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1、te pinil e of plid E IA of cnstrcin pr ojjecs i n te reg on. Iems of lad iked to the m pllmetainof ur ba al d r ua cnstucin land icese and cese reacmet indi cats ae- projeC. CCa s it o te proecs of waer eeC.iy, .mi nsatve Cage s and peee.l polCies I te araof ttxain, ad set- in aes of inusty and isp.

2、ouCincmpay Win 5 . as akr the cmpleil of fisal inne nties t e ntepries Items of ianig integain of ad ax fia nca a nd othe resur ces a ndcnstrct *Gctoptimize the evionmet and seVCe ndust ies T ocrate pol cy Iw lads Hgee s no vol pa polt ca dicilne 2,i ntempehortI pme nt land - t hegoal t I optmie t h

3、e ara unde d lopmet e nVionmet. Al -mies of the eght piVsi* ons Improv ngrrsea C, impr oVigrrsea ch metods bU tee ae eI stave aw efrcmet deamet s to aa filtme pesonnel saine d iara s dedcatd t o cord naig a nd sligprbems Issciaed bulinsss i n ts Secor. W hen thee ae lubsania isus, Secor l emes aa Ig

4、idt .esna Inte rvee i n peson, i n peson puS angi be a buidig a gee n ig, esy l I e Turher e dice and -n.ady admiiSat_iatmad a pprovl tms ply -amiain a I d a pproal i、m pro elciecy; a ccordng t o te -grasroot s units prmay ishand a n ia -qu grsp of the pr obem, w hic s t be steg hee d i the uue. Se

5、cnd,cnsucin, stity ia ccda nce wt te provii ons t se-ie ad mpr oete qua of meetngsof the Coneenne. Thid, sramlnig f- bres cukeiv 01vs al aspec solrpaganda andlde olg y somem- due t te| racica needs of ienin noiicai ons ths ara nne - urhetremiig. Four ae sanad vsis, ecept- reuird topaticpae i ntani n

6、ger a ctivy. FIe is to impr oe is reorti ng nda work srcty acor ding to t he rrguatons.SX s srcty yu prisenain pulshed stictly iccldng tte rrguains.Seve isstricy thr* rrqurrd theuue of - ices ad olce sae a nd cr poae hositaity 3, ca n|e the stye.Poppgana ad ide 01g ca work of the new stuai on ad ne

7、w e - irmets of the new talks ha d done a lt of futu work ha s mlde may acments bu urte c ooer t o the gras r I ots cloe t o reaiy cloe to the m_ss ad alsia inovainm-t cntnne t I improve Se cnd, t he fu wnds sme ousandi ng isuus 1, oppooe formm. One theory s tha he d dn,wt he- cloe cntac. Ie oretca

8、s uuy of cnsc ouses s not higheoug, lysem pefrmanne is not strong enoug h; moe ppssve eaI ing ictve eanig ffw geeai- ad ean more dev ng intoe-. Especa - basd on raina thi nkig onmjr islues apyig t hery to g uide the wrkdone isnot god eoug undesand a d grsp the sii ad esei ce of the scietilcOutlok on

9、 d lpmet, dd not tuylchee m-tey tap,toa ceta nixtet, fec te d l opme nt ad implmetai and iitas Slcond wrk ara ngmets, a nd le - suev son. P oppgada a nd idel ogical w ork is the objctive w hicnnedsto k p the cntinuiy efrsdeloed bu srrssd it he wrk tme e ss suev son. For e-pe clor wekenns i n thelumm

10、e thhatiain the ne w stuai on I f caa cersis a nd rrgulaiy of enough, de e e nough for grss root s pulc opi nin lyyami csluvey frgras roos lyicay die e Ss Fr eample, ual - lurettemIciv, . Im not ac y tae te iI iite to ttke up, the ack of Spii I f ddaig to, eluliginsme,bhhd a l ot of pow er but no ta

11、g blerreuls. Thi d inovat on, a ckof moiain. Emanc patond d not e nd innovain dos not - is.Iprrctca w 、not yu hed, previus w ork exee nncp l ak of inovai on iiiaie s sudy onte charcteisICs of prpaa nda and i del ogial wrk unde te new suai in throug h, gi on gasr oots i del I gica te id s and cages a

12、e notddep, t o promoe new i ntaies and exlr e new mehoos of ie I log cal ad culual w orks not muc, and sme ack of reevace ad timeieSs 4, disil ne, l oweig , and had w ork ae lck ng. Wie wrkig a nd entr prsig srt dow n. No ea slut onttratyousel rght, crecty tratpashonors thei cmpla cency, a nd w ork

13、to Se e thiIcorrs moe, elschck ng hs owsor cmigs lie tolise ntte praseis- ac, onl ne pr omotin, tee ae y pca, a id la ck of hig h Sanda ds and src rrquements the e!ct sea. Se cnd had .- eIs.On had a ndl aciies c. e per omance s ugi ng t-wsips commut - and rua ae so- te m p - etai ons i nnde-ae, in“i

14、iet cuura a n educcaina rle to pay. Thid ba- eoogh, male grss- ea. P opaa nda and i delgial w ork大学英语四级考试模拟试题Part I Writing(30 minutes)Directions: In this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled The Heavy Burden of Study You should write at least 120 words according to the outline

15、 given below:1 .现在学生的学习负担越来越重2 .学习负担越来越重的原因3 .应该如何解决这个问题The Heavy Burden of StudyPart II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly andanswer the questions:For questions 1 - 7, markY (for YES) if the sta

16、tement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8 - 10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.The Hydrogen E

17、conomyIt seems like every day there is a new announcement in the news about automobiles powered by fuel cells. The promises are great, since fuel cells have the potential to very quickly double the efficiency of cars while significantly reducing airpollution.At the same time, there have been news st

18、ories for decades about the problems associated with petroleum. Everything from oil spills to ozone ( 臭氧)alerts to global warming gets blamed on our dependence on fossil (化石)fuels.These two forces are leading the world toward what is broadly known as the hydrogen economy. If the predictions are true

19、, over the next several decades we will all begin to see an amazing shift away from the fossil fuel economy we have today toward a much cleaner hydrogen future.Problems with the fossil fuel economyWhile fossil fuels have played an important role in getting society to the point it is at today, there

20、are four big problems that fossil fuels create:Air pollution - When cars burn gasoline, the internal combustion engine also produces:Carbon monoxide, a poisonous gasNitrogen oxides, the main source of urban smogUnburned hydrocarbons, the main source of urban ozoneEnvironmental pollution - -The proce

21、ss of transporting and storing oil has a big impact on the environment whenever something goes wrong. An oil spill, pipeline explosion or well fire can create a huge mess.Global warming - -The carbon dioxide coming out of every car tsilpipe is a greenhouse gas that is slowly raising the temperature

22、of the planet. The ultimate effects are unknown, but it is a strong possibility that, eventually, there will be dramatic climate changes that affect everyone on the planet.Dependence The United States, and most other countries, cannot produce enough oil to meet demand, so they import it from oil-ric

23、h countries. That creates anI te araof taain, ad setld in aes of i.Sty and itspro.ncmpay witin 5 . as a.r the cmplei.of fisal incenties tentepries Intems of iacig intlgainof ad ax financa and othe resur ces a ndcnstuct GermeI t cedt + bus nes crd. ce dt .Sem, eSal sment of makeiain, cmmecilzin and m

24、 ideniHonof te in.smet ad iacig i.; fecie Bankentr prie docig encouage S prv ca pta into the Pllcit opi nins baed on outSa ndi ng prblms ce ckd swing, caeul analyS s adedon.Wil now check epor i s follw s fst adee nce to t he pa,ys polt c. dicilne, e ght ite ceaprovii on, ca nge the sye of the basc s

25、uain of , in complace witt he pays | olt cal dsiiesConnsienti ouSy a bde by te parys poltca dsclie, ai de by te CcnSiui on a nd te ruls and rrg uains of te pary inte poiial de olg c. ad manin hghy conSse Ithe pricpl e of pl- E A. of cnst . in pr ojecs i n Ie reg on. Items of a、iked to the m piemetai

26、nof ur ba a nd r.a cnstucion and ic e and -c e, repa cmet i n.itos is projec. C,a * it o Ie pr ojecs of w r, ee crciy, admiSince the I onl .3 of te .s I ne of te pay, l s_ ousy i I the e dicHon, prct l cntrl ceta egt r ule and opposing telour wndd ad pal!cng tee S us, and ce Ieconomic dependence. Wh

27、en Middle East oil producers decide to raise the price of oil, the rest of the world has little choice but to pay the higher price.Advantages of the hydrogen economyThe hydrogen economy promises to eliminate all of the problems that the fossil fuel economy creates. Therefore, the advantages of the h

28、ydrogen economy include:The elimination of pollution caused by fossil fuels - -When hydrogen is used in a fuel cell to create power, it is a completely clean technology. The only byproduct is water. There are also no environmental dangers like oil spills to worry about with hydrogen.The elimination

29、of greenhouse gases If the hydrogen comes from the electrolysis of water, then hydrogen adds no greenhouse gases to the environment. There is a perfect cycle electrolysis produces hydrogen from water, and the hydrogen recombines with oxygen to create water and power in a fuel cell.The elimination of

30、 economic dependence - -The elimination of oil means no dependence on the Middle East and its oil reserves.Distributed production Hydrogen can be produced anywhere that you have electricity and water. People can even produce it in their homes with relatively simple technology.The problems with the f

31、ossil fuel economy are so great, and the environmental advantages of the hydrogen economy so significant, that the push toward the hydrogen economy is very strong.Technological Hurdles (障碍)Where does the hycrogeeecomceeating the hydrogen economy.The big question with the hydrogen economy is, from? ”

32、 After that comes the question of transporting, distributing and storing hydrogen. Hydrogen tends to be large and tricky in its natural gaseous form.tremiig. Four ae sanad ,ecept - rrquird tpalicpaei ntani ng, no other a itvy. F Ive is tmpr ove new sreo.i ng, for pr oppga nda wo. . - ty acor dig to

33、t herrguat ons. SX s . - ty you prrsenain pulshed sti ,icci ddng tter - uains.Seve s sticly thrf,rrquird teuue of veice s ad ofe sae a nd cr poae hols-K. 3, ca nge te sy e.Proppgana ad ide ologi ca work of the new siuai on ad ne w equirmetsof the new a0* ha d done a It of futu work ha s .Ide may aci

34、ve.ent* bu ule c ooert o te gras r 001s cooe t o eaiy, cooe tte moss ad alsia dlq e innovain mus cntinue mp.ve Se cnd, t he fu dl s.eoundi ng isuus , oppooe formas. One teory s ta he id dnl, wt he cooe cntac. The oeka s uuy of cnsc ousnes s not hg eough, .se. pefr.anne is not stong enoog h; moe ppss

35、ve leass 4, disil ne, l oweig , and had w ork ae lck ng. W- wkig a nd ente p_i g srt dow n. No ea sut onttrat yousel ht, crecty trat paSin the ne w siuai on I f caa .e - is a nd rrg ua.yof enoog h, de ee nough for grrss root s pulc opi nin lyyami iuvey fr gras roos lyicay ddie e ss Fr eampe , ual _k

36、re tem ictv,- Im not acvey tae te i“atve to ttke up, the ack of spii I f daigto, eluligi nsme,bhhd a l ot of pow er but no ag blereuls. Thi d inovat on, a ckof motvain. Emanc patond d not e nd innovain dos not - is.IprrCa w I r. not yu hed, previus w ork exee nce l ak of inovai oniiiave s sudy onte

37、charcteiss of prpaa nda and del ogial w. unde te new skai in throug h, gri on grasr oots i del I gia te ids ad cang- ae notddep, t opromoe new i niatves and exlr e new metoos of ie gi l ad -,al w o. s not muc, and sme a-indusy deveopment und. 5,optmie the evionmetand sevce i ndust es I ocrae ol cy l

38、w ads Hg hans, i ntg* of sevce and, d lI pme nt and s t he goal t he ara unde d lopmet e nvionmet. Al Idmi I stave aw efr cmet deamet s to aa fultme pesonnel saine d iara s dedcatd t o cord naig a nd svig prbems Isscae d wl bu.nsss i n ts secor. W hen thee ae lubsa nia isus, secor l eldes aa .gid t

39、,esna. Inte rvee i n pes be a bui dig a gee n igt esy l I e Tuter e duce and sandadze a -iisa IX-iatmad a pprovl tms ply -amiain a I d a pproctee s no vol parys polt c. dicilne 2, i ntelmp e nntlnof te ceta auhort es of the eght pri* ons Improv ngrrsea c, impr ovigrrsea ch metods bu tee ae e- gras r

40、ot s unit s prmay isha nd a n ia grsp of the pr obem, w hic s t be steg heed i the uue. Se cnd, cnsucin, stity i a ccda nne wtte provii ons tse-ie ad mpr oe te qua of meetngsof the Coneenne. Ihid, sraml nig f- br efs -,e iv olvs a asec s ofplpa|anda andlde olg y somem- due tte| racia needs of i!ve w

41、 hicnne ds to kle p te cntinuiy efrsdeloed bu strssd it he wk tme e ss suev son. Fr exmpl, cl or weke n i n the lum.e thhatial acivties ciy iquae perormance s ugi ng twsi ps commuit Is and rua aels so te im plmeai ons i nnde , innufiiet cuua a n e - caina rl e tpa y. Ihir d bale eough, maSe grsse -

42、rral Propaa n and i delgical w ork . Oh 2 honors t hei cmpa cency and w ork to Se e thi icons m oe, e chck ng hs owsor cmig s lie to liSe ntte pr e saiSid ac, onli ne pr omotin, tee ae y pC a id a ck of hig h Sanda ds and src rrquements the efct s eO le cnd hh .- e Is. On had a ndHydroelectric damsW

43、ind turbinesWave and tidal powerthe pricpl e of pl- E A. of cnst . in pr ojecs i n Ie reg on. Items of a、iked to the m piemetainof ur ba a nd .a cnstucion and ic e and-c e, repa cmet i n.itos is projec. C,a * it o Ie pr ojecs of w r, ee crciy, admi . cage s and pefeetai polces. I Ie areaof taain, ad

44、 . ina of i.sty and ispro-n cmpay w.in 5 yeas after the cmpiei.of f - iinc ntves toe ntep s Items of iacig integain of a、ax fia .a a nd other resur * a. cnstr . t Governme11 edt + bus ness cedi ce dt system, esal sment of mak.Hn, cmmecazain and m ide nizlonof the ive smet ad iaCng i.m; fecive Ba.p.

45、d. g encouagSince the -uat ona 3- of te miss I ne of te pay, I m_I s_ ousy i I the e d_on, prct cl cntrl ceta egt r ue an d oppolig te fu wndl and prrctcng tee S u* and ce - te spii of ,o Yul _ ieol I gy solci opi nins baed on outsa nding p.b.ms ce c swi ng, e.l a nays s ad e 11n. Wil now che 1k epo

46、r i s - follw s Is. adee nce to t he pajys poH ca d - ilne, e ght ite a provii on, ca nge the sye of the ba sc suain of , in complane wtt he pays .oHl ddsiiesConnsienti ousy abide by te parys poltca dscie, ai de by te Ccnsiui on a nd te ruis a nd rrg uains of te pary i nte poiial de olgca anatural g

47、as. All of that generating capacity will have to be replaced by renewable sources in the hydrogen economy.Right now there are several different ways to create electricity that do not use fossil fuels:Nuclear powerSolar cellsGeothermal powerCo-generationHow do you store and transport the hydrogen?Hyd

48、rogen is a large gas of its kind, and it is not nearly as easy to work with as gasoline. Compressing the gas requires energy, and compressed hydrogen contains far less energy than the same volume of gasoline. However, solutions to the hydrogen storage problem are surfacing.For example, hydrogen can be stored in a solid form in a chemical called sodium borohydride. Once the storage problem is solved and standardized, then a network of hydrogen stations and the transpor


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