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1、Developme nt of In tegrated Motor Assist Hybrid System:Development of theInsight , a Personal Hybrid CoupeKaoru Aoki, Shigetaka Kuroda, Shigemasa Kajiwara Hiromitsu Sato and Yoshio Yamamoto Ho nda R&D Co.,Ltd. Copyright ?2000 Society of Automotive Engin eers, Inc.Abstract : This paper prese nts the

2、tech ni cal approach used to desig n and develop the powerpla nt for the Honda In sight, a new motor assist hybrid vehicle with an overall developme nt objective of just half the fuel con sumpti on of the curre nt Civic over a wide range of driving conditions. Fuel consumption of 35km/L (Japanese 10

3、-15 mode), and 3.4L/100km (98/69/EC) was realized. To achieve this, a new In tegrated Motor Assist (IMA) hybrid power pla nt system was developed, in corporati ng many new tech no logies for packag ing and integrating the motor assist system and for improving engine thermal efficiency. This was deve

4、loped in comb in ati on with a new lightweight alumi num body with low aerod yn amic resista nee. En vir onmen tal performa nee goals also in cluded the simulta neous achieveme nt of low emissi ons (half the Japa nese year 2000 sta ndards, and half the EU2000 sta ndards), high efficiency, and recycl

5、ability. Full consideration was also given to key consumer attributes, in cludi ng crash safety performa nee, han dli ng, and driv ing performa nee.Keywords: hybrid car, integration of the engine, efficient, environmental protectionINTRODUCTIONTo reduce the automobile impact on society and the envir

6、onment requires that it be in creas in gly clea ner and more en ergy efficie nt. The issues of en ergy con servati on, ambie nt air quality, and reduction in CO2 emissions are increasing raised as global environmental精选范本,供参考!concerns. One soluti on for deali ng with these issues is the hybrid autom

7、obile. Honda has developed and in troduced to several major markets worldwide the In sight, a new gen erati on of vehicle desig n. The In sight comb ines a hybrid power train with adva need body tech no logy features to meet an overall goal of achiev ing the highest fuel economy practical.The hybrid

8、 power train is a motor assist parallel configuration, termed IMA for Integrated Motor Assist . This power train combines a highly efficient electric motor with a new small displacement VTEC engine, a lightweight aluminum body, and improved aerodynamics to realize 3.4L/100km (CO2:80g/km) on 98/69/EC

9、 fuel economy. Low emissions performanee was also targeted with emissi on levels achiev ing the EU2000.In additi on to recapturi ng decelerati on en ergy, the in tegrated motor provides high torque assist duri ng typical urba n driv ing acceleratio ns. This allows a sig nifica nt reduct ion in engin

10、e displacement and higher engine efficiency. Sustained hill climbing performanee and high speed cruisi ng capability are assured by a power-toweight ratio of approximately 56kW per metric ton. New engine tech no logy in cludes the applicati on of a new VTEC (Variable valve Timi ng and valve lift, El

11、ectro nic Con trol) cyli nder head desig n promot ing high efficie ncy and fast catalyst activation, and a new lean NOx catalyst system which promotes lean burn combustio n and a reduct ion in emissi ons. Exte nsive frict ion and weight reduc ing features are also applied.DEVELOPMENT TARGETS AND CON

12、CEPTDevelopme nt was aimed at the achieveme nt of extremely low fuel con sumptio n. We set a target of twice the fuel economy of the curre nt product ion Civic, Honda s represeifuel eco nomy car at 7.0 L/100km (93/116/ EC). As a result, the In sight has the lowest fuel con sumpti on in the world, am

13、ong gasoli ne passe nger cars.Exhaust emission performanee often tends to be sacrificed for the sake of low fuel con sumpti on. However, we also decided to match the low emissi ons performa nee achieved by other mass producti on cars. Con siderati on was also give n to recyclability (ano ther import

14、a nt en vir onmen tal issue), crash safety performa nee, and the basic car characteristics in cludi ng han dli ng and styli ng.Summarizi ng the above, our developme nt targets were as follows:? The best fuel con sumpti on performa nee in the world? Ultra-low exhaust emissi ons? Superior recyclabilit

15、y? The worlds highest level of crash safety performa nee? Adva need styli ng? Practical features and resp on sive han dli ng? Comfortable two-seat con figurati on with pers onal utility spacePOLICIES FOR FUEL CONSUMPTION REDUCTIONIn order to establish the tech ni cal approach for achiev ing the fuel

16、 con sumpti on target, we con ducted a detailed an alysis of the en ergy con sumpti on of the base car, a Civic equipped with a 1.5 liter engine. We found that it was useful to divide the targeted efficiency gains roughly into thirds, as shown in Fig. 1, in order to achieve the low fuel consumption

17、and nu merous other above-me nti oned goals. These divisio ns are as follows.? Improveme nt of the heat efficie ncy of the engine itself? Recovery of brak ing en ergy and employme nt of idle stop using a hybrid power pla nt? Car body tech no logies in cludi ng reduct ion of weight and reduced aerod

18、yn amic and rolli ng resista nee.Power r6grwroli(wiHfo vtaptn制血t dic am|u=Bti4n erfiiciwmrLerkbunnFriction rMiuGtion rfwrpliQn-tYpfl clniylk converterWeight呻曲谄1中nA orodvnafn ic 口Llbw ruling rersisEiincEAW 2X FEMotor assist *. ? r 30%jQQQtAluminum bodyBodytechnoloaies35%Figure 1. Target of double the

19、 fuel economy of CIVICFEAimi ng to establish a ben chmark for 21st cen tury automobile power trai ns, we developed this new Integrated Motor Assist power train. This power train simultaneously achieves both extremely low fuel con sumpti on of 3.4L/100km, and low exhaust gas emissi on performa nee, b

20、efitt ing a n ext-ge nerati on car.This paper reports on the newly developed IMA system, including the lean burn engine, electric motor, power con trol un it, battery tech no logy, and exhaust emissi on con trol tech no logy used in the Honda In sight.AIM OF THE IMA SYSTEMWhile developing this next-

21、generation IMA hybrid system, we incorporated as many curre ntly achievable tech no logies and tech niq ues as possible, in order to achieve the worlds lowest fuel con sumptio n.The followi ng four system developme nt themes were established in order to meet this target.Recovery of deceleration ener

22、gyImprovement of the efficiency of the engineUse of idle stop systemReduct ion of power train size and weightOVERVIEW OF THE IMA SYSTEMSYSTEM CONFIGURATION -As show n in Fig. 2, the IMA system uses the engine as the main power source and an electric motor as an auxiliary power source whe n accelerat

23、i ng. Usi ng a motor as an auxiliary power source simplifies the overall system and makes it possible to use a compact and lightweight motor, battery, and power con trol unit (PCU).LDiir r Kail B-iimXT FC曲卜讪-Figure 2. IMA SystemNi-AOl RntteivLTA perma nent magnet DC brushless motor is located betwee

24、 n the engine and the tran smissi on. Whe n decelerat ing, the rate of decelerati on is calculated for each gear and the PCU con trols the motor to gen erate electricity (recover en ergy), which charges a ni ckel-metal hydride battery. When accelerati ng, the amount of auxiliary power provided (here

25、after called assist) is calculated from the throttle opening, engine parameters,and battery state of charge. The PCU con trols the amount of curre nt flow ing from the battery to the drive motorRECOVERY OF DECELERATION ENERGY - Recoveri ng decelerati on en ergy through regeneration makes it possible

26、 to supplement the engine output during acceleration and reduce the amount of fuel consumed. In particular, minimizing the engine displaceme nt is an effective means of reduc ing fricti on. Engine displaceme nt reducti on also has several other ben efits, such as weight reducti on and in creased the

27、rmal efficie ncy. The IMA system effectively in creases the amount of rege nerati on duri ng decelerati on by optimizing the engine and transmission specifications.REDUCTION OF ENGINE DISPLACEMENT -Reduci ng en gi ne displaceme nt is a very important factor in improving fuel economy of a hybrid driv

28、e train. However, modern automobiles have to perform over a wide dynamic range. Reducing the displaceme nt is equivale nt to loweri ng the basic performa nee characteristics of the car. As show n in the output characteristics graph in Fig. 3, the IMA system assists the engine in the low rpm range by

29、 utilizi ng the hightorque performa nee characteristic of electric motors. Themotor can inerease overall toruque by over 50% in the lower rpm range used in normal driv ing. Output in the high rpm range is in creased by using a Variable valve Timing and valve lift Electronic Control (VTEC) engine. Th

30、us sufficient peak power is assuredand makes it possible to use a n ew, small displaceme nt 1.0 liter engine.8 0 Q o o & _Q o & 感 o 6 4 2 1 JI 1 JI JI(EN) dnFolaIOOO 200(5 SDCO 4000 少 00 ecanEngine speed (rprn)呂oFigure 3.E ngi ne speed (rpm) Output performa nee of IMA SYSTEMAssist from the electric

31、motor while aeeelerat ing is a very effieie nt means of redue ing the amount of fuel con sumed.5.4 ACHIEVING LEAN BURN ENGINE OPERATION -Assist fromthe eleetrie motor, based upon the throttle opening, ereates quite linear torque eharaeteristies. This, in turn, improves driveability. In addition, motor assist is also provided under moderate load eonditions to broaden the lean-burn operating r


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