1、Removable Partial DentureModel designing 模型设计魏 斌What Is the Model Designing ?Clinical steps (complaint, history,examination)Laboratory steps -Model designingSystem DesignFor Dentures复习义齿修复的全过程了解”模型设计”的所处的位置及重要性ProcedureStudy castSurveyor1. Surveying2. To choose the insert-path3. Final designing模型观测选
2、择就位道义齿的最后设计研究模观测仪1. surveyingWith the help of the surveyorObservation,measurement and markingAccording to it, to choose The path of insertion its the aim of the surveyingSurveying rodcast working plateSurveyorAnalysing rodGraphite markerUndercut gaugeTrimming knifeSurveying rod Several kinds of rods
3、Analysing rod1. To find and identify the undercut (倒凹) 2. To determine the parallelism of the surfacesGraphite markerTo identify and markthe position of maximum convexitySURVEY LINE (观测线)review?ChangeableUndercut and non-undercutUndercut gauge (倒凹计)1. To measure the extent of horizontal undercut2. A
4、djusting the vertical position of the gauge until the head contact the surface of the teeth 3. Following sizes are available : 0.25, 0.5,0.75(mm)position of The retentive clasp type and material of the clasp 0.75trimming knifeTo eliminate unwanted undercuts wax is added The excess is removed A dupli
5、cate cast is made2. Path of Insertion Why should we choose the Path of Insertion? How to choose the Path of Insertion? Why should we choose the Path of Insertion? AppearanceInterferenceRetentionAppearanceInsert verticallyInsert forwardInterferenceInsert verticallyInsert forwardRetentionPath of inser
6、tion (1)Path of displacement(2)Path of withdraw (3) The angleOcclusal plane3 How to choose the Path of Insertion?Working plate To tilt the working plate and castChange the angle between the analysing rod and the occlusal planeRelationship between the rod and castRod= the path of insertionAppearanceE
7、xample 1?Tiled casts前倾后倾左侧倾斜右侧倾斜前后左右Example 2Average 将缺牙区前后基牙邻面的倒凹或左右两侧基牙舌侧的倒凹进行平均分配。适用于基牙倾斜扭转,倒凹明显者。使用均凹法后可避免一侧倒凹过大,方便义齿就位。角平分线Example 3调凹法: 是根据义齿固位的需要,有意识地将模型向近远中或左右向倾斜,使倒凹集中在某一侧以增强固位。适用于基牙倒凹不大,无明显倾斜移位者。Example 43. Final surveyDifferent survey lineDifferent clasp design (include the kind,position,
8、and etc.)3.最后设计(final survey) 根据模型设计,结合临床检查,确定就位道方向.根据所确定的就位道画出基牙观测线.确定使用的固位体类型及安放的位置.确定间接固位体、大小连接体、支架的位置及基托伸展的范围。填倒凹设计方案确定后,即可明确基牙和软组织倒凹的位置和大小。目的:方便义齿的取戴,同时避免过大的缝隙。方法:人造石填补,运用带刃的观测杆修整石膏。 确定颌位关系及上合架 颌位记录的三种方法P235 颌位记录的方法颌位记录(recording jaw relationship)目的:将上下颌间正确的咬合关系转移到合架上,为义齿制作提供依据,具有非常重要的作用。 方法 余留牙确定法蜡合记录法合堤记录法1.余留牙确定法适用:缺牙少,上下颌模型对合好临床操作6 缺失右侧位左侧位2.蜡合记录法适用:口腔内有咬合关系,而模型上咬合关系不稳定(余留牙体磨耗、缺损、倾斜、移位,造成上下颌牙对应锁结关系不明显 )蜡合(2-3层蜡片,宽约1cm)临床操作3. 合堤记录法 最常用的测合方法适用:模型上咬合不稳定,或丧失正确咬合 关系患者. a 多数牙缺失,仅有个别牙上下对应 b 末端游离缺失,大部分前牙缺失 c 上下颌无对应牙或单颌缺失 d 错误的咬合关系,如偏颌、垂直距离降低 (磨耗、后牙缺失)合堤(occl
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