/are no1. Are there computers on everyones desk? 2. There arent any pictures on our walls. _答案: There be句型的否定句句式: The

10、re + be + not +其他. There be句型的一般疑问句句式: Be + there +其他? 1. any adj. 任何一个; 一些pron. 任何一个; 一些【语境领悟】*Oh, are there any pictures on the classroom walls? 噢, 在教室的墙上有一些图片吗? *There arent any maps on the walls. 墙上没有地图。*You may take any of them. 这些东西, 你随便拿哪个都行。【自主归纳】(1)any用作形容词, 意为“一些; 任何一个”, 后面接名词, 常用于疑问句和否定句中

11、。(2)any还可作代词, 意为“任何一个; 一些”, 也可用于肯定句中, 起强调作用。【学以致用】在公园里有些花吗? Are there _ _ in the garden? 答案: any flowers2. a lot of大量; 许多【语境领悟】*Is there a lot of furniture? 有许多家具吗? *There are lots of people in the park. 公园里有许多人。【自主归纳】a lot of意为“大量; 许多”, 既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词, 相当于lots of, 也可用many或much来代替。例如: a lot of

12、flowers, a lot of time。【归纳拓展】 a lot的用法很多名词短语, 在句中作主语、宾语或表语。例如: There is a lot to see in the garden. 花园里有许多可观赏的东西。很; 非常副词短语, 在句中作程度状语, 修饰动词或形容词。相当于very或very much。例如: Thanks a lot! = Thanks very much! 多谢! 【学以致用】There is much water in the bottle. (改为同义句)There is_ _ _water in the bottle. Lots of childre

13、n like swimming very much in summer. (改为同义句)_children like swimming_ _in summer. 答案: a lot ofMany; a lot3. on the walls在墙上【语境领悟】*Are there any pictures on the classroom walls? 在教室的墙上有一些图片吗? *There are two windows in the wall. 这面墙上有两扇窗。*There is a hole in the wall of my bedroom. 在我卧室的墙上有个洞。【自主归纳】“在墙上

14、”的不同表达on the wall(s)指地图、画像等悬挂、张贴于墙上。强调外物挂在墙上。例如: a photo on the wall墙上的一张照片in the wall(s)指窗户、门、钉子、洞孔等镶嵌入墙内【学以致用】What are you doing, Tim? Im putting up(张贴)a picture _ the front wall. A. inB. atC. onD. over4. Whats your classroom in England like? 你在英国的教室什么样? 【句型剖析】句型“What+be+某人/某物like? ”意为“某人/某物是什么样子的

15、? ”, 常用来询问人的品质、个性或物的外观等。【妙辨异同】Whats. . . like? 侧重指人的“内在气质”, 如品质、个性、品行等方面。例如: Whats your brother like? 你弟弟是个什么样的人? He is funny and clever. 他既风趣又聪明。What do/does. . . look like? 侧重指人的外貌特征, 如高、矮、胖、瘦、漂亮等。例如: What does your brother look like? 你弟弟长什么样? He is tall and strong. 他又高又壮。【学以致用】What _ your room_,

16、Daming? Its small but very beautiful. A. does; like B. is; likeC. do; like D. are; like【授课备选】补充练习安娜, 你妹妹长什么样子? Anna, _does your sister _ _? 答案: what; look like. 单项选择1. Is there a lot of _ in the library? Yes, there are some bookcases(书橱). A. pictures B. maps C. furniture D. books2. Are there two pic

17、tures in the classroom? _A. Yes, there is. B. No, they arent. C. No, there isnt. D. No, there arent. 3. Are there _ basketballs in your classroom? Yes, there are. A. any B. much C. some D. no4. There _ 20 classes in this school. And each(每一)class has _ students. A. have; forty B. are; fortyC. be; fo

18、rty D. are; fourty5. The teachers desk is _ the front of the classroom. A. on B. at C. about D. to. 完成句子1. 我的房间里有三把新椅子。_ _three new chairs in my room. 2. 在我们教室的墙上有一张中国地图。There is a map of China_ _ _of our classroom. 3. 贝蒂和露西星期六有许多作业要做。Betty and Lucy have_ _ _homework to do on Saturday. 答案: 1. There

19、are2. on the wall3. a lot of4. 你们学校有多少女教师? _ _women teachers _ there in your school? 5. 你的新外套是什么样子? _ your new coat _? 答案: 4. How many; are5. Whats; likeModule 3My schoolUnit 2 . 选词配图office, playground, lab, dining hall, library, gate答案: 1. lab2. library3. playground答案: 4. gate 5. dining hall6. offi

20、ce. 短语互译1. 在左边 _ _left2. 在的中间 in the_ _3. a science building_4. in front of _5. on the right of _答案: 1. on the2. middle of3. 一栋科学实验楼4. 在前面5. 在的右边. 句型填词1. 我们学校有六栋建筑。_ _ six buildings in our school. 2. 在这座建筑物和餐厅之间是有着24间教室的教学楼。_this building _ the dining hall is the classroom building _ twenty-four cla

21、ssrooms. 3. 在学校有多少建筑物? _ _buildings are there in the school? 答案: 1. There are2. Between; and; with3. How many4. 图书室里有什么? _in the library? 5. 电脑机房和科学实验室在哪里? _ _ the computer rooms and science labs? 答案: 4. Whats5. Where areThere are many books, maps and computers in the library. (对画线部分提问)What are in t

22、he library? _答案: What be+介词短语? 1. behind prep. 在后面【语境领悟】*Lingling is behind Zhao Feng. 玲玲在赵峰的后面。*I can come after 6: 00. 我可以六点以后来。【自主归纳】behind与after的区别behindbehind作介词, 意为“在后面”, 与in front of相对, 后跟名词或代词构成介宾结构。多表示位置“在后面”, 指在某一地点的后面。例如: There is a tree behind the house. 房子后面有一棵树。after表示时间“在以后”, 指在某个时间之后

23、。例如: I go home after 4 oclock every day. 我每天四点以后回家。【学以致用】汤姆正站在我的后面。Tom is standing _ _. Our classroom is behind the gym. (改为同义句)The gym is _ _ _ our classroom. 答案: behind mein front of【授课备选】补充练习托尼十点以后睡觉。Tony goes to bed_10: 00. 答案: after2. with prep. 与在一起; 和; 具有(品质、特征)【语境领悟】*Between this building an

24、d the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms. 在这座建筑物和餐厅之间是有着24间教室的教学楼。*She always talks to others with a smile on her face. 她总是面带笑容和别人讲话。【自主归纳】(1)with为介词, 意为“带有; 具有”, with twenty-four classrooms是介词短语作后置定语。(2)with引导的介词短语还可以作状语, 表示伴随状态。【妙辨异同】with与and的区别with介词“和”作主语时, 句中谓语动词的

25、形式根据with前的单词或短语确定。例如: Jack with his parents is in China. 杰克和他的父母在中国。and连词“和, 与”连接的词是并列成分, 句中谓语动词的形式为复数形式。例如: He and I are in Class 1. 他和我在一班。【学以致用】格林先生有一栋带花园的房子。Mr. Green has a house_ _ _. 答案: with a garden【授课备选】补充练习用be动词的适当形式填空Jack and his father_at home now. Jack, with his father, _at home now. 答案

26、: areis3. for prep. 为; 为了【语境领悟】*The building in front of that is for science. 在那前面的那座建筑是用于科学课的。*Here is a letter for you. 这是你的信。*I am sorry for coming late. 对不起, 我迟到了。【自主归纳】for为介词, 意为“为; 为了”, 表示某一目的, 后接名词、代词或动名词等。【归纳拓展】 for的其他用法【学以致用】琳达, 这是给你的礼物。Linda, this is a gift_ _. 答案: for you. 介词填空under, in,

27、on, behind, withThis is Sallys bedroom. Theres a bed, a table, a chair, a desk and some other(其他的)things 1 the room. There is a bag 2 some books and a computer 3 the desk. The chair is 4 the door. A ball is 5 the bed. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _答案: 1. in2. with3. on4. behind5. under. 完成句子1. 杰克正坐在教室的中间。Jack

28、 is sitting _ _ _ _ the classroom. 2. 我家左侧有一个公园。There is a park _ _ _ _ my house. 3. 老师经常站在我前面。The teacher often stands _ _ _ me. 答案: 1. in the middle of2. on the left of3. in front of4. 图书馆在科学实验楼和教学楼之间吗? Is the library _ the science building _ the classroom building? 5. 老师们的办公室在哪? _ _ the teacherso

29、ffices? 答案: 4. between; and5. Where areModule 3My schoolUnit 3before conj. 在以前【语境领悟】*They cant leave school before they are 16 years old. 他们16岁以前不可以离开学校。*Sam is standing before the door. 山姆正站在门前。*Dick will leave for Nanjing before 8: 00 in the evening. 迪克今晚八点前动身去南京。【自主归纳】(1)before用作连词, 意为“在以前”。后可接从句

30、。(2)before还可以用作介词, 意为“在前”, 后可接名词等, 既可以指时间, 又可以指地点。【学以致用】You must have breakfast(早餐)_you go to school. A. afterB. beforeC. soD. becauseThere be句型【语境领悟】仔细观察例句, 体会There be句型中be动词的形式。There is a computer on the teachers desk. There are thirty students in my class. Is there a map of the world? Are there a

31、ny pictures on the classroom wall? There is a pen and two pencils in my box. There arent any televisions in my classroom. 【知识构建】There be句型1. 2. 用法。 There be句型中, be动词的形式在人称和数上与其后面的主语保持一致: (1)主语是不可数名词或可数名词单数时用is; (2)主语是可数名词复数时用are; (3)有两个或两个以上的主语时, 动词应与邻近的一个保持一致, 即遵循就近原则。3. 句式。(1)否定句: There be+not. .

32、. (2)一般疑问句: Be+there+. . . (3)There be句型的特殊疑问句有以下三种形式: 对主语提问: 当主语是人时, 用“Whos+介词短语? ”; 当主语是物时, 用“Whats+介词短语? ”; 对地点状语提问: 用“Where is/are+主语? ”; 对数量提问: 如果主语是可数名词, 无论是单数还是复数, 都用“How many+可数名词复数+are there+介词短语? ”; 如果主语是不可数名词, 则用“How much+不可数名词+is there+介词短语? ”。【温馨提示】there be表示在某地有某物(或人); have(has)表示某人拥有某

33、物。变否定句和一般疑问句时, some要变成any。【巧学助记】 There be句型的口诀 There be有特点, 否定be后not添, 疑问提be there前, 疑否some any换, 单数复数就近选。【学以致用】. 用be动词的适当形式填空1. There _ a bus station in our city. 2. There _ a lot of meat in the fridge. 3. There _ many people in the park. 4. There _ a woman and five children in the room. 5. There _

34、 fifty classrooms in the tall building. 答案: 1. is2. is3. are4. is5. are. 句型转换1. There is an old man in the small house. (改为否定句)_ _an old man in the small house. 2. There are some trees in front of my classroom. (改为否定句)_ _ _trees in front of my classroom. 答案: 1. There isnt2. There arent any3. There i

35、s a watch on my desk. (改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定回答)_ _a watch on your desk? _, _ _. 4. There are some boys on the playground. (改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答)_ _ _boys on the playground? _, _ _. 答案: 3. Is there; Yes; there is4. Are there any; No; there arent5. There is a hospital near the hotel. (对画线部分提问)_ _near the hotel? 6.

36、 There are two eggs in the bowl(碗). (对画线部分提问)_ _eggs are there in the bowl? 答案: 5. What is6. How many根据下图提示以“Our Classroom”为题, 写一篇介绍自己教室的短文。(提示: 教室里有桌子、椅子、黑板、一张中国地图、一张世界地图、电脑等。)AyouBLi MingCWang HongDLiu XiaomaoEZhang LiangFZhao Li【思路点拨】(1)体裁: 说明文。(2)人称: 第一人称、第三人称。(3)时态: 一般现在时。【写作模板】【妙笔成篇】_【佳作鉴赏】Our

37、 ClassroomThis is our classroom. Its very big. There are forty-nine chairs and fifty desks in it. The big desk is for the teacher. Its in the front of our classroom. There is a computer on it. There is a blackboard and two mapsa map of China and a map of the world on the wall. And there are two door

38、s and four windows in the wall. Im in the middle of the classroom and between Li Ming and Wang Hong. Liu Xiaomao is behind me and Zhao Li is in front of me. Zhang Liang is on the right of Liu Xiaomao. We like our classroom. . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. There _ (be) some hot water in the glass. 2. The tall _ (bui

39、ld) at Green School are very beautiful. 3. There _ (be not) any birds in the tree. 4. I _ (real) want to know his name. 5. Jim is 5 _ (year) old and he must go to school this term. 答案: 1. is2. buildings3. arent4. really5. years. 句型转换1. My bag is on the desk. (对画线部分提问)_ _bag? 2. There are some office

40、s in the school building. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _offices in the school building? 3. There are 200 teachers in our school. (对画线部分提问)_ _teachers are there in your school? 答案: 1. Wheres your2. Are there any3. How many4. Is there a computer in your room? (作否定回答)No, _ _. 5. There isnt a map on the wall. (改为复数形式)T

41、here _ _ maps on the wall. 答案: 4. there isnt5. arent any模块复习课Module 3. 词汇速记1. 计算机; 电脑(n. ) _2. 图片; 照片(n. ) _3. 五十(num. ) _4. 任何一个; 一些(adj. &pron. ) _5. 图书馆(n. ) _6. 办公室(n. ) _答案: 1. computer2. picture3. fifty4. any5. library6. office7. build(v. ) _(n. )建筑物8. real(adj. )_(adv. )真正地; 非常, 很9. TV(n. )_(

42、完全形式)电视10. lab(n. )_(完全形式)实验室答案: 7. building8. really9. television10. laboratory. 短语互译1. 在与之间 _. . . and. . . 2. 在中间 in the _ of3. 在左边 _the _ of4. 在(外部的)前面 _ _of5. a lot of _6. a map of the world _7. on the wall _答案: 1. between2. middle3. on; left4. in front5. 许多6. 一张世界地图7. 在墙上. 句型攻关1. 托尼, 你的房间是什么样子

43、的? Tony, _ _ your room _? 2. 公园里有多少人? _ _people are there in the park? 大约50个。_ _about fifty. 答案: 1. what is; like2. How many; There are3. 你家有很多家具吗? _ _ much furniture in your home? 是的, 有。_, _ _. 4. 课桌上没有书本了。_ _ _books on the desk. 答案: 3. Is there; Yes; there is4. There arent any5. 图书馆在哪里? _ the library? 在实验室后面。Its _ the labs. 答案: Wheres; behind6. 桌子上有什么? _on the desk? 有一台电脑和一些书。_ _ a computer and some books. 7. 当我们在阅览室的时候, 不可以大声说话。We _ talk loudly _ were in the library. 答案: 6. Whats; There is7. cant; when. 语法专练()用be动词的适当形式填空。1. There _ a lot of beef on the plate.


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