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1、Chapter L/C Establishment, Extension and AmendmentLesson Fourteen(A)Urging Establishment of L/C【Teaching Contents】In writing a letter urging an L/C, we should do it clearly, concisely and politely. What is more, we should give the reason why we should do so in order to convince the buyer to accept o

2、ur request and act accordingly. This is a letter from the sellers. In the letter the sellers remind the buyers that the time of shipment is approaching, but they have not yet received the relative L/C. Therefore the sellers ask the buyers to open the L/C immediately so that they can make the shipmen

3、t as stipulated. (B) A Reply【Teaching type】Theory teaching, discussion, practice【Key Words & Expressions】urging establishment of L/C expedite in accordance with expire for an amount of brisk stress affect in advance【Time Arrangement】Step 1: Lean-in (20m)Step 2: Details of the letter (1h)Step 3:

4、Revision (5m)Step 4: Homework (5m)【Teaching Methods】Instruction, discussion, practice【Teaching Resources】Multi-media【Teaching Procedures】Step 1: Lead-in1. Give the brief introduction of the L/C to the students and make sure they can understand the mainpoints of the L/C in the international trade.2.

5、Focus on the brief introduction of the urging establishment of L/C.【Brief introduction】 Urging the customer into establishing an L/C:When a contract is concluded, the buyer is usually under the obligation to establish an L/C with his bank within the time limit stipulated in the sales contract. Espec

6、ially for bulk sale or the commodities produced according to buyers request, it is very important for the buyer to open the L/C in time; otherwise, the seller cant arrange the production and commodities.Normally, the buyers L/C should reach the seller 15 days (or 30 days) before shipment. But in pra

7、ctice, foreign customers always delay opening the L/C when the market condition changes or the shortage of fund arises. So we should always keep an eye on it. To promote the business, we should urge the other side to open the L/C under the following conditions:(1) the contract stipulates a relativel

8、y long shipment(as for 3 months), and the buyer should open the L/C several days before the shipment(as for 15 days). Then we should inform buyer the estimated shipment and urge him into opening the relative L/C on time.(2) if we can advance the shipment, we may negotiate with the buyer and request

9、advancing opening the L/C.(3) if the buyer fails to open the relative L/C on time , the seller owns the right to claim compensation for damages.(4) although it is not the deadline, but if we find that the customers credit is not fine or the market condition is changing, we also may urge the buyer in

10、to opening the L/C. 催证在信用证方式下,买方按约定的时间开证是卖方履行合同的前提条件。在正常情况下,买方信用证最少应在货物装运期前15天(有时规定30天)开到卖方手中。但在实际业务中,买方往往拖延开证.因此,卖方在以下几种情况下,应及时催促买方开证:(1)、合同规定装运期限较长(如三个月),同时规定买方应在我方装运期前一定期限(如15天)内开证,那么我们应在通知对方预计装运期时,同时催促对方按约定时间开证。(2)、如果根据我方备货和船舶情况,有可能提前装运时,也可与对方商量,要求其提前开证。(3)、买方未在销售合同规定期限内开立信用证,卖方可催促买方开证。经催促后买方仍不开

11、证的,卖方有权向对方要求损害赔偿。(4)、开证期限未到,但发现客户资信不佳,或市场情况有变,也可催促对方开证。Step 2: Details of the letterGive a brief introduction of the establishment of L/C to the students. Ask the students to read the whole letter first and let them get the general idea of it. Then explain it in details.ILanguage Points1. urge: vt.

12、催促,劝说e.g. Recently they have been urging us for execution of their order for 3000 gross pencils.最近他们一直在催促我们履行有关三千罗铅笔的订单。(1罗12打)1Your are urged to give an early reply to our enquiry for groundnuts.请早日答复我们有关花生的询盘。As requested, we have urged the manufacturers to get the goods ready so that we may make

13、delivery by the end of the month.2. establish: vt. 开立;建立;确立;开设 establish/open/issue an L/C 开立信用证e.g. We hope to establish mutually beneficial business relations with all prospective customers.我们希望与所有潜在的客户建立互利的贸易关系。Our brand has already established itself firmly in public favor.我们的品牌已在公众中确立了信誉。We are

14、 glad to inform you that we have established a branch office in London.欣然告知你方我们已在伦敦开设了一家分公司。 establishment : n. 开立;建立e.g. We are arranging for the establishment of the relative L/C with the bank at this end.我们正安排此地银行开立有关信用证。We take this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade rela

15、tions with you.我们借此机会与你们联系,希望与你们建立贸易关系。3. L/C = letter of credit : 信用证 sight L/C 即期信用证 time / usance / term L/C 远期信用证 confirmed L/C 保兑信用证 irrevocable L/C 不可撤销的信用证 documentary L/C 跟单信用证 transferable and divisible L/C 可转让与可分割的信用证 to open / establish / issue an L/C 开证 to amend an L/C 改证 to extend an L/

16、C 展证 e.g. As the goods under your Order No.101 have been ready for shipment, we hope you will open theletter of credit as soon as possible.因101号订单项下货物已备妥待运,请尽快开证。4. expedite:vt. 加速e.g. We will appreciate it if you will expedite your offer.如能尽快报盘,则不胜感激。5. in accordance with: 与相一致;按照,根据 in exact/full

17、accordance with 与完全一致 in strict/precise accordance with 与严格一致e.g. The quality of the goods must be in strict accordance with that of the sample.货物的质量必须与样品质量严格一致。In accordance with faxes exchanged, we are glad to have purchased from you 100 dozen cotton bed-sheets.根据往来电传,很高兴向你方购买了100打棉质床单。6. at an ea

18、rly date: 早日,尽早e.g. Kindly let us have your specific enquiry at an early date.请尽早寄来你们的具体询盘。We would like you to quote us at an early date, stating individual price of each model.请尽早报盘,并说明每种型号的具体价格。27. draw ones attention to: 提醒某人注意 draw / invite / call / direct / attract ones attention to + noun. dr

19、aw sbs attention to + the fact + the clausee.g. We wish to call your attention to the fact that as we are badly in need of the goods, please expedite shipment as much as possible.Your attention is drawn to the fact that as the expiry date is coming near, please expedite the shipment, under advice to

20、 us.8. expire: v. (指某事经过一段时间)期满,到期;终止e.g. The trade agreement between the two countries will expire next year.两国的贸易协议将在明年到期。 expiry / expiration : n. 终止;期满,届期e.g. What is the expiry date on your library book?你从图书馆借的那本书什么时候到期?The President can be elected again at/on the expiration of his first four y

21、ears in office.总统第一任四年任期届满后可重新当选.The goods under our Order No.123 must arrive before the expiration of our import licence.9. in ones favor: 以为受益人e.g. We have opened an irrevocable L/C in your favor a week ago.我们已于一周前开给你方一份不可撤销的信用证。10. for an amount of : 总金额计e.g. We thank you for your L/C No. 123 for

22、 the amount of $3,621 to cover your order for Sewing Machines.感谢你方开来的购买缝纫机的123号信用证,总金额计3621美元。11. the Chase Manhattan Bank, Inc. : 美国大通银行12. brisk: adj. 活跃的,兴旺的e.g. Fashions are in brisk demand in our market.我处市场对时尚商品有大量需求。The market is brisk.市场繁荣(或行情活跃)。 The market is strengthening ( rising, advanc

23、ing, declining).行情在上涨 / 下跌。 The market is firm (strong, weak, easy, active, stagnant).行情坚挺(疲软, 活跃, 呆滞)。13. stress: v. 着重强调 stress + that clausestress + n.e.g. The sellers stressed the importance of establishing L/C in strict accordance with the stipulations of the contract.The sellers stressed that

24、the establishment of L/C should be in strict accordance with the stipulations of the contract.The Chinese Government stressed the point that the technology introduced from abroad should be truly advanced and appropriate to Chinas needs.中国政府强调,引进的国外技术应该是真正先进和适合中国需要的。 stress: n. 重点e.g. The sellers put

25、 (lay, give) stress on (to) the importance of establishing L/C in strict accordance with the stipulations of the contract.3It is necessary to lay stress on the packing as well as the quality.将重点放在包装上和在质量上是必要的。14. involve: v 牵涉,卷入(接us, you, them 等时和“in”连用)e.g. We hope this will not involve you in any

26、 great inconvenience.我们希望这不会给你们造成任何不便。Any change of specifications would involve us in a great deal of trouble.规格的任何变更都将给我们带来很多麻烦。15. affect: v. 影响e.g. The important decision will affect the companys future.这一重要的决定将影响公司的未来。16. in advance: 预先e.g. thank you in advance 预致谢意II. Chinese version of the le

27、tter:(A)敬启者:兹提及贵公司第465号订单即5000打维瓦牛仔裤的事宜。请注意交货日期将至,但我方尚未收到相关信用证。若能速开信用证以使我方能按时装运货物,将不胜感激。为免再有延误,务请开立的信用证条款与合同条款完全一致。盼早复。谨 启(B)敬启者:请注意我公司第465号订单订购5000打维瓦牌牛仔裤事宜。我们已于4月9日由旧金山的美国大通银行开出了以你方为受益人的一份不可撤销的保兑的信用证,金额为250,000美元,该证到期日为6月15日。若能尽快装运我们所订货物,以使我们能赶上季节刚开始的旺销需求,将不胜感激。我们必须强调,任何延误都将引起本公司与客户之间的不便,进而影响你我双方今

28、后业务发展。 在此对你方的合作预致谢意。谨 启Step 3: RevisionAfter explaining the whole letter in details, ask the students to go through the letter and keep these important points in their mind. Make sure they can master the key words and phrases appeared in the letter.Step 4: Homework1. Finish the exercises.2. Remember

29、 the new words and important language points.3. Prepare the next lesson.Key to Lesson Fourteen4I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese or vice verse:1. 信用证2. 交货期3. 装船须知4. 牵涉到,卷入5. 与相一致6. in ones favor7. brisk demand8. affect9. for the amount of10. expireII. Fill in each blank with a prop

30、er word or phrase1) to, of, of 2) on, for 3) in/with, to/of4) with, of, in 5) clear, in, otherwiseIII. Translate the following sentences1) a. you would open the L/C at an early date.b. you can expedite the shipment of our order.c. you can issue the L/C at once under advice to us.2) a. any delay in s

31、hipment will cause us economic losses.b. the shipment should be effected within the time limited, any further extension will not be considered. c. the stipulations of the L/C should be in exact accordance with the terms of the S/C.3) 我们已指示银行开给你方不可撤销的保兑的信用证,金额为10,000美元,该证将于12月31日到期。4) 我们已向当局申请进口许可证,很

32、快就将开出以你方为受益人的信用证。5) 相关信用证已由中国银行伦敦分行开出,收到该证请告知。6) In compliance with the stipulations of our S/C No. 321, the relative L/C should reach us before November 15.7) Please note that the stipulations of the L/C should be in exact accordance with the terms of our S/C.8) In order to avoid consequent amendme

33、nts, please pay attention to the following:IV. Cotton Weavers Ltd, has purchased 2,000 pieces of Cotton Print for delivery in December. As thegoods have been ready for shipment for a long time, write a letter to the buyer urging him to establish the covering L/C immediately.Cotton Weavers LtdDear Si

34、rs,We write to inform you that the goods you purchased-2,000 pieces of Cotton Print- have been ready for quite some time. As contracted, the relative L/C covering the above should have reached us before the end of last week. But much to our regret, we have not received any reply up to now even thoug

35、h we sent you a fax two weeks ago pressing for the establishment of the same.To avoid any possible delay in shipment, please see to it that the L/C is opened immediately and the stipulations in it are in exact agreement with the terms of the contract.Your prompt attention to this matter will be appr

36、eciated.5Yours faithfully,Lesson FifteenAsking for Extension of L/C【Teaching Contents】This letter is from the sellers to the buyers. In the letter, the sellers explain the reason for extension of the L/C and ask the buyers to make an amendment to the L/C.【Teaching type】Theory teaching, discussion, p

37、ractice【Key Words & Expressions】extension of L/C stipulate make up unexpected negotiationamendment respectively provide【Time Arrangement】Step 1: Lead-in (15m)Step 2: Details of the letter (50m)Step 3: Revision (5m)Step 4: Exercises & Homework (20m)【Teaching Methods】Instruction, discussion, p

38、ractice【Teaching Resources】Multi-media【Teaching Procedures】Step 1: Lead-in1. Go over the key language points in lesson fourteen.2.Give the brief introduction of L/C.Step 2: Details of the letterGive a brief introduction of extension of L/C to the students. Ask the students to read the whole letter f

39、irst and let them get the general idea of it. Then explain it in details.ILanguage Points1. extension: n. 延长,展期 extension of an L/C: 信用证的展期。每个信用证都规定有装运日期和到期日期,有时卖方未能及时将货物备妥待运,或买方由于这样或那样的理由要求延迟装运,这时卖方将不得不要求买方将信用证中的装运日期和到期日期分别延长,即信用证的展期或信用证的展延。e.g. Extension commission will be for your account.展延手续费将由

40、你方负担。As the steamer is delayed by storm, an extension of 15 days is required.6由于船被大风耽搁,需要延期15天。We have contacted our customer today asking for a two-week extension of the L/C covering Order No. 8982.我们已与客户联系,要求他们将8982号订单的信用证的有效期延长两周。 extend: vt. 延长,使展期;扩展;给予 extendto : 将延长到(日期)e.g. You are requested

41、 to extend the shipment date and the validity of your L/C to the end of Septemberand October 15 respectively.要求你方将信用证的装船日期和有效期分别展延至9月底和10月15日。The L/C expires of November 30th, and we hope you will extend the validity date to December 15th. 该信用证于11月30日期满,我们希望你将其有效期延至12月15日。Please have your letter of

42、credit extended to July 21.请将你信用证展期到七月二十一日。They intend to extend their business to neighboring countries.他们打算将业务扩展到邻近国家。We would extend our invitation to you to attend the Miniature Garments Fair to be held in Hong Kong early next month兹邀请贵方参加下月初在香港举行的服装小交会。 extend sth. to sb. : 向某人致以或给予e.g. We exte

43、nd our thanks to you for your cooperation in this connection.对你方在这一方面的合作致以谢意。They extended a warm welcome to her.他们向她致以热烈欢迎。2. stipulate: v. 规定,约定 as stipulated: 按照规定e.g. He stipulated payment in advance.他规定要预付货款。The commission granted for this transaction is 3% as stipulated in our S/C.按照合同规定这笔交易的佣

44、金是3%。 stipulation: n. 规定的条件,约定的条件;条款e.g. According to the stipulations of our S/C the commission for this transaction is 3%.按照合同规定这笔交易的佣金是3%。In order to avoid subsequent amendment, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.为了避免往后的修改,请务必做到信用证的规定

45、与合同的条款完全一致。It appears that the stipulations in the L/C are not in agreement with the contract.看起来,信用证中的规定与合同的条款不一致。3. owing to = due to 由于e.g. Owing to some delay on the part of our suppliers, we are unable to get the goods ready before the end of this month.由于我方供应商方面的延误,我方在本月底前无法将货物备齐。Owing to our

46、staffs negligence, we are sorry to establish the covering L/C so late.由于我方职员的疏忽,很抱歉这么迟才开立相关信用证4. make up: ph. v. 拼凑成,配齐,弥补 make up an order 备齐订货e.g. We need one more to make up a dozen.7还要一个才够一打。Youre requested to make up the shortage.请你方补齐所缺部分。We will do whatever we can to make up the economic loss

47、es.我们将尽全力弥补经济损失。5. unexpected: adj. 未料到的;意外的e.g. It is our unexpected result to settle the problem through friendly negotiation.通过友好协商解决这个问题是我们始料未及的。We were compelled to suspend our negotiation owing to unexpected incident.这次意外的事件迫使我们中止了谈判。6. negotiation: n. 谈判,磋商;议付e.g. The contract is still under

48、negotiation.这项合同仍在商谈之中。Please amend the credit accordingly to enable negotiation of the draft.请对此信用证做相应修改以使我方能议付汇票。 negotiate: v. 谈判,磋商;议付e.g. We are negotiating with the council to have this road closed to traffic.我们正在与市政局交涉封闭这条道路。 negotiating bank 议付银行 negotiable: adj. 可谈判的;(票据等)可议付的,可转让的,可流通的e.g.

49、 Since this dispute is not negotiable, it is necessary to resort to arbitration.这项争议无法通过谈判解决,需要诉诸仲裁。Unsigned copies of documents are not negotiable.未经签署的单据不能转让。7. respectively: adv. 分别地e.g. We shall discuss the two questions respectively.这两个问题我们将分别讨论。8. provide: vt. 提供;规定e.g. The contract provides t

50、hat the goods be supplied within one month after receiving the relative L/C. 合同规定在收到有关信用证后一个月内交货。We can provide a wide range of exports for you to select.我们可以提供品种繁多的出口商品供你选择。Can the city provide good postal and telecommunication services?这座城市能提供良好的邮电通讯服务吗?II. Chinese version of the letter:敬启者:兹谈及你方关

51、于5000公吨白糖的第TUH4782号信用证。根据信用证规定,全部货物应于5月底前装运。但由于出乎意料的旺盛需求,尽管我们已倾尽全力,仍然很难备齐订货。最早要到6月份才能装船。在此情况下,我们不得不请你方将上述信用证的装船日期和议付日期分别展至6月31日和7月15日。信用证修改请于5月5日前送达。感谢你方合作,对信用证作必要的修改。谨 启8Step 3: RevisionAfter explaining the whole letter in details, ask the students to go through the letter and keep these important

52、points in their mind. Make sure they can master the key words and phrases appeared in the letter.Step 4: Exercises & Homework1. Check the exercises in lesson 14.2. Remember the new words and important language points in lesson 15.3. Finish the exercises.4. Prepare the next lesson.Key to Lesson F

53、ifteenI. Translate the following expressions into Chinese or vice verse:1. 规定,条款 5.under such circumstances2. 弥补,配齐 6. extension of L/C3. 旺盛需求 7. negotiating bank4. 由于 8. respectivelyII. Filling the blanks with appropriate prepositions.1) for, for, by 2) from, to, within, of, for, of 3) to, of, of,

54、of, to4) for, on, before, within 5) Under, for, by, of, ofIII. Put the following sentences into English.1) It is impossible to extend the L/C owing to the problem of Import License.2) As the time of shipment and validity in your L/C are the same, please extend the validity of the L/C for 15 days acc

55、ording to practices.3) Owing to the congestion of the port, please extend the date of shipment and the validity in L/C No. 341 to June 1 and June 15 respectively.4) The S.S. Peace is scheduled to sail for Europe on the 20th this month. We are afraid we shall not be able to catch the steamer because

56、your L/C amendment has not yet arrived.5) The amendment to L/C No. 3325has not yet arrived. Please have it amended by telex so that we can arrange early shipment.IV. Write a reply to the text rejecting the exporters request for L/C extension.Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of April 30 and re

57、gret to say that we are unable to extend the subject L/C.As we told you before, the goods are intended for the coming exhibition. Shipment in June would be too late, which will inevitably cause us heavy losses.You are requested to do your utmost to fulfill the order as contracted. Please act promptly and let us have your reply soonest possible.Yours faithfully,9Lesson SixteenAsking for L/C Amendment (1)【Teaching Contents】This is the letter in which the seller


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