



1、初一英语试题(B)(时间:100分钟 总分:100分 命题人:王小红)听力(15%)A、根据录音将下列图画重新排序(5%)顺序为:_B、听录音,选出合适的应答句。(5%)( )1.A、Yes, its a book. B、A book. C、Book.( )2. A、I have. B、Yes, I have. C、No, I dont.( )3. A、Its his B、No, its my car. C、His car is red.( )4. A、How are you? B、Fine, thanks. C、Yes, Im fine.( )5. A、Its a green shirt.

2、B、The yellow shirt C、Its blue.C、听短文,选择正确答案。(5%)( )1.Is Jim a Japanese boy?A、Yes, he is . B、Yes, I am. C、No,Im not. D、No,he isnt( )2.Whats his friends name?A、Hes Jim. B、This is Lin Lin. C、Her name is Lin Lin. D、His name is Lin lin.( )3.Are they in Class One, Grade Two?A、Yes,he is. B、No, they arent. C

3、、Yes, they are. D、Yes, She is.( )4.How old is Jim?A、He is 13. B、She is 12.C、He is 14. D、She is 13.( )5.Is Miss Su their English teacher?A、No, she isnt. B、Yes, she is.C、Yes, he is. D、No,he isnt.笔试I、单词辨音(10%)A B C D( )1.garden thank England uncle( )2.job dog mother shop ( )3.cake apple late make( )4.h

4、ill beside twin window( )5.eat teacher sweater please ( )6.family happy fly library ( )7.desks zoos pencils Chairs( )8.there they thirty these ( )9.dress help bedroom she ( )10.student usually us useII、词汇。根据提示完成句子(10%)1Mr Wang is in the_(办公室).2Are there any_(收音机)? No, there arent.3What _ is this shi

5、rt? Its white.4Are these my new _(鞋子)? Yes, they are.5There is a computer _(在之间) the desk and the bed.6Our school isnt big. Its s _.7They are _(双胞胎). They are from England.8Dont _the tree. / klaim /9Look at the _ on the blackboard. / n mb /10.There are _ people in the park. /twenti /用下列所给词的适当形式填空。 (

6、5%)1There are some flowers on the _ desk. (teacher)2There _ a pen and a rubber in the pencil box. (be)3My bedroom is on the _floor. (one)4Are there any _ in your school? (library)Yes, there are. 5Look, the gate of ABC Park is _(open) III、单选。(15%)( ) I. Where are the_? They are in the classroom. A. t

7、eacher B. students C. desk( ) 2. Look! There is a kite_ the sky. A. on B. at C. in( ) 3. How many_are there in the tree? A. milk B. bread C. birds( )4. Are there_ apples in the basket? Yes,there are. A. any B. some C. much( )5. This is _ computer, _ is over there. A. his;My B. his;His C. his;Mine( )

8、6. _ books are these? They are Mr Green's. A. What B. Who's C. Whose( ) 7. Is there_ near your house? A. garden B. gardens C. a garden( ) 8. Who_ a pet? Many students do. A. has B. have C. is( )9. There is_ "s"in the word "sell". A. an B.a C./( ) 10. Bob is _ English boy

9、and we are_ Chinese boys. A. an,the B. an,/ C. the,the( ) 11. There are _ on the table. A. glasses of juices B. glasses of juice C. glass of juice( ) 12. They are Millie's father and mother. Millie is in front of _. A. they B. their C. them( ) 13. There are eight _ sutdents in their school. A. h

10、undred B. hundreds C. hundred of( ) 14. She _ has some pears. A. too B. to C. also( )15. Do you have any comic books? No, I _. A. don't B. do C. isn'tI、句型转换。(5%)1、What's this? It's a box. (改为复数形式)2、Are these balls Nick's? (改为肯定句)3、That tall boy is a doctor .(对划线部分提问)4. The zoo is

11、 near the shop. (对划线部分提问)5. There're some English girls in our school. (改为单数) V、情景对话,仔细点!(10%)A: Excuse me. What's this _English?B: _ a book. It's _ English book. A: Is it _ book? B: No, it's not my book. My book is _, but this book is dirty, (脏) A: Look, there are many pictures_ thi

12、s book. B: Yes. And in the pictures, there _ boys and girls. A: Oh, it's time for school(该上学了). Don't be _. B : OK. Let's _ to school. I am very _at school. A: I am happy too,VI、完形填空。(10%)This is Mrs Green's bedroom. We can see 1 pictures and a map(地图) 2 England 3 the wall. We can se

13、e 4 flowers on the desk. The clock(钟) 5 on the desk 6 .The picture 7 Mrs Green's family 8 behind the door. 9 the picture, there are three people: 10 Green, Mrs Green and their son(儿子) Tom.( )1. A. a B. an C. some D. and ( )2. A. in B, on C. of D. at ( )3. A. in B. on C. under D. behind ( )4. A.

14、some B. any C. one D. a ( )5. A.am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 6. A. too B. and C. but D. or ( ) 7. A. in B. of C. at D. on ( )8. A. is B. are C. be D. am ( ) 9. A. On B. In C. At D. Under ( ) l0. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss D. SirVII、阅读理解,判断正误。(对写“T”错的写“F”) (10%) This is my school. There are many trees and flo

15、wers in it. The buildings are very tall. There is a big playground in our school. Many students play there. There arc sixty classes in our school. And there are fifty-eight students in every class. The teachers in our school are helpful. Our English teacher-Miss Green is from England, The students are polite. I like my school. ( ) 1. My school is not big but very beautiful. ( )2. There are about 3480 students in


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