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1、学必求其心得,业必贵于专精four natural disastersa natural disaster isdefined as a natural hazard, which has a negative effect on human beings 。 given below are some of the very important natural disaster。sblizzard (暴风雪)a severe winter storm is known as a blizzar。dstrong winds, heavysnowfall and low temperaturesc

2、haracterizea blizzard. a blizzard that occurred in1888 killed over 400 people in the northeastern states.this blizzard is known great blizzard of 1888.flooda flood is a natural disaster as it is the death of human beings andanimals. crops are destroyed in the flood, which results in increased foodpr

3、ices due to food shortage。s in a flood situation, drinking water becomesscarce because water is pollut。ed due to this, many diseases can spre。adfirefire is terrible especiallyforest fire 。 forest fire is also known aswildfire. it is a natural disaster caused by vaolcanic eruption or by humancareless

4、nes。swildfire can threaten wildlife and the human habitationclose to the fores。tearthquakean earthquake occurs when the tectonic地( 壳构造的) plates thatform the upper crust of the earth collide or slide against each other 。when the tectonic plates collide against each ot,herthe stress is releas。ed it is

5、 true that animals can sense earthquakes before they oc,cur.阅读障碍词 define vt。规定;使明确 vi.下定义characterizevt.描述(人或物 )的特性;具有的特征volcanic eruption火山喷发habitation n居住;住宅 ,家crust n地壳;外壳collide vi.碰撞;相撞;冲突;抵触。match the word with its meaning。1. cemeterya灾难2. strikeb墓地3. wavec袭击4. iolentd 波浪5. occure发生6. buryf埋葬7

6、. furnitureg猛烈的;激烈的8. causeh引起;导致9. experience i 家具10. disasterj经历答案: 15bcdge610fihja。write down the meaning of phrases in each sentence.1. we fail one student per yeaorn average.平均2. if she insists on sleeping on the floor, put down a mattress tomake her more comfortabl。e放下3. the boy was so tired t

7、hat he fell asleep before his mother couldtake off his clothes 脱.掉4. dont worry. ive arranged for a car topick up the guests at the station at 8 o clock。接(某人)5. in english,if new words continue to be used for at least five years they generallyend up in the oxford english dictionary。 结束1. look at the

8、 following pictures and match the pictures with their names。avolcanic eruptionbthunderstormchurricane d floodetornadoflightninggdrought答案:(1) (5)fedcb(6)(7)ga2. match the words with their definition。(1)tornadoaa lot of water in an area which is usually dry (2)hurricaneba very strong wind or storm(3)

9、lightningca lot of rain falling quickly, with loud noises andflashes of light(4)thunderstormd the flash of light which happens during a thunderstorm(5)floodea column of air that turns very quickly答案:(1)(5)ebdca。 fast-readign1. what is the purpose of the passa?gea. to introduce tornadoes and hurrican

10、es and tell an extraordinary story.b. to introduce the worst hurricane of all tim。ec. to introduce the damage the worst tornado cause to the us.d to introduce the similarities between the tornado and the hurricane。答案:a2. read the text quickly and decide the following sentences are true(t) or false (

11、f)(1)all tornadoes have winds of more than 400 kilometres per ho 。urf(2)there are more tornadoes occurring in the us than in other parts of the world.t(3)tornadoes cant destroy furniture because they are not violent enough.f(4)in the us, there are usually about 80 people killed in tornadoes every ye

12、ar.f(5)the worst tornado in history killed at least 700 people.t(6) every year there are six atlantic hurrican。esf(7) both the worst tornado and the worst hurricane occurred in the us。t(8)the worst hurricane of all time killed about one.sixth of the population in the us。f(9)charles coghlan didnt bec

13、ome famous until he moved to newyork。t( 10)coghlans coffinwasdestroyed bythe1900 galvestonhurricane。f .careful rea。dingread the text carefully and choose the best ans。wer1. which of the following descriptions about tornado is not correct?a. it is a kind of rotating column of air 。b. it is usually ca

14、used from a thunderstor。mc. it can reach a speed up to more than 400 kilometers per hour.d it can cause much damageto people, including deaths and injuries.2. how much damage did the worst tornado cause to the us? athe tornado had winds of more than 400 kilometres per ho 。urbthe fur of the back of m

15、any cats and the feathers of many chickens had been taken o 。ffcit caused about 80 deaths and,1500 injuries。d more than 700 people lost their lives and 2,700 had been inju。red3. where was charles coghlan born inde?ed ain ireland.bin canada。cin new york 。 d in galveston.4. what are the causes of thes

16、e natural viole?ncea. the different atmospheric pressure between two areas.b. the changeable weather in these ar。easc. the destroy of nature by human bein。gs d not mentioned in the passag。e5. which is the right order about charles coghla?nathe terrible hurricane struck the city galvesto。nbhe moved t

17、o galveston and died there.che moved to new york.dhe went to live in canad。aehis coffin was found in the sea near his home on prince edward island.aabcdebdcbaeceabdcddbcae答案: 15bdadb .study.readinganalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1. they can destroy houses,but leave the furnitur

18、e inside exactly where it was 。句式分析本句是由并列连词 but 连接构成的并列句,在后一分句中含有一个 where 引导的从句作宾补 .尝试翻译 它们能毁掉房子,但把里面的家具留在原地。2. the worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925, affecting three us states: missouri, illinois and indiana.句式分析 本句是简单句 ,主干句是 the worst tornado occurred in 1925,现在分词短语 affecting three us sta

19、tes: missouri, illinois and indiana在句中作结果状语。尝试翻译历史上最恶劣的一次龙卷风发生在1925 年,波及了美国的三个州:密苏里州、伊利诺伊州和印第安纳州。3. by the late 1890,she had moved to galveston, where he died in1899, a year before the hurricane struck.句式分析 本句中主干句是 he had moved to galveston, by the late 1890s作时间状语, where he died in 1899是非限制性定语从句, ay

20、ear before the hurricane struc作k1899 的同位语。尝试翻译 到 19 世纪 90年代后期时,他已经搬到加尔维斯顿, 于 1899年在那里去世,第二年 ,飓风袭击了那里。对应学生课下能力提升 (九)阅读理解athe earthquakeaffects the students of the destroyedareasin manyways:losing parents, being scared and feeling lone。ly how can we helpthem?teens reporter talks with lin dan, the prog

21、ram director of the sunshine in your heart project at the red cross society of ch 。inateens reporter: howwillthe earthquake affect the teenagers mentally?lin dan : they ll have feelings of fear anger and u,nsafety. theywill find it hard to focus 。 they will tend to cry, shout and tremble. and they m

22、ight be afraid to be alone.teens reporte:r what will happen if they are not helped?lin dan :the teenagers will find it hard to live in a balanced way. ifthings get worse, they might not be able to focus on their studie。s might give up on life。theyteens reporte:r how can we help them overcome these p

23、roblem?slin dan:the first thing is to build up trust with them. show yoursympathy and sadne,ss and be their friend. then you have to give them asense of safety. tell them that theres a solution to every prob。lemthirdly, try to satisfy their psychological needs。 be a good listener if he or she needs

24、to talk 。teens reporte:r some of us are not directly affected by the earthquakebut have seen images on tv and feel scared. what should we do?lin dan:talk with an adult or share your feelings with someone who might feel similar. ifthis doesnt help, you should see a doctor for professional help.语篇解读:本

25、文主要告诉我们如何消除震后人们的伤痛、恐惧等心理问题 .1. whats the best title of the passa?gea. the scare caused by the earthquakeb. dealing with the pain left behind after the earthquakec. how to get a sense of safety d the psychological needs解析:选 b 标题归纳题 .文章主要论述了如何消除震后人们的伤痛、恐惧等心理问题 ,故选 b 项.2. the earthquake will affect the

26、 teenagers menta。llywhich of thefollowing statements is not included?a. theyll tend to cry, shout and tremble。b. they may be afraid to be alon。ec. theyll feel unsafe.d theyll feel sympathetic.解析:选 d细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知应选d 项。3. the underlined word “psychologica”l in meaning to “amentalbphysicalcmateriald

27、professionalin paragraph 7 is closest解析:选 a词义猜测题。文章主要讲了地震给人们造成的心理、精神问题以及如何消除这种心理、精神问题,故我们也要尽力满足他们的心理或精神需求。mental“精神的”ps,yc与hological意思相近。4. from the passage, we can infer thata. the scare caused by the earthquake can be relieved quicklyb. seeing a doctor is the most important measure to deal with th

28、eproblemsc. the images on tv can also affect people and even cause problems d in order to help them overcome these problems, we shouldalways talk with them解析:选 c推理判断题。根据文章最后两段可知c 项正确。bwe arrived at the hospital to find dad was very weak, but his smilewas the same as ever. it was another attack of pn

29、eumoni(a 肺炎) . myhusband and i stayed with him for the weekend but had to return to our jobs on monday 。 local relatives would help dad get home from hospital and look after him。 but i wished to be able to let him know that we caredtoo, even when we weren t with him.then i remembered a family tradit

30、ion when our children were small.when leaving their grandparentshome after a visit, each child would write a love note to their grandparents. they hid notes in cere(al麦片) box, under a hairbrush or next to the phone 。 for days, their grandparents would smile as they discovered these reminders of our

31、love.so as i tidied dads kitchen and made up a bed for him downstairs inthe living room, i wrote some note。“s dad,i put the food in the fridge soit wouldnt spoil (变质)” some expressed my love“, dad, i hope youwill sleep well in your new bed.” most notes were downstairs where hewould stay for several

32、week,s but one note i hid upstairs under his pillow,“dad, if you have found this note, you must be feeling better. we are so glad!just likehismedicines strengthened himphysically,these“emotional vitamins would improve his healt,h too. several weeks lat,erin one of our regular phone calls, i asked da

33、d how he was go 。inghe said,“pretty good。 i just found your note under my pillow upstair!s ”语篇解读:本文中作者讲述了一个通过留纸条给父亲表达爱意的温情故事,同时建议我们也这样做 .5. we can infer from the text that the writer ahad got the same illness beforeblived with her familycasked her to return to work d felt lonely without hers father

34、解析 :选 a细节理解题 .根据第一段第二句“iwt as anotherattack of pneumonia 肺( 炎)”这是又一次感染肺炎 .句中的 another说明父亲曾经不止一次感染肺炎, 以前也曾经感染过肺炎。 故 a 正确。6. the children hid notes in their grandparents home in order to afollow a family traditionbplay jokes on their grandparentscshow their gifts to their grandparentsd make their gran

35、dparents feel pleasantly surprised解析:选 d推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“for datyhseir ,grandparents would smile as they discovered these reminders of our l”ove.可知当爷爷奶奶看见这些暖心的纸条的时候,会很惊讶,也会很高兴, 因为这是家人的爱的表达。故 d 正确。7. after heard what her father sai,dasurprisedbluckycpleased dsadthe writer would feel 解析:选 c推理判断题。根据文章最后

36、一句“several weeks latein one of our regular phone call,si asked dad how he was goin。ghesaid,pretty good。 i just found your note under my pillow upstair!s”可知作者的父亲感觉很好,而且对女儿留给他的纸条感到很高兴。对此作者也会很高兴,因为她的做法给父亲带来了快乐.故 c 正确.8. which of the following is true according to the tex?ta. the writer believed that a

37、family tradition was not goo。db. the writer enjoyed talking with her fathe。rc. the writer tried to comfort her father with love.d the writer thanked her children for looking after her fathe。r解析:选 c推理判断题。根据文章第三段可知作者给父亲留下了很多字条,都表示对父亲的关心和爱,那么她是希望安慰她的父亲.故 c 正确.cin singapore, most of us love window 。 sho

38、pping while some others enjoy having a picnic at east coast park or changi beach on sunny days. singaporeans are never bothered bytheoccasional thunderstorm.however, we know that if it rains for long continuous periods, there will be more serious effects 。 just recently the main shopping street ofor

39、chard road was flooded and some part of bukit timah was impassableto traffic 。 people reacted by writing in to the newspaperto complain about this! we forget that other countries suffer much worse effec。tselsewhere, heavy tropical (热带的 ) storms often result in floods that ruin crops especiallyin tha

40、iland and malaysia.this in turn usually means that the price of rice and vegetableshere in singaporewill risebecausewe import these products from them. if there is a typhoon ortsunami,thousands of lives are lost to 。o this happened in indonesia andphuket in thailand in 2004 and it servesto remind us

41、 of how mother nature can cause great damage.weather patterns in general have changed dramatically in recent y。earsscientists believe that global warming and the resulting melting of the polarice。cap has caused the level of the ocean to ris。ethis in turn causesflooding of low.lying areasin countries

42、 where the land is rather flat and some parts of which is below water level 。 it is believed that human activities have caused mother nature to show her extreme an,gerso it is now important that we really work together to cut down on harmful activities, for example, illegal logging (伐木) or irrespons

43、ible forest。burning to clear land for farming.语篇解读 :人类的活动对大自然造成了恶劣影响,全球变暖、洪涝灾害影响到人们的日常生活.9. from paragraph 1, we can see that most singaporeans love amaking complaintsbgoing out for picnicscdoing window.shopping d traveling along the coast解析:选 c细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知。10. what willhappen in singapore ifthe

44、re are floods inits neighboring countries?a. heavy tropical storms will follow shortly。b. the price of rice and vegetables will go up.c. many people will write in to the newspaper. d more rice and vegetables will be imported.解析:选 b细节理解题。根据第二段第一、二句可知,热带风暴导致的洪水会毁掉庄稼,新加坡的蔬菜和大米是从这些国家进口的,所以会导致蔬菜和大米的价格上升。

45、11. the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 refers toa. the arrival of heavy tropical stormsb. the import of rice and vegetablesc. the rising price of rice and vegetablesd the loss of lives in natural disasters解析:选 d代词指代题 .上句提到台风和海啸会导致成千上万的人死亡。这在 2004年在印度尼西亚和泰国的普吉岛发生过。 自然灾害导致人死亡这件事用来提醒我们大自然可以带来巨大损害。

46、12. what should we do in order not to make mother nature angry?a. clear more land for farming。b. reduce harmful human activities.c. bring down the price of food. d improve the quality of weathe。r解析:选 b细节理解题。根据最后一段“is ibtelieved thathuman activities have caused mother nature to show her extreme an,ge

47、rso it is now important that we really work together to cut down on harmful activities人们认为是人类的活动导致了大自然极端愤怒,因此, 现 在 我们真的应该团结合作减少有害活动。课 文 对 译what is a tornado?a tornado is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to theground 。 the most violent have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour。 almo

48、st all of them occur in the us, in the area from texas in the southeast to south dakota in the nort。htornadoes can pick up car,strains and even houses and put themdown in the next street - or even in the next town. they can take the fur off the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken 。 they can

49、 destroy houses, but leave the furniture inside exactly where it w。ason average, there are 800 tornadoes in the us each ye,ar causingabout 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries 。 the worst tornado of all time occurred in 1925, affecting three us states: missouri, illinois and indiana. by the time it ended, m

50、ore than 700 people had been killed an,d7200 had been injured.what is a hurricane?hurricanes are strong tropical storms, and they usually occur in the southern atlantic ocean, the caribbean sea and the gulf of mexico 。there are violent winds of 120 kilometres per hour or mo,re which causehuge waves, heavy rain and floods. there are on averagesix atlantic hurricanes each year and they usually affect the east coast of the us from texas to maine.the worst hurricane disaster ofall time occ


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