



1、学员姓名:学科教师:年 级:高二辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间主 题U6重点词汇句型复习学习目标1 .掌握本单元重点词汇及词组的用法:2 .熟练掌握本单元所学重点句型,提升阅读理解综合能力。教学内容处理上次课课后巩固作业及预习思考内容。1、上次课后巩固作业复习;2、互动探索教学建议:根据上目课预习思考的要求,让学生分享自己的造的句子并互相提出修改意见1. remain2. while3. involve4. survive5. release6. name重点词汇讲解【知识梳理1】For centuries, tliese dreams have always remained dreams.几

2、个世纪以来,这些梦想仍然只是梦想。 remain是系动词,意为“保持;仍然是“,后而跟上形容词或名词。例:这个房间整个夏天都很凉爽。This room remains cool all summer.她整个晚上沉默不语。She remained silent all night.主席要求观众不要离开座位。The chairman asked the audience to remain seated.【拓展】remain还可以作不及物动词用:剩下,余留(人)留卜:逗留(3)有待,尚待【巩固练习】翻译:1 .树上尚留有几只梨子。2 .原先的建筑物几乎片瓦不留。3 .放学后只有汤姆留下了。4 .她

3、整个下午没有离开办公室。5 .有好几个问题尚待解决。Keys:1. A few pears remam on the trees.2. Little of the ongmal architecture remains.3. Only Tom remained after class.4. She remained m her office all aftenioon.5. Several problems reniam to be solved.【知识梳理2】Tliey are plaiinmg to transform Mars so that humans can live there.

4、transform V.(彻底)改变例:她过去十分腼膜,但在国外呆了一年后完全变了。She used to be terribly shy. but a year abroad has completely transfonned her【必背】transform somebody / something(from sometlimg)into something例: Tlie film transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a superstar.这部电影几乎一夜之间把她从一个默默无闻的在校女生变成了

5、一名巨星。【拓展】transformation n.(彻底)改变例:近年来,电影业经历了巨大的变革。In recent years, the film industry has undergone a dramatic transfbnnation.so that在这句话中引导目的状语从句,也可以用inorder that来替换,此时,从句中常有情态动词can / could、 may / might 或 will / would 0例:她写下了我的电话号码以免忘记。She wrote don my phone number so that / in order that she would

6、not forget it.为了看得更清楚点,我们坐前排的位子吧。In order tliat we may see more clearly, let's take the front seats.【注意】in order that可以放在句首,而so that只能位于句中。【知识梳理3】While tliere is no water, there is a lot of ice in the two polar ice Caps,尽管没有水,但是在两极的冰冠却有许多冰。 While在句中解释为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。例:尽管其他人都不愿去山区,他不假思索就去了。While e

7、veryone else wouldn't go to the moiuitam area, he went without a second thought.【知识梳理4】Tlie plan involves changing Mars so that it becomes more like Earth,这项计划包括改造火星以使其变得更像地 球。involve这里解释为“包括:需要”,后而接名词或动名词。例:他的工作偶尔需要出差。His work involves occasional journeys.这份工作需要我住在伦敦。Tlie job involved living in

8、 London.【拓展】mvoKe还可以解释为“使卷入:牵涉工例:不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中!Don t involve me in your quarrel!【知识梳理5】Tlie suggested programme would have frve main stages.这个被建议的项目包含五个主要阶段。suggested是过去分词作定语修饰progranmie相当于定语从句the prograiiune which has been suggested过去分 词作定语通常放在被修饰名词之前。例:受到感染的病人已经被隔离了。Tlie infected patient has been

9、isolated.【知识梳理6】The members constnict underground buildings, conduct experiments, look for good sites for future landings and also check for signs of life.队员们建造地下大楼、做实验、寻找未来合适的登陆点,也寻找生命的迹象。上面这个句子是四个动词连用,最后两个用and连接,在这个结构中,相关动词的时态、语态、形式都必须 保持一致。例:Sinion siglied. picked up some paper from his desk aiid

10、 took it over to the fax maclune.(这个句子中三个动词连用,都是一般过去时)The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhaps illustrating the talk with slides, writing up important infbniiatioii on the blackboard, distributmg reading materials and grvmg out assignment.(这个句子中用四个现在分词短语作伴随状语)【知识梳理7】Tliey can survive only a

11、s long as they wear spacesuits,只有穿着宇航服他们才能活卜.来。survive用作不及物动词,意为“幸存,活下来”。例:那场地震后几乎没有人生还。Few survived after the eartliquake.【拓展】survive还能用作及物动词,意为“在之后仍然生存;从中逃生)例:这次飞机失事只有两名乘客幸免于难。Only two passengers survived the air crash.【知识梳理8】Nonetheless, the low gravity (onethird of Earth's) means they can mo

12、ve around easily.然而,(火星)引力小(是地 球的1 / 3)意味着他们能轻易地到处移动。nonetheless是副词,相当于nevertheless或however解释为“然而;尽管如此“。例:那个地方漂亮极了。但是杰克难以想像要在那儿度过余生。The region was extremely beautifiil. Nonetheless. Jack could not imagine spending the rest of his life there.这些画很难看懂,尽管如此,却很有吸引力。The paintings are complex, but have ple

13、nty of appeal nonetlieless.【知识梳理9】Tlie ice caps are sprayed black, so that tliey do not reflect the heat away 冰冠被喷成黑色,这样它们就不会反射掉 8/12热量了.spray V.喷洒:喷涂例:He sprayed water on the flowers m the moming.他 Y-晨给花浇水。【知识梳理10Chemicals are released into the air.化学物质被释放到空气中。release V.释放(气体)例:一些有毒气体被排放到大气层里。Some

14、poisonous gases have been released into die atmosphere.【拓展】release V.(1)放走:释放(人质等)例:把这条狗放了,它已经被拴了好几个小时了。Release tlie dog, and he has been chained up for hours.(2)透露(消息)例:关于这起事故还没有进一步的消息。No farther news has been released about the accident.(3)发行:发表例:据说这个歌星的新唱片将于本周末发行。The pop star's new CD album i

15、s said to be released this weekend.【例题精讲】例L时间有限,这个问题留待下一次会议讨论,(remam)【考点】remain的用法【解析】remain to be done 表示“有待被做"常见表达法有 remain to be seen. remain to be solved、remain to be discussed【答案】Tlie time is limited, so die problem remains to be discussed at the next meetmg.例2.大多数人不愿意介入这场亳无意义的争论。(invoke)【

16、考点】involve的用法【解析】be invok ed in表示“卷入,被包括在内”【答案】 Most people aren't willing to get involved in this meamiigless argument.【巩固练习】1 .我劝他不要老是生活在上次失败的阴影中。(suggest)2 .许多公司用虚假广告引诱消费者购买其产品。(tempt)3 .难怪这些花要死了,你真应该早点浇水。(wonder)4 . “Genius“ is a complicated concept,many different factors.A. involved B. iiru

17、ohving C. to involve D. being involvedKeys:1.1 suggested him not always living in the shadow of the last failure.2. Many compames tempt consumers to buy tlieir products tlirough false ads.3. No wonder these flowers are dying. You should have watered them earlier.4.B重点句型分析Around AD 1500, a man named

18、Wan Hu made the first attent at space flight.公元 1500 年左右,一个名叫万户的 人首次尝试太空飞行。named Wan Hu是过去分词短语,作定语,修饰man相当于一个定语从句a man who was named Wan Hu attempt n.企图;尝试例:She passed her driving test at the first attempt.He made an attempt on die world record.【拓展】attempt V.企图:尝试例: Tliey attempted to save tlie anci

19、ent statue from the fire, but failed.他们试图从大火中抢救这尊古代塑像,但没有成功。【知识梳理2】Chma became the third country, after the USA and Russia, to send a mail into space.中国成为继美国和俄罗斯之后,世界上第三个把人送入太空的国家。to send a man into space 是不定式作定语修饰 the tliird country 由 the only、序数词(the first, tlie tenth)顺序词(the last. the next)或形容词最高

20、级修饰的名词常接不定式作定语。例: Tliis company was the first to produce portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world. 该公司是世界上第一家生产盒式录音机以及便携式收音机的公司。【知识梳理3】China is also developing a programme, named Chaiig'e after die story of a beautifiil young girl who floated to tlie Moon, of missions lead

21、ing to a hinar station.中国也在开展一项建立月球空间站的太空计划,该计划被称为“嫦娥工程”,是根据嫦娥奔月的故事而命名的。 nameV.给取名;命名例: Tliey named the boy Jolm. = Tlie boy was named John.他们给这个孩子取名叫约翰。named Chang e after the story of a beautifiil young girl who floated to the Moon 是过去分词短语作非限制性定语, 补充说明programme的情况,K作用相当于一个非限制性定语从句。修饰programme的整个过去

22、分词短语解 释为:“嫦娥工程”是根据嫦娥奔月这个故事而命名的。of missions leading to a hinar station实际上是a programme of missions.当中插入非限制性过去分词短语 named Chang e after the story of.而 leading to a lunar station 是现在分词短语作定语修饰 missions,其作用相当 于一个定语从句 wliich lead to a hinar stationo【例题精讲】例1.这张新专辑是以歌手母亲的名字命名的。(name)【考点】name作动词的用法【解析】be named

23、 after sb.表示“以某人的名字来命名”【答 案】 The new album is named after the singers mother.【巩固练习】1 .这一建议是否能付诸实施仍然是个问题。(practice)2 .令人费解的是,他总喜欢不懂装懂。(pretend)3 .我竭力劝说他不要赌博,但他根本听不进去。(persuade)Keys:It remains a question whether the suggestion can be put into practice.What's puzzling is tliat he always pretends to

24、 know what he doesnt know.I tried hard to persuade him not to gamble, but he didn't listen at all.教学建议:词汇和句型部分的讲解属于基础知识掌握,教师可采取一边讲解一边提问的形式,尤其是例句的 讲解,可以采用汉语-英语,英语-汉语的翻译模式,让学生一边听一边练,达到更好的教学效果。此环行教案预期时间15 (练题)+10 (互动讲解)分钟。教学建议:1)在规定的时间内学员独立完成测试:2)老师给出答案,学员相互批改:3)在规定的时间内就错题学员间相互合作,讨论错题,保证每一位学员都懂:4)老

25、师随机抽查,根据学生的整体表现给出此部分的班级得分(评分标准参考课堂激励评分标准)一、选词填空Directions; Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases from the list given below. Change the form where necessary.attemptmliabitantreflecttieconductreleaseconverttransformorbitconsume1. Winning the lottery has the poor man's life.2. She the o

26、ld books together and put tliein under die bed.3. Our to establish a lunar station will definitely succeed.4. The govenunent made every effort to help those homeless people whose house in the fire.5. The of that island are friendly. They will warmly receive their guests.6. They the spare room mto ai

27、l office.7. She could see her face m die car's windshield.8. The satellite the Earth every 48 hours.9. These days we a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.10. Water vapour when water reaches 100 C.Keys: 1. transformed2. tied 3. atteiiipt 4. were consumed5. mliabitants 6. converted7

28、. reflected 8. orbits9. are conducting10. is released二、句子翻译Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, usuig the words or phrases given in brackets.1 .他们觉得很幸运,一年后他们的房子的价格上涨了 40%。(go up)2 .他母亲回来时,发现放在桌子上的食物没有动过。(remam)3 .据报道,我们使用的纸张中只有27%得到了循环利用。(consume)4 .只要温度上升到摄氏100度,水就会变成水蒸气。(As

29、long as: tiinito)5 .在地铁站建造的最后阶段,工人们检查可能出现的问题. (checkfor)6 .我不清楚人们第一次尝试发射火箭是什么时候。(attempt)7 .两年前,在导师的指导下,我被引入了软件设计这一领域。(introduce)8 .尽管演出的过程中有过一次停电,但观众们的掌声还是持续了五分钟。(last)9 .所有的工程师在过去的几年里都日以继夜地努力工作着,结果,我们成功地发射了载人飞船。(as a result)10 .他们将进行如何减少酸雨对环境影响的实验。(conduct)Keys:1. They felt lucky that after one ye

30、ar, the price of their house went up by 40%.2. When his mother came back, she foiuid die food which had been put on the table remained imtouched.3. It is reported that only 27% of the paper we consume is recycled.4. As long as the temperature goes up to/rises to/reaches 100 1 water will turn to wate

31、r vapour5. At the final stage of the construction of the underground station, the workers checked for possible problems.6. I have no idea when people made the first attempt at launching a rocket.7. With my tutor's instructions. I was introduced into the field of sofhvare design two years ago.8.

32、Even though there is a power faihwe/cut during- iii the course of the perfonnance. the applause of the audience lasted (for) five minutes.9. All the engineers have been working liard day and mght in the past few years. As a result, ve succeeded in launcliing the manned spaceship.10. They will conduc

33、t an experiment on how to reduce die effects of acid rain on the eirvironment.“我的总结”包含2个方面:1、老师引导学生针对达标检测错题进行反思和总结:2、老师引导学生对精讲提升相关知识进行总结,可采用表格、思维导图等形式呈现。8/12heart he knew, but whose face he didn't, die girl with die rose.When reading a book in a Florida library a year before. Jolin became intere

34、sted not in the contents of the book, but in the notes penciled in die margm. The handwritmg reflected a tlioughtfiil soul and beautiful imnd. He discovered the former owner's name in the front of die book: Miss Hollis Maynell.He located her address and wrote a letter introducmg himself. The nex

35、t day he was shipped overseas to serve in the army. Durmg the next year, they grew to know each other tlirougli die mail and their friendship developed. Jolin requested a photograph, but she refiised, saying if he really cared, it wouldn't matter what she looked like. When the day finally came f

36、or him to retiini home, their first meetmg was suggested-7:00 pm at the Grand Central Station in New York.She wrote, “Yoifll recognize me by tlie red rose I wear on my coat." So now Jolm was in the station to meet the girl witli a rose.As a pretty and slun girl in green came over, John noticed

37、her blue eyes like flowers in spring. He walked directly towards her entirely forgetting she was not wearing a rose. As John came closer to her, he saw another woman with a red rose stood nearby. Well past 40, tliis woman had graying hair done under a worn hat. Seemg die girl in green walk quickly a

38、way, John felt as if he were split in two. He desired to follow tliat girl, but longed for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned and supported him.The woman looked gentle and sensible. John went to her, sayingTin Captain John Blanchard. You must be Miss Maynell. I am glad to meet you here. Ma

39、y I take you to dinner?"She replied witli a smile, HI don't know what tliis is about. But the lady in green who just went by, begged me to wear this rose on my coat. She said if you asked me out to dumer, I'd tell yon she is waiting for you in the big restaurant across tlie street. She

40、said it was some kind of test!”1. John was eager to know the former owner of the book because.A. he was very interested in the contents of the bookB. he was mipressed by die notes written by the ownerC. the book offered him practical and valuable addceD. there was address of the former owner in the

41、book2. What happened to John after trying to get in touch witli Miss Hollis Maynell?A. He began to serve the amiy abroad.B. He was seriously wounded in die war.C. He went on a business tour in Europe.D. He asked Miss Maynell for a photo.3. What do we know about the woman with a rose?A. She was Miss

42、MayiielFs close companion.B. She was a conductor working in die station.C. She knew notliing about Johns appomtment.D. She was paid to carry out a love test on John.4. Which would be the best title of tlie text?A. The Meetmg in the StationB. A Meeting by AccidentC. A Soldier and a GirlD. Love Test(B

43、)Divorce rates have remarkably mcreased in many countries since World War 二 and in some countries have been on the increase since the early 20th century. Attitudes toward divorce have changed dramatically in tliis period, witli the general trend toward tolerance of the practice. Although the statist

44、ics are highly changeable for overall rates, a number of causes can be found between divorce and factors.First, divorce rates are afiected by national conditions. Historical studies have shown that, in general, fewer divorces occur in tmies of economic depression and more in times of prosperity or w

45、ar The frequency of drucrce in the United States, for example, nearly doubled during Wbrld War 二.Second, divorce rates are affected by factors related to social circumstance, includmg etlrnic (民族的)group, religion, class, and economic background. Divorce rates can be expected to be higher in groups t

46、hat attach less stigma (耻辱)to divorce than in those that attach more. The backgroiuids of partners have a more complicated effect on divorce. Studies of racially mixed marriages, for example, show that these may become specific patterns withm specific cultures. One study in the United States suggest

47、s tliat there is for greater stability in marriages of black husbands and white wives than of white husbands and black wives. Such difiereiices no doubt depend on factors due to sex roles in American society generally, or they may be related to the kinds of people who are most likely to marry outsid

48、e tlieir group.Third, divoice rates vary according to the family cycle itself. Many studies have pointed to die fact that the longer a couple has married, die more likely it is to remain so. Divorce rates are lughest among the young, and if a marriage survives its first few years, there is an increa

49、sed likeliliood tliat it will continue. Another factor often mentioned is the presence of children as a deterrent (威慑力量)to dnorce. However, recent studies have shown tliat this factor is much less significant than commonly believed. All dungs considered, people have little reason to continue an niil

50、iappy marriage.5. Divorce rates are expected to be higher.A. in Western societiesB. m times of economic depressionC. m groups that tend to scold divorced peopleD. in marriages of white husbands and black wives6. It can be inferred from the passage tliat.A. there is little likeliliood for a newly mar

51、ried couple to get divorcedB. divorce rates vary little with die length of a marriageC. the shorter a couple has been married, the more likely tliey divorceD. the presence of children is most likely to affect divorce7. Accordmg to the passage, which of the following factors does not a fleet divorce

52、rates?A. The economic condition of a coiuitry B. The sizes of familiesC. People's attitudes toward divorce D. Tlie religion people believe in8. In this passage, tlie author mainly wants to tell the readers.A. the increase of divorce rate after the World War IIB. people's opinions of divorceC

53、. the difference in divorce between die age groupsD. the factors which a Sect divoice rates(C)Aspiring entrepreneur Abigail Franklin began selling clothes from a tnick because she was looking for a way to stay in one place. Tliat might sound odd until you learn she is a wardrobe stylist (服装造型师)based

54、 in Nashville who tours the world with musical acts (共同演出的艺人).Given her two decades of experience dressing male performers mcluding Prince and members of Creed, she set her sights on opening a menswear store. When she couldn't find a location that fit her budget, she went mto business with Nashv

55、ille fashion designer Kyah Hillis.Drawn to the prospect of keeping startup costs low, the pair decided to take a chaiice on mobile retail. It took them about $25,000 to get HTlie Trunk“ up and niiming in spring 2012, with Hills dresses and jewelry on one side of the 10-by-5-fbot retail space and Fra

56、nklins selection of mens hats and grooniuig (梳洗)products on the other Fraiiklm sees it as a “medicine chest1* of opportunities saying. HI love the possibilities of the truck. We can use it to sell clothes or whatever we want.”The fashion truck trend caught on in Nashville after starting a few years

57、earlier on the U.S. West Coast. In 2010, Jeanine Romo and Stacy Steffe, based in Los Angeles, launched Le Fashion Truck one of the first mobile boutiques (时女士装),as a faster and cheaper alternative to traditional brick-aiid-mortar retail.Usually, theres no lease involved and monthly expenses are lower than they would be to run a store. Le Fashion Tmcks monthly costs run from SI,500 to $2.000 for generator (发电枳L), auto, insurance, cleaiimg supplies and storage rent. That pales in comparison to rent alone f


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