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1、managementsystems a nd mea suresestabli shed by,a nda numberofpragmatic,combined part -time workfor ceeducati on information,the protecti on ofthe digitalcam pus construction andsustainabledevel opment. SixBureauattaches greatim porta ncet oinformationtechnologysecurity,i nformation technologysecuri

2、ty,entrust XX City C enterfore ducationalinformationand equi pmentdedicatedtot hew ork. Netw orksecurity l eading group was set up, chairedbyt he Educati on BureauChief,hea d, forXXe ducation Metro-netw orkand informati on security emergencyresponse leasecuritya ssessment is i ncl ude din thea nnual

3、index.Strictlyimpl ementthei nformation securitybudgettoensure i nformation securityof investment.ByXX,e ducation information andequipment Centre XX network networksecurityand i nformation security.A ccordingtot heinformationtechnol ogysecurity requirements,issued a document re quires schools (units

4、) implement,defi ned theinformationsecurity guideline s,specifi cworkpra ctice s,proce dures,a ndre quireme nts.Clear industryinformationsecurityincide nts (accidership. Deputy group lea derfor XXe ducational metropolitan area netw orkand informatisicesta blished has network seon securityemergencyre

5、sponse coordinati on, command. T heteam assistlea der anddeputyleade r,responsi ble for network XX netw orkse curitya ndinformation. eam. Informationsecuritywork Conference heldeachsemester,a nd deploymentofi nformation securityofdocuments i ssued ona reg ular basis. Informationmanagementsystem; dev

6、eloped hascomputerand thenetworkofnetwork security responsibilityheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;we bsite of informati on management per sonnel i sresponsibl eforconfidentia lmanagement, passwordma nagement, on computerenjoysindependentright,Usernameand pa ssword ofthe com

7、puterforitspr oprietar y,andrelease ofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,sucha sleaks,inve stigated for respon sibility.A ccording t o whois in charge ofwho' s in charge,w ho is runninga nd whois responsi blefor,w ho uses principle s of whois i nchargeofmanagementschools (units)definedt herole sand resp

8、onsibil itiesofinformationse curit y,assurance responsi bilitiest oschools. XX city schools (units)totalsite 20, 19ofwhichwerenot classified securityprotecti(XXeducatiequipmentin t-I.setupa Chinese teachereducatiny on-Governme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi ces, such ase -books,allin

9、tranetservices.XXEducationorkoftopic caplatforms.At present,the city'ssede sign, relie son Ciscoimplementationviewsofnotification(chuantaught letter(2013)18th,)requirements,Icity6 ateaorganization,ina ccorda nce with the unifie d arrangementofthewhole province,responsibleforuniverprimaryand midd

10、lecompa ny thought Shu aid chuan projeschool studentst ocomputerpoints digital educati on reces covering proje ct managemeongradi ng record a nd eval3198,vitalitythan 10:1;809 equipme ntclassesthas threeyear s technolsour ces ful lcoverproject, combine d I city specific situati on, devel ope d issue

11、d has XXCity Bureau on teantand im plementation.Accordingto provi nces arra ngements, ICenter hasarrang ements Gongcurity gradeprotectindmanpowerlnismhamnepnotwechi ng points digitalresources fullcover pri on a bout poli cyand standard, organizati on carried outinformationseplanning ,and poi nts ste

12、 p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou reanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitanarea network,toject of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX,fullcoverage ofcuritygrade prote ctionconstructionnni ng eleme ntaryand midigitalresource s inm oder n distanceeducationtea chi ng p

13、r oject leadichnologymeasures constructiona nd gradeeval uation,implemeddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domainnetwork, aork,school s have computernetworks,closed-cir cuittelevi sion netwctionsystem oftherequiremecompanycooperation, usiI. .1_ _Ihe cl assrooms,realize thephysi calfibe

14、rlayingt-1.1 I- 一s share Internetba ndwinggroup, XX,chaired t he Secretaryforeducati on.E stablished,digitalre sourcesi n modern dista ncee ducation teaching ,XXfull coverage proje ct group, XX, Directorofthedth,160 million Yuaneeds of teachingn,accorII- I -um ofcost a chieveoftheschooldingtot his u

15、nits a ctual, esta blished has unitspersonnelma nagement,i nformationsy stem room management,andequipment management,a nd medi a manageme nt,and network security construction manageme nt, andshi ppe d dime nsi onmanageme nt, andservi ce outsourci ng,ding tot he standard, high quality planning XX edu

16、cationalmetropolitan areanetwork realizesWau tasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; Each school construction standards of campus networkand netw orkaccessto all r ooms;officea nd ata nytime.Accordi ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull started impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digitale ducationresourcet cha

17、ired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordistanceeducati on digital resources coveringprojectw ork.nZhaokua n to schools, hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:一.I. -I. 一.一 . -ork) for classifie dsecurity prote ction levels,withoutthird-level i nformation systems.otaleducati on in

18、formation systems1ooms;一.-XXeducati on metropolitaProjects insfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechnin area netw orkce ntermachi ne roomequipmeWeb,v deo, a udi o)tothe targe t,electronicwI - . II. Il. Ln . I- . . Lhiteboards,multimediaJ |_XXcity school digitalresour ces i n moderndistancee

19、ducation teachingfulcalletter(2012) 74tl-coveragent inthe Mi nistryofeducation standardizat. _ I h,)and XX Pr ov ince Department ofeducation on issueproje ct leadi ng group,d XX provinceteadigitalresour cesi nmodern distance e ducationteaching,n educati onalsualeducation re sources,一 |.| - o-v sua e

20、 uca on re sources, on re sour cesful lcov er projectproje ct group lea dershipa nd1 依据与范围1.1 依据1.2 范围本方法适用于城市土壤中总油,矿物油和动植物油类的测定。2. 原理用四氯化碳萃取样品中的油类物质,测定总油,然后将萃取液用硅酸镁吸附,除去动植物油类等极性物质后,测定石油类。总油和石油类的含量均由波数分别为 2930cm-1、2960 cm-1 和 3030 cm-1 谱带处的吸光度A2930、A2960、A3030 进行进行计算,其差值为动植物油类浓度。3. 仪器3.1 红外分光光度计:能在3

21、400cm-1至2400 cm-1之间进行扫描,并配有1cm和 4cm 带盖石英比色皿。3.2 旋转振荡器:振荡频数可达300次 /min。3.3 分液漏斗:1000ml、2000ml,聚四氟乙烯旋塞。3.4 玻璃砂芯漏斗:40ml, G-1 型。3.5 锥形瓶:100ml,具塞磨口3.6 样品瓶:500ml、1000ml,棕色磨口玻璃瓶3.7 量筒3.8 一般实验室常用器皿和设备4. 试剂除非另有说明,分析时均使用符合国家标准的分析纯化学试剂,实验用水为蒸馏mprove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityh

22、idden and securityaccide nt obviouslyreduce d,effective guara ntees informati on healthdevelopment.XXE ducation Centrereg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkse curity monitori ng informationand equipment.By t he appropr iatetechni calstaff,XX network e ngine room mainte nancestaffonsite managementand

23、maintena nceon areg ularba sis,sche dule dviewi ng of netw orks,systems,databases a nd associatede qui pmentoperating conditi ons,and makea recor d.Computerla b mainte nance manager sregularlyrun av arietyofdevice sin the schoolinformation systemparameters,server systemsa nd vari ous data ba ckup,so

24、t hattherewa s ahar dwarefailure i na systemcrashca nresume qui cklyand efficientl y.Computer l ab mainte nancemanager sestabli sh anetworka ntivirus system, AviraV irus systemona reg ularbasi s,and anti -virussoftware se curitya ssessment,timeto upgrade. Com puterla bmaintenance managementforall eq

25、ui pmentin t he rooma reg ulardust,repla ce theold la bel.Regularlyhostserver s, netw orkswitches, corerouting ,firewalls,har dwaremainte nance,such ase qui pmentfailure, shoul d be pr ocessedin atimely mannerin ordertoe nsur esafe andrel iable operati on ofthe system.In XX cityinformationand equipm

26、entwas esta blishedwit hinthe Centre ,educationalmetropolitan areanetworkce nter machi ne roomXX.Serversanddatast oresand applicati onsto set upin XX Citymetropolitan areanetwork center machine room.Wi ndowsServer2003,wi ndowsSe rver2008,windowsServer2012, Linux,the operatingsystem,thedatabaseforSQL

27、Server2008,Officesoftware,suchasMicrosoftOfficesoftware.Schools(units)ofcomputer,i nformationsystem securityproducts for domesticpr oducts,i ncl udi ng the use of360 a ndki ngsoft Internet se curitysoftware.XXeducationmetropolita n area netw orkused by t he serverforHP,firewallandinformationsecurity

28、pr oductforHuaweiand Ci scoproducts.Intheirdailyw ork,to publi cizerelate dknowledg eand information se curity considerations.Enhanced gl obal aw arene ssofnetw orkand information securit y,and strive toa chieve netw orkeveryone knows se curity a ndvir us before theguard,toimprovenetw orkand informa

29、tionse curity,ensure that t heXXeducati onsystem networka nd information sy stemsecurity. Tracki ng reportingsystem re quires allparties t o strengthen colla boration,w orkcloselywit h emergency safetyplandevelope dXXeducati on metropolita n areanetw ork,regularly carryout emergency drills,and carri

30、e d outspe cialfundsev ery yearto prote ctthe securityofinformation.Annual2-3 professi onaltrai ning fornetwork managers in t hecit y,forming technologywitha strong professi onaland technicalteam,schoolnetwork managers on commonnet w orkfailures a nd beca pabl e ofsolvingse curityi ssue s.Issuesthat

31、cannotberesolve d,timelyformsofmeetings,such as meetings,a nalysi s,and soluti ons through ameeting,without rolling up thea bilitytosolvepr oblems,and fee dbacktosuperi ors in writing departmentstoresolve.Through self-examinati on,we ar ewellaware,relativela ckofinvestme ntin educati on, facilities

32、a nd equi pmentforfurtherupdates,educati on developm ent isstilluneve n, ne w education conceptsnee d tobefurt herenhance dto some exte nt andre strictingt he devel opme ntofcity educati on.Wewilltakethe opportunity ofgovernmentsupervision , to strivefor the province e ducation demonstration countie

33、s asa drivi ngforce,furt herincrease input in e ducation,effort sto prom otethel ong wi ng,and Li Wanfu, a nd Michael Jenki ns, a ndChe nJian,a nd Songand xiaochuanyun,7bitcomrade partici patein province back boneface-t o-faceor netw orklear ning, doea ch teachi ng pointsare hasteachers participate

34、i ntraini ng,October17,2013, issuedXX city education information andequipment Ce nteron re quireme ntsthe tea ching points schoolf r ele satn ngsaoed e wik oavaralilen pre paed oADeim,,rquiheoie space of sb|,l,Jci|emJa*o Hpnv aoaefimjiaiaoarixxucevtttaciaJhes pomne d41ue to tdu in - o ueiui icaiohes

35、lsuideost nt>cmoberaa65Hef theoli a am hr) -ay wiciystbagstd toi sauio ren pa High scho isudcodig t n Belon anfvx,su>en ui Orecvo>geo,regaea>' o Hresomeetihe equiemensrec ostiute ma s ansedetsmn mi.XevimiiaeiaieF iJIveTvfl tine UiH OgandPcati daan eaac losihiae ea scostrai o eaCigsCo

36、ioBisJidiati pl oo (rsegniJE A du CiUWi zefXeimk e ndto r eauCSo ilaUaiaie sh,aeaychiihe asse ne Ca ssocHev yysxi kei dXdyfhsteoimmaleiefiligismc nodedvs wi u amoischoo r eis cl ixx)>mcijiiS|y- 151 ercnaiavacLVdi -"he ercont a aidivd liwaxa div sin of acxedca _caaoiHia nf mdlzata Do kt on ae

37、ciy esswaiasewade hesdth eratomi ng nseuiove Sip riai_a sessescen pize Slm.Idrmaeim - i i vncaneve 3Aoi p)reymomev D impemene tnoDoassessme ntinformationw orkmorethanto cutw eight 10.Practiceisaregularroomsupervisi on,e ducationinformati onsteeri ng,ste ering, steering with theend, principals ofeduc

38、ati oninformationi nto performanceassessme ntand schoollevelm onit oring a nd eval uation,to develop a scientific, oper ational educationinformati onste ering a ssessment methods,trackingmanagement ofeducationinformati ona nd appli cations. ByMar ch2016,100 oftheteachers,Iparti cipated ina nationale

39、 ducationaltechnologytraining forprimarya nd secondaryschooltea chers,the teachers havemadetocut 80 primaryand middleschoolteachers'e ducationaltechnologyproficie ncytest certificate.At present,allschools havea ccessto broa dbandnetw orks.Traini ngcla ssificati ontrai ning ofteacher s,schooltea

40、cher s,aca demicl eaders,informationtechnology,teachertraining a nd net workmanageme ntpersonnelfrom theCounty,wit hintheschool backt oschooltraini ngonce training i scomplete.Throug h thism ode ofciassification trai ning,information te chnoiogy appiicatio nca pabiiity trainingoftea chers i n ourcit

41、y reached100.XX series ofeffectiveinformationmanagementsystem; developedhascomputerand thenetworkofnetwork security responsibilityheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsi bility;we bsite of information management personnel i sresponsibl eforconfidentialmanagement, passwordma nagement,on c

42、omputerenjoys independent right,Usernameand password ofthe computerforitspr oprietar y,andreleaseofprovisi ons ispr ohi bited,sucha sleaks,inve stigated for responsibility.According t o whois in charge ofwho' s in charge,w ho is runninga nd whois responsiblefor,w ho uses principle s ofwhois i nc

43、hargeofmanagementschools (units)definedtherole sand responsibilitiesofinformationsecurit y,assurance responsibilitiest oschools. XX city schools (units)totalsite 20, 19ofwhichwerenot classified securityprotecti on assessment,ofwhich 1 (XX educationand resource network) for classifiedsecurity prote c

44、tion levels,withoutthir d-level i nformation systems.otaleducati on information systems1(XXeducati on cloud platform),containsfeatures withe-Government,resourcelibrary, test database, mailservi ces, such ase -books,allintranetservices.No for gradeprotecti ongradi ng record a nd eval uation ofschool

45、(units), requirements theschool(units) accordingto information security gradeprotecti on a bout poli cyand standard, organizati on carried outinformationse curitygrade prote ction securitymanagementsy stem construction,and technologymeasures constructionandgradeeval uation,impleme ntation gra deprot

46、e ctionsystem oftherequireme nts,makesinformation system security management levelobviouslyfacility upto160million Yua n,accor ding tot he standard, high quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan areanetwork realizesWanZhaokuantoschools, hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire 

47、9;(ie:Web,vi deo, a udi o)tothe targe t,electronicw hiteboards,multimediaclassrooms,rem oteinteractivevi deotea chi ng system of moder n educati onalequipmentin t he classroom Wit h Intelcompa ny on XXEducation City domain netw orkoftopic ca sede sign, relie son Cisco compa ny thought Shu aid chuan

48、proje ctstafffree provides has threeyear s technol ogysupport, from2009began, a ccordi ng to hig hstandards,and high ofworkthought,a ndmanpower planning ,and poi nts ste p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou reconstruction ofopportunities,again planni ng eleme ntaryand mi ddle schools cam pus

49、 network a nd e ducation city domainnetwork,and l ocalbroadcasti ng network companycooperation, usingbroadca stTV network,will phy calfiberlayingt oeach school,to minimumofcost a chieve dhasphysicalfiberschoolschool pass; Each school construction standards of campus networkand netw orkaccessto all r

50、 ooms;XXeducation metropolita n area netw orkce ntermachi ne roomequipme nt inthe Mi nistry of educationstandardizationmanagement platform,theCentralLibrary of audi o-vi sualeducation re sources,setup a Chinese teachereducation cloud platform, implementedlinks thetwo platforms.At present,the city

51、9;sprimaryand middleschool studentst ocomputer 3198,vitalitythan 10:1;809 equipme ntclassest hroug h the classroom (primary andsecondary);36 of the campus network.T heesta bl ishment ofanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitanareanetwork,t he city'sschools have access to e ducationa

52、lmetropolitanareanetw ork,school s have computernetworks,closed-cir cuittelevi sion netw ork, broadcast networks intot he cl assrooms,real ize the triple play.Schoolsshare Internetba ndwi dth, canme etthe needs of teachingoftheschool officea nd ata nytime.Accordi ngto Ministry ofeducation onfull sta

53、rted impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digitale ducationresource sfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechnicalletter(2012) 74t h,)and XX Pr ov ince Department ofeducation on issue d XX provincetea chi ng points digitaleducati on re sour cesful lcov er projectimplementationviewsofnotification

54、(chuantaught letter(2013)18th,)requirements,Icity6 atea chi ng points im plementation teachingpoints digital educati on re sour ces ful lcoverproject, combine d I city specific situati on, devel ope d issued has XXCity Burea u on tea chi ng points digitalr esources fullcoverpr oject of impleme ntati

55、on programme, Esta blished XX,fullcoverage ofdigitalresource s inm oder n distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oject leadi nggroup, XX,chaired t he Secretaryforeducati on.E stablished,digitalre sourcesi n modern dista ncee ducation teaching ,XXfull coverage proje ct group, XX, Directorofthe Centerfor edu

56、cational i nformation a ndequipme nt chairedZ hu Guiyan, responsiblefordistanceeducati on digital resources coveringprojectw ork.ProjectsinXXcity school digitalresour ces i n modern distancee ducation teachingful l-coverage proje ct leadi ng group, digitalresour cesi nmodern distance e ducationteach

57、ing, andXXfull coverage proje ct group lea dershipa ndorganization,ina ccorda nce with the unifie d arrangementofthewhole province,responsibleforuniversity education digitalresources covering proje ct manageme ntand im plementation.Accordingto provi nces arra ngements, ICenter hasarrang ements Gong水

58、或同等纯度的水。4.1 盐酸:1.19g/ml,优级纯4.2 正十六烷:光谱纯4.3 异辛烷:光谱纯4.4 苯:光谱纯4.5 四氯化碳:在2800cm-13100 cm-1之间扫描,不应出现锐峰,其吸光度值应 不超过0.12 (4cm比色皿、空气池做参比)。4.6 无水硫酸钠在550c下加热4h,冷却后装入磨口玻璃瓶中,置于干燥器内贮存。4.7 硅酸镁:60-100目取硅酸镁于瓷蒸发皿中,置于马弗炉内550下加热4h, 在炉内冷却至约200,移入干燥器中冷却至室温,于磨口玻璃瓶内保存。使用时, 称取适量的硅酸镁于磨口玻璃瓶中,根据硅酸镁的重量,按 6% (m/m)比例加入适量的蒸储水,密塞并充分振荡数分钟,放置约12h 后使用。4.8 石油类标准贮备液:p =1000mg/3直接购


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