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1、on the boxunder the boxin the box-Wheres the soccer ball?-Its the box.Lead inUnit 8 Is there a post office near here?(vocabulary and grammar)No.35 Middle School Zhao Yubo Learning aims (学习目标)(学习目标)1 .准确认读准确认读Unit 8 单词并学会正确应单词并学会正确应用用Unit 8词汇。词汇。2.学习掌握表示方位的介词短语以及学习掌握表示方位的介词短语以及一些建筑物的名称。一些建筑物的名称。3.掌握问

2、路及指路的句型并能在日常掌握问路及指路的句型并能在日常情境中灵活运情境中灵活运。 自主学习自主学习 1.看音标,看音标,自己拼读单词,自己拼读单词,圈出读不准圈出读不准的单词。的单词。2.听录音,跟读单词,并校对读音。听录音,跟读单词,并校对读音。3.自己大声读三遍单词。自己大声读三遍单词。4. 同桌互相读,互相纠错。同桌互相读,互相纠错。5. 在小组长带领下,学习单词(包括词在小组长带领下,学习单词(包括词性、单三、复数、现在分词、用法等)性、单三、复数、现在分词、用法等) 。6. 检查单词学习情况。检查单词学习情况。词汇训练场词汇训练场根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。根据句意及首字母或

3、汉语提示完成句子。1. When you want to post a letter, you can go to a p_ o_.2. You can borrow a book from a l_. 3. I put my money in the b_.4. On Sunday , we often take a walk in the _(公园)with our daughter.5. They often buy food and drinks in a s_ . 6. There is a _(桥)over the river.7. I _ reading books very m

4、uch. 8.Is there a hotel in the n_ ?ostfficeibraryankparkupermarketbridgeenjoyeighborhoodnear/next tobetweenandin front ofbehindacross fromon the left/right (of)turn right/ left介词短语大本营介词短语大本营在在附近附近之间之间之前之前之后之后对面对面在在的左边的左边/右边右边右转右转/左转左转在医院在医院在小区在小区/街区街区这儿附近这儿附近沿着这条街走沿着这条街走在中国的北方在中国的北方在第一个十字路口在第一个十字路口和

5、某人共度时光和某人共度时光喜欢阅读喜欢阅读爬树爬树在大桥街在大桥街空气和阳光空气和阳光in the hospital in the neighborhoodaround/near herego/walk along /down this streetin the north of Chinaat the first crossingspend time with sb.enjoy readingclimb the treeon Bridge Streetair and sunshine词语辨析词语辨析1.cross “穿过,横过穿过,横过” 动词:动词:cross the street/ ro

6、ad crossing “十字路口十字路口” 名词:名词:at the first/second crossing across “穿过,横穿穿过,横穿”强调与道路交叉形成强调与道路交叉形成“十字十字”,副词、介词,副词、介词go across the street/ road 短语:across from=on the opposite side of 在在的对面的对面through表示表示“贯通、直穿、穿过、透过贯通、直穿、穿过、透过”,即从一头,即从一头(边)贯穿到另一头(边)(边)贯穿到另一头(边):The river runs through our city. We go thro

7、ugh the forest.2.enjoy doing sth. eg.I enjoy reading books.(like , keep, finish, practice)3.free“免费的,免费的, 自由的,空闲的自由的,空闲的” eg. The food here is free. Im very busy, Im not free.词语辨析词语辨析4.in front of “指外部指外部” eg.There is a mountain in front of the house.in the front of“指内部指内部” eg.There is a blackboard

8、in the front of the classroom.5.There is/are +名词名词+表地点的介词短语表地点的介词短语 eg. There is a book and two pens on the desk. There is a boy playing basketball on the playground. 6. easy(形容词)(形容词)easily(副词)(副词) happyhappily heavyheavily Do as quickly as possible.听指令做动作,尽可能听指令做动作,尽可能快地把东西放到指定处。快地把东西放到指定处。 Just d

9、o what I do!根据老师的介绍根据老师的介绍, 描述描述你(同学)的位置。你(同学)的位置。 school pay phone Bridge Street park bank library hotel hospital supermarket-Is there a near here?-Yes, there is. Its go alongturn rightturn lefton the lefton the right“交通标志知多少”Do not turn right. No walking.go alongturn leftturn rightGo along and tur

10、n right and left. down Bridge Street on the rightdown Bridge Street on the leftBridge StreetGo along Bridge Street and turn right at Center Street.How to get toTurn left.Turn right.Go / Walk straight on untilGo pasttake the subway bus 语法聚焦语法聚焦 一、问路一、问路二、指路二、指路 1.Excuse me , where is the bank? 2. Exc

11、use me , is there a bank near /around here? 3. Excuse me , which is the way to the bank? 4. Excuse me , how can I get to the bank? 1.turn right/left 向右、左转向右、左转 2.walk /go along this road 沿着这条街走沿着这条街走 3.take the first turning/crossing on the left 在第一个转弯处在第一个转弯处(十字路口十字路口)左转左转 4.go across the bridge 过桥

12、过桥 5.Its between the cinema and the fruit shop. / Its next to / in front of / behind / on the left (right) of the library. 6. Go down / along this street until you see the tall red building. You cant miss it. 7. Turn right / left at the first / second crossing / turning / corner. Look at the picture

13、. Theres a school in the picture. Its_ School Street. The book store is_ the school. The bank is _ _ the school. The pay phone is_ the school _the hospital.Can you see the post office? Its_ _the school. There is a supermarket. Its_ _ _ the park. onbehind next to between across from in front ofand 当堂

14、检测当堂检测选择题1. My school is across _the market. A in B from C after D on2. The garden is next _ the video arcade. A to B on C for D at3. We all live in that hotel .It is _the market _the bank.A from, to B between, and C . in, on D at, out4. Is there a food shop _ the neighborhood? A on B in C at D unde

15、rBABB当堂检测当堂检测 选择题5. _. Where is my watch? A Sorry B I am sorry C Excuse me D Hello6. When you want to go to the hotel ,you can go straight and _left. A turning B to turn C turns D turn7.This term we are going to have fun _and _English. A to learn , to speak B learning , speaking C learning, to speak

16、 D to learn, speaking8. When you leave the supermarket , dont forget to pay _the things you buy. A for B at C on D in9.Thank you very much . -_ . A You are welcome. B You are right C You are OK D Thats right. ADBAA当堂检测当堂检测 选择题 10. Be careful when you walk _the street. A through B across C into D fro

17、m 11. “_”means “have fun”. A Have a good time B Play computer C Have good time D Listen interesting 12.Look at those _.They want to _ the farm. A visit, visit B visitors, visit C visiters, visiting D visits, visitor 13. I am very _now , I must go to the food shop to buy a big cake. A happy B hungry

18、C sadBCBB当堂检测当堂检测 选择题14.When can you _there? A get to B arrive C getting D to get15. There _ two maps and a picture on the wall. A is B are C have D has16. Is the shop new or _? A clean B old C big D busy17. You have to _ your mother _the housework. A help , do B helps , doing C help, does D helps,

19、to helpBBBA 当堂检测当堂检测 根据题后要求完成句子。1. There is a post office near here. (变否定句) _ _ a post office near here.2. The bank is across from the park. (对划线部分提问) _ is across from the park?3. The hotel is on Center Street. (对划线部分提问) _ the hotel?4. There are some people in the park. (一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _ there _ peopl

20、e in the park? Yes, _ _ .5. go, and, right, straight, turn, just, (连成句子) _.ThereisntWhat WheresAreanythereare Just go straight and turn right.送你一句话送你一句话 A good neighbor is better than a brother far away. 远亲不如近邻。远亲不如近邻。Homework : Recite the words, phrases and sentences , then make a conversation . 词语

21、辨析词语辨析 1.cross “穿过,横过穿过,横过” 动词:动词:cross the street/ road/ bridge crossing “十字路口十字路口” 名词:名词:at the first/second crossing across “穿过,横穿穿过,横穿”强调与道路交叉形成强调与道路交叉形成“十字十字”,副词、介,副词、介词。词。go across the street/ road 短语:across from=on the opposite side ofthrough表示表示“贯通、直穿、穿过、透过贯通、直穿、穿过、透过”,即从一头(边)贯穿,即从一头(边)贯穿到另一

22、头(边)到另一头(边):The river runs through our city. We go through the forest. 2.花费花费 It takes sb. some time to do sth. eg. It takes me half an hour to do my homework.Sb. pay some money for sth. eg. He pays ten yuan for this pen.Sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. eg. I spend half an hour doing my homework.

23、Sb. spend some money on sth. eg. He spends ten yuan foon this pen. 3.enjoy doing sth. eg.I enjoy reading books.(like , keep, finish, practice) 4.in front of “指外部指外部” eg.There is a mountain in front of the house.in the front of“指内部指内部” eg.There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom. 5.in the hospital “在医院在医院” eg. My mother works in the hospital.in hospital “生病住院生病住院” eg. My mother is in hospital.6. 到达到达get to


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