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1、集装箱码头课程设计集装箱港口泊位配置的统计仿真姓名 邱晨学号200710311105专业航运管理072上海海事大学二。一。年六月摘要随着全球经济的快速增长以及国际航运市场的持续发展,集装箱运输量增长十分迅速, 集装箱船舶也出现了大型化趋势。不断增长的集装箱运输量的需求和船舶对提高集装箱码头 服务水平的要求,迫使港11管理者纷纷采取各种措施。其中之一是对现有泊位资源进行优化 配置,即通过对到港船舶分配合理的停靠泊位、选择合适的靠泊顺序,使在一定时间内所有 到港船舶的总成本最小,以提高港1营运效率,从而吸引较多船舶挂靠。基于泊位资源关系到整个集装箱港11的作业效率,本文用排队论的理论和方法分析和研

2、 究了港II系统的运行机制,建立了系统的统计仿真模型,提出一种确定港II最佳泊位数量的 计算方法。本文运用软件WINQSB对泊位数量的确定进行对比分析,得出集装箱港I I码头最佳泊位 数量。关键字:集装箱码头,泊位数,优化,排队论,winQSB引言集装箱港11是资本密集型的经济实体,要使港11作业高效而经济地运行,集装箱港11作 业资源的优化配置关系到港11的运作效率及其竞争力。而集装箱港11泊位数作为衡量一个港 11规模、决定港11货物吞叶量的一个重要指标,在港11整个作业的流程中起着相当重要的作 用。本文将以集装箱港11泊位为研究对象,通过排队论对港11泊位数量进行确定以及使到港 船舶的总

3、成本最小。近年来有硕士论文集装箱码头泊位资源优化配置研究1基于整数编码的遗传算法建立 了以所有船舶总在港成本最小为目标的泊位资源优化配置模型。集装箱码头泊位生产运作优 化模型?运用数学分析的方法构建了描述集装箱码头泊位生产运作的非线性整数优化模型。那么,对于一个港II来说,什么样的泊位数量才是最合理的呢?一般来,最为理想的情 况是港II的全部泊位始终被使用,而所有到港船舶不需等待靠泊便直接进港装卸货物,此时, 泊位的利用率达到最高。但是,在实际问题中,由于船舶到港的随机性以及船型大小(如吨 位)和装卸货物的多样性,再加上其它一些不可预测的因素的影响,理想的状态是永远也达 不到的。显然,港II泊

4、位数越多,则到港船舶排队等待靠泊的机会就越少。反之,港II泊位 数越少,则到港船舶排队等待棠泊的机会就越多。本文对泊位数量与船舶成本最小化进行统计仿真。一方面,港II泊位数越多,则港II建 设费用以及港II管理费用就越大,并且建设过多的泊位甚至会造成巨大的浪费。另一个方面, 如果泊位数太少,将导致到港船舶等待靠泊时排队过长,造成船舶和货物的大量积压,这同 样会给港I】带来经济损失。总之,港I】最优泊位数的确定具有实际的意义。1问题描述港11的生产和经营构成了一个复杂的动态系统,而其中船舶的到港及其到港后所进行的 装卸货物等活动则可以说是构成了一个港II系统运行的主要过程,泊位数量的确定也就至

5、关重要。某地欲兴建一座集装箱港II码头,现要求确定泊位数量,使其满足船舶靠泊的数量要求 又保证码头的运营成本较低。己知单位装卸能力每天平均生产成本为C”船只到港后若不能 及时装卸,停留一天损失运输费a。预计船舶到达的平均速率为港II码头平均服务速率 为小 假设船舶到这的时间间隔服从泊松分布,港11码头装卸服务时间服从负指数分布。(1)问港II只设一个泊位时,船舶进港后的等待概率,以及港II码头在一个营运周期内 的总成本支出?(2)如果港II码头增设一个泊位,并假设增设一个泊位每运营周期维修成本为Cc,船舶 的等待概率及码头的总成本支出怎样变化?(3)如果再增设一个泊位呢?2 I可题解决问题的分

6、析船舶挂靠集装箱港11码头是在航运中最普遍以及最常见的现象。在航运市场好时,通常 会见到船舶在港区等待泊位停靠的状况:反之,当航运市场萧条时,码头泊位则被闲置。本 题要求通过统计仿真分析来实现船舶挂靠数量与泊位数量的合理搭配,确定港11应建设的泊 位数量,以实现港口码头经营的效益。由题目进行分析,得出这类问题属于排队论问题。统计分析的基本假设2.2.1本统计仿真的建立基于以下假设条件:(1) 船舶的进港停靠码头泊位服从泊松分布,旦各船舶单独到来且相互独立。Pn=P(n)=e-入,11=0,1,2,3.其中n是每天到港的船舶数,A是平均每天到港的船舶数,P(n)表示一天内有n艘船 到港的概率。(

7、2)各个泊位的服务质量(安全性能与装卸效率)一样,各船舶对泊位的选择无偏好, 因此认为各队长基本一样。(3)各个泊位的服务时间服从参数为Li的负指数分布,且各泊位的服务速率一样。F(t) = l eP (t0)式中卜是每天服务完毕的船舶数量(单位:艘/天),F(t)表示港II对一艘船的服务时间 为t天的概率。(4)港I I码头泊位实行先到先服务原则,且船舶可自由在队列间进行转移,并总向较短 的队转移,没有船舶会因为队列长而离去,并且总认为排队方式为单一队列等待制。(5)港I I码头泊位在空闲时不产生成本费用。(6)建设泊位的费用不考虑2.2.2为便于优化仿真分析说明引入以下符号:X一一船舶到达

8、码头泊位的平均速率,即单位时间内平均到达的船舶数1/1一一平均到达时间间隔一一平均服务速率,即单位时间内刷卡完毕离去的顾客数1知一一平均服务时间Cs当四=1时港I I码头泊位服务单位时间的费用Cw每艘船在港停留单位时间费用cc个运营周期的泊位设备维修保养费用2.3算例分析(1)假定集装箱码头只有一个泊位,在某一单位时间内(假定以天Day为单位),船舶停靠 该港I I的时间间隔服从泊松分布(假定社6,单位为艘),港I I码头泊位服务时间服从负指数 分布(假定四二8,单位为艘/天),当日二1时港II码头泊位服务单位时间的费用82000 (单位 为万元/天),每艘船在港停留单位时间费用(=1500

9、(单位为万元/天),每个运营周期泊位维 修保养费用为G=5000 (单位为万元/天)。假定一个运营周期为一个季度。将以上己知条件输入软件winQSB:Data DescriptionENTRYNumber of servers1Service time didribution (in day JE xponentialLocation parameter (a)0Scale parameter (b0) (b=mean if a=0)0.125N ot usedService pressure coefficientInteranival time distribution (in dapPo

10、issonMean (u)0.16G6(Not used(Not used)Arrival discourage coefficientBatch (bulk) size distributionConstantConstant value1(Not used)(Not usedQueue capacity (maximum waiting space)1Customer populationMBu$v server cost per dayIdle server cost per dayCustomer waiting cost per day1500Customer being serve

11、d cost per day2000Cost of customer being balkedUnit queue capacity cost5000经过winQSB计算得到如下结果:6-20-2010Performance MeasureResult1System: G/M/1/2From ApproKimation2Customer arrival rate (lambda) per day =6.00243Service rate per server (mu) per day =8.00004Overall system effective arrival rate per day =

12、6.00245Overall system effective service rate per day =6.00246Overall system utilization =75.0300 Z7Average number ol customers in the system (L)=8.64388Average number of customers in the queue (Lq)=7.89359Average number of customers in the queue for a busy system (Lb)=10.520410Average time customer

13、spends in the system (W)=1.4401 days11Average time customer spends in the queue (V/q)=1.3151 days12Average lime customer spends in the queue for a busy system (Wb)=1.7527 days13The probability that all servers are idle (Po)=24.9700 宏14The probability an arriving customer waits (Pw or Pb)=75.0300 %15

14、Average number of customers being balked per day =016Total cost of busy server per day =$017Total cost of idle server per dap =$018Total cost of customer waiting per day =11840.220019Total cost of customer being served per day =$1500.600020Total cost of customer being balked per day =to21Total queue

15、 space cost per day =15000.000022Total system cost per day =$18340.8200图2(2)在其他已知条件不变,增加码头泊位数量至2个时,将数据输入winQSB进行计算:Data DescriptionENTRYNumber of servers2Service time distribution (in day)ExponentialLocation parameter a0Scale parameter (b0) (b=mean if a=0)0.125(N ot usedService pressure coefficientI

16、nteranival time distribution (in day)PoissonMean (u)0.1 G66(N ot used(Not usedArrival discourage coefficientConstantBatch (bulk size distributionConstant value1(N ot used(N ot usedQueue capacily (maximum waiting space)2Customer populationMBusy server cost per dayIdle server cost per deyCustomer wait

17、ing cost per day1500Customer being served cost per day2000Cost of customer being balkedUnit queue capacity cost500006-20-2010Performance MeasureResult1System: G/M/2/4From Approximation2Customer arrival rate (lambda) per day =6.00243Service rate per server (mu) per dap =8.00004Overall system effectiv

18、e arrival rate per day =6.00245Overall system effective service rate per day =6.00246Overall system utilization =37.5150 X7Average number of customers in the system (L)=1.18068Average number of customers in the queue (Lq)=0.43039Average number of cu&tomer$ in the queue for a busy &ys:tem (Lb)=2.1021

19、10Average time customer spends in the system W=0.1967 days11Average time customer spends in the queue (Wq)=0.0717 days12Average time customer spends in the queue for a busji astern (Wb)=0.3502 days13The probability that all servers are idle (Po)=45.4387 X14The probability an arriving customer waits

20、(Pw or Pb)=20.4687 Z15Average number of customers being balked per day =016Total cost of busy server per day =$017T otal cosl of idle server per day =$018T otal cost of customer wailing per day =$645.397819Total cost of customer being served per day =$1500.600020Total cost of customer being balked p

21、er d-ay =$021Total queue space cost per day =$10000.000022Total system cost per day =$12146.0000(3 )当码头泊位数增至3个,其他条件仍然不变时,带数据进入winQSB进行计算:Data DescriptionENTRYNumber of servers3Service time distribution (in day)ExponentialLocation parameter (a)0Scale parameter (b0) (b=mean if a=0)0 125(Not used)Servi

22、ce pressure coefficientInter arrival time distribution (in dayPoissonMean u0 1666(Not used)(Not used)Arrival discourage coefficientBatch (bulk) size distributionConstantConstant value1(Not used)(Not used)Queue capacity (maximum waiting space)3Customer populationMBusy server cost per dayIdle server c

23、ost per dayCustomer waiting cost per day1500Customer being served cost per day2000Cost of customer being balkedUnit queue capacity cost50006-20-2010Performance MeasureResult1System: G/M/3Z6From Approximation2Customer arrival rate (lambda) per dap =6.003Service rate per server (mu) per dap =8.0040 ve

24、rall system effective arrival rate per day =6.0050 verall system effective service rate per dayi =6.0060 verall system utilization =25.01 N7Average number of customers in the system (L)=0.808Average number of customers in the queue (Lq)=0.059Average number of customers in the queue for a busy system

25、 (Lb=1.1710Average time customer spends in the system (W)=0.13 days11Average time customer spends in the queue (Wq)=0.01 days12Average time customer spends in the queue for a busy system (Wb)=0.19 das13The probability that all servers are idle (Po)=47.04 %14The probability -an arriving customer wait

26、s (Pw or Pb=4.42 %1516Average number of customers being balked per day = T olaI cost of busy server per day =0$017T olaI cost of idle server per day =$。18T olaI cost of customer waiting per day =177.3519T olaI cost of customer being served per day =$1,500.6020T otal cost of customer being balked per day =$021T otal queue space cost per day =$15,000.0022T otal system cost per day =$16.577.95将三次得出的数据进行分析对比:ValveEffectiveAinval Rate(人艘/天)System UtilizationLLqLbWWqWbPoPvz16 000.758 647 8910.521.441.321.750.250.75c6 000.381.180432. 000 250 800


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